예제 #1
    int addFaceVerts(GEOMETRY_T geometry, dface_t face, Vector3[] verts, Vector2[] uvs, int verts_ofs, MIPTEX_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_T miptex_entry)
        var edge_list  = geometry.edge_list;
        var edges      = geometry.edges;
        var vertices   = geometry.vertices;
        var texinfo    = geometry.texinfos[face.texinfo_id];
        var tex_width  = miptex_entry.width;
        var tex_height = miptex_entry.height;

        var vert_ids = new DynamicArray <int>();
        var start    = face.edge_id;
        var end      = start + face.num_edges;

        int i;

        for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
            var edge_id = edge_list[i];
            var edge    = edges[Math.Abs(edge_id)];
            if (edge_id > 0)
                vert_ids[vert_ids.length] = edge.v1;
                vert_ids[vert_ids.length] = edge.v2;

        var num_tris = vert_ids.length - 2;

        for (i = 0; i < num_tris; ++i)
            // reverse winding order to have correct normals
            var c = vert_ids[0];
            var b = vert_ids[i + 1];
            var a = vert_ids[i + 2];

            int     vi   = (verts_ofs + i) * 3;
            int     uvi  = (verts_ofs + i) * 3;
            Vector3 vert = vertices[a];
            verts[vi]  = vert;
            uvs[uvi].x = (Vector3.Dot(vert, texinfo.vec_s) + texinfo.dist_s) / tex_width;
            uvs[uvi].y = -(Vector3.Dot(vert, texinfo.vec_t) + texinfo.dist_t) / tex_height;

            vert           = vertices[b];
            verts[vi + 1]  = vert;
            uvs[uvi + 1].x = (Vector3.Dot(vert, texinfo.vec_s) + texinfo.dist_s) / tex_width;
            uvs[uvi + 1].y = -(Vector3.Dot(vert, texinfo.vec_t) + texinfo.dist_t) / tex_height;

            vert           = vertices[c];
            verts[vi + 2]  = vert;
            uvs[uvi + 2].x = (Vector3.Dot(vert, texinfo.vec_s) + texinfo.dist_s) / tex_width;
            uvs[uvi + 2].y = -(Vector3.Dot(vert, texinfo.vec_t) + texinfo.dist_t) / tex_height;

        return(verts_ofs + i); // next position in verts
예제 #2
    Vector3[] getVertices(GEOMETRY_T geometry, dface_t face)
        // get number of triangles required to build model
        var num_tris = face.num_edges - 2;

        var verts = new Vector3[num_tris * 3]; // 3 vertices, xyz per tri

        this.getVertices(geometry, face, verts);

예제 #3
    void getVertices(GEOMETRY_T geometry, dface_t face, Vector3[] verts)
        var edge_list = geometry.edge_list;
        var edges     = geometry.edges;
        var vertices  = geometry.vertices;

        var vert_ids = new DynamicArray <int>();
        var start    = face.edge_id;
        var end      = start + face.num_edges;

        int i;

        for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
            var edge_id = edge_list[i];
            var edge    = edges[Math.Abs(edge_id)];
            if (edge_id > 0)
                vert_ids[vert_ids.length] = edge.v1;
                vert_ids[vert_ids.length] = edge.v2;

        var num_tris = vert_ids.length - 2;

        for (i = 0; i < num_tris; ++i)
            // reverse winding order to have correct normals
            var c = vert_ids[0];
            var b = vert_ids[i + 1];
            var a = vert_ids[i + 2];

            int vi = i * 3;

            Vector3 vert = vertices[a];
            verts[vi] = vert;

            vert          = vertices[b];
            verts[vi + 1] = vert;

            vert          = vertices[c];
            verts[vi + 2] = vert;
예제 #4
    public dface_t[] GetFaces()
        lump_t lump = lumps[7];

        dface_t[] faces = new dface_t[lump.filelen / 56];
        stream.Position = lump.fileofs;

        for (int i = 0; i < faces.Length; i++)
            faces[i].planenum           = FileReader.readUShort(stream);
            faces[i].side               = FileReader.readByte(stream);
            faces[i].onNode             = FileReader.readByte(stream);
            faces[i].firstedge          = FileReader.readInt(stream);
            faces[i].numedges           = FileReader.readShort(stream);
            faces[i].texinfo            = FileReader.readShort(stream);
            faces[i].dispinfo           = FileReader.readShort(stream);
            faces[i].surfaceFogVolumeID = FileReader.readShort(stream);
            faces[i].styles             = new byte[4] {
                FileReader.readByte(stream), FileReader.readByte(stream), FileReader.readByte(stream), FileReader.readByte(stream)
            faces[i].lightofs = FileReader.readInt(stream);
            faces[i].area     = FileReader.readFloat(stream);
            faces[i].LightmapTextureMinsInLuxels = new int[2] {
                FileReader.readInt(stream), FileReader.readInt(stream)
            faces[i].LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels = new int[2] {
                FileReader.readInt(stream), FileReader.readInt(stream)
            faces[i].origFace        = FileReader.readInt(stream);
            faces[i].numPrims        = FileReader.readUShort(stream);
            faces[i].firstPrimID     = FileReader.readUShort(stream);
            faces[i].smoothingGroups = FileReader.readUInt(stream);

        lumpData[7] = faces;
예제 #5
        public virtual void Mod_LoadFaces(lump_t l)
            qfiles.dface_t in_renamed;
            msurface_t[]   out_renamed;
            Int32          i, count, surfnum;
            Int32          planenum, side;
            Int32          ti;

            if ((l.filelen % qfiles.dface_t.SIZE) != 0)
                Com.Error(Defines.ERR_DROP, "MOD_LoadBmodel: funny lump size in " + loadmodel.name);
            count                 = l.filelen / qfiles.dface_t.SIZE;
            out_renamed           = new msurface_t[count];
            loadmodel.surfaces    = out_renamed;
            loadmodel.numsurfaces = count;
            ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.Wrap(mod_base, l.fileofs, l.filelen);

            bb.Order     = ByteOrder.LittleEndian;
            currentmodel = loadmodel;
            for (surfnum = 0; surfnum < count; surfnum++)
                in_renamed                     = new dface_t(bb);
                out_renamed[surfnum]           = new msurface_t();
                out_renamed[surfnum].firstedge = in_renamed.firstedge;
                out_renamed[surfnum].numedges  = in_renamed.numedges;
                out_renamed[surfnum].flags     = 0;
                out_renamed[surfnum].polys     = null;
                planenum = in_renamed.planenum;
                side     = in_renamed.side;
                if (side != 0)
                    out_renamed[surfnum].flags |= Defines.SURF_PLANEBACK;
                out_renamed[surfnum].plane = loadmodel.planes[planenum];
                ti = in_renamed.texinfo;
                if (ti < 0 || ti >= loadmodel.numtexinfo)
                    Com.Error(Defines.ERR_DROP, "MOD_LoadBmodel: bad texinfo number");
                out_renamed[surfnum].texinfo = loadmodel.texinfo[ti];
                for (i = 0; i < Defines.MAXLIGHTMAPS; i++)
                    out_renamed[surfnum].styles[i] = in_renamed.styles[i];
                i = in_renamed.lightofs;
                if (i == -1)
                    out_renamed[surfnum].samples = null;
                    ByteBuffer pointer = ByteBuffer.Wrap(loadmodel.lightdata);
                    pointer.Position = i;
                    pointer          = pointer.Slice();
                    out_renamed[surfnum].samples = pointer;

                if ((out_renamed[surfnum].texinfo.flags & Defines.SURF_WARP) != 0)
                    out_renamed[surfnum].flags |= Defines.SURF_DRAWTURB;
                    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        out_renamed[surfnum].extents[i]     = 16384;
                        out_renamed[surfnum].texturemins[i] = -8192;


                if ((out_renamed[surfnum].texinfo.flags & (Defines.SURF_SKY | Defines.SURF_TRANS33 | Defines.SURF_TRANS66 | Defines.SURF_WARP)) == 0)
                if ((out_renamed[surfnum].texinfo.flags & Defines.SURF_WARP) == 0)

예제 #6
    private Mesh MakeFaceMesh(dface_t face)
        Mesh mesh = null;

        //texflags textureFlag = texflags.SURF_NODRAW;
        //try { textureFlag = ((texflags)texInfo[face.texinfo].flags); }
        //catch (System.Exception) { }

        #region Get all vertices of face
        List <Vector3> surfaceVertices  = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Vector3> originalVertices = new List <Vector3>();
        for (int i = 0; i < face.numedges; i++)
            ushort[] currentEdge = edges[Math.Abs(surfedges[face.firstedge + i])].v;
            Vector3  point1 = vertices[currentEdge[0]], point2 = vertices[currentEdge[1]];
            point1 = new Vector3(point1.x, point1.z, point1.y);
            point2 = new Vector3(point2.x, point2.z, point2.y);

            if (surfedges[face.firstedge + i] >= 0)
                if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point1) < 0)
                if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point2) < 0)
                if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point2) < 0)
                if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point1) < 0)

        #region Triangulate
        List <int> triangleIndices = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < (originalVertices.Count / 2) - 0; i++)
            int firstOrigIndex = (i * 2), secondOrigIndex = (i * 2) + 1, thirdOrigIndex = 0;
            int firstIndex  = surfaceVertices.IndexOf(originalVertices[firstOrigIndex]);
            int secondIndex = surfaceVertices.IndexOf(originalVertices[secondOrigIndex]);
            int thirdIndex  = surfaceVertices.IndexOf(originalVertices[thirdOrigIndex]);


        #region Get UV Points
        Vector3 s = Vector3.zero, t = Vector3.zero;
        float   xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;

            s       = new Vector3(texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][0], texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][2], texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][1]);
            t       = new Vector3(texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][0], texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][2], texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][1]);
            xOffset = texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][3];
            yOffset = texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][3];
        catch (System.Exception) { }

        Vector2[] uvPoints = new Vector2[surfaceVertices.Count];
        int       textureWidth = 0, textureHeight = 0;

        try { textureWidth = texData[texInfo[face.texinfo].texdata].width; textureHeight = texData[texInfo[face.texinfo].texdata].height; }
        catch (System.Exception) { }

        for (int i = 0; i < uvPoints.Length; i++)
            uvPoints[i] = new Vector2((Vector3.Dot(surfaceVertices[i], s) + xOffset) / textureWidth, (textureHeight - (Vector3.Dot(surfaceVertices[i], t) + yOffset)) / textureHeight);

        #region Make Mesh
        mesh           = new Mesh();
        mesh.name      = "Custom Mesh";
        mesh.vertices  = surfaceVertices.ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = triangleIndices.ToArray();
        mesh.uv        = uvPoints;

예제 #7
    /*private string PatchName(string original)
     * {
     *  string prep = original.Replace("\\", "/");
     *  string directory = "";
     *  List<string> extensions = new List<string>();
     *  string patched = "";
     *  if (prep.LastIndexOf("/") > -1) directory = prep.Substring(0, prep.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
     *  if (prep.LastIndexOf(".") > -1) extensions.Add(prep.Substring(prep.LastIndexOf(".") + 1));
     *  if (prep.LastIndexOf("/") > -1) patched = prep.Substring(prep.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
     *  if (patched.LastIndexOf(".") > -1) patched = patched.Substring(0, patched.LastIndexOf("."));
     *  if (extensions.Count > 0 && extensions[0].Equals("vmt", System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) extensions.Add("txt");
     *  //if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) Debug.Log(directory);
     *  while (patched.Length > 0)
     *  {
     *      try
     *      {
     *          //if(extension.Equals("vmt", System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
     *          bool found = false;
     *          foreach (string extension in extensions)
     *          {
     *              if (File.Exists(directory + "/" + patched + "." + extension)) { prep = directory + "/" + patched + "." + extension; found = true; break; }
     *          }
     *          if (found) break;
     *          //string[] matches = new string[0];
     *          //if (Directory.Exists(directory)) matches = Directory.GetFiles(directory, patched + "." + extension);
     *          //else break;
     *          //if (matches.Length == 1) return matches[0].Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();
     *          //else if (matches.Length > 1) break;
     *      }
     *      catch (System.Exception e)
     *      {
     *          Debug.Log(e.Message);
     *      }
     *      patched = patched.Substring(0, patched.Length - 1);
     *  }
     *  //if (!File.Exists(prep)) prep = original.Replace("\\", "/");
     *  return prep;
     * }*/
    /*private string PatchName(string rootPath, string original, string ext)
     * {
     *  string path = rootPath.Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();
     *  string prep = original.Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();
     *  string subDir = "";
     *  List<string> extensions = new List<string>();
     *  string patched = "";
     *  extensions.Add(ext);
     *  if (prep.LastIndexOf("/") > -1) subDir = prep.Substring(0, prep.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
     *  if (prep.LastIndexOf("/") > -1) patched = prep.Substring(prep.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
     *  else patched = prep;
     *  if (extensions.Count > 0 && extensions[0].Equals("vmt", System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) extensions.Add("txt");
     *  while (patched.Length > 0)
     *  {
     *      try
     *      {
     *          bool found = false;
     *          foreach (string extension in extensions)
     *          {
     *              if (File.Exists(path + subDir + "/" + patched + "." + extension)) { prep = subDir + "/" + patched; found = true; break; }
     *          }
     *          if (found) break;
     *      }
     *      catch (System.Exception e)
     *      {
     *          Debug.Log(e.Message);
     *      }
     *      patched = patched.Substring(0, patched.Length - 1);
     *  }
     *  return prep;
     * }
     * private string PatchName(string original, string ext)
     * {
     *  //string path = rootPath.Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();
     *  string prep = original.Replace("\\", "/").ToLower();
     *  string subDir = "";
     *  List<string> extensions = new List<string>();
     *  string patched = "";
     *  extensions.Add(ext);
     *  if (prep.LastIndexOf("/") > -1) subDir = prep.Substring(0, prep.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
     *  if (prep.LastIndexOf("/") > -1) patched = prep.Substring(prep.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
     *  else patched = prep;
     *  if (extensions.Count > 0 && extensions[0].Equals("vmt", System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) extensions[0] = "txt";
     *  while (patched.Length > 0)
     *  {
     *      try
     *      {
     *          bool found = false;
     *          //foreach (string extension in extensions)
     *          //{
     *              if (Resources.Load(subDir + "/" + patched) != null) { prep = subDir + "/" + patched; found = true; break; }
     *          //}
     *          if (found) break;
     *      }
     *      catch (System.Exception e)
     *      {
     *          Debug.Log(e.Message);
     *      }
     *      patched = patched.Substring(0, patched.Length - 1);
     *  }
     *  return prep;
     * }
     * private string RemoveMisleadingPath(string original)
     * {
     *  string goodPath = original.Substring(0);
     *  if (goodPath.IndexOf("maps/") > -1)
     *  {
     *      goodPath = goodPath.Substring(goodPath.IndexOf("maps/") + ("maps/").Length);
     *      goodPath = goodPath.Substring(goodPath.IndexOf("/") + 1);
     *      while (goodPath.LastIndexOf("_") > -1 && (goodPath.Substring(goodPath.LastIndexOf("_") + 1).StartsWith("-") || char.IsDigit(goodPath.Substring(goodPath.LastIndexOf("_") + 1)[0])))
     *      {
     *          goodPath = goodPath.Substring(0, goodPath.LastIndexOf("_"));
     *      }
     *  }
     *  return goodPath.ToString();
     * }
     * public void DecreaseTextureSize(Texture2D texture, float maxSize)
     * {
     *  if (Mathf.Max(texture.width, texture.height) > maxSize)
     *  {
     *      float ratio = Mathf.Max(texture.width, texture.height) / maxSize;
     *      int decreasedWidth = (int)(texture.width / ratio), decreasedHeight = (int)(texture.height / ratio);
     *      TextureScale.Point(texture, decreasedWidth, decreasedHeight);
     *  }
     * }
     * public void AverageTexture(Texture2D original)
     * {
     *  Color allColorsInOne = new Color();
     *  Color[] originalColors = original.GetPixels();
     *  foreach (Color color in originalColors)
     *  {
     *      allColorsInOne.r += color.r;
     *      allColorsInOne.g += color.g;
     *      allColorsInOne.b += color.b;
     *      allColorsInOne.a += color.a;
     *  }
     *  allColorsInOne.r /= originalColors.Length;
     *  allColorsInOne.g /= originalColors.Length;
     *  allColorsInOne.b /= originalColors.Length;
     *  allColorsInOne.a /= originalColors.Length;
     *  original.Resize(16, 16);
     *  Color[] newColors = original.GetPixels();
     *  for (int i = 0; i < newColors.Length; i++)
     *  {
     *      newColors[i] = allColorsInOne;
     *  }
     *  original.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
     *  original.SetPixels(newColors);
     *  original.Apply();
     * }*/

    public Mesh MakeFace(dface_t face)
        Mesh mesh = null;

        //texflags textureFlag = texflags.SURF_NODRAW;
        //try { textureFlag = ((texflags)texInfo[face.texinfo].flags); }
        //catch (System.Exception) { }

        #region Get all vertices of face
        List <Vector3> surfaceVertices  = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Vector3> originalVertices = new List <Vector3>();
        for (int i = 0; i < face.numedges; i++)
            ushort[] currentEdge = edges[Mathf.Abs(surfedges[face.firstedge + i])].v;
            Vector3  point1 = vertices[currentEdge[0]], point2 = vertices[currentEdge[1]];
            point1 = new Vector3(point1.x, point1.z, point1.y);
            point2 = new Vector3(point2.x, point2.z, point2.y);

            if (surfedges[face.firstedge + i] >= 0)
                if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point1) < 0)
                if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point2) < 0)
                if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point2) < 0)
                if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point1) < 0)

        #region Apply Displacement
        if (face.dispinfo > -1)
            ddispinfo_t disp  = dispInfo[face.dispinfo];
            int         power = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Pow(2, disp.power));

            List <Vector3> dispVertices = new List <Vector3>();
            Vector3        startingPosition = surfaceVertices[0];
            Vector3        topCorner = surfaceVertices[1], topRightCorner = surfaceVertices[2], rightCorner = surfaceVertices[3];

            #region Setting Orientation
            Vector3 dispStartingVertex = disp.startPosition;
            dispStartingVertex = new Vector3(dispStartingVertex.x, dispStartingVertex.z, dispStartingVertex.y);
            if (Vector3.Distance(dispStartingVertex, topCorner) < 0.01f)
                Vector3 tempCorner = startingPosition;

                startingPosition = topCorner;
                topCorner        = topRightCorner;
                topRightCorner   = rightCorner;
                rightCorner      = tempCorner;
            else if (Vector3.Distance(dispStartingVertex, rightCorner) < 0.01f)
                Vector3 tempCorner = startingPosition;

                startingPosition = rightCorner;
                rightCorner      = topRightCorner;
                topRightCorner   = topCorner;
                topCorner        = tempCorner;
            else if (Vector3.Distance(dispStartingVertex, topRightCorner) < 0.01f)
                Vector3 tempCorner = startingPosition;

                startingPosition = topRightCorner;
                topRightCorner   = tempCorner;
                tempCorner       = rightCorner;
                rightCorner      = topCorner;
                topCorner        = tempCorner;

            int orderNum = 0;
            #region Method 13 (The one and only two)
            Vector3 leftSide = (topCorner - startingPosition), rightSide = (topRightCorner - rightCorner);
            float   leftSideLineSegmentationDistance = leftSide.magnitude / power, rightSideLineSegmentationDistance = rightSide.magnitude / power;
            for (int line = 0; line < (power + 1); line++)
                for (int point = 0; point < (power + 1); point++)
                    Vector3 leftPoint      = (leftSide.normalized * line * leftSideLineSegmentationDistance) + startingPosition;
                    Vector3 rightPoint     = (rightSide.normalized * line * rightSideLineSegmentationDistance) + rightCorner;
                    Vector3 currentLine    = rightPoint - leftPoint;
                    Vector3 pointDirection = currentLine.normalized;
                    float   pointSideSegmentationDistance = currentLine.magnitude / power;

                    Vector3 pointA = leftPoint + (pointDirection * pointSideSegmentationDistance * point);

                    Vector3 dispDirectionA = dispVerts[disp.DispVertStart + orderNum].vec;
                    dispDirectionA = new Vector3(dispDirectionA.x, dispDirectionA.z, dispDirectionA.y);
                    dispVertices.Add(pointA + (dispDirectionA * dispVerts[disp.DispVertStart + orderNum].dist));
                    //Debug.DrawRay(pointA, dispDirectionA * dispVerts[disp.DispVertStart + orderNum].dist, Color.yellow, 1000000f);

            #region Debug
            Vector3 centerPoint = Vector3.zero;
            for (int i = 0; i < surfaceVertices.Count; i++)
                //Vector3 direction = dispVerts[dispVertIndex].vec;
                //Vector3 displaced = surfaceVertices[i] + direction * dispVerts[dispVertIndex].dist;
                //surfaceVertices[i] = displaced;

                centerPoint += surfaceVertices[i];
            centerPoint /= surfaceVertices.Count;

            //Debug.DrawRay(centerPoint, faceUp * 500f, Color.green, 1000000f);
            //Debug.DrawRay(centerPoint, faceForward * 500f, Color.blue, 1000000f);
            //Debug.DrawRay(centerPoint, faceRight * 500f, Color.red, 1000000f);
            //Debug.Log("Starting Vert: " + dispVertIndex + " Center: " + centerPoint);

            //Debug.DrawRay(surfaceVertices[0], (new Vector3(dispVerts[disp.DispVertStart].vec.x, dispVerts[disp.DispVertStart].vec.z, dispVerts[disp.DispVertStart].vec.y)) * dispVerts[disp.DispVertStart].dist, Color.yellow, 1000000f);

            surfaceVertices = dispVertices;

        #region Triangulate
        List <int> triangleIndices = new List <int>();

        if (face.dispinfo > -1)
            ddispinfo_t disp  = dispInfo[face.dispinfo];
            int         power = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Pow(2, disp.power));

            #region Method 12 Triangulation
            for (int row = 0; row < power; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < power; col++)
                    int currentLine   = row * (power + 1);
                    int nextLineStart = (row + 1) * (power + 1);

                    triangleIndices.Add(currentLine + col);
                    triangleIndices.Add(nextLineStart + col);
                    triangleIndices.Add(currentLine + col + 1);

                    triangleIndices.Add(currentLine + col + 1);
                    triangleIndices.Add(nextLineStart + col);
                    triangleIndices.Add(nextLineStart + col + 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < (originalVertices.Count / 2) - 0; i++)
                int firstOrigIndex = (i * 2), secondOrigIndex = (i * 2) + 1, thirdOrigIndex = 0;
                int firstIndex  = surfaceVertices.IndexOf(originalVertices[firstOrigIndex]);
                int secondIndex = surfaceVertices.IndexOf(originalVertices[secondOrigIndex]);
                int thirdIndex  = surfaceVertices.IndexOf(originalVertices[thirdOrigIndex]);


        #region Get UV Points
        Vector3 s = Vector3.zero, t = Vector3.zero;
        float   xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;

            s       = new Vector3(texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][0], texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][2], texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][1]);
            t       = new Vector3(texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][0], texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][2], texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][1]);
            xOffset = texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][3];
            yOffset = texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][3];
        catch (System.Exception) { }

        Vector2[] uvPoints = new Vector2[surfaceVertices.Count];
        int       textureWidth = 0, textureHeight = 0;

        try { textureWidth = texData[texInfo[face.texinfo].texdata].width; textureHeight = texData[texInfo[face.texinfo].texdata].height; }
        catch (System.Exception) { }

        for (int i = 0; i < uvPoints.Length; i++)
            uvPoints[i] = new Vector2((Vector3.Dot(surfaceVertices[i], s) + xOffset) / textureWidth, (textureHeight - (Vector3.Dot(surfaceVertices[i], t) + yOffset)) / textureHeight);

        #region Make Mesh
        mesh           = new Mesh();
        mesh.name      = "Custom Mesh";
        mesh.vertices  = surfaceVertices.ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = triangleIndices.ToArray();
        mesh.uv        = uvPoints;

        static void CreateModels()
            BSP_Brushes = new List <GameObject>();

            for (Int32 Index = 0; Index < BSP_Models.Length; Index++)
                GameObject Model = new GameObject("*" + Index);
                Model.transform.parent = BSP_WorldSpawn.transform;

                Dictionary <Int32, List <Int32> > MeshInfo = new Dictionary <Int32, List <Int32> >();

                for (Int32 i = BSP_Models[Index].FirstFace; i < BSP_Models[Index].FirstFace + BSP_Models[Index].NumFaces; i++)
                    if (!MeshInfo.ContainsKey(BSP_TexData[BSP_TexInfo[BSP_Faces[i].TexInfo].TexData].NameStringTableID))
                        MeshInfo.Add(BSP_TexData[BSP_TexInfo[BSP_Faces[i].TexInfo].TexData].NameStringTableID, new List <Int32>());


                for (Int32 i = 0; i < BSP_TextureStringData.Length; i++)
                    if (!MeshInfo.ContainsKey(i))

                    List <Face> Faces = new List <Face>();

                    List <Vector3> Vertices  = new List <Vector3>();
                    List <Color32> Colors    = new List <Color32>();
                    List <Int32>   Triangles = new List <Int32>();
                    List <Vector2> UV        = new List <Vector2>();

                    for (Int32 j = 0; j < MeshInfo[i].Count; j++)
                        dface_t CFace = BSP_Faces[MeshInfo[i][j]];

                        if (CFace.DispInfo == -1)

                            Int32 PointOffset = Vertices.Count;
                            for (Int32 n = 0; n < Faces[j].Triangles.Length; n++)
                                Triangles.Add(Faces[j].Triangles[n] + PointOffset);


                    GameObject MeshObject = new GameObject(BSP_TextureStringData[i]);
                    MeshObject.transform.parent = Model.transform;
                    MeshObject.isStatic         = true;

                    MeshRenderer MeshRenderer = MeshObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                    MeshRenderer.sharedMaterial    = MaterialLoader.Load(BSP_TextureStringData[i]);
                    MeshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.TwoSided;
                    MeshRenderer.lightmapIndex     = ConfigLoader.CurrentLightmap;

                    if (MaterialLoader.HasAnimation)
                        AnimatedTexture AnimationControlScript = MeshObject.AddComponent <AnimatedTexture>();
                        MaterialLoader.SetupAnimations(ref AnimationControlScript);

                    Mesh Mesh = MeshObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = new Mesh();
                    Mesh.SetTriangles(Triangles, 0);
                    Mesh.SetUVs(0, UV);

                    if (BSP_TextureStringData[i].Contains("TOOLS/"))
                        MeshRenderer.enabled = false;
                        MeshObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();

                        List <Vector2> UV2          = new List <Vector2>();
                        Texture2D      Lightmap_tex = new Texture2D(1, 1);

                        CreateLightMap(Faces, ref Lightmap_tex, ref UV2);

                        if (ConfigLoader.LoadLightmapsAsTextureShader)
                            if (MeshRenderer.sharedMaterial != null)
                                MeshRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetTexture("_LightMap", Lightmap_tex);

                        Mesh.SetUVs(1, UV2);

        static void CreateFaces()
            BSP_CFaces = new Face[BSP_Faces.Length];

            for (Int32 Index = 0; Index < BSP_Faces.Length; Index++)
                dface_t CFace = BSP_Faces[Index];

                Vector3[] FaceVertices = new Vector3[CFace.NumEdges];
                Vector2[] TextureUV    = new Vector2[CFace.NumEdges], LightmapUV = new Vector2[CFace.NumEdges];

                Color32[] VertColors = new Color32[CFace.NumEdges];

                texinfo_t  CTexinfo = BSP_TexInfo[CFace.TexInfo];
                dtexdata_t CTexdata = BSP_TexData[CTexinfo.TexData];

                for (Int32 i = CFace.FirstEdge, k = 0; i < CFace.FirstEdge + CFace.NumEdges; i++, k++)
                    FaceVertices[k] = BSP_Surfedges[i] > 0 ? BSP_Vertices[BSP_Edges[Mathf.Abs(BSP_Surfedges[i])].V[0]] : BSP_Vertices[BSP_Edges[Mathf.Abs(BSP_Surfedges[i])].V[1]];
                    VertColors[k]   = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 0);

                Int32[] FaceIndices = new int[(FaceVertices.Length - 1) * 3];
                for (Int32 i = 1, k = 0; i < FaceVertices.Length - 1; i++, k += 3)
                    FaceIndices[k]     = 0;
                    FaceIndices[k + 1] = i;
                    FaceIndices[k + 2] = i + 1;

                Vector3 tS = new Vector3(-CTexinfo.TextureVecs[0].x, CTexinfo.TextureVecs[0].z, -CTexinfo.TextureVecs[0].y);
                Vector3 tT = new Vector3(-CTexinfo.TextureVecs[1].x, CTexinfo.TextureVecs[1].z, -CTexinfo.TextureVecs[1].y);

                /*for (Int32 i = 0; i < FaceVertices.Length; i++)
                 * {
                 *  Single DecalS = (Vector3.Dot(FaceVertices[i], tS) + CTexinfo.TextureVecs[0].w * Configuration.WorldScale) / (CTexdata.View_Width * Configuration.WorldScale);
                 *  Single DecalT = (Vector3.Dot(FaceVertices[i], tT) + CTexinfo.TextureVecs[1].w * Configuration.WorldScale) / (CTexdata.View_Height * Configuration.WorldScale);
                 *  TextureUV[i] = new Vector2(DecalS, DecalT);
                 * }*/

                for (Int32 i = 0; i < FaceVertices.Length; i++)
                    Single NODRAWS = (Vector3.Dot(FaceVertices[i], tS) + CTexinfo.TextureVecs[0].w * ConfigLoader.WorldScale) / (CTexdata.View_Width * ConfigLoader.WorldScale);
                    Single NODRAWT = (Vector3.Dot(FaceVertices[i], tT) + CTexinfo.TextureVecs[1].w * ConfigLoader.WorldScale) / (CTexdata.View_Height * ConfigLoader.WorldScale);
                    TextureUV[i] = new Vector2(NODRAWS, NODRAWT);

                Vector3 lS = new Vector3(-CTexinfo.LightmapVecs[0].x, CTexinfo.LightmapVecs[0].z, -CTexinfo.LightmapVecs[0].y);
                Vector3 lT = new Vector3(-CTexinfo.LightmapVecs[1].x, CTexinfo.LightmapVecs[1].z, -CTexinfo.LightmapVecs[1].y);

                for (Int32 i = 0; i < FaceVertices.Length; i++)
                    Single DecalS = (Vector3.Dot(FaceVertices[i], lS) + (CTexinfo.LightmapVecs[0].w + 0.5f - CFace.LightmapTextureMinsInLuxels[0]) * ConfigLoader.WorldScale) / ((CFace.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[0] + 1) * ConfigLoader.WorldScale);
                    Single DecalT = (Vector3.Dot(FaceVertices[i], lT) + (CTexinfo.LightmapVecs[1].w + 0.5f - CFace.LightmapTextureMinsInLuxels[1]) * ConfigLoader.WorldScale) / ((CFace.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[1] + 1) * ConfigLoader.WorldScale);
                    LightmapUV[i] = new Vector2(DecalS, DecalT);

                BSP_CFaces[Index] = new Face
                    TexInfo = CTexinfo,
                    TexData = CTexdata,

                    Vertices  = FaceVertices,
                    Triangles = FaceIndices,
                    Colors    = VertColors,

                    UV  = TextureUV,
                    UV2 = LightmapUV,

                    LightOfs = CFace.LightOfs,

                    LightMapW = CFace.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[0] + 1,
                    LightMapH = CFace.LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels[1] + 1
예제 #10
    public dface_t[] GetOriginalFaces()
        lump_t lump = lumps[27];
        dface_t[] faces = new dface_t[lump.filelen / 56];
        stream.Position = lump.fileofs;

        for (int i = 0; i < faces.Length; i++)
            faces[i].planenum = FileReader.readUShort(stream);
            faces[i].side = FileReader.readByte(stream);
            faces[i].onNode = FileReader.readByte(stream);
            faces[i].firstedge = FileReader.readInt(stream);
            faces[i].numedges = FileReader.readShort(stream);
            faces[i].texinfo = FileReader.readShort(stream);
            faces[i].dispinfo = FileReader.readShort(stream);
            faces[i].surfaceFogVolumeID = FileReader.readShort(stream);
            faces[i].styles = new byte[4] { FileReader.readByte(stream), FileReader.readByte(stream), FileReader.readByte(stream), FileReader.readByte(stream) };
            faces[i].lightofs = FileReader.readInt(stream);
            faces[i].area = FileReader.readFloat(stream);
            faces[i].LightmapTextureMinsInLuxels = new int[2] { FileReader.readInt(stream), FileReader.readInt(stream) };
            faces[i].LightmapTextureSizeInLuxels = new int[2] { FileReader.readInt(stream), FileReader.readInt(stream) };
            faces[i].origFace = FileReader.readInt(stream);
            faces[i].numPrims = FileReader.readUShort(stream);
            faces[i].firstPrimID = FileReader.readUShort(stream);
            faces[i].smoothingGroups = FileReader.readUInt(stream);

        lumpData[27] = faces;
        return faces;
    // I'm not the author of this method. I translated it on С#.
    // http://trac.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/browser/OpenSceneGraph/branches/OpenSceneGraph-osgWidget-dev/src/osgPlugins/bsp/VBSPGeometry.cpp?rev=9236
    private static face CreateDispSurface(int dispIndex)
        List <Vector3> faceVertices = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Vector3> dispVertices = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Int32>   dispIndices  = new List <int>();

        List <Vector2> textureCoordinates = new List <Vector2>();
        // List<Vector2> lightmapCoordinates = new List<Vector2>();

        dface_t faceInfo = BSP_Faces[BSP_DispInfo[dispIndex].MapFace];
        int     minIndex = 0;

        for (int i = faceInfo.firstedge; i < (faceInfo.firstedge + faceInfo.numedges); i++)
            faceVertices.Add((BSP_Surfedges[i] > 0 ? BSP_Vertices[BSP_Edges[Mathf.Abs(BSP_Surfedges[i])].v[0]] : BSP_Vertices[BSP_Edges[Mathf.Abs(BSP_Surfedges[i])].v[1]]) * WorldController.WorldScale);

        float minDist = 1.0e9f;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            float dist = (faceVertices[i] - BSP_DispInfo[dispIndex].startPosition * WorldController.WorldScale).magnitude;

            if (dist < minDist)
                minDist  = dist;
                minIndex = i;

        for (int i = 0; i < minIndex; i++)
            Vector3 temp = faceVertices[0];
            faceVertices[0] = faceVertices[1];
            faceVertices[1] = faceVertices[2];
            faceVertices[2] = faceVertices[3];
            faceVertices[3] = temp;

        Vector3 leftEdge  = faceVertices[1] - faceVertices[0];
        Vector3 rightEdge = faceVertices[2] - faceVertices[3];

        int   numEdgeVertices = (1 << BSP_DispInfo[dispIndex].power) + 1;
        float subdivideScale  = 1.0f / (numEdgeVertices - 1);

        Vector3 leftEdgeStep  = leftEdge * subdivideScale;
        Vector3 rightEdgeStep = rightEdge * subdivideScale;

        for (int i = 0; i < numEdgeVertices; i++)
            Vector3 leftEnd = leftEdgeStep * i;
            leftEnd += faceVertices[0];

            Vector3 rightEnd = rightEdgeStep * i;
            rightEnd += faceVertices[3];

            Vector3 leftRightSeg  = rightEnd - leftEnd;
            Vector3 leftRightStep = leftRightSeg * subdivideScale;

            for (int j = 0; j < numEdgeVertices; j++)
                int dispVertIndex = BSP_DispInfo[dispIndex].DispVertStart;
                dispVertIndex += i * numEdgeVertices + j;
                dDispVert dispVertInfo = BSP_DispVerts[dispVertIndex];

                Vector3 flatVertex = leftEnd + (leftRightStep * j);
                Vector3 dispVertex = dispVertInfo.vec * (dispVertInfo.dist * WorldController.WorldScale);
                dispVertex += flatVertex;

                texinfo_t faceTexinfo = BSP_Texinfo[faceInfo.texinfo];
                float     fU          = Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(faceTexinfo.textureVecs[0].x, faceTexinfo.textureVecs[0].y, faceTexinfo.textureVecs[0].z), flatVertex) + faceTexinfo.textureVecs[0].w * WorldController.WorldScale;
                float     fV          = Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(faceTexinfo.textureVecs[1].x, faceTexinfo.textureVecs[1].y, faceTexinfo.textureVecs[1].z), flatVertex) + faceTexinfo.textureVecs[1].w * WorldController.WorldScale;

                fU /= (BSP_Texdata[faceTexinfo.texdata].width * WorldController.WorldScale);
                fV /= (BSP_Texdata[faceTexinfo.texdata].height * WorldController.WorldScale);
                textureCoordinates.Add(new Vector2(fU, fV));

                dispVertices.Add(new Vector3(-dispVertex.x, dispVertex.z, dispVertex.y));

        for (int i = 0; i < numEdgeVertices - 1; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < numEdgeVertices - 1; j++)
                int index = i * numEdgeVertices + j;

                if ((index % 2) == 1)
                    dispIndices.Add(index + 1);
                    dispIndices.Add(index + numEdgeVertices);
                    dispIndices.Add(index + 1);
                    dispIndices.Add(index + numEdgeVertices + 1);
                    dispIndices.Add(index + numEdgeVertices);
                    dispIndices.Add(index + numEdgeVertices + 1);
                    dispIndices.Add(index + numEdgeVertices);
                    dispIndices.Add(index + 1);
                    dispIndices.Add(index + numEdgeVertices + 1);

        return(new face()
            index = BSP_DispInfo[dispIndex].MapFace,

            points = dispVertices.ToArray(),
            triangles = dispIndices.ToArray(),
            uv = textureCoordinates.ToArray()
예제 #12
    private Mesh MakeFaceMesh(dface_t face)
        Mesh mesh = null;

        //texflags textureFlag = texflags.SURF_NODRAW;
        //try { textureFlag = ((texflags)texInfo[face.texinfo].flags); }
        //catch (System.Exception) { }

        #region Get all vertices of face
        List<Vector3> surfaceVertices = new List<Vector3>();
        List<Vector3> originalVertices = new List<Vector3>();
        for (int i = 0; i < face.numedges; i++)
            ushort[] currentEdge = edges[Math.Abs(surfedges[face.firstedge + i])].v;
            Vector3 point1 = vertices[currentEdge[0]], point2 = vertices[currentEdge[1]];
            point1 = new Vector3(point1.x, point1.z, point1.y);
            point2 = new Vector3(point2.x, point2.z, point2.y);

            if (surfedges[face.firstedge + i] >= 0)
                if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point1) < 0) surfaceVertices.Add(point1);
                if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point2) < 0) surfaceVertices.Add(point2);
                if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point2) < 0) surfaceVertices.Add(point2);
                if (surfaceVertices.IndexOf(point1) < 0) surfaceVertices.Add(point1);

        #region Triangulate
        List<int> triangleIndices = new List<int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < (originalVertices.Count / 2) - 0; i++)
            int firstOrigIndex = (i * 2), secondOrigIndex = (i * 2) + 1, thirdOrigIndex = 0;
            int firstIndex = surfaceVertices.IndexOf(originalVertices[firstOrigIndex]);
            int secondIndex = surfaceVertices.IndexOf(originalVertices[secondOrigIndex]);
            int thirdIndex = surfaceVertices.IndexOf(originalVertices[thirdOrigIndex]);


        #region Get UV Points
        Vector3 s = Vector3.zero, t = Vector3.zero;
        float xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;

            s = new Vector3(texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][0], texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][2], texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][1]);
            t = new Vector3(texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][0], texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][2], texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][1]);
            xOffset = texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[0][3];
            yOffset = texInfo[face.texinfo].textureVecs[1][3];
        catch (System.Exception) { }

        Vector2[] uvPoints = new Vector2[surfaceVertices.Count];
        int textureWidth = 0, textureHeight = 0;

        try { textureWidth = texData[texInfo[face.texinfo].texdata].width; textureHeight = texData[texInfo[face.texinfo].texdata].height; }
        catch (System.Exception) { }

        for (int i = 0; i < uvPoints.Length; i++)
            uvPoints[i] = new Vector2((Vector3.Dot(surfaceVertices[i], s) + xOffset) / textureWidth, (textureHeight - (Vector3.Dot(surfaceVertices[i], t) + yOffset)) / textureHeight);

        #region Make Mesh
        mesh = new Mesh();
        mesh.name = "Custom Mesh";
        mesh.vertices = surfaceVertices.ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = triangleIndices.ToArray();
        mesh.uv = uvPoints;

        return mesh;