private void renderControl( ref dfRenderData buffer, dfControl control, uint checksum, float opacity )
        // Don't render controls that are not currently active
        if( !control.enabled || !control.gameObject.activeSelf )

        // Don't render controls that are invisible. Keeping a running
        // accumulator for opacity allows us to know a control's final
        // calculated opacity
        var effectiveOpacity = opacity * control.Opacity;
        if( effectiveOpacity <= 0.001f )

        // If this control has a dfRenderGroup component on it, then pass off all
        // responsibility for rendering that control to the component.
        var renderGroup = GetRenderGroupForControl( control, true );
        if( renderGroup != null && renderGroup != this && renderGroup.enabled )
            renderGroups.Add( renderGroup );
            renderGroup.Render( renderCamera, control, groupOccluders, groupControls, checksum, effectiveOpacity );

        // Don't render controls that have the IsVisible flag set to FALSE. Note that this is tested
        // *after* checking for the presence of a dfRenderGroup component, since that component (if
        // present) will need to update its own internal state if the control's IsVisible property
        // has changed.
        if( !control.GetIsVisibleRaw() )

        // Grab the current clip region information off the stack
        var clipInfo = clipStack.Peek();

        // Update the checksum to include the current control
        checksum = dfChecksumUtil.Calculate( checksum, control.Version );

        // Retrieve the control's bounds, which will be used in intersection testing
        // and triangle clipping.
        var bounds = control.GetBounds();
        var screenRect = control.GetScreenRect();
        var occluder = getControlOccluder( ref screenRect, control );

        // Indicates whether the control was not rendered because it fell outside
        // of the currently-active clipping region
        var wasClipped = false;

        if( !( control is IDFMultiRender ) )

            // Ask the control to render itself and return a buffer of the
            // information needed to render it as a Mesh
            var controlData = control.Render();
            if( controlData != null )
                processRenderData( ref buffer, controlData, ref bounds, ref screenRect, checksum, clipInfo, ref wasClipped );


            // Ask the control to render itself and return as many dfRenderData buffers
            // as needed to render all elements of the control as a Mesh
            var childBuffers = ( (IDFMultiRender)control ).RenderMultiple();

            if( childBuffers != null )

                var buffers = childBuffers.Items;
                var bufferCount = childBuffers.Count;

                for( int i = 0; i < bufferCount; i++ )

                    var childBuffer = buffers[ i ];
                    if( childBuffer != null )
                        processRenderData( ref buffer, childBuffer, ref bounds, ref screenRect, checksum, clipInfo, ref wasClipped );




        // Allow control to keep track of its clipping state
        control.setClippingState( wasClipped );

        // Keep track of which controls are rendered, and where they appear on-screen
        groupOccluders.Add( occluder );
        groupControls.Add( control );

        // If the control has the "Clip child controls" option set, push
        // its clip region information onto the stack so that all controls
        // lower in the hierarchy are clipped against that region.
        if( control.ClipChildren )
            if( !Application.isPlaying || clipType == dfClippingMethod.Software )
                clipInfo = dfTriangleClippingRegion.Obtain( clipInfo, control );
                clipStack.Push( clipInfo );
            else if( this.clipInfo.IsEmpty )
                setClipRegion( control, ref screenRect );

        // Dereference raw child control list for direct access
        var childControls = control.Controls.Items;
        var childCount = control.Controls.Count;

        // Ensure lists contain enough space for child controls
        groupControls.EnsureCapacity( groupControls.Count + childCount );
        groupOccluders.EnsureCapacity( groupOccluders.Count + childCount );

        // Render all child controls
        for( int i = 0; i < childCount; i++ )
            renderControl( ref buffer, childControls[ i ], checksum, effectiveOpacity );

        // No longer need the current control's clip region information
        if( control.ClipChildren )
            if( !Application.isPlaying || clipType == dfClippingMethod.Software )
    private void renderControl(ref dfRenderData buffer, dfControl control, uint checksum, float opacity)
        // Don't render controls that are not currently active
        if (!control.enabled || !control.gameObject.activeSelf)

        // Don't render controls that are invisible. Keeping a running
        // accumulator for opacity allows us to know a control's final
        // calculated opacity
        var effectiveOpacity = opacity * control.Opacity;

        if (effectiveOpacity <= 0.001f)

        // If this control has a dfRenderGroup component on it, then pass off all
        // responsibility for rendering that control to the component.
        var renderGroup = GetRenderGroupForControl(control, true);

        if (renderGroup != null && renderGroup != this && renderGroup.enabled)
            renderGroup.Render(renderCamera, control, groupOccluders, groupControls, checksum, effectiveOpacity);

        // Don't render controls that have the IsVisible flag set to FALSE. Note that this is tested
        // *after* checking for the presence of a dfRenderGroup component, since that component (if
        // present) will need to update its own internal state if the control's IsVisible property
        // has changed.
        if (!control.GetIsVisibleRaw())

        // Grab the current clip region information off the stack
        var clipInfo = clipStack.Peek();

        // Update the checksum to include the current control
        checksum = dfChecksumUtil.Calculate(checksum, control.Version);

        // Retrieve the control's bounds, which will be used in intersection testing
        // and triangle clipping.
        var bounds     = control.GetBounds();
        var screenRect = control.GetScreenRect();
        var occluder   = getControlOccluder(ref screenRect, control);

        // Indicates whether the control was not rendered because it fell outside
        // of the currently-active clipping region
        var wasClipped = false;

        if (!(control is IDFMultiRender))
            // Ask the control to render itself and return a buffer of the
            // information needed to render it as a Mesh
            var controlData = control.Render();
            if (controlData != null)
                processRenderData(ref buffer, controlData, ref bounds, ref screenRect, checksum, clipInfo, ref wasClipped);
            // Ask the control to render itself and return as many dfRenderData buffers
            // as needed to render all elements of the control as a Mesh
            var childBuffers = ((IDFMultiRender)control).RenderMultiple();

            if (childBuffers != null)
                var buffers     = childBuffers.Items;
                var bufferCount = childBuffers.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < bufferCount; i++)
                    var childBuffer = buffers[i];
                    if (childBuffer != null)
                        processRenderData(ref buffer, childBuffer, ref bounds, ref screenRect, checksum, clipInfo, ref wasClipped);

        // Allow control to keep track of its clipping state

        // Keep track of which controls are rendered, and where they appear on-screen

        // If the control has the "Clip child controls" option set, push
        // its clip region information onto the stack so that all controls
        // lower in the hierarchy are clipped against that region.
        if (control.ClipChildren)
            if (!Application.isPlaying || clipType == dfClippingMethod.Software)
                clipInfo = dfTriangleClippingRegion.Obtain(clipInfo, control);
            else if (this.clipInfo.IsEmpty)
                setClipRegion(control, ref screenRect);

        // Dereference raw child control list for direct access
        var childControls = control.Controls.Items;
        var childCount    = control.Controls.Count;

        // Ensure lists contain enough space for child controls
        groupControls.EnsureCapacity(groupControls.Count + childCount);
        groupOccluders.EnsureCapacity(groupOccluders.Count + childCount);

        // Render all child controls
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
            renderControl(ref buffer, childControls[i], checksum, effectiveOpacity);

        // No longer need the current control's clip region information
        if (control.ClipChildren)
            if (!Application.isPlaying || clipType == dfClippingMethod.Software)