예제 #1
 private void calculateTokenRenderSize(dfMarkupToken token)
         dfFont font    = (dfFont)base.Font;
         int    kerning = 0;
         char   chr     = '\0';
         char   item    = '\0';
         if ((token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Whitespace ? true : token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Text))
             int num = 0;
             while (num < token.Length)
                 item = token[num];
                 if (item != '\t')
                     dfFont.GlyphDefinition glyph = font.GetGlyph(item);
                     if (glyph != null)
                         if (num > 0)
                             kerning = kerning + font.GetKerning(chr, item);
                             kerning = kerning + base.CharacterSpacing;
                         kerning = kerning + glyph.xadvance;
                     kerning = kerning + base.TabSize;
                 chr = item;
         else if (token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.StartTag && token.Matches("sprite"))
             if (token.AttributeCount < 1)
                 throw new Exception("Missing sprite name in markup");
             UnityEngine.Texture texture = font.Texture;
             int              lineHeight = font.LineHeight;
             string           value      = token.GetAttribute(0).Value.Value;
             dfAtlas.ItemInfo itemInfo   = font.atlas[value];
             if (itemInfo != null)
                 float single = itemInfo.region.width * (float)texture.width / (itemInfo.region.height * (float)texture.height);
                 kerning = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)lineHeight * single);
         token.Height = base.Font.LineHeight;
         token.Width  = kerning;
예제 #2
 private void calculateTokenRenderSize(dfMarkupToken token)
         dfFont font         = (dfFont)base.Font;
         int    num          = 0;
         char   previousChar = '\0';
         char   id           = '\0';
         if ((token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Whitespace) || (token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Text))
             int num2 = 0;
             while (num2 < token.Length)
                 id = token[num2];
                 if (id == '\t')
                     num += base.TabSize;
                     dfFont.GlyphDefinition glyph = font.GetGlyph(id);
                     if (glyph != null)
                         if (num2 > 0)
                             num += font.GetKerning(previousChar, id);
                             num += base.CharacterSpacing;
                         num += glyph.xadvance;
                 previousChar = id;
         else if ((token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.StartTag) && token.Matches("sprite"))
             if (token.AttributeCount < 1)
                 throw new Exception("Missing sprite name in markup");
             Texture          texture    = font.Texture;
             int              lineHeight = font.LineHeight;
             string           str        = token.GetAttribute(0).Value.Value;
             dfAtlas.ItemInfo info       = font.atlas[str];
             if (info != null)
                 float num4 = (info.region.width * texture.width) / (info.region.height * texture.height);
                 num = Mathf.CeilToInt(lineHeight * num4);
         token.Height = base.Font.LineHeight;
         token.Width  = num;
예제 #3
        public static Font GetFontFromdfFont(dfFont font)
            Font f = new Font();

            f.material                      = new Material(GUI.skin.font.material);
            f.material.mainTexture          = font.Texture;
            f.material.mainTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;

            CharacterInfo[] chars = new CharacterInfo[font.Glyphs.Count];

            int maxHeight = 0;


            for (int i = 0; i < font.Glyphs.Count; i++)
                CharacterInfo          inf             = new CharacterInfo();
                dfFont.GlyphDefinition glyphDefinition = font.Glyphs[i];

                dfAtlas.ItemInfo itemInfo = font.Atlas[font.Sprite];

                inf.glyphWidth  = glyphDefinition.width;
                inf.glyphHeight = glyphDefinition.height;

                inf.size = (int)size.x;

                if (inf.glyphHeight > maxHeight)
                    maxHeight = inf.glyphHeight;

                inf.index = glyphDefinition.id;

                float num9  = itemInfo.region.x + (float)glyphDefinition.x * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.x;
                float num10 = itemInfo.region.yMax - (float)glyphDefinition.y * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.y;
                float num11 = num9 + (float)glyphDefinition.width * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.x;
                float num12 = num10 - (float)glyphDefinition.height * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.y;

                inf.uvBottomLeft  = (new Vector2(num9, num12));
                inf.uvBottomRight = (new Vector2(num11, num12));
                inf.uvTopRight    = (new Vector2(num11, num10));
                inf.uvTopLeft     = (new Vector2(num9, num10));

                inf.advance = glyphDefinition.xadvance;

                inf.minY = 0;
                inf.maxY = inf.glyphHeight;
                inf.minX = 0;
                inf.maxX = inf.glyphWidth;

                chars[i] = inf;

            f.characterInfo = chars;

예제 #4
 private void setDefaultSize(string spriteName)
     if (this.Atlas != null)
         dfAtlas.ItemInfo info = this.Atlas[spriteName];
         if ((base.size == Vector2.zero) && (info != null))
             base.Size = info.sizeInPixels;
예제 #5
 private void setDefaultSize(string spriteName)
     if (this.Atlas == null)
     dfAtlas.ItemInfo item = this.Atlas[spriteName];
     if (this.size == Vector2.zero && item != null)
         base.Size = item.sizeInPixels;
예제 #6
 private void renderHover()
     if (Application.isPlaying && ((((base.Atlas != null) && base.IsEnabled) && ((this.hoverIndex >= 0) && (this.hoverIndex <= (this.items.Length - 1)))) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ItemHover)))
         dfAtlas.ItemInfo info = base.Atlas[this.ItemHover];
         if (info != null)
             Vector3 vector   = base.pivot.TransformToUpperLeft(base.Size);
             Vector3 vector2  = new Vector3(vector.x + this.listPadding.left, (vector.y - this.listPadding.top) + this.scrollPosition, 0f);
             float   stepSize = base.PixelsToUnits();
             int     num2     = this.hoverIndex * this.itemHeight;
             if (this.animateHover)
                 float num3 = Mathf.Abs((float)(this.hoverTweenLocation - num2));
                 float num4 = (this.size.y - this.listPadding.vertical) * 0.5f;
                 if (num3 > num4)
                     this.hoverTweenLocation = num2 + (Mathf.Sign(this.hoverTweenLocation - num2) * num4);
                     num3 = num4;
                 float maxDelta = (Time.deltaTime / stepSize) * 2f;
                 this.hoverTweenLocation = Mathf.MoveTowards(this.hoverTweenLocation, (float)num2, maxDelta);
                 this.hoverTweenLocation = num2;
             vector2.y -= this.hoverTweenLocation.Quantize(stepSize);
             Color32 color = base.ApplyOpacity(base.color);
             dfSprite.RenderOptions options = new dfSprite.RenderOptions {
                 atlas         = base.atlas,
                 color         = color,
                 fillAmount    = 1f,
                 pixelsToUnits = base.PixelsToUnits(),
                 size          = new Vector3(this.size.x - this.listPadding.horizontal, (float)this.itemHeight),
                 spriteInfo    = info,
                 offset        = vector2
             if ((info.border.horizontal > 0) || (info.border.vertical > 0))
                 dfSlicedSprite.renderSprite(base.renderData, options);
                 dfSprite.renderSprite(base.renderData, options);
             if (num2 != this.hoverTweenLocation)
예제 #7
 internal void LoadImage(dfAtlas atlas, string source)
     dfAtlas.ItemInfo info = atlas[source];
     if (info == null)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Sprite does not exist in atlas: " + source);
     this.Atlas    = atlas;
     this.Source   = source;
     base.Size     = info.sizeInPixels;
     base.Baseline = (int)this.Size.y;
예제 #8
 internal void LoadImage(dfAtlas atlas, string source)
     dfAtlas.ItemInfo item = atlas[source];
     if (item == null)
         throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Concat("Sprite does not exist in atlas: ", source));
     this.Atlas    = atlas;
     this.Source   = source;
     this.Size     = item.sizeInPixels;
     this.Baseline = (int)this.Size.y;
예제 #9
    public bool AddTexture(dfAtlas atlas, params Texture2D[] newTextures)

            var addedItems = new List <dfAtlas.ItemInfo>();

            for (int i = 0; i < newTextures.Length; i++)
                // Grab reference to existing item, if it exists, to preserve border information
                var existingItem = atlas[newTextures[i].name];

                // Remove the existing item if it already exists

                // Keep the texture size available
                var size = new Vector2(newTextures[i].width, newTextures[i].height);

                // Determine the guid for the texture
                var spritePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(newTextures[i]);
                var guid       = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(spritePath);

                // Add the new texture to the Items collection
                var newItem = new dfAtlas.ItemInfo()
                    textureGUID  = guid,
                    name         = newTextures[i].name,
                    border       = (existingItem != null) ? existingItem.border : new RectOffset(),
                    sizeInPixels = size

            if (!rebuildAtlas(atlas))
                atlas.Items.RemoveAll(i => addedItems.Contains(i));

        catch (Exception err)
            Debug.LogError(err.ToString(), atlas);
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error Adding Sprite", err.Message, "OK");

예제 #10
 private void calculateTokenRenderSize(dfMarkupToken token)
         int           num  = 0;
         char          item = '\0';
         bool          flag = (token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Whitespace ? true : token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Text);
         dfDynamicFont font = (dfDynamicFont)base.Font;
         if (flag)
             int             num1 = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)font.FontSize * base.TextScale);
             CharacterInfo[] characterInfoArray = font.RequestCharacters(token.Value, num1, FontStyle.Normal);
             for (int i = 0; i < token.Length; i++)
                 item = token[i];
                 if (item != '\t')
                     CharacterInfo characterInfo = characterInfoArray[i];
                     num = num + (item == ' ' ? Mathf.CeilToInt(characterInfo.width) : Mathf.CeilToInt(characterInfo.vert.x + characterInfo.vert.width));
                     if (i > 0)
                         num = num + Mathf.CeilToInt((float)base.CharacterSpacing * base.TextScale);
                     num = num + base.TabSize;
             token.Height = base.Font.LineHeight;
             token.Width  = num;
         else if (token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.StartTag && token.Matches("sprite") && this.SpriteAtlas != null && token.AttributeCount == 1)
             Texture2D        texture  = this.SpriteAtlas.Texture;
             float            baseline = (float)font.Baseline * base.TextScale;
             string           value    = token.GetAttribute(0).Value.Value;
             dfAtlas.ItemInfo itemInfo = this.SpriteAtlas[value];
             if (itemInfo != null)
                 float single = itemInfo.region.width * (float)texture.width / (itemInfo.region.height * (float)texture.height);
                 num = Mathf.CeilToInt(baseline * single);
             token.Height = Mathf.CeilToInt(baseline);
             token.Width  = num;
예제 #11
    private void renderProgressFill()
        if (this.Atlas == null)
        dfAtlas.ItemInfo item = this.Atlas[this.progressSprite];
        if (item == null)
        Vector3            vector3             = new Vector3((float)this.padding.left, (float)(-this.padding.top));
        Vector2            vector2             = new Vector2(this.size.x - (float)this.padding.horizontal, this.size.y - (float)this.padding.vertical);
        float              single              = 1f;
        float              single1             = this.maxValue - this.minValue;
        float              single2             = (this.rawValue - this.minValue) / single1;
        dfProgressFillMode _dfProgressFillMode = this.fillMode;

        if (_dfProgressFillMode == dfProgressFillMode.Stretch)
            vector2.x *single2 >= (float)item.border.horizontal;
        if (_dfProgressFillMode != dfProgressFillMode.Fill)
            vector2.x = Mathf.Max((float)item.border.horizontal, vector2.x * single2);
            single = single2;
        Color32 color32 = base.ApplyOpacity((!base.IsEnabled ? base.DisabledColor : this.ProgressColor));

        dfSprite.RenderOptions renderOption = new dfSprite.RenderOptions();
        dfSprite.RenderOptions upperLeft    = renderOption;
        upperLeft.atlas         = this.atlas;
        upperLeft.color         = color32;
        upperLeft.fillAmount    = single;
        upperLeft.offset        = this.pivot.TransformToUpperLeft(base.Size) + vector3;
        upperLeft.pixelsToUnits = base.PixelsToUnits();
        upperLeft.size          = vector2;
        upperLeft.spriteInfo    = item;
        renderOption            = upperLeft;
        if (item.border.horizontal != 0 || item.border.vertical != 0)
            dfSlicedSprite.renderSprite(this.renderData, renderOption);
            dfSprite.renderSprite(this.renderData, renderOption);
예제 #12
    public override Vector2 CalculateMinimumSize()
        dfAtlas.ItemInfo spriteInfo = this.SpriteInfo;
        if (spriteInfo == null)
        RectOffset border = spriteInfo.border;

        if (((border != null) && (border.horizontal > 0)) && (border.vertical > 0))
            return(Vector2.Max(base.CalculateMinimumSize(), new Vector2((float)border.horizontal, (float)border.vertical)));
예제 #13
    public override Vector2 CalculateMinimumSize()
        dfAtlas.ItemInfo backgroundSprite = this.getBackgroundSprite();
        if (backgroundSprite == null)
        RectOffset rectOffset = backgroundSprite.border;

        if (rectOffset.horizontal <= 0 && rectOffset.vertical <= 0)
        return(Vector2.Max(base.CalculateMinimumSize(), new Vector2((float)rectOffset.horizontal, (float)rectOffset.vertical)));
예제 #14
    public override Vector2 CalculateMinimumSize()
        dfAtlas.ItemInfo info = this.getBackgroundSprite();
        if (info == null)
        RectOffset border = info.border;

        if ((border.horizontal <= 0) && (border.vertical <= 0))
        return(Vector2.Max(base.CalculateMinimumSize(), new Vector2((float)border.horizontal, (float)border.vertical)));
예제 #15
    public override Vector2 CalculateMinimumSize()
        dfAtlas.ItemInfo spriteInfo = this.SpriteInfo;
        if (spriteInfo == null)
        RectOffset rectOffset = spriteInfo.border;

        if (rectOffset == null || rectOffset.horizontal <= 0 || rectOffset.vertical <= 0)
        return(Vector2.Max(base.CalculateMinimumSize(), new Vector2((float)rectOffset.horizontal, (float)rectOffset.vertical)));
예제 #16
 public void RebuildIndexes()
     if (this.map != null)
         this.map = new Dictionary <string, dfAtlas.ItemInfo>();
     for (int i = 0; i < this.items.Count; i++)
         dfAtlas.ItemInfo item = this.items[i];
         this.map[item.name] = item;
예제 #17
    private static void rebuildVertices(dfRenderData renderData, dfSprite.RenderOptions options)
        float single  = 0f;
        float single1 = 0f;
        float single2 = Mathf.Ceil(options.size.x);
        float single3 = Mathf.Ceil(-options.size.y);

        dfAtlas.ItemInfo itemInfo = options.spriteInfo;
        float            single4  = (float)itemInfo.border.left;
        float            single5  = (float)itemInfo.border.top;
        float            single6  = (float)itemInfo.border.right;
        float            single7  = (float)itemInfo.border.bottom;

        if (options.flip.IsSet(dfSpriteFlip.FlipHorizontal))
            float single8 = single6;
            single6 = single4;
            single4 = single8;
        if (options.flip.IsSet(dfSpriteFlip.FlipVertical))
            float single9 = single7;
            single7 = single5;
            single5 = single9;
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[0]  = new Vector3(single, single1, 0f) + options.offset;
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[1]  = dfSlicedSprite.verts[0] + new Vector3(single4, 0f, 0f);
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[2]  = dfSlicedSprite.verts[0] + new Vector3(single4, -single5, 0f);
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[3]  = dfSlicedSprite.verts[0] + new Vector3(0f, -single5, 0f);
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[4]  = new Vector3(single2 - single6, single1, 0f) + options.offset;
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[5]  = dfSlicedSprite.verts[4] + new Vector3(single6, 0f, 0f);
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[6]  = dfSlicedSprite.verts[4] + new Vector3(single6, -single5, 0f);
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[7]  = dfSlicedSprite.verts[4] + new Vector3(0f, -single5, 0f);
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[8]  = new Vector3(single, single3 + single7, 0f) + options.offset;
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[9]  = dfSlicedSprite.verts[8] + new Vector3(single4, 0f, 0f);
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[10] = dfSlicedSprite.verts[8] + new Vector3(single4, -single7, 0f);
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[11] = dfSlicedSprite.verts[8] + new Vector3(0f, -single7, 0f);
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[12] = new Vector3(single2 - single6, single3 + single7, 0f) + options.offset;
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[13] = dfSlicedSprite.verts[12] + new Vector3(single6, 0f, 0f);
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[14] = dfSlicedSprite.verts[12] + new Vector3(single6, -single7, 0f);
        dfSlicedSprite.verts[15] = dfSlicedSprite.verts[12] + new Vector3(0f, -single7, 0f);
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)dfSlicedSprite.verts.Length; i++)
            renderData.Vertices.Add((dfSlicedSprite.verts[i] * options.pixelsToUnits).Quantize(options.pixelsToUnits));
예제 #18
    private static void rebuildVertices(dfRenderData renderData, dfSprite.RenderOptions options)
        float x    = 0f;
        float y    = 0f;
        float num3 = Mathf.Ceil(options.size.x);
        float num4 = Mathf.Ceil(-options.size.y);

        dfAtlas.ItemInfo spriteInfo = options.spriteInfo;
        float            left       = spriteInfo.border.left;
        float            top        = spriteInfo.border.top;
        float            right      = spriteInfo.border.right;
        float            bottom     = spriteInfo.border.bottom;

        if (options.flip.IsSet(dfSpriteFlip.FlipHorizontal))
            float num9 = right;
            right = left;
            left  = num9;
        if (options.flip.IsSet(dfSpriteFlip.FlipVertical))
            float num10 = bottom;
            bottom = top;
            top    = num10;
        verts[0]  = new Vector3(x, y, 0f) + options.offset;
        verts[1]  = verts[0] + new Vector3(left, 0f, 0f);
        verts[2]  = verts[0] + new Vector3(left, -top, 0f);
        verts[3]  = verts[0] + new Vector3(0f, -top, 0f);
        verts[4]  = new Vector3(num3 - right, y, 0f) + options.offset;
        verts[5]  = verts[4] + new Vector3(right, 0f, 0f);
        verts[6]  = verts[4] + new Vector3(right, -top, 0f);
        verts[7]  = verts[4] + new Vector3(0f, -top, 0f);
        verts[8]  = new Vector3(x, num4 + bottom, 0f) + options.offset;
        verts[9]  = verts[8] + new Vector3(left, 0f, 0f);
        verts[10] = verts[8] + new Vector3(left, -bottom, 0f);
        verts[11] = verts[8] + new Vector3(0f, -bottom, 0f);
        verts[12] = new Vector3(num3 - right, num4 + bottom, 0f) + options.offset;
        verts[13] = verts[12] + new Vector3(right, 0f, 0f);
        verts[14] = verts[12] + new Vector3(right, -bottom, 0f);
        verts[15] = verts[12] + new Vector3(0f, -bottom, 0f);
        for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
            renderData.Vertices.Add(((Vector3)(verts[i] * options.pixelsToUnits)).Quantize(options.pixelsToUnits));
예제 #19
 private void renderProgressFill()
     if (this.Atlas != null)
         dfAtlas.ItemInfo info = this.Atlas[this.progressSprite];
         if (info != null)
             Vector3            vector   = new Vector3((float)this.padding.left, (float)-this.padding.top);
             Vector2            vector2  = new Vector2(this.size.x - this.padding.horizontal, this.size.y - this.padding.vertical);
             float              num      = 1f;
             float              num2     = this.maxValue - this.minValue;
             float              num3     = (this.rawValue - this.minValue) / num2;
             dfProgressFillMode fillMode = this.fillMode;
             if ((fillMode == dfProgressFillMode.Stretch) && ((vector2.x * num3) < info.border.horizontal))
             if (fillMode == dfProgressFillMode.Fill)
                 num = num3;
                 vector2.x = Mathf.Max((float)info.border.horizontal, vector2.x * num3);
             Color32 color = base.ApplyOpacity(!base.IsEnabled ? base.DisabledColor : this.ProgressColor);
             dfSprite.RenderOptions options = new dfSprite.RenderOptions {
                 atlas         = this.atlas,
                 color         = color,
                 fillAmount    = num,
                 offset        = base.pivot.TransformToUpperLeft(base.Size) + vector,
                 pixelsToUnits = base.PixelsToUnits(),
                 size          = vector2,
                 spriteInfo    = info
             if ((info.border.horizontal == 0) && (info.border.vertical == 0))
                 dfSprite.renderSprite(base.renderData, options);
                 dfSlicedSprite.renderSprite(base.renderData, options);
예제 #20
    protected internal override dfAtlas.ItemInfo getBackgroundSprite()
        if (base.Atlas == null)
        dfAtlas.ItemInfo item = null;
        switch (this.state)
        case dfButton.ButtonState.Default:
            item = this.atlas[this.backgroundSprite];

        case dfButton.ButtonState.Focus:
            item = this.atlas[this.focusSprite];

        case dfButton.ButtonState.Hover:
            item = this.atlas[this.hoverSprite];

        case dfButton.ButtonState.Pressed:
            item = this.atlas[this.pressedSprite];

        case dfButton.ButtonState.Disabled:
            item = this.atlas[this.disabledSprite];
        if (item == null)
            item = this.atlas[this.backgroundSprite];
예제 #21
    private string buildItemTooltip(dfAtlas.ItemInfo sprite)
        if (sprite == null)

        var width  = (int)sprite.sizeInPixels.x;
        var height = (int)sprite.sizeInPixels.y;

                   "Atlas: {3}  Sprite: {0}  Size: {1}x{2}",
예제 #22
    protected override void OnRebuildRenderData()
        if (base.Atlas == null)
        dfAtlas.ItemInfo spriteInfo = base.SpriteInfo;
        if (spriteInfo == null)
        this.renderData.Material = base.Atlas.Material;
        dfList <Vector3> vertices  = this.renderData.Vertices;
        dfList <Vector2> uV        = this.renderData.UV;
        dfList <Color32> colors    = this.renderData.Colors;
        dfList <int>     triangles = this.renderData.Triangles;

        Vector2[] vector2Array = this.buildQuadUV();
        Vector2   vector2      = Vector2.Scale(spriteInfo.sizeInPixels, this.tileScale);
        Vector2   vector21     = new Vector2(this.tileScroll.x % 1f, this.tileScroll.y % 1f);

        for (float i = -Mathf.Abs(vector21.y * vector2.y); i < this.size.y; i = i + vector2.y)
            for (float j = -Mathf.Abs(vector21.x * vector2.x); j < this.size.x; j = j + vector2.x)
                int count = vertices.Count;
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(j, -i));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(j + vector2.x, -i));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(j + vector2.x, -i + -vector2.y));
                vertices.Add(new Vector3(j, -i + -vector2.y));
                this.addQuadTriangles(triangles, count);
                this.addQuadUV(uV, vector2Array);
        this.clipQuads(vertices, uV);
        float   units     = base.PixelsToUnits();
        Vector3 upperLeft = this.pivot.TransformToUpperLeft(this.size);

        for (int k = 0; k < vertices.Count; k++)
            vertices[k] = (vertices[k] + upperLeft) * units;
예제 #23
        public static Font DFFontToUnityFont(dfFont font, int scale = 1)
            Font f = new Font(font.name);

            f.material                      = new Material(UnityEngine.GUI.skin.font.material);
            f.material.mainTexture          = font.Texture;
            f.material.mainTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;

            CharacterInfo[] chars = new CharacterInfo[font.Glyphs.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
                CharacterInfo          inf             = new CharacterInfo();
                dfFont.GlyphDefinition glyphDefinition = font.Glyphs[i];
                dfAtlas.ItemInfo       itemInfo        = font.Atlas[font.Sprite];

                inf.glyphWidth  = glyphDefinition.width * scale;
                inf.glyphHeight = glyphDefinition.height * scale;
                inf.size        = 0; // Must be 0

                inf.index = glyphDefinition.id;

                float left   = itemInfo.region.x + glyphDefinition.x * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.x;
                float right  = left + glyphDefinition.width * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.x;
                float top    = itemInfo.region.yMax - glyphDefinition.y * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.y;
                float bottom = top - glyphDefinition.height * f.material.mainTexture.texelSize.y;

                inf.uvTopLeft     = new Vector2(left, top);
                inf.uvTopRight    = new Vector2(right, top);
                inf.uvBottomLeft  = new Vector2(left, bottom);
                inf.uvBottomRight = new Vector2(right, bottom);

                inf.advance = glyphDefinition.xadvance * scale;

                inf.minY = scale * -glyphDefinition.height / 2;
                inf.maxY = scale * glyphDefinition.height / 2;

                chars[i] = inf;

            f.characterInfo = chars;

예제 #24
 private void renderSprite(dfMarkupToken token, Color32 color, Vector3 position, dfRenderData destination)
         dfList <Vector3> vertices  = destination.Vertices;
         dfList <int>     triangles = destination.Triangles;
         dfList <Color32> colors    = destination.Colors;
         dfList <Vector2> uV        = destination.UV;
         dfFont           font      = (dfFont)base.Font;
         string           value     = token.GetAttribute(0).Value.Value;
         dfAtlas.ItemInfo item      = font.Atlas[value];
         if (item != null)
             float height  = (float)token.Height * base.TextScale * base.PixelRatio;
             float width   = (float)token.Width * base.TextScale * base.PixelRatio;
             float single  = position.x;
             float single1 = position.y;
             int   count   = vertices.Count;
             vertices.Add(new Vector3(single, single1));
             vertices.Add(new Vector3(single + width, single1));
             vertices.Add(new Vector3(single + width, single1 - height));
             vertices.Add(new Vector3(single, single1 - height));
             triangles.Add(count + 1);
             triangles.Add(count + 3);
             triangles.Add(count + 3);
             triangles.Add(count + 1);
             triangles.Add(count + 2);
             Color32 color32 = (!base.ColorizeSymbols ? this.applyOpacity(base.DefaultColor) : this.applyOpacity(color));
             Rect rect = item.region;
             uV.Add(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.yMax));
             uV.Add(new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax));
             uV.Add(new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.y));
             uV.Add(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y));
예제 #25
 private void renderSprite(dfMarkupToken token, Color32 color, Vector3 position, dfRenderData destination)
         dfList <Vector3> vertices  = destination.Vertices;
         dfList <int>     triangles = destination.Triangles;
         dfList <Color32> colors    = destination.Colors;
         dfList <Vector2> uV        = destination.UV;
         dfFont           font      = (dfFont)base.Font;
         string           str       = token.GetAttribute(0).Value.Value;
         dfAtlas.ItemInfo info      = font.Atlas[str];
         if (info != null)
             float num   = (token.Height * base.TextScale) * base.PixelRatio;
             float num2  = (token.Width * base.TextScale) * base.PixelRatio;
             float x     = position.x;
             float y     = position.y;
             int   count = vertices.Count;
             vertices.Add(new Vector3(x, y));
             vertices.Add(new Vector3(x + num2, y));
             vertices.Add(new Vector3(x + num2, y - num));
             vertices.Add(new Vector3(x, y - num));
             triangles.Add(count + 1);
             triangles.Add(count + 3);
             triangles.Add(count + 3);
             triangles.Add(count + 1);
             triangles.Add(count + 2);
             Color32 item = !base.ColorizeSymbols ? this.applyOpacity(base.DefaultColor) : this.applyOpacity(color);
             Rect region = info.region;
             uV.Add(new Vector2(region.x, region.yMax));
             uV.Add(new Vector2(region.xMax, region.yMax));
             uV.Add(new Vector2(region.xMax, region.y));
             uV.Add(new Vector2(region.x, region.y));
예제 #26
        public static void HandleFacecards(PlayerController player, CustomCharacterData data)
            var atlas    = uiAtlas;
            var atlasTex = atlas.Texture;

            dfAtlas.ItemInfo info = new dfAtlas.ItemInfo();
            info.name         = player.name + "_facecard";
            info.region       = TextureStitcher.AddFaceCardToAtlas(data.faceCard, atlasTex, uiFaceCards.Count, uiFacecardBounds);
            info.sizeInPixels = faceCardSizeInPixels;


            if (atlas.Replacement)
                atlas.Replacement.Material.mainTexture = atlasTex;

예제 #27
        public static void HandlePunchoutFaceCards(CustomCharacterData data)
            var atlas    = uiAtlas;
            var atlasTex = atlas.Texture;

            if (data.punchoutFaceCards != null)
                Tools.Print("Adding punchout facecards");
                int count = Mathf.Min(data.punchoutFaceCards.Count, 3);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    dfAtlas.ItemInfo info = new dfAtlas.ItemInfo();
                    info.name         = data.nameInternal + "_punchout_facecard" + (i + 1);
                    info.region       = TextureStitcher.AddFaceCardToAtlas(data.punchoutFaceCards[i], atlasTex, uiFaceCards.Count, uiFacecardBounds);
                    info.sizeInPixels = faceCardSizeInPixels;

예제 #28
 protected override void OnRebuildRenderData()
     if (base.Atlas != null)
         dfAtlas.ItemInfo spriteInfo = base.SpriteInfo;
         if (spriteInfo != null)
             base.renderData.Material = base.Atlas.Material;
             dfList <Vector3> vertices  = base.renderData.Vertices;
             dfList <Vector2> uV        = base.renderData.UV;
             dfList <Color32> colors    = base.renderData.Colors;
             dfList <int>     triangles = base.renderData.Triangles;
             Vector2[]        spriteUV  = this.buildQuadUV();
             Vector2          vector    = Vector2.Scale(spriteInfo.sizeInPixels, this.tileScale);
             Vector2          vector2   = new Vector2(this.tileScroll.x % 1f, this.tileScroll.y % 1f);
             for (float i = -Mathf.Abs((float)(vector2.y * vector.y)); i < this.size.y; i += vector.y)
                 for (float k = -Mathf.Abs((float)(vector2.x * vector.x)); k < this.size.x; k += vector.x)
                     int count = vertices.Count;
                     vertices.Add(new Vector3(k, -i));
                     vertices.Add(new Vector3(k + vector.x, -i));
                     vertices.Add(new Vector3(k + vector.x, -i + -vector.y));
                     vertices.Add(new Vector3(k, -i + -vector.y));
                     this.addQuadTriangles(triangles, count);
                     this.addQuadUV(uV, spriteUV);
             this.clipQuads(vertices, uV);
             float   num4    = base.PixelsToUnits();
             Vector3 vector3 = base.pivot.TransformToUpperLeft(base.size);
             for (int j = 0; j < vertices.Count; j++)
                 vertices[j] = (Vector3)((vertices[j] + vector3) * num4);
예제 #29
	private void renderSelection()
		if (base.Atlas == null || this.selectedIndex < 0)
		dfAtlas.ItemInfo item = base.Atlas[this.ItemHighlight];
		if (item == null)
		float units = base.PixelsToUnits();
		Vector3 upperLeft = this.pivot.TransformToUpperLeft(base.Size);
		Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(upperLeft.x + (float)this.listPadding.left, upperLeft.y - (float)this.listPadding.top + this.scrollPosition, 0f)
			y = vector3.y - (float)(this.selectedIndex * this.itemHeight)
		Color32 color32 = base.ApplyOpacity(this.color);
		dfSprite.RenderOptions renderOption = new dfSprite.RenderOptions();
		dfSprite.RenderOptions vector31 = renderOption;
		vector31.atlas = this.atlas;
		vector31.color = color32;
		vector31.fillAmount = 1f;
		vector31.pixelsToUnits = units;
		vector31.size = new Vector3(this.size.x - (float)this.listPadding.horizontal, (float)this.itemHeight);
		vector31.spriteInfo = item;
		vector31.offset = vector3;
		renderOption = vector31;
		if (item.border.horizontal > 0 || item.border.vertical > 0)
			dfSlicedSprite.renderSprite(this.renderData, renderOption);
			dfSprite.renderSprite(this.renderData, renderOption);
        public static T SetupDfSpriteFromTexture <T>(this GameObject obj, Texture2D texture, Shader shader) where T : dfSprite
            T       sprite = obj.GetOrAddComponent <T>();
            dfAtlas atlas  = obj.GetOrAddComponent <dfAtlas>();

            atlas.Material             = new Material(shader);
            atlas.Material.mainTexture = texture;
            dfAtlas.ItemInfo info = new dfAtlas.ItemInfo
                border       = new RectOffset(),
                deleted      = false,
                name         = "main_sprite",
                region       = new Rect(Vector2.zero, new Vector2(1, 1)),
                rotated      = false,
                sizeInPixels = new Vector2(texture.width, texture.height),
                texture      = null,
                textureGUID  = "main_sprite"
            sprite.Atlas      = atlas;
            sprite.SpriteName = "main_sprite";
    public bool AddTexture( dfAtlas atlas, params Texture2D[] newTextures )


            var addedItems = new List<dfAtlas.ItemInfo>();

            for( int i = 0; i < newTextures.Length; i++ )

                // Grab reference to existing item, if it exists, to preserve border information
                var existingItem = atlas[ newTextures[ i ].name ];

                // Remove the existing item if it already exists
                atlas.Remove( newTextures[ i ].name );

                // Keep the texture size available
                var size = new Vector2( newTextures[ i ].width, newTextures[ i ].height );

                // Determine the guid for the texture
                var spritePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( newTextures[ i ] );
                var guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID( spritePath );

                // Add the new texture to the Items collection
                var newItem = new dfAtlas.ItemInfo()
                    textureGUID = guid,
                    name = newTextures[ i ].name,
                    border = ( existingItem != null ) ? existingItem.border : new RectOffset(),
                    sizeInPixels = size
                addedItems.Add( newItem );
                atlas.AddItem( newItem );


            if( !rebuildAtlas( atlas ) )
                atlas.Items.RemoveAll( i => addedItems.Contains( i ) );
                return false;

            return true;

        catch( Exception err )
            Debug.LogError( err.ToString(), atlas );
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Error Adding Sprite", err.Message, "OK" );

        return false;
    public static void CreateAtlasFromSelection()

            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar( "Creating Texture Atlas", "Adding selected textures to the Texture Atlas", 0 );

            var selection = Selection
                .GetFiltered( typeof( Texture2D ), SelectionMode.Assets )
                .Where( t => isReadable( t ) )
                .OrderByDescending( t => t.width * t.height )

            if( selection.Length == 0 )
                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Create Texture Atlas", "Either no textures selected or none of the selected textures has Read/Write enabled", "OK" );

            var saveFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( selection[ 0 ] ) );
            var prefabPath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel( "Create Texture Atlas", saveFolder, "Texture Atlas", "prefab" );
            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( prefabPath ) )

            prefabPath = prefabPath.MakeRelativePath();

            var padding = EditorPrefs.GetInt( "DaikonForge.AtlasDefaultPadding", 2 );

            var texture = new Texture2D( 1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false );
            var rects = texture.PackTextures2( selection, padding, dfTextureAtlasInspector.MaxAtlasSize, dfTextureAtlasInspector.ForceSquare );

            var texturePath = Path.ChangeExtension( prefabPath, "png" );
            byte[] bytes = texture.EncodeToPNG();
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes( texturePath, bytes );
            bytes = null;
            DestroyImmediate( texture );

            setAtlasTextureSettings( texturePath, true );

            texture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( texturePath, typeof( Texture2D ) ) as Texture2D;
            if( texture == null )
                Debug.LogError( "Failed to find texture at " + texturePath );

            var sprites = new List<dfAtlas.ItemInfo>();
            for( int i = 0; i < rects.Length; i++ )

                var pixelCoords = rects[ i ];
                var size = new Vector2( selection[ i ].width, selection[ i ].height );

                var spritePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( selection[ i ] );
                var guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID( spritePath );

                var item = new dfAtlas.ItemInfo()
                    name = selection[ i ].name,
                    region = pixelCoords,
                    rotated = false,
                    textureGUID = guid,
                    sizeInPixels = size

                sprites.Add( item );



            var shader = Shader.Find( "Daikon Forge/Default UI Shader" );
            var atlasMaterial = new Material( shader );
            atlasMaterial.mainTexture = texture;
            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset( atlasMaterial, Path.ChangeExtension( texturePath, "mat" ) );

            var go = new GameObject() { name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( prefabPath ) };
            var atlas = go.AddComponent<dfAtlas>();
            atlas.Material = atlasMaterial;
            atlas.AddItems( sprites );

            var prefab = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab( prefabPath );
            prefab.name = atlas.name;
            PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab( go, prefab );

            DestroyImmediate( go );

            #region Delay execution of object selection to work around a Unity issue

            // Declared with null value to eliminate "uninitialized variable"
            // compiler error in lambda below.
            EditorApplication.CallbackFunction callback = null;

            callback = () =>
                go = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( prefabPath ) as GameObject;
                Selection.objects = new Object[] { go };
                EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( go );
                Debug.Log( "Texture Atlas prefab created at " + prefabPath, prefab );
                EditorApplication.delayCall -= callback;

            EditorApplication.delayCall += callback;


        catch( Exception err )
            Debug.LogError( err.ToString() );
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Error Creating Texture Atlas", err.Message, "OK" );
    private void doImport()

            var texturePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( textureFile );
            //var textureGUID = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID( texturePath );

            var uvx = 1f / textureFile.width;
            var uvy = 1f / textureFile.height;

            var sprites = new List<dfAtlas.ItemInfo>();

            var data = JSON.JsonDecode( dataFile.text ) as DICT;
            var frames = data[ "frames" ] as DICT;
            foreach( var key in frames.Keys )

                var itemData = frames[ key ] as DICT;

                var spriteName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( key );

                var isRotated = (bool)itemData[ "rotated" ];
                if( isRotated )
                    Debug.LogError( string.Format( "Sprite '{0}' is rotated. Rotated sprites are not yet supported", spriteName ) );

                var frameRect = extractUVRect( itemData[ "frame" ] as DICT, textureFile );
                var spriteSize = new Vector2( frameRect.width / uvx, frameRect.height / uvy );

                var sprite = new dfAtlas.ItemInfo()
                    name = spriteName,
                    border = new RectOffset(),
                    deleted = false,
                    region = frameRect,
                    rotated = false,
                    sizeInPixels = spriteSize
                sprites.Add( sprite );



            var dataFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( dataFile );
            var defaultFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( dataFilePath );

            var saveFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName( texturePath );
            var prefabPath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel( "Import Texture Atlas", saveFolder, defaultFilename, "prefab" );
            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( prefabPath ) )

            prefabPath = prefabPath.MakeRelativePath();

            dfTextureAtlasInspector.setAtlasTextureSettings( texturePath, true );

            var texture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( texturePath, typeof( Texture2D ) ) as Texture2D;
            if( texture == null )
                Debug.LogError( "Failed to find texture at " + texturePath );

            var shader = Shader.Find( "Daikon Forge/Default UI Shader" );
            var atlasMaterial = new Material( shader );
            atlasMaterial.mainTexture = texture;
            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset( atlasMaterial, Path.ChangeExtension( texturePath, "mat" ) );

            var go = new GameObject() { name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( prefabPath ) };
            var atlas = go.AddComponent<dfAtlas>();
            atlas.Material = atlasMaterial;
            atlas.AddItems( sprites );
            atlas.generator = dfAtlas.TextureAtlasGenerator.TexturePacker;
            atlas.imageFileGUID = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID( texturePath );
            atlas.dataFileGUID = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID( dataFilePath );

            var prefab = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab( prefabPath );
            prefab.name = atlas.name;
            PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab( go, prefab );

            DestroyImmediate( go );

            #region Delay execution of object selection to work around a Unity issue

            // Declared with null value to eliminate "uninitialized variable"
            // compiler error in lambda below.
            EditorApplication.CallbackFunction callback = null;

            callback = () =>
                go = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( prefabPath ) as GameObject;
                Selection.objects = new UnityEngine.Object[] { go };
                EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( go );
                Debug.Log( "Texture Atlas prefab created at " + prefabPath, prefab );
                EditorApplication.delayCall -= callback;

            EditorApplication.delayCall += callback;


        catch( Exception err )
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Failed to parse data file", "Unable to parse the data file: " + err.Message, "CANCEL" );
    internal static void Reimport( dfAtlas atlas )
        var textureFilePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( atlas.imageFileGUID );
        if( !File.Exists( textureFilePath ) )
            Debug.LogError( string.Format( "The image file for atlas {0} could not be found", atlas.name ), atlas );

        var dataFilePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( atlas.dataFileGUID );
        if( !File.Exists( dataFilePath ) )
            Debug.LogError( string.Format( "The data file for atlas {0} could not be found", atlas.name ), atlas );

        var dataFile = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( dataFilePath, typeof( TextAsset ) ) as TextAsset;
        if( dataFile == null )
            Debug.LogError( string.Format( "Faile to open the data file for the {0} atlas", atlas.name ), atlas );

        var textureFile = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath( textureFilePath, typeof( Texture2D ) ) as Texture2D;
        if( textureFile == null )
            Debug.LogError( string.Format( "Faile to open the image file for the {0} atlas", atlas.name ), atlas );

        dfTextureAtlasInspector.setAtlasTextureSettings( textureFilePath, false );

        var uvx = 1f / textureFile.width;
        var uvy = 1f / textureFile.height;

        var newSprites = new List<dfAtlas.ItemInfo>();
        var oldSprites = atlas.Items;

        var data = JSON.JsonDecode( dataFile.text ) as DICT;
        var frames = data[ "frames" ] as DICT;
        foreach( var key in frames.Keys )

            var itemData = frames[ key ] as DICT;

            var spriteName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( key );

            var isRotated = (bool)itemData[ "rotated" ];
            if( isRotated )
                Debug.LogError( string.Format( "Sprite '{0}' is rotated. Rotated sprites are not yet supported", spriteName ) );

            var frameRect = extractUVRect( itemData[ "frame" ] as DICT, textureFile );
            var spriteSize = new Vector2( frameRect.width / uvx, frameRect.height / uvy );

            var sprite = new dfAtlas.ItemInfo()
                name = spriteName,
                border = new RectOffset(),
                deleted = false,
                region = frameRect,
                rotated = false,
                sizeInPixels = spriteSize
            newSprites.Add( sprite );

            for( int i = 0; i < oldSprites.Count; i++ )
                var old = oldSprites[ i ];
                if( string.Equals( old.name, spriteName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                    sprite.border = old.border;


        atlas.Items.AddRange( newSprites );

        var prefabPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( atlas );
        var go = atlas.gameObject;

        #region Delay execution of object selection to work around a Unity issue

        // Declared with null value to eliminate "uninitialized variable"
        // compiler error in lambda below.
        EditorApplication.CallbackFunction callback = null;

        callback = () =>
            go = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath( prefabPath ) as GameObject;
            Selection.objects = new UnityEngine.Object[] { go };
            EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( go );
            Debug.Log( "Texture Atlas prefab re-imported at " + prefabPath, go );
            EditorApplication.delayCall -= callback;

        EditorApplication.delayCall += callback;
