//======================================================================== private void toolBar_ButtonClick( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e ) { try { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; ToolBar tb = (ToolBar)sender; int which_button = (int)tb.Buttons.IndexOf(e.Button); switch (which_button) { case 1: // Insert code to call the component. this.behind_.on_test_requested(this.last_selected_progid_, this.selectedNode); break; case 3: // open config file and exit the app if (this.behind_.open_config_file()) { this.behind_ = null; Application.Exit(); } break; case 5: // Insert code to copy the output to the clipboard. this.behind_.copy_output(sender, e); break; case 7: // results browser this.behind_.open_result_file(); break; case 9: // EXIT this.behind_ = null; Application.Exit(); break; case 11: // About modal dialog (new dbj.about.AboutDialog()).ShowDialog(this); break; default: // an separator button ... break; } } catch (System.Exception x) { writeln(x.GetType().Name + " : " + x.Message); } finally { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } }
//================================================================== private void on_loaded(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { /**/ var /*Rectangle*/ sr = Screen.GetWorkingArea(this); this.Width = Convert.ToInt32(sr.Width * 0.8); this.Height = Convert.ToInt32(sr.Height * 0.8); int left = 1; // (sr.Width/2) - (this.Width/2); int top = 1; // (sr.Height/2) - (this.Height/2); // Center the Form on the user's screen this.SetBounds( left, top, this.Width, this.Height, BoundsSpecified.All ); this.Location = new Point(left, top); /**/ // Add buttons to the tool bar ToolBarButton button1 = new ToolBarButton(); ToolBarButton button2 = new ToolBarButton(); ToolBarButton button3 = new ToolBarButton(); ToolBarButton button4 = new ToolBarButton(); ToolBarButton button5 = new ToolBarButton(); ToolBarButton button6 = new ToolBarButton(); ToolBarButton separator = new ToolBarButton(); // Set the Text properties of the button controls. button1.Text = "&CAll"; button2.Text = "Con&figure"; button3.Text = "&Copy Output"; button4.Text = "&Results"; button5.Text = "&Exit"; button6.Text = "&About"; separator.Style = ToolBarButtonStyle.Separator; // Add the button controls to the ToolBar. toolBar.Buttons.Add(separator); toolBar.Buttons.Add(button1); // 1 toolBar.Buttons.Add(separator); toolBar.Buttons.Add(button2); // 3 == Re-Configuration toolBar.Buttons.Add(separator); toolBar.Buttons.Add(button3); // 5 toolBar.Buttons.Add(separator); toolBar.Buttons.Add(button4); // 7 == Result browser toolBar.Buttons.Add(separator); toolBar.Buttons.Add(button5); // 9 == Exit toolBar.Buttons.Add(separator); toolBar.Buttons.Add(button6); // 11 == About this.behind_ = new dbjept.Behind(this); this.behind_.on_form_activated(sender, e); Util.tooltip_to_control(this.output, "Double-click to erase this text"); Util.tooltip_to_control(this.treeView1, "Test configuration"); Util.tooltip_to_control(this.toolBar, "(c) 2003-2006 by DBJSOLUTIONS.COM\n\rAll rights reserved"); Util.tooltip_to_control(this.toolBar, "(c) 2018 by DBJ.Systems \n\rAll rights reserved"); // initial info for the output this.writeln( Environment.NewLine + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName + Environment.NewLine + "Corelib Version : " + dbj.fm.util.version() + Environment.NewLine + ".NET environment : " + System.Environment.Version.ToString(4) ); #if DEBUG string debug_info = string.Format( "AppDomain friendly name : [{0}]" + NL + "Base directory : [{2}]" + NL + "Files shadow copied : [{4}]" + NL + "Relative search path : [{1}]" + NL + "Dynamic directory : [{3}]" + NL, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.RelativeSearchPath, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DynamicDirectory, (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ShadowCopyFiles ? "YES" : "NO")); // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("") ; // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( debug_info ) ; Behind.trace.info("Loaded and initialized the main form"); this.writeln(debug_info); #endif }