protected void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (drpcheque.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "c") { string str = "update chequebook_transaction set status=1 where account_no='" + drprequest.SelectedValue + "'"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('chequebook issued')</script>"); } else if (drpcheque.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "p") { string str = "update passbook_transaction set status=1 where account_no='" + drprequest.SelectedValue + "'"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('passbook issued')</script>"); } else if (drpcheque.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "D") { string str = "update demanddraft_transaction set status=1 where account_no='" + drprequest.SelectedValue + "'"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('demanddraft issued')</script>"); } else if (drpcheque.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "CL") { string str = "update customer_loan set status=1 where account_no='" + drprequest.SelectedValue + "'"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('customere_loan issued')</script>"); } }
protected void btnconfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // reservation M string qry = " insert into Reservation_M(Reservation_date,Starting_Date,Ending_Date,Customer_Id,NumberOfPerson,Package_Id,Amount,Status) values('" + txtreservationdate.Text + "','" + txtstartingdate.Text + "','" + txtendingdate.Text + "','" + ddlcustomerid.SelectedValue + "'," + txtnoofpersons.Text + "," + ddlpackageid.SelectedValue + "," + txtamount.Text + ",'" + txtstatus.Text + "'); select @@IDENTITY;"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds =; cn.modify(qry); // customer travel T qry = " insert into customer_Travel_t(Reservation_id,NumberofSeats,Travel_DateTime, TourFrom,Tourto) values('" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() + "','" + txtnoofpersons.Text + "','" + txtstartingdate.Text + "','" + txtfrom.Text + "','" + txtto.Text + "')";; //PAYMENT if (ddlpaymenttype.SelectedValue == "CASH") { txtbankname.Text = ""; txtcardno.Text = ""; txtchequeno.Text = ""; } else if (ddlpaymenttype.SelectedValue == "CHEQUE" && txtchequeno.Text == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('Input Cheque Number')</script"); } else if (ddlpaymenttype.SelectedValue != "" && txtcardno.Text == "") { Response.Write("<script>alert('Input Card Number ')</script"); } // reservation T string qryp = "insert into Payment_T(Reservation_Id,Payment_Type,Payment_Date,BankName,Card_No,Cheque_No) values('" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() + "','" + ddlpaymenttype.SelectedValue + "','" + txtpaymentdate.Text + "','" + txtbankname.Text + "','" + txtcardno.Text + "','" + txtchequeno.Text + "')"; cn.modify(qryp); Response.Write("<script>alert('Record of Reservation + Tour detail + Payment Data inserted ')</script"); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry = "insert into Payment_T(Payment_Type,Payment_Date,Amount,BankName) values('" + ddlpaymenttype.SelectedValue + "','" + txtpaymentdate.Text + "','" + txtbankname.Text + "')"; cn.modify(qry); clearall(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry = "insert into Reservation_T(First_Name,Middle_Name,Last_Name,BirthDate,AadharNo,Gender) values('" + txtfirstname.Text + "','" + txtmiddlename.Text + "','" + txtlastname.Text + "','" + txtbirthdate.Text + "'," + txtaadharno.Text + ",'" + ddlmalefemale.SelectedValue + "' ) "; cn.modify(qry); clearall(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry = "insert into Customer_Travel_T values(" + txtnoofseats.Text + ",'" + txttraveldatetime.Text + "','" + txtfrom.Text + "','" + txtto.Text + "'," + ddltpid.SelectedValue + ")"; cn.modify(qry); bindgrid(); clearall(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry = " insert into Plane_M values ('" + txtname.Text + "','" + txtbusineesseat.Text + "','" + txteconomyseat.Text + "')"; cn.modify(qry); bindgrid(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Record inserted ')</script"); clearall(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry = " insert into Package_M(Package_Name,Price,No_Of_Days,City_Id,Type,Travel_Mode) values('" + txtpackagename.Text + "'," + txtprice.Text + ",'" + txtnoofdays.Text + "','" + ddlcityid.SelectedValue + "','" + txtpackagetype.Text + "','" + ddltravelmode.SelectedItem + "')"; cn.modify(qry); bindgrid(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Record inserted ')</script"); clearall(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry = " insert into Hotel_M values('" + txthotelname.Text + "','" + txtstar.Text + "','" + txtaddressline1.Text + "','" + txtaddressline2.Text + "','" + txtaddressline3.Text + "','" + ddlcity.SelectedItem + "'," + txtpincode.Text + "," + txtcontactno1.Text + "," + txtcontactno2.Text + ",'" + txtemail.Text + "' )"; cn.modify(qry); bindgrid(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Record inserted ')</script"); clearall(); }
protected void btnsave_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry = "insert into Car_M values('" + ddldetails.SelectedItem + "','" + ddlfueltype.SelectedItem + "','" + txtname.Text + "','" + txtregistrationnumber.Text + "')"; cn.modify(qry); bindgrid(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Record inserted ')</script"); clearall(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry = "insert into Bus_M(Bus_Details,Fuel_Type,Bus_Name,Registration_No,Seats_Appears) values('" + txtbusdetails.Text + "','" + ddlfueltype.SelectedItem + "','" + txtbusname.Text + "','" + txtregistationnumber.Text + "','" + txtseatsappear.Text + "')"; cn.modify(qry); bindgrid(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Record inserted ')</script"); clearall(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry = " insert into Train_M(Train_Type,Train_Time,Train_No) values('" + txttype.Text + "','" + txttraintime.Text + "','" + txttrainno.Text + "' )"; cn.modify(qry); bindgrid(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Record inserted ')</script"); clearall(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry = "insert into TravelPackage_M(Package_Id,Bus_Id,Train_Id,Plane_Id,car_id,RatePerSeat) values(" + ddlpackageid.SelectedValue + "," + ddlbusid.SelectedValue + "," + ddltrainid.SelectedValue + "," + ddlplaneid.SelectedValue + ",'" + ddlcarid.SelectedValue + "','" + txtrateperseat.Text + "')"; cn.modify(qry); bindgrid(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Record inserted ')</script"); clearall(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry = "insert into City_M values('" + txtname.Text + "','" + ddlstatename.SelectedValue + "')"; cn.modify(qry); bindgrid(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Record inserted ')</script"); clearall(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select count(*) from account_type_master where account_type_name= '" + cblaccounttype.SelectedValue + "'"; ds =; { str = "insert into account_type_master(account_type_name) values ('" + cblaccounttype.SelectedValue + "')"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('inserted')</script>"); } viewaccount_type(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry1 = "insert into Login(Email,Password,Security_Question,Security_Answer,Type) values('" + txtemail.Text + "','" + txtpassword.Text + "','" + ddlquestionid.SelectedValue + "','" + txtsecurityanswer.Text + "','C')"; cn.modify(qry1); string qry = "insert into Customer_M(First_Name,Middle_Name,Last_Name,Address_Line1,Address_Line2,Address_Line3,City,Pincode,Contact_No1,Contact_No2,Email,BirthDate,Gender,Aadhar_No,Password,Confirm_Password,Questionid,Securityanswer) values('" + txtfirstname.Text + "','" + txtmiddlename.Text + "','" + txtlastname.Text + "','" + txtaddressline1.Text + "','" + txtaddressline2.Text + "','" + txtaddressline3.Text + "','" + ddlcity.SelectedItem + "'," + txtpincode.Text + "," + txtcontactno1.Text + "," + txtcontactno2.Text + ",'" + txtemail.Text + "','" + txtbirthdate.Text + "','" + ddlgender.SelectedValue + "'," + txtaadharno.Text + ",'" + txtpassword.Text + "','" + txtconfirmpassword.Text + "','" + ddlquestionid.SelectedValue + "','" + txtsecurityanswer.Text + "')"; cn.modify(qry); bindgrid(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Record inserted ')</script"); clearall(); Response.Redirect("frmLogin.aspx"); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select * from payback_master where vouchar_name='" + txtvoucharname.Text + "' and payback_detail='" + txtpaybackdetail.Text + "' and payback_amount=" + txtpaybackamount.Text + ""; ds =; { str = "insert into payback_master(vouchar_name,payback_detail,payback_amount) values ('" + txtvoucharname.Text + "','" + txtpaybackdetail.Text + "'," + txtpaybackamount.Text + ")"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('Payback inserted')</script>"); } viewpayback(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select * from feedback_master where account_no=" + drpaccountno.SelectedValue + " and datetime='" + txtdatetime.Text + "' and feedback='" + txtfeedback.Text + "'"; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { str = "insert into feedback_master(account_no,datetime,feedback) values (" + drpaccountno.SelectedValue + ",'" + txtdatetime.Text + "','" + txtfeedback.Text + "')"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('Feedback inserted..')</script>"); } viewfeedback(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select * from login where email_id='" + txtemail_id.Text + "' and password='******' and sec_q_id=" + drpaecqid.SelectedValue + " and sec_q_ans='" + txtsec_q_ans.Text + "' and user_type='" + rbluser_type.SelectedValue + "'"; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { str = "insert into login (email_id,password,sec_q_id,sec_q_ans,user_type) values ('" + txtemail_id.Text + "','" + txtpassword.Text + "'," + drpaecqid.SelectedValue + ",'" + txtsec_q_ans.Text + "','" + rbluser_type.SelectedValue + "')"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('Welcome :)')</script>"); } viewlogin(); }
protected void btna_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string qry = "insert into feedback(email,Feedback_description,date,name,subject) values('" + email.Text + "','" + message.Text + "','" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "','" + name.Text + "','" + subject.Text + "')"; cn.modify(qry); Response.Write("<script>alert('Feedback Inserted ')</script"); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select * from state_master where state_name='" + txtstatename.Text + "'and country_id=" + drpcountry.SelectedValue; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { str = "insert into state_master(state_name,country_id) values ('" + txtstatename.Text + "'," + drpcountry.SelectedValue + ")"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('inserted')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('duplicate')</script>"); } viewstate(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select * from account_nominee where account_no=" + drpaccountno.SelectedValue + " and nominee_id=" + drpnomineeid.SelectedValue + "and date='" + txtdate.Text + "'"; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { str = "insert into account_nominee(account_no,nominee_id,date) values (" + drpaccountno.SelectedValue + "," + drpnomineeid.SelectedValue + ",'" + txtdate.Text + "')"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('account nominee Detali inserted')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('account nominee Detali duplicate')</script>"); } viewaccountnominee(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select *from account_transaction where account_no=" + drpaccountno.SelectedValue + "and amount=" + txtamount.Text + " and transaction_datetime='" + txttransaction_datetime.Text + "' and description='" + txtdescription.Text + "' and charges_id='" + drpcharges_id.SelectedValue + "' and transaction_type='" + rbltransaction_type.SelectedValue + "'"; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { str = "insert into account_transaction (account_no,amount,transaction_datetime,description,charges_id,transaction_type) values (" + drpaccountno.SelectedValue + "," + txtamount.Text + ",'" + txttransaction_datetime.Text + "' ,'" + txtdescription.Text + "','" + drpcharges_id.SelectedValue + "','" + rbltransaction_type.SelectedValue + "')"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('account_transaction Detali inserted')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('account_transaction Detali duplicate')</script>"); } viewaccount(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select * from country_master where country_name ='" + txtcountryname.Text + "'"; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { str = "insert into country_master(country_name) values('" + txtcountryname.Text + "')"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('Country Record inserted')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Country Record duplicate')</script>"); } viewcountry(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select count (*) from nominee_master where nominee_f_name='" + txtfname.Text + "'and nominee_m_name='" + txtmname.Text + "'and nominee_l_name='" + txtlname.Text + "'and account_no=" + txtaccountno.Text + " and address1='" + txtaddress1.Text + "' and address2='" + txtaddress2.Text + "' and address3='" + txtaddress3.Text + "'and relationshipwith='" + txtrelationshipwith.Text + "'and nominee_dateofbirth='" + txtdateofbirth.Text + "'"; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() == "0") { str = "insert into nominee_master (nominee_f_name,nominee_m_name,nominee_l_name,account_no,address1,address2,address3,relationshipwith,nominee_dateofbirth) values ('" + txtfname.Text + "','" + txtmname.Text + "','" + txtlname.Text + "'," + txtaccountno.Text + ",'" + txtaddress1.Text + "','" + txtaddress2.Text + "','" + txtaddress3.Text + "','" + txtrelationshipwith.Text + "','" + txtdateofbirth.Text + "')"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('nominee Detali inserted')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('nominee Detali Duplicate')</script>"); } viewnominee(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select count(*) from loan_repayment where account_no=" + drpaccountno.SelectedValue + " and loan_id=" + drploanid.SelectedValue + " and date='" + txtdate.Text + "' and amount=" + txtamount.Text + " and payby='" + txtpayby.Text + "' and cheque_no=" + txtchequeno.Text + " and card_no=" + txtcardno.Text + " and description='" + txtdescription.Text + "' "; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() == "0") { str = "insert into loan_repayment (account_no,loan_id,date,amount,payby,cheque_no,card_no,description) values (" + drpaccountno.SelectedValue + "," + drploanid.SelectedValue + ",'" + txtdate.Text + "'," + txtamount.Text + ",'" + txtpayby.Text + "'," + txtchequeno.Text + "," + txtcardno.Text + ",'" + txtdescription.Text + "')"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('Loanrepayment detail inserted')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Loanrepayment duplicate')</script>"); } viewloanrepayment(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select *from chequebook_transaction where account_no=" + drpaccount.SelectedValue + " and issue_date='" + txtissuedate.Text + "' and start_number=" + txtstartnumber.Text + " and end_number=" + txtendnumber.Text + " and apply_date='" + txtapplydate.Text + "'and emp_id=" + drpempid.SelectedValue + ""; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { str = "insert into chequebook_transaction (account_no,issue_date,start_number,end_number,apply_date,emp_id) values (" + drpaccount.SelectedValue + ",'" + txtissuedate.Text + "'," + txtstartnumber.Text + "," + txtendnumber.Text + ",'" + txtapplydate.Text + "'," + drpempid.SelectedValue + ")"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('chequebook_transaction Detali inserted')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('chequebook_transaction Detali duplicate')</script>"); } viewcheque(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select count(*) from loan_master where loan_type='" + txtloan_type.Text + "' and max_loan=" + txtmax_loan.Text + " and min_loan=" + txtmin_loan.Text + " and interest_rate=" + txtinterest_rate.Text + ""; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() == "0") { str = "insert into loan_master (loan_type,max_loan,min_loan,interest_rate) values ('" + txtloan_type.Text + "'," + txtmax_loan.Text + "," + txtmin_loan.Text + "," + txtinterest_rate.Text + ")"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('Loan inserted')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Loan duplicate')</script>"); } viewloan_master(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select count (*) from loan_penalty where account_no=" + drpaccountno.SelectedValue + " and loan_id=" + drploanid.SelectedValue + " and amount=" + txtamount.Text + " and description='" + txtdescription.Text + "' and date='" + txtdate.Text + "'"; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() == "0") { str = "insert into loan_penalty (account_no,loan_id,amount,description,date) values (" + drpaccountno.SelectedValue + "," + drploanid.SelectedValue + "," + txtamount.Text + ",'" + txtdescription.Text + "','" + txtdate.Text + "')"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('loan_penalty Detali inserted')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('loan_penalty Detali Duplicate')</script>"); } viewpenalty(); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select count (*) from customer where f_name='" + txtf_name.Text + "'and m_name='" + txtm_name.Text + "'and l_name='" + txtl_name.Text + "'and email_id='" + txtemail_id.Text + "'and address1='" + txtaddress1.Text + "'and address2='" + txtaddress2.Text + "'and address3='" + txtaddress3.Text + "'and pincode=" + txtpincode.Text + "and city_id=" + drpcity_id.SelectedValue + " and adhar_no=" + txtadhar_no.Text + "and branch_id=" + drpbranch_id.SelectedValue + " and gender='" + rblgender.SelectedValue + "'and birth_date='" + txtbirth_date.Text + "'and contact_no=" + txtcontact_no.Text + ""; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() == "0") { str = "insert into customer (f_name,m_name,l_name,email_id,address1,address2,address3,pincode,city_id,adhar_no,branch_id,gender,birth_date,contact_no) values ('" + txtf_name.Text + "','" + txtm_name.Text + "','" + txtl_name.Text + "','" + txtemail_id.Text + "','" + txtaddress1.Text + "','" + txtaddress2.Text + "','" + txtaddress3.Text + "'," + txtpincode.Text + "," + drpcity_id.SelectedValue + "," + txtadhar_no.Text + "," + drpbranch_id.SelectedValue + ",'" + rblgender.SelectedValue + "','" + txtbirth_date.Text + "'," + txtcontact_no.Text + ")"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('Customer Detali inserted')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Customer Detali Duplicate')</script>"); } viewcustomer(); }
protected void btnsave_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string str = "select * from city_master where city_name='" + txtcityname.Text + "'and state_id=" + drpstate.SelectedValue + ""; ds =; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { str = "insert into city_master(city_name,state_id) values ('" + txtcityname.Text + "'," + drpstate.SelectedValue + ")"; cn.modify(str); Response.Write("<script>alert('City inserted..')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('City duplicate')</script>"); } viewcity(); }