protected override void UpdateData(DataRow row) { if (row == null) { return; } databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow stockCodeRow = (myMasterSource.Current as DataRowView).Row as databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow; stockCodeRow.ItemArray = DataAccess.Libs.UpdateData(row as databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow).ItemArray; stockCodeRow.AcceptChanges(); }
protected override void RemoveCurrent() { this.ShowMessage(""); if (myMasterSource.Current == null) { return; } databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow row = (databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow)(myMasterSource.Current as DataRowView).Row; if (row.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Original)) { DataAccess.Libs.DeleteData(row); } base.RemoveCurrent(); }
public static databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow FindAndCache_StockCode(string code) { databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow row = myCachedDS.stockCode.FindBycode(code); if (row != null) { return(row); } databases.baseDSTableAdapters.stockCodeTA dataTA = new databases.baseDSTableAdapters.stockCodeTA(); dataTA.ClearBeforeFill = false; dataTA.FillByCode(myCachedDS.stockCode, code); row = myCachedDS.stockCode.FindBycode(code); if (row != null) { return(row); } return(null); }
public override void AddNew(string code) { databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow lastRow = (databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow)((DataRowView)myMasterSource.Current).Row; databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow row = (databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow)((DataRowView)myMasterSource.AddNew()).Row; if (row == null) { return; } databases.AppLibs.InitData(row); row.code = code; if (lastRow != null) { row.stockExchange = lastRow.stockExchange; } int position = myMasterSource.Position; myMasterSource.Position = -1; myMasterSource.Position = position; SetFirstFocus(); }
public static void InitData(databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow row) { row.code = ""; row.tickerCode = ""; row.stockExchange = ""; = ""; row.address1 = ""; = ""; = ""; = ""; row.fax = ""; = Settings.sysDefaultCountry; row.bizSectors = ""; row.regDate = DateTime.Today; row.capitalUnit = Settings.sysMainCurrency; row.workingCap = 0; row.equity = 0; row.totalDebt = 0; row.totaAssets = 0; row.noOutstandingStock = 1000000; row.noListedStock = 1000000; row.noTreasuryStock = 0; row.noForeignOwnedStock = 0; row.bookPrice = 0; row.targetPrice = 0; row.targetPriceVariant = 0; row.sales = 0; row.profit = 0; row.equity = 0; row.totalDebt = 0; row.totaAssets = 0; row.PB = 0; row.EPS = 0; row.PE = 0; row.ROA = 0; row.ROE = 0; row.BETA = 0; row.status = (byte)AppTypes.CommonStatus.Enable; }
/// <summary> /// Estimate the profit from advices produced by analysis process. /// The function will produce a list of "transactions" assuming to be done from analysis advices. /// </summary> /// <param name="data"> Data used for analysis </param> /// <param name="tradePoints">Trade point list generated by analysis process</param> /// <param name="options">User- specific options : captital, max Buy...</param> /// <param name="returnObj">Returned object </param> /// <param name="afterEachEstimationFunc">Call-back function at the end of each tradepoind estimation</param> /// <param name="afterEstimationFunc">Call-back function at the end of estimation process</param> /// public static void EstimateTrading(AnalysisData data, TradePointInfo[] tradePoints, EstimateOptions options, object returnObj, AfterEachEstimationFunc afterEachEstimationFunc, AfterEstimationFunc afterEstimationFunc) { EstimationData myEstimationData = new EstimationData(); global::databases.baseDS.stockExchangeRow marketRow = databases.DbAccess.GetStockExchange(data.DataStockCode); decimal initCapAmt = options.TotalCapAmt * options.MaxBuyAmtPerc / 100; decimal priceWeight = marketRow.priceRatio; decimal feePerc = marketRow.tranFeePerc / 100; short buy2SellInterval = marketRow.minBuySellDay; databases.baseDS.stockCodeRow stockCodeRow = application.SysLibs.FindAndCache_StockCode(data.DataStockCode); if (stockCodeRow == null) { return; } int transDataIdx, lastBuyId = -1; decimal stockQty = 0, qty; decimal maxBuyQty = (decimal)(stockCodeRow.noOutstandingStock * options.MaxBuyQtyPerc / 100); decimal stockAmt = 0, stockPrice = 0, amt, feeAmt, totalFeeAmt = 0; decimal cashAmt = initCapAmt; //DateTime transDate = common.Consts.constNullDate; ; for (int idx = 0; idx < tradePoints.Length; idx++) { transDataIdx = tradePoints[idx].DataIdx; qty = 0; amt = 0; myEstimationData.ignored = false; stockPrice = (decimal)data.Close[transDataIdx]; switch (tradePoints[idx].TradeAction) { case AppTypes.TradeActions.Buy: //Assume that we can only buy if we have money qty = (stockPrice == 0 ? 0 : Math.Floor(cashAmt / ((stockPrice * priceWeight) * (1 + feePerc)))); if (qty > maxBuyQty) { qty = maxBuyQty; } if (qty != 0) { amt = qty * stockPrice * priceWeight; stockAmt += amt; stockQty += qty; feeAmt = Math.Round(amt * feePerc, 0); cashAmt -= amt + feeAmt; totalFeeAmt += feeAmt; lastBuyId = transDataIdx; } else { myEstimationData.ignored = true; } break; case AppTypes.TradeActions.Sell: //Can sell if own some stock if (stockQty <= 0) { myEstimationData.ignored = true; break; } // Not applicable to sell if (lastBuyId < 0) { myEstimationData.ignored = true; break; } //========================== // Check T+4 contrainst //========================== int minAllowSellPointIdx = lastBuyId + buy2SellInterval; // [minAllowSellPoint] is out of data bound , ignore it. if (minAllowSellPointIdx >= data.DateTime.Count) { myEstimationData.ignored = true; } // Violate T4 contrainst ? if (!myEstimationData.ignored && tradePoints[idx].DataIdx < minAllowSellPointIdx) { // Keep inapplicable Sells ?? if (Settings.sysKeepInApplicableSell) { //If it is the last trade point, make transaction (sell) at [minAllowSellPoint] if (idx >= tradePoints.Length - 1) { transDataIdx = minAllowSellPointIdx; } else { //If there is some trade point between it and [minAllowSellPoint], ignore it if (tradePoints[idx + 1].DataIdx < minAllowSellPointIdx) { myEstimationData.ignored = true; } else { transDataIdx = minAllowSellPointIdx; } } } else { myEstimationData.ignored = true; } } //Ok, sell it if (myEstimationData.ignored != true) { stockPrice = (decimal)data.Close[transDataIdx]; qty = stockQty; amt = qty * stockPrice * priceWeight; stockQty = 0; stockAmt = 0; feeAmt = Math.Round(amt * feePerc, 0); cashAmt += amt - feeAmt; totalFeeAmt += feeAmt; //Adjust trade point to refresh chages by T4 constrainst tradePoints[idx].DataIdx = transDataIdx; } else { tradePoints[idx].isValid = false; } break; } myEstimationData.tradeAction = tradePoints[idx].TradeAction; myEstimationData.onDate = DateTime.FromOADate(data.DateTime[transDataIdx]); myEstimationData.price = stockPrice; myEstimationData.qty = qty; myEstimationData.amt = amt; myEstimationData.feeAmt = totalFeeAmt; myEstimationData.ownedQty = stockQty; myEstimationData.ownedAmt = stockAmt; myEstimationData.cashAmt = cashAmt; myEstimationData.profitAmt = cashAmt + stockAmt - initCapAmt; if (afterEachEstimationFunc != null) { afterEachEstimationFunc(myEstimationData, returnObj); } } if (afterEstimationFunc != null) { afterEstimationFunc(myEstimationData, returnObj); } }