예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Genetic Neural Training With Random Positions, Players and Cards
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameType"></param>
        /// <param name="gameCache"></param>
        /// <param name="playerNames"></param>
        /// <param name="startingStack"></param>
        /// <param name="minNumTablePlayers"></param>
        /// <param name="maxHandsToPlay"></param>
        /// <param name="actionPause"></param>
        /// <param name="aiManager"></param>
        /// <param name="geneticPlayerIds"></param>
        /// <param name="nonGeneticPlayerIds"></param>
        /// <param name="numGeneticTablePlayers"></param>
        public GeneticNeuralTrainingPokerGame(PokerGameType gameType, databaseCacheClient gameCache, string[] playerNames, decimal startingStack, byte minNumTablePlayers, int maxHandsToPlay, int actionPause, AIManager aiManager, List <long> geneticPlayerIds, List <long> nonGeneticPlayerIds, byte numGeneticTablePlayers)
            : base(gameType, gameCache, minNumTablePlayers, aiManager, playerNames, startingStack, maxHandsToPlay, actionPause)
            this.geneticPlayerIds       = geneticPlayerIds;
            this.nonGeneticPlayerIds    = nonGeneticPlayerIds;
            this.numGeneticTablePlayers = numGeneticTablePlayers;

            this.autoRemovePlayersWithLargeStackInBB = 200;
예제 #2
        public static CacheError AwardPot(databaseCacheClient clientCache, PokerRakeDelegate rakeCalculator)
            if (clientCache.getActivePositionsLeftToAct().Length != 0)
                return(new CacheError(CacheError.ErrorType.ActionError, clientCache.TableId, clientCache.getCurrentHandId(), null, "Cannot end hand with players still to act"));

            return(AwardPot(clientCache, rakeCalculator, DateTime.Now, 0));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Genetic Neural Training With Fixed Positions and Fixed Cards
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameType"></param>
        /// <param name="gameCache"></param>
        /// <param name="playerNames"></param>
        /// <param name="startingStack"></param>
        /// <param name="minNumTablePlayers"></param>
        /// <param name="maxHandsToPlay"></param>
        /// <param name="actionPause"></param>
        /// <param name="aiManager"></param>
        /// <param name="positionPlayerIds"></param>
        /// <param name="cardsManager"></param>
        public GeneticNeuralTrainingPokerGame(PokerGameType gameType, databaseCacheClient gameCache, string[] playerNames, decimal startingStack, byte minNumTablePlayers, int maxHandsBeforeTableReset, int maxHandsToPlay, int actionPause, AIManager aiManager, List <long[]> positionPlayerIds, CardsManager cardsManager)
            : base(gameType, gameCache, minNumTablePlayers, aiManager, playerNames, startingStack, maxHandsToPlay, actionPause)
            this.positionPlayerIds = positionPlayerIds;
            this.cardsManager      = cardsManager;

            //Set the correct dealerIndex based on currentHandIndex
            dealerIndex = (byte)(cardsManager.CurrentHandIndex % gameCache.NumSeats);
            this.autoRemovePlayersWithLargeStackInBB = 200;
            this.maxHandsBeforeTableReset            = maxHandsBeforeTableReset;
예제 #4
        private void playPoker_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (playPoker.Text == "Play Poker")
                PokerClients client             = PokerClients.HumanVsBots;
                int          actionPauseTime    = int.Parse(this.actionPause.Text);
                byte         minNumTablePlayers = 2;

                AISelection[] selectedPlayers = this.aiSelectionControl1.AISelection();

                //Select the playerId's for all of the bot players
                if (selectedPlayers.Length > 10)
                    throw new Exception("A maximum of 10 players is allowed.");


                long[]   newPlayerIds        = PokerHelper.CreateOpponentPlayers(selectedPlayers, obfuscateBots.Checked, (short)client);
                string[] selectedPlayerNames = new string[newPlayerIds.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < newPlayerIds.Length; i++)
                    selectedPlayerNames[i] = databaseQueries.convertToPlayerNameFromId(newPlayerIds[i]);

                //Shuffle the player list so we have absolutly no idea who is who.
                selectedPlayerNames = shuffleList(selectedPlayerNames.ToList()).ToArray();
                clientCache         = new databaseCacheClient((short)client, this.gameName.Text, decimal.Parse(this.littleBlind.Text), decimal.Parse(this.bigBlind.Text), decimal.Parse(this.startingStack.Text), 10, HandDataSource.PlayingTest);
                CacheMonitor.CacheMonitor cacheMonitor = new PokerBot.CacheMonitor.CacheMonitor(clientCache, !showAllCards.Checked);

                pokerGame = new BotVsHumanPokerGame(PokerGameType.BotVsHuman, clientCache, minNumTablePlayers, selectedPlayerNames, Decimal.Parse(startingStack.Text), 0, Int16.Parse(actionPause.Text), cacheMonitor);

                playPoker.Text = "End Game";
                playPoker.Text    = "Ending Game";
                playPoker.Enabled = false;

                pokerGame.EndGame = true;

                playPoker.Text    = "Play Poker";
                playPoker.Enabled = true;
예제 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            databaseCache genericCache;

            if (args == null || args.Length != 1 || !File.Exists(args[0]))
                genericCache = new databaseCacheClient(1, "Empty Cache", 10, 20, 2000, 9, Definitions.HandDataSource.Undefined);
                genericCache = databaseCache.DeSerialise(File.ReadAllBytes(args[0]));

            Application.Run(new CacheMonitor(genericCache, false, false));
예제 #6
        public static CacheError ReturnUncalledBets(databaseCacheClient clientCache)
            if (clientCache.getActivePositionsLeftToAct().Length != 0)
                return(new CacheError(CacheError.ErrorType.ActionError, clientCache.TableId, clientCache.getCurrentHandId(), null, "Cannot end hand with players still to act"));

            long[] playerIdsInHand =
                (from ha in clientCache.getAllHandActions()
                 where ha.handId == clientCache.getCurrentHandId()
                 where ha.actionType == PokerAction.Fold || ha.actionType == PokerAction.Call ||
                 ha.actionType == PokerAction.Raise || ha.actionType == PokerAction.BigBlind
                 select ha.playerId).Distinct().ToArray();

            decimal max1 = 0, max2 = 0, temp;
            long    max1ID = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < playerIdsInHand.Count(); i++)
                temp = clientCache.getTotalPlayerMoneyInPot(playerIdsInHand[i]);

                if (temp > max1)
                    max2   = max1;
                    max1   = temp;
                    max1ID = playerIdsInHand[i];
                else if (temp > max2)
                    max2 = temp;

            if (max1 > max2)
                var result = clientCache.newHandAction(max1ID, PokerAction.ReturnBet, max1 - max2);

                if (result != CacheError.noError)

예제 #7
        public pokerGameThreadManagment(pokerGameType gameType, databaseCacheClient clientCache, bool endOnFirstDeath, bool useAiServer, string aiServerIP, string[] playerNames, decimal startingStack, int maxHandsToPlay, int actionPause, List <Control> neuralTrainingOutputFields, List <Control> neuralPlayerActionLog)
            //We may or may not want to use an external AI servers
            if (useAiServer && gameType == pokerGameType.BotVsBot)
                game = new BotvsBot(gameType, clientCache, playerNames, startingStack, endOnFirstDeath, aiServerIP, maxHandsToPlay, actionPause);
            else if (!useAiServer && gameType == pokerGameType.BotVsBot)
                game = new BotvsBot(gameType, clientCache, playerNames, startingStack, endOnFirstDeath, "", maxHandsToPlay, actionPause);
            else if (gameType == pokerGameType.NeuralManualBotTraining)
                game = new BotvsBot(gameType, clientCache, playerNames, startingStack, endOnFirstDeath, "", maxHandsToPlay, actionPause, neuralTrainingOutputFields, neuralPlayerActionLog);

            gameThread = new Thread(game.playGame);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the neural training game
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void startNeuralTraining_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (startNeuralTraining.Text == "Start Game")

                clientCache = new databaseCacheClient(short.Parse(clientId.Text), this.gameName.Text, decimal.Parse(this.littleBlind.Text), decimal.Parse(this.bigBlind.Text), decimal.Parse(this.startingStack.Text), 9, HandDataSource.NeuralTraining);
                pokerGame   = new ManualNeuralTrainingPokerGame(PokerGameType.ManualNeuralTraining, clientCache, 0, neuralPlayerNames.ToArray(), Decimal.Parse(startingStack.Text), 0, 0, neuralTrainingOutputFields, neuralPlayerActionLog);

                viewNerualTrainingTable.Enabled = true;
                startNeuralTraining.Text        = "End Game";
                startNeuralTraining.Text    = "Ending Game";
                startNeuralTraining.Enabled = false;

                pokerGame.EndGame = true;

                startNeuralTraining.Text    = "Start Game";
                startNeuralTraining.Enabled = true;
예제 #9
        public static CacheError AwardPot(databaseCacheClient clientCache, PokerRakeDelegate rakeCalculator, DateTime actionTime, int numCompletedHands)
            #region awardPot

            if (clientCache.getActivePositions().Length > 1 && clientCache.getBettingRound() != 3)
                return(new CacheError(CacheError.ErrorType.ActionError, clientCache.TableId, clientCache.getCurrentHandId(), null, "Cannot return bets or award pot with more than 1 player in hand unless all table cards are known"));

            List <playerHandValue> playerHandValues = new List <playerHandValue>();
            //Last thing is to implement at sidepots and returned bets

            //For each player that is all in, work out how much they put in the pot
            //Determine how many individuals were in the pot when that player last bet
            //The sidepot for that player is their money * number players

            //Rank all the remaning players hands in order to correctly dish out the pot
            //We are going to ignore side pots for now ;)
            var activePositions    = clientCache.getActivePositions();
            var currentHandDetails = clientCache.getCurrentHandDetails();

            long[] satInPlayerIDs = clientCache.getSatInPlayerIds();

            long[] playerIdsInHand =
                (from ha in clientCache.getAllHandActions()
                 where ha.handId == clientCache.getCurrentHandId()
                 where ha.actionType == PokerAction.Fold || ha.actionType == PokerAction.Call ||
                 ha.actionType == PokerAction.Raise || ha.actionType == PokerAction.BigBlind
                 select ha.playerId).Distinct().ToArray();

            decimal[] allBetAmounts = new decimal[playerIdsInHand.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < allBetAmounts.Length; i++)
                allBetAmounts[i] = clientCache.getTotalPlayerMoneyInPot(playerIdsInHand[i]);

            //Determine each positions HandValueObject
            for (int i = 0; i < playerIdsInHand.Length; i++)
                long    playerId         = playerIdsInHand[i];
                string  playerName       = clientCache.getPlayerName(playerId);
                byte    playerPosition   = clientCache.getPlayerPosition(playerId);
                decimal playerMoneyInPot = clientCache.getTotalPlayerMoneyInPot(playerId);
                decimal maxWinAmount     = 0;
                int     playerHandValue  = 0;
                bool    hasFolded        = true;

                if (satInPlayerIDs.Contains(playerId) && activePositions.Contains(playerPosition))
                    hasFolded = false;

                    if (activePositions.Length == 1)
                        playerHandValue = 100;
                    else if (clientCache.getPlayerHoleCards(playerId).holeCard1 == (byte)Card.NoCard)
                        playerHandValue = 0;
                        //if (GPAJob == null)
                        playerHandValue = HandRank.GetHandRank((Card)clientCache.getPlayerHoleCards(playerId).holeCard1, (Card)clientCache.getPlayerHoleCards(playerId).holeCard2, (Card)currentHandDetails.tableCard1, (Card)currentHandDetails.tableCard2, (Card)currentHandDetails.tableCard3, (Card)currentHandDetails.tableCard4, (Card)currentHandDetails.tableCard5);
                        //    playerHandValue = GPAJob.HoleCardValues[numCompletedHands][playerPosition];

                    //Work out the maximum this player could win
                    for (int j = 0; j < allBetAmounts.Length; j++)
                        decimal result = allBetAmounts[j] - playerMoneyInPot;
                        if (result <= 0)
                            maxWinAmount += allBetAmounts[j];
                            maxWinAmount += playerMoneyInPot;

                //Add this information to playerHandValues
                playerHandValues.Add(new playerHandValue(playerHandValue, playerId, playerName, playerMoneyInPot, maxWinAmount, hasFolded));

            decimal deadBlindMoney = clientCache.getDeadBlindMoneyInPot();

            foreach (var handValue in playerHandValues)
                if (handValue.maximumWinableAmount > 0)
                    handValue.maximumWinableAmount += deadBlindMoney;

            //Sort ascending on maximum winable amount ascending.

            //Linq version of sort from when sort didn't work in mono. See comments in CompareTo method in playerHandValue class

             * playerHandValues = (from values in playerHandValues
             *                  orderby values.maximumWinableAmount ascending
             *                  select values).ToList();

            List <decimal> potAmounts = new List <decimal>();
            decimal        totalPot   = 0.0m;

            for (int i = 0; i < playerHandValues.Count; i++)
                if (playerHandValues[i].maximumWinableAmount == 0.0m)

                if (playerHandValues[i].maximumWinableAmount > totalPot)
                    potAmounts.Add(playerHandValues[i].maximumWinableAmount - totalPot);

                    totalPot = playerHandValues[i].maximumWinableAmount;

            int potIndex = 0;

            //Go through each player
            for (int i = 0; i < playerHandValues.Count; i++)
                //if they cannot win any money continue the loop
                if (playerHandValues[i].maximumWinableAmount == 0.0m)

                //if there is a contested pot we need to do some thinking
                if (i < playerHandValues.Count - 1)
                    //Work out the pot amount for this stage
                    decimal potAmount = playerHandValues[i].maximumWinableAmount;

                    //next work out the rake for this pot
                    decimal rake = rakeCalculator(clientCache, potAmounts, potIndex);

                    //Next go through each player with at least this amount to win and see how many winners of this pot there are
                    int winningRank = 0, winnerCount = 0;
                    for (int j = i; j < playerHandValues.Count; j++)
                        //if hand value of player is greatest than that found so far we have a new possible winner
                        if (playerHandValues[j].handValue > winningRank)
                            winningRank = playerHandValues[j].handValue;
                            winnerCount = 1;
                        }//if rank is equal to winning rank so far we have another winnner
                        else if (playerHandValues[j].handValue == winningRank && playerHandValues[j].maximumWinableAmount > 0)

                    //Now we know how many winners there are calculate amount each should get
                    decimal winAmountPerWinner = ((decimal)((int)(100 * (potAmount - rake) / winnerCount))) / 100.0m;

                    //work out odd cents number so we can give those to the players closest to dealer
                    int numberOddCents = (int)((potAmount - rake - winnerCount * winAmountPerWinner) * 100);

                    //Now do the rake if greater than 0
                    CacheError result = CacheError.noError;

                    if (rake > 0)
                        result = clientCache.newHandAction(clientCache.getPlayerId(clientCache.getCurrentHandDetails().dealerPosition), PokerAction.TableRake, rake);
                        if (result != CacheError.noError)

                    playerHandValue[] winners;

                    //Get a list of winners and order by dealer distance if we have odd cents
                    if (numberOddCents != 0)
                        winners =
                            (from players in playerHandValues
                             where players.handValue == winningRank && players.maximumWinableAmount > 0
                             orderby clientCache.getActivePlayerDistanceToDealer(players.playerId) ascending
                             select players).ToArray();
                        winners =
                            (from players in playerHandValues
                             where players.handValue == winningRank && players.maximumWinableAmount > 0
                             select players).ToArray();

                    //go through each winner and award them their share of the pot adding a cent if there are still odd
                    //cents to dish out
                    for (int j = 0; j < winners.Count(); j++)
                        if (numberOddCents > 0)
                            result = clientCache.newHandAction(winners[j].playerId, PokerAction.WinPot, winAmountPerWinner + 0.01m);

                            result = clientCache.newHandAction(winners[j].playerId, PokerAction.WinPot, winAmountPerWinner);

                        if (result != CacheError.noError)

                    //now go through each player thats left and reduce their maximumWinablePot by this pot value
                    for (int j = i; j < playerHandValues.Count; j++)
                        playerHandValues[j].maximumWinableAmount -= potAmount;

                    //if we get here there must be extra pot to hand out to the last player

                    decimal    potAmount = playerHandValues[i].maximumWinableAmount;
                    decimal    rake      = rakeCalculator(clientCache, potAmounts, potIndex);
                    CacheError result;

                    result = clientCache.newHandAction(playerHandValues[i].playerId, PokerAction.WinPot, potAmount - rake);
                    if (result != CacheError.noError)

                    if (rake > 0)
                        result = clientCache.newHandAction(clientCache.getPlayerId(clientCache.getCurrentHandDetails().dealerPosition), PokerAction.TableRake, rake);
                        if (result != CacheError.noError)

                    playerHandValues[i].maximumWinableAmount -= potAmount;


            //At this point the entire point must have been awarded
            //We want to break here instead of cause a cache error so that we can find out what the problem was!!
            decimal totalAwardedAmounts =
                (from wins in clientCache.getAllHandActions()
                 where wins.handId == clientCache.getCurrentHandId() && (wins.actionType == PokerAction.WinPot || wins.actionType == PokerAction.TableRake)
                 select wins.actionValue).Sum();

            if (totalAwardedAmounts != clientCache.getCurrentHandDetails().potValue)
                return(new CacheError(CacheError.ErrorType.AmountInvalid, clientCache.TableId, clientCache.getCurrentHandId(), null, "The full pot amount has not been awarded."));

            #endregion awardPot

예제 #10
 public BotVsBotPokerGame(PokerGameType gameType, databaseCacheClient clientCache, byte minNumTablePlayers, AIManager aiManager, string[] playerNames, decimal startingStack, int maxHandsToPlay, int actionPause)
     : base(gameType, clientCache, playerNames, startingStack, minNumTablePlayers, maxHandsToPlay, actionPause, aiManager)
     //Nothing special happens here
예제 #11
 public BotVsHumanPokerGame(PokerGameType gameType, databaseCacheClient clientCache, byte minNumTablePlayers, string[] playerNames, decimal startingStack, int maxHandsToPlay, bool useAISetDecisionTime)
     : base(gameType, clientCache, playerNames, startingStack, minNumTablePlayers, maxHandsToPlay, 1500)
     this.useAISetDecisionTime = useAISetDecisionTime;
예제 #12
 public BotVsHumanPokerGame(PokerGameType gameType, databaseCacheClient clientCache, byte minNumTablePlayers, string[] playerNames, decimal startingStack, int maxHandsToPlay, int actionPause, PokerBot.CacheMonitor.CacheMonitor cacheMonitor)
     : base(gameType, clientCache, playerNames, startingStack, minNumTablePlayers, maxHandsToPlay, actionPause)
     this.cacheMonitor = cacheMonitor;
 public ManualNeuralTrainingPokerGame(PokerGameType gameType, databaseCacheClient clientCache, byte minNumTablePlayers, string[] playerNames, decimal startingStack, int maxHandsToPlay, int actionPause, List <Control> neuralTrainingOutputFields, List <Control> neuralPlayerActionLog)
     : base(gameType, clientCache, playerNames, startingStack, minNumTablePlayers, maxHandsToPlay, actionPause)
     this.neuralTrainingOutputFields = neuralTrainingOutputFields;
     this.neuralPlayerActionLog      = neuralPlayerActionLog;