private void FullImport(object sql) { data_mapping_schema dms = data_mapping_schema.GetDefaultSchema; OleDbConnection oConnect; DataTable resultData = new DataTable(); OleDbDataAdapter oAdapter; try { oConnect = new OleDbConnection(dms.GetConnectionString(true)); oConnect.Open(); } catch (Exception err) { LoggingHelper.Log("Could not connect to DB in frmClaimSendHistory_Load", LogSeverity.Error, err, false); ImportTouchup(); return; } oAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(sql.ToString(), oConnect); oAdapter.Fill(resultData); foreach (DataRow aRow in resultData.Rows) { CheckCreateEligibility(aRow); } system_options.LastEligibilityDate = DateTime.Now; ImportTouchup(); }
public static data_mapping_schema GetSchemaData() { data_mapping_schema aSchema = new data_mapping_schema(); DataTable allSchemas = aSchema.Search(aSchema.SearchSQL + " ORDER BY schema_name"); foreach (DataRow aRow in allSchemas.Rows) { aSchema = new data_mapping_schema(); aSchema.Load(aRow); } return(aSchema); }
private void frmClaimSendHistory_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { data_mapping_schema dms = data_mapping_schema.GetDefaultSchema; dtpStart.Value = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0)); dtpEnd.Value = DateTime.Now; try { oConnect = new OleDbConnection(dms.GetConnectionString(true)); oConnect.Open(); } catch (Exception err) { LoggingHelper.Log("Could not connect to DB in frmClaimSendHistory_Load", LogSeverity.Error, err, false); MessageBox.Show(this, "A connection to the database could not be established."); return; } }
public static void createImport() { data_mapping_schema aSchema = new data_mapping_schema(); DataTable allSchemas = aSchema.Search(aSchema.SearchSQL + " ORDER BY schema_name"); int c = 0; foreach (DataRow aRow in allSchemas.Rows) { aSchema = new data_mapping_schema(); aSchema.Load(aRow); if (c == 0) { dms = aSchema; c = 1; } } //dms = GetSchemaData(); GoImport(); //ImportThread.RunWorkerAsync(); }
private void CheckEligibility() { data_mapping_schema dms = data_mapping_schema.GetDefaultSchema; OleDbConnection oConnect; DataTable resultData = new DataTable(); OleDbDataAdapter oAdapter; try { oConnect = new OleDbConnection(dms.GetConnectionString(true)); oConnect.Open(); } catch (Exception err) { LoggingHelper.Log("Could not connect to DB to send claims", LogSeverity.Error, err, false); return; } string sql = @"SELECT appt.patNAme as patient, payer.inscoName AS PAYER_NAME, payer.insID + '-' + payer.insDB AS Payer_ID, payer.STREET AS PAYER_ADDRESS1, payer.STREET2 AS PAYER_ADDRESS2, payer.CITY AS PAYER_CITY, payer.STATE AS PAYER_STATE,payer.ZIP AS PAYER_ZIP, appt.APPTDATE AS APPT_DATE, appt.time_hour AS APPT_HOUR, appt.time_minute AS APPT_MINUTE, prov.NAME_FIRST AS Provider_FirstName, prov.NAME_LAST AS Provider_LastName, prov.ID1 AS Provider_NPI, prov.STATEID AS Provider_LicenseNo, 'CT' AS provider_state, insured.idnum as Subscriber_ID, sub.lastname AS Subscriber_LastName, sub.firstname AS Subscriber_FirstName, sub.gender AS Subscriber_Gender, sub.birthdate AS Subscriber_DOB, payer.GroupNum as GroupNo, dep.patID + '-' + dep.patDB AS SubscriberDependentID, dep.PRINSREL AS PatientRelation, dep.patID + '-' + dep.PATDB as Dependent_ID, dep.LastName as Dependent_LastName, dep.FirstName as Dependent_FirstName, dep.gender AS Dependent_Gender, dep.BirthDate as Dependent_DOB FROM DDB_APPT appt INNER JOIN DDB_PAT_BASE dep ON (appt.PATID = dep.PATID AND appt.PATDB = dep.PATDB) INNER JOIN DDB_INSURED insured ON (dep.PRINSUREDID = insured.INSUREDID AND dep.PRINSUREDDB = insured.insuredDB) INNER JOIN DDB_INSURANCE_BASE payer ON (insured.insID = payer.insID AND insured.INSDB = payer.insDB) INNER JOIN DDB_PAT_BASE sub ON (insured.insuredPartyID = sub.PATID AND insured.insuredPartyDB = sub.PATDB) INNER JOIN DDB_RSC_BASE prov ON (prov.URSCID = appt.PRPROVID AND prov.RSCDB = appt.PRPROVDB) WHERE (OPTYPE = 3) AND ("; string whereClause = ""; foreach (Control aControl in pnlResults.Controls) { if (aControl is ctlPatientEligibility) { ctlPatientEligibility anAppointment = (ctlPatientEligibility)aControl; if (anAppointment.CheckState) { if (whereClause != "") { whereClause += " OR"; } whereClause += string.Format(" (APPTID = {0} AND APPTDB = {1})", anAppointment.EligibilityData.dentrix_id, anAppointment.EligibilityData.dentrix_db); } } } sql += whereClause + ")"; oAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(sql, oConnect); oAdapter.Fill(resultData); string fullDocAsList = EligibilityHelper.ConvertFromTable(resultData); ftpTransfer.Initialize(); ftpTransfer.Show(); ftpTransfer.UpdateMainLabel("Creating files to send to Mercury...", false); ParameterizedThreadStart ts = new ParameterizedThreadStart(UploadThreadSafe); Thread t = new Thread(ts); t.Start(fullDocAsList); }