public ODERayCastRequestManager(ODEPhysicsScene pScene)
            m_scene = pScene;
            nearCallback = NearSpace;

            ContactgeomsArray = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(contactsPerCollision * d.ContactGeom.unmanagedSizeOf);
        public AuroraODERayCastRequestManager(AuroraODEPhysicsScene pScene)
            m_scene      = pScene;
            nearCallback = near;

            ContactgeomsArray = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(contactsPerCollision * d.ContactGeom.unmanagedSizeOf);
 public ODERayCastRequestManager(ODEScene pScene)
     m_scene      = pScene;
     nearCallback = near;
     ray          = d.CreateRay(IntPtr.Zero, 1.0f);
     d.GeomSetCategoryBits(ray, 0);
     Box = d.CreateBox(IntPtr.Zero, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
     d.GeomSetCategoryBits(Box, 0);
     Sphere = d.CreateSphere(IntPtr.Zero, 1.0f);
     d.GeomSetCategoryBits(Sphere, 0);
     Plane = d.CreatePlane(IntPtr.Zero, 0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
     d.GeomSetCategoryBits(Sphere, 0);
예제 #4
/* maybe needed if ode uses tls
        private void checkThread()

            int th = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
            if(th != threadid)
                threadid = th;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiailizes the scene
        /// Sets many properties that ODE requires to be stable
        /// These settings need to be tweaked 'exactly' right or weird stuff happens.
        /// </summary>
        public OdeScene(string sceneIdentifier)
                = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.ToString() + "." + sceneIdentifier);

//            checkThread();
            Name = sceneIdentifier;

            OdeLock = new Object();
            SimulationLock = new Object();

            nearCallback = near;

            m_rayCastManager = new ODERayCastRequestManager(this);
            lock (OdeLock)
                // Create the world and the first space
                    world = d.WorldCreate();
                    TopSpace = d.HashSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero);

                    // now the major subspaces
                    ActiveSpace = d.HashSpaceCreate(TopSpace);
                    StaticSpace = d.HashSpaceCreate(TopSpace);
                    // i must RtC#FM 

                d.HashSpaceSetLevels(TopSpace, -2, 8); // cell sizes from .25 to 256 ?? need check what this really does
                d.HashSpaceSetLevels(ActiveSpace, -2, 8);
                d.HashSpaceSetLevels(StaticSpace, -2, 8);

                // demote to second level
                d.SpaceSetSublevel(ActiveSpace, 1);
                d.SpaceSetSublevel(StaticSpace, 1);

                contactgroup = d.JointGroupCreate(0);

                d.WorldSetAutoDisableFlag(world, false);
                #if USE_DRAWSTUFF
                Thread viewthread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(startvisualization));

            _watermap = new float[258 * 258];
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes the scene
        ///     Sets many properties that ODE requires to be stable
        ///     These settings need to be tweaked 'exactly' right or weird stuff happens.
        /// </summary>
        public ODEPhysicsScene()
            MainConsole.Instance.WarnFormat("[ODE Physics]: Selected engine -> Open Dynamics");

            nearCallback = IsNearBody;
            // Create the world and the first space
            world = d.WorldCreate();
            space = d.HashSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero);

            contactgroup = d.JointGroupCreate(0);

            d.WorldSetAutoDisableFlag(world, false);
 public ODERayCastRequestManager(OdeScene pScene)
     m_scene = pScene;
     nearCallback = near;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        ///   Initiailizes the scene
        ///   Sets many properties that ODE requires to be stable
        ///   These settings need to be tweaked 'exactly' right or weird stuff happens.
        /// </summary>
        public AuroraODEPhysicsScene(string sceneIdentifier)
            OdeLock = new Object();
            nearCallback = near;
            lock (OdeLock)
                // Create the world and the first space
                world = d.WorldCreate();
                space = d.HashSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero);

                contactgroup = d.JointGroupCreate(0);

                d.WorldSetAutoDisableFlag(world, false);
                Thread viewthread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(startvisualization));
예제 #8
 public ODERayCastRequestManager(OdeScene pScene)
     m_scene      = pScene;
     nearCallback = near;
 public AuroraODERayCastRequestManager(AuroraODEPhysicsScene pScene)
     m_scene = pScene;
     nearCallback = near;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiailizes the scene
        /// Sets many properties that ODE requires to be stable
        /// These settings need to be tweaked 'exactly' right or weird stuff happens.
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialise(Vector3 regionExtent)
			WorldExtents.X = regionExtent.X;
            m_regionWidth = (uint)regionExtent.X;
            WorldExtents.Y = regionExtent.Y;
            m_regionHeight = (uint)regionExtent.Y;
            m_suportCombine = false;
            nearCallback = near;
            triCallback = TriCallback;
            triArrayCallback = TriArrayCallback;
            m_rayCastManager = new ODERayCastRequestManager(this);

            // Create the world and the first space
            world = d.WorldCreate();
            space = d.HashSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero);

            contactgroup = d.JointGroupCreate(0);

            d.WorldSetAutoDisableFlag(world, false);

            #if USE_DRAWSTUFF
            Thread viewthread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(startvisualization));

 //           _watermap = new float[258 * 258];

            // Zero out the prim spaces array (we split our space into smaller spaces so
            // we can hit test less.
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initiailizes the scene
        ///     Sets many properties that ODE requires to be stable
        ///     These settings need to be tweaked 'exactly' right or weird stuff happens.
        /// </summary>
        public WhiteCoreODEPhysicsScene()
            nearCallback = near;
            // Create the world and the first space
            world = d.WorldCreate();
            space = d.HashSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero);

            contactgroup = d.JointGroupCreate(0);

            d.WorldSetAutoDisableFlag(world, false);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiailizes the scene
        /// Sets many properties that ODE requires to be stable
        /// These settings need to be tweaked 'exactly' right or weird stuff happens.
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialise(Vector3 regionExtent)
			WorldExtents.X = regionExtent.X;
            m_regionWidth = (uint)regionExtent.X;
            WorldExtents.Y = regionExtent.Y;
            m_regionHeight = (uint)regionExtent.Y;
            m_suportCombine = false;
            nearCallback = near;
            m_rayCastManager = new ODERayCastRequestManager(this);

            // Create the world and the first space
            world = d.WorldCreate();
            space = d.HashSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero);

            contactgroup = d.JointGroupCreate(0);

            d.WorldSetAutoDisableFlag(world, false);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiailizes the scene
        /// Sets many properties that ODE requires to be stable
        /// These settings need to be tweaked 'exactly' right or weird stuff happens.
        /// </summary>
        public OdeScene(CollisionLocker dode, string sceneIdentifier)
                = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.ToString() + "." + sceneIdentifier);

            OdeLock = new Object();
            ode = dode;
            nearCallback = near;
            triCallback = TriCallback;
            triArrayCallback = TriArrayCallback;
            m_rayCastManager = new ODERayCastRequestManager(this);
            lock (OdeLock)
                // Create the world and the first space
                world = d.WorldCreate();
                space = d.HashSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero);

                contactgroup = d.JointGroupCreate(0);

                d.WorldSetAutoDisableFlag(world, false);
                #if USE_DRAWSTUFF
                Thread viewthread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(startvisualization));

            _watermap = new float[258 * 258];

            // Zero out the prim spaces array (we split our space into smaller spaces so
            // we can hit test less.
 public ODERayCastRequestManager(OdeScene pScene)
     m_scene = pScene;
     nearCallback = near;
     ray = d.CreateRay(IntPtr.Zero, 1.0f);
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiailizes the scene
        /// Sets many properties that ODE requires to be stable
        /// These settings need to be tweaked 'exactly' right or weird stuff happens.
        /// </summary>

        public AuroraODEPhysicsScene(CollisionLocker dode, string sceneIdentifier)
                = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.ToString() + "." + sceneIdentifier);

            OdeLock = new Object();
            ode = dode;
            nearCallback = near;
            triCallback = TriCallback;
            lock (OdeLock)
                // Create the world and the first space
                world = d.WorldCreate();
                space = d.HashSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero);

                contactgroup = d.JointGroupCreate(0);

                d.WorldSetAutoDisableFlag(world, false);
                Thread viewthread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(startvisualization));
예제 #16
 public AuroraODERayCastRequestManager(AuroraODEPhysicsScene pScene)
     m_scene      = pScene;
     nearCallback = near;
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiailizes the scene
        /// Sets many properties that ODE requires to be stable
        /// These settings need to be tweaked 'exactly' right or weird stuff happens.
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialization()

            SimulationLock = new Object();

            nearCallback = near;

            m_rayCastManager = new ODERayCastRequestManager(this);

            WorldExtents.X = m_frameWorkScene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX;
            m_regionWidth = (uint)WorldExtents.X;
            WorldExtents.Y = m_frameWorkScene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY;
            m_regionHeight = (uint)WorldExtents.Y;

            m_suportCombine = false;

            lock (OdeLock)
                // Create the world and the first space
                    world = d.WorldCreate();
                    TopSpace = d.HashSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero);

                    // now the major subspaces
                    ActiveSpace = d.HashSpaceCreate(TopSpace);
                    CharsSpace = d.HashSpaceCreate(TopSpace);
                    StaticSpace = d.HashSpaceCreate(TopSpace);
                    GroundSpace = d.HashSpaceCreate(TopSpace);
                    // i must RtC#FM 
                    // i did!

                d.HashSpaceSetLevels(TopSpace, -5, 12);
                d.HashSpaceSetLevels(ActiveSpace, -5, 10);
                d.HashSpaceSetLevels(CharsSpace, -4, 3);
                d.HashSpaceSetLevels(StaticSpace, -5, 12);
                d.HashSpaceSetLevels(GroundSpace, 0, 8);

                // demote to second level
                d.SpaceSetSublevel(ActiveSpace, 1);
                d.SpaceSetSublevel(CharsSpace, 1);
                d.SpaceSetSublevel(StaticSpace, 1);
                d.SpaceSetSublevel(GroundSpace, 1);

                d.GeomSetCategoryBits(ActiveSpace, (uint)(CollisionCategories.Space |
                                                        CollisionCategories.Geom |
                                                        CollisionCategories.Character |
                                                        CollisionCategories.Phantom |
                d.GeomSetCollideBits(ActiveSpace, (uint)(CollisionCategories.Space |
                                                        CollisionCategories.Geom |
                                                        CollisionCategories.Character |
                                                        CollisionCategories.Phantom |
                d.GeomSetCategoryBits(CharsSpace, (uint)(CollisionCategories.Space |
                                        CollisionCategories.Geom |
                                        CollisionCategories.Character |
                                        CollisionCategories.Phantom |
                d.GeomSetCollideBits(CharsSpace, 0);

                d.GeomSetCategoryBits(StaticSpace, (uint)(CollisionCategories.Space |
                                                        CollisionCategories.Geom |
                                                        //                                                        CollisionCategories.Land |
                                                        //                                                        CollisionCategories.Water |
                                                        CollisionCategories.Phantom |
                d.GeomSetCollideBits(StaticSpace, 0);

                d.GeomSetCategoryBits(GroundSpace, (uint)(CollisionCategories.Land));
                d.GeomSetCollideBits(GroundSpace, 0);

                contactgroup = d.JointGroupCreate(maxContactsbeforedeath + 1);

                d.WorldSetAutoDisableFlag(world, false);

            //  checkThread();

            // Defaults

            int contactsPerCollision = 80;

            physicsconfig = null;

            if (m_config != null)
                physicsconfig = m_config.Configs["ODEPhysicsSettings"];
                if (physicsconfig != null)
                    gravityx = physicsconfig.GetFloat("world_gravityx", gravityx);
                    gravityy = physicsconfig.GetFloat("world_gravityy", gravityy);
                    gravityz = physicsconfig.GetFloat("world_gravityz", gravityz);

                    metersInSpace = physicsconfig.GetFloat("meters_in_small_space", metersInSpace);

                    //                    contactsurfacelayer = physicsconfig.GetFloat("world_contact_surface_layer", contactsurfacelayer);

                    ODE_STEPSIZE = physicsconfig.GetFloat("world_stepsize", ODE_STEPSIZE);

                    avDensity = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_density", avDensity);
                    avMovementDivisorWalk = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_movement_divisor_walk", avMovementDivisorWalk);
                    avMovementDivisorRun = physicsconfig.GetFloat("av_movement_divisor_run", avMovementDivisorRun);

                    contactsPerCollision = physicsconfig.GetInt("contacts_per_collision", contactsPerCollision);

                    geomDefaultDensity = physicsconfig.GetFloat("geometry_default_density", geomDefaultDensity);
                    bodyFramesAutoDisable = physicsconfig.GetInt("body_frames_auto_disable", bodyFramesAutoDisable);

                    physics_logging = physicsconfig.GetBoolean("physics_logging", false);
                    physics_logging_interval = physicsconfig.GetInt("physics_logging_interval", 0);
                    physics_logging_append_existing_logfile = physicsconfig.GetBoolean("physics_logging_append_existing_logfile", false);

                    minimumGroundFlightOffset = physicsconfig.GetFloat("minimum_ground_flight_offset", minimumGroundFlightOffset);
                    maximumMassObject = physicsconfig.GetFloat("maximum_mass_object", maximumMassObject);

                    avDensity *= 3f / 80f;  // scale other engines density option to this

            float heartbeat = 1/m_frameWorkScene.FrameTime;
            maximumAngularVelocity = 0.49f * heartbeat *(float)Math.PI;
            maxAngVelocitySQ = maximumAngularVelocity * maximumAngularVelocity;

            d.WorldSetCFM(world, comumContactCFM);
            d.WorldSetERP(world, comumContactERP);

            d.WorldSetGravity(world, gravityx, gravityy, gravityz);

            d.WorldSetLinearDamping(world, 0.002f);
            d.WorldSetAngularDamping(world, 0.002f);
            d.WorldSetAngularDampingThreshold(world, 0f);
            d.WorldSetLinearDampingThreshold(world, 0f);
            d.WorldSetMaxAngularSpeed(world, maximumAngularVelocity);

            d.WorldSetQuickStepNumIterations(world, m_physicsiterations);

            d.WorldSetContactSurfaceLayer(world, contactsurfacelayer);
            d.WorldSetContactMaxCorrectingVel(world, 60.0f);

            HalfOdeStep = ODE_STEPSIZE * 0.5f;
            odetimestepMS = (int)(1000.0f * ODE_STEPSIZE + 0.5f);

            ContactgeomsArray = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(contactsPerCollision * d.ContactGeom.unmanagedSizeOf);
            GlobalContactsArray = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((maxContactsbeforedeath + 100) * d.Contact.unmanagedSizeOf);

            SharedTmpcontact.geom.g1 = IntPtr.Zero;
            SharedTmpcontact.geom.g2 = IntPtr.Zero;

            SharedTmpcontact.geom.side1 = -1;
            SharedTmpcontact.geom.side2 = -1;

            SharedTmpcontact.surface.mode = comumContactFlags;
   = 0;
            SharedTmpcontact.surface.bounce = 0;
            SharedTmpcontact.surface.soft_cfm = comumContactCFM;
            SharedTmpcontact.surface.soft_erp = comumContactERP;
            SharedTmpcontact.surface.slip1 = comumContactSLIP;
            SharedTmpcontact.surface.slip2 = comumContactSLIP;

            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Stone].mu = 0.8f;
            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Stone].bounce = 0.4f;

            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Metal].mu = 0.3f;
            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Metal].bounce = 0.4f;

            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Glass].mu = 0.2f;
            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Glass].bounce = 0.7f;

            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Wood].mu = 0.6f;
            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Wood].bounce = 0.5f;

            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Flesh].mu = 0.9f;
            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Flesh].bounce = 0.3f;

            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Plastic].mu = 0.4f;
            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Plastic].bounce = 0.7f;

            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Rubber].mu = 0.9f;
            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.Rubber].bounce = 0.95f;

            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.light].mu = 0.0f;
            m_materialContactsData[(int)Material.light].bounce = 0.0f;

            spacesPerMeterX = 1.0f / metersInSpace;
            spacesPerMeterY = spacesPerMeterX;
            spaceGridMaxX = (int)(WorldExtents.X * spacesPerMeterX);
            spaceGridMaxY = (int)(WorldExtents.Y * spacesPerMeterY);

            if (spaceGridMaxX > 24)
                spaceGridMaxX = 24;
                spacesPerMeterX = spaceGridMaxX / WorldExtents.X;

            if (spaceGridMaxY > 24)
                spaceGridMaxY = 24;
                spacesPerMeterY = spaceGridMaxY / WorldExtents.Y;

            staticPrimspace = new IntPtr[spaceGridMaxX, spaceGridMaxY];

            // create all spaces now
            int i, j;
            IntPtr newspace;

            for (i = 0; i < spaceGridMaxX; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < spaceGridMaxY; j++)
                    newspace = d.HashSpaceCreate(StaticSpace);
                    d.GeomSetCategoryBits(newspace, (int)CollisionCategories.Space);
                    d.SpaceSetSublevel(newspace, 2);
                    d.HashSpaceSetLevels(newspace, -2, 8);
                    d.GeomSetCategoryBits(newspace, (uint)(CollisionCategories.Space |
                                        CollisionCategories.Geom |
                                        CollisionCategories.Land |
                                        CollisionCategories.Water |
                                        CollisionCategories.Phantom |
                    d.GeomSetCollideBits(newspace, 0);

                    staticPrimspace[i, j] = newspace;

            // let this now be index limit

            // create 4 off world spaces (x<0,x>max,y<0,y>max)
            staticPrimspaceOffRegion = new IntPtr[4];

            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                newspace = d.HashSpaceCreate(StaticSpace);
                d.GeomSetCategoryBits(newspace, (int)CollisionCategories.Space);
                d.SpaceSetSublevel(newspace, 2);
                d.HashSpaceSetLevels(newspace, -2, 8);
                d.GeomSetCategoryBits(newspace, (uint)(CollisionCategories.Space |
                                    CollisionCategories.Geom |
                                    CollisionCategories.Land |
                                    CollisionCategories.Water |
                                    CollisionCategories.Phantom |
                d.GeomSetCollideBits(newspace, 0);

                staticPrimspaceOffRegion[i] = newspace;

            m_lastframe = DateTime.UtcNow;
            m_lastMeshExpire = m_lastframe;