예제 #1
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length != 2)

        // The two input parameters will be the name of the file with the table values
        // and the amount of lines in that file
        string filein = args[0];
        int    nlines = int.Parse(args[1]);

        StreamReader streamin = new StreamReader(filein);

        double[] xs = new double[nlines];
        double[] ys = new double[nlines];

        for (int i = 0; i < nlines; i++)
            string line = streamin.ReadLine();

            // There is a third value in each line (the integral from x[0] to z), but we
            // do not need the value here
            string[] numbers = line.Split('\t');
            xs[i] = double.Parse(numbers[0]);
            ys[i] = double.Parse(numbers[1]);


        // Interpolate the data
        double xstart  = xs[0];
        double xend    = xs[nlines - 1];
        double deltax  = 0.02;
        var    cspline = new cubicspline(xs, ys);

        for (double k = xstart; k < xend; k += deltax)
            double interpval   = cspline.eval(k);
            double integralval = cspline.integrate(k);
            double derivval    = cspline.deriv(k);

            WriteLine("{0,8:f4}\t{1,8:f4}\t{2,8:f4}\t{3,8:f4}", k, interpval, integralval, derivval);

예제 #2
파일: main.cs 프로젝트: Henrik-AU/ppnm
    static void Main()
        // Accuracy is for the root finding algorithm
        double accuracy = 1e-5;
        double rmax     = 8;

        // Auxiliary function that we want to find roots for
        Func <vector, vector> M = delegate(vector e){
            // e is the energy
            // Solve the Schrödinger equation for hydrogen and find the function value
            // at the maximum radius.
            double frmax = hydrogen.solve(e[0], rmax);
            return(new vector(frmax));

        // The energy should be close to -1/2, so we start somewhere around that area
        var    rand  = new Random();
        vector start = new vector(-1 - 0.2 * rand.NextDouble());

        // Find the root for the auxiliary function
        vector root   = roots.newton(M, start, accuracy);
        double energy = root[0];

        StreamWriter WriteRoot = new StreamWriter("outRootText.txt");

        WriteRoot.WriteLine("Trying to find a root for the auxiliary function, M:");
        WriteRoot.WriteLine("The analytic root is at energy: \t -1/2.");
        WriteRoot.WriteLine("Starting the search from energy: \t {0}.", start[0]);
        WriteRoot.WriteLine("A root has been found at energy: \t {0}", energy);
        WriteRoot.WriteLine("The deviation from the analytic root is: {0}", -0.5 - energy);
        WriteRoot.WriteLine("Convergence criterium: ||M(root)|| < {0}", accuracy);


        // For simplicity we just solve the ODE again with the found energy to retrieve
        // the solution. Thus we avoid passing lots of lists back and forth, most of them
        // will just be constantly overwritten anyway until the end.

        // Create some lists to save the path of the found solution
        List <double> rs = new List <double>();
        List <vector> fs = new List <vector>();

        // Starting conditions and parameters
        double r0  = 1e-4;
        vector f0  = new vector(r0 - r0 * r0, 1 - 2 * r0);
        double acc = 1e-3;
        double eps = 0;
        double h   = 1e-3;

        ode.rk45(hydrogen.diffeq(energy), r0, f0, rmax, h, acc, eps, xlist: rs, ylist: fs);

        // Inspired by Rasmus Berg Jensen, let's spline the data points to get a nice curve.
        // This is a good strategy if the equations are expensive to solve, since you only
        // have few data points then - in the present case it is just easy, practical, and
        // serves as a good way to practice the curriculum.

        vector rPoints = new vector(rs.Count);
        vector fPoints = new vector(fs.Count);

        for (int i = 0; i < rs.Count; i++)
            rPoints[i] = rs[i];
            fPoints[i] = fs[i][0];

        var    cspline = new cubicspline(rPoints, fPoints);
        double rStart  = rPoints[0];
        double rEnd    = rPoints[rPoints.size - 1];

        // Print the data
        for (double r = rStart; r < rEnd; r += 0.02)
            WriteLine("{0,16:f15} \t {1,16:f15}", r, cspline.eval(r));

        // Print out the analytic solution
        for (double r = rStart; r < rEnd; r += 0.02)
            WriteLine("{0,16:f15} \t {1,16:f15}", r, r * Exp(-r));
    }     // end Main
예제 #3
파일: main.cs 프로젝트: Henrik-AU/ppnm
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Accuracy is for the root finding algorithm
        double accuracy      = 1e-5;
        double rmax          = 8;
        bool   printAnalytic = false;
        bool   precise       = false;

        // Allow the rmax value to be adjusted via input from the terminal
        if (args.Length > 0)
            rmax = double.Parse(args[0]);
        // If specified, switch the boolean to make the program write out the analytic
        // solution also.
        if (args.Length > 1)
            if (args[1] == "print")
                printAnalytic = true;

         * If specified, use the more precise asymptotic requirement at rmax.
         * It is not necessary to be able to specify this at the same time as print
         * (analytic solution), since print only has to be done once.
        if (args.Length > 1)
            if (args[1] == "precise")
                precise = true;

        // Auxiliary function that we want to find roots for
        Func <vector, vector> M = delegate(vector e){
            // e is the energy
            // Solve the Schrödinger equation for hydrogen and find the function value
            // at the maximum radius.
            double frmax = hydrogen.solve(e[0], rmax);
            if (precise)
                double k = Sqrt(-2 * e[0]);
                frmax = frmax - rmax * Exp(-k * rmax);
            return(new vector(frmax));

        // The energy should be close to -1/2, so we start somewhere around that area
        var    rand  = new Random();
        vector start = new vector(-1 - 0.2 * rand.NextDouble());

        // Find the root for the auxiliary function
        vector root   = roots.newton(M, start, accuracy);
        double energy = root[0];

        StreamWriter WriteRoot = new StreamWriter("outRootTextLog.txt", true);

        WriteRoot.WriteLine("Log entry for root finding for the rmax = {0}, print = {1}" +
                            ", precise = {2} inputs to the Main function.", rmax, printAnalytic, precise);
        WriteRoot.WriteLine("Trying to find a root for the auxiliary function, M:");
        WriteRoot.WriteLine("Starting the search from energy: \t {0}.", start[0]);
        WriteRoot.WriteLine("Used rmax: \t\t\t\t {0}", rmax);
        WriteRoot.WriteLine("The analytic root is at energy: \t -1/2.");
        WriteRoot.WriteLine("A root has been found at energy: \t {0}", energy);
        WriteRoot.WriteLine("The deviation from the analytic root is: {0}", -0.5 - energy);
        WriteRoot.WriteLine("Convergence criterium: ||M(root)|| < {0}\n\n", accuracy);


        // Write out the found root for a plot also, along with the used rmax
        if (precise)
            StreamWriter WriteRootDataP = new StreamWriter("outRootDataP.txt", true);
            WriteRootDataP.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", rmax, energy);
            StreamWriter WriteRootData = new StreamWriter("outRootData.txt", true);
            WriteRootData.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", rmax, energy);

        // For simplicity we just solve the ODE again with the found energy to retrieve
        // the solution. Thus we avoid passing lots of lists back and forth, most of them
        // will just be constantly overwritten anyway until the end.

        // Create some lists to save the path of the found solution
        List <double> rs = new List <double>();
        List <vector> fs = new List <vector>();

        // Starting conditions and parameters
        double r0  = 1e-4;
        vector f0  = new vector(r0 - r0 * r0, 1 - 2 * r0);
        double acc = 1e-3;
        double eps = 0;
        double h   = 1e-3;

        ode.rk45(hydrogen.diffeq(energy), r0, f0, rmax, h, acc, eps, xlist: rs, ylist: fs);

        // Inspired by Rasmus Berg Jensen, let's spline the data points to get a nice curve.
        // This is a good strategy if the equations are expensive to solve, since you only
        // have few data points then - in the present case it is just easy, practical, and
        // serves as a good way to practice the curriculum.

        vector rPoints = new vector(rs.Count);
        vector fPoints = new vector(fs.Count);

        for (int i = 0; i < rs.Count; i++)
            rPoints[i] = rs[i];
            fPoints[i] = fs[i][0];

        var    cspline = new cubicspline(rPoints, fPoints);
        double rStart  = rPoints[0];
        double rEnd    = rPoints[rPoints.size - 1];

        // Print the data
        if (precise)
            StreamWriter writeDataP = new StreamWriter("outP.txt", true);
            for (double r = rStart; r < rEnd; r += 0.02)
                writeDataP.WriteLine("{0,16:f15} \t {1,16:f15}", r, cspline.eval(r));
            // Do the last point outside the loop to avoid precision erros since
            // we loop over doubles
            writeDataP.WriteLine("{0,16:f15} \t {1,16:f15}", rEnd, cspline.eval(rEnd));
            StreamWriter writeData = new StreamWriter("out.txt", true);
            for (double r = rStart; r < rEnd; r += 0.02)
                writeData.WriteLine("{0,16:f15} \t {1,16:f15}", r, cspline.eval(r));
            writeData.WriteLine("{0,16:f15} \t {1,16:f15}", rEnd, cspline.eval(rEnd));

        if (printAnalytic)
            // Print out the analytic solution from r=0 to r=12.
            StreamWriter printAnalyticSol = new StreamWriter("outAnalytic.txt");
            for (double r = 0; r < 12; r += 0.02)
                printAnalyticSol.WriteLine("{0,16:f15} \t {1,16:f15}", r, r * Exp(-r));
    }     // end Main