static void part1()
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

            ht.Add("001", "Zara Ali");
            ht.Add("002", "Abida Rehman");
            ht.Add("003", "Joe Holzner");
            ht.Add("004", "Mausam Benazir Nur");
            ht.Add("005", "M. Amlan");
            ht.Add("006", "M. Arif");
            ht.Add("007", "Ritesh Saikia");

            if (ht.ContainsValue("Nuha Ali"))
                Console.WriteLine("This student name is already in the list");
                ht.Add("008", "Nuha Ali");

            // Get a collection of the keys.
            ICollection key = ht.Keys;

            csTemp firstInstance = new csTemp {
                MyProperty = 232321, MyProperty2 = 43534534.43543

            ht.Add("anything", firstInstance);

            foreach (string k in key)
                Console.WriteLine(k + ": " + (ht[k] is csTemp ? ((csTemp)(ht[k])).MyProperty2 : ht[k]));

            Console.WriteLine(ht["fdgfd"] == null ? "this values does not exists" : ht["fdgfd"]);

            Dictionary <string, csTemp> dicTemp = new Dictionary <string, csTemp>();

            dicTemp.Add("anything", firstInstance);

            Queue <string> callerIds = new Queue <string>();

            callerIds.Enqueue("entry 1");
            callerIds.Enqueue("entry 2");
            callerIds.Enqueue("entry 3");
            callerIds.Enqueue("entry 4");

            foreach (var id in callerIds)
                Console.WriteLine(id); //prints 1234
            Queue <string> strQ = new Queue <string>();


            Console.WriteLine("Total elements: {0}", strQ.Count); //prints 5

            while (strQ.Count > 0)
                Console.WriteLine(strQ.Dequeue());                //prints Hello
            Console.WriteLine("Total elements: {0}", strQ.Count); //prints 0

            strQ = new Queue <string>();

            Console.WriteLine("Total elements: {0}", strQ.Count); //prints 5

            if (strQ.Count > 0)
                Console.WriteLine(strQ.Peek()); //prints H
                Console.WriteLine(strQ.Peek()); //prints H

            Console.WriteLine("Total elements: {0}", strQ.Count); //prints 0
        private static void part3()
            var student = new { Id = 1.5, FirstName = "James", LastName = "Bond" };

            Console.WriteLine(student.Id);        //output: 1
            Console.WriteLine(student.FirstName); //output: James
            Console.WriteLine(student.LastName);  //output: Bond

            //Anonymous objects are ready only
            //student.Id = 2;//Error: cannot chage value
            //student.FirstName = "Steve";//Error: cannot chage value

            //nested Anonymous type object
            var student2 = new
                Id        = 1,
                FirstName = "James",
                LastName  = "Bond",
                Address   = new { Id = 1, City = "London", Country = "UK" }


            IList <Student> studentList = new List <Student>()
                new Student()
                    StudentID = 1, StudentName = "John", age = 18
                new Student()
                    StudentID = 2, StudentName = "Steve", age = 21
                new Student()
                    StudentID = 3, StudentName = "Bill", age = 18
                new Student()
                    StudentID = 4, StudentName = "Ram", age = 20
                new Student()
                    StudentID = 5, StudentName = "Ron", age = 21
            //Anonymous type objects are most commonly used to select a subset of a collection like below
            var students = from s in studentList
                           select new { Id = s.StudentID, Name = s.StudentName };

            foreach (var stud in students)
                Console.WriteLine(stud.Id + "-" + stud.Name);

            IList <Student> studentList2 = studentList;//this simply copy the pointer of studentList into the studentList2 object. so they point to the same values. whatever change we made on values, will be reflected to the both objects beacuse they point to the same values. they are just memory addreses

            studentList2[2].age = 100;

            Console.WriteLine($"studentList index 2 age = {studentList[2].age} and studentList2 index 2 age = {studentList2[2].age}");

            stStudent st_student_1 = new stStudent
                irAge  = 21,
                srName = "Test Student"

            stStudent st_student_2 = st_student_1;//this is copying values since it is struct type. on classes it just copies reference not the values

            st_student_2.irAge = 100;

            Console.WriteLine($"st_student_1 age = {st_student_1.irAge} and st_student_2 age = {st_student_2.irAge}");

            for (int i = 0; i < 999999; i++)
                csTemp gg = new csTemp {
                    MyProperty = 3213, MyProperty2 = 12312