public override void Update(float dt) { base.Update(dt); if (CCMouse.Instance.HasPosition) { // turn the control body based on the angle relative to the actual body cpVect mouseDelta = cpVect.cpvsub(CCMouse.Instance.Position, tankBody.GetPosition()); float turn = cpVect.cpvtoangle(cpVect.cpvunrotate(tankBody.GetRotation(), mouseDelta)); tankControlBody.SetAngle(tankBody.GetAngle() - turn); // drive the tank towards the mouse if (cpVect.cpvnear(CCMouse.Instance.Position, tankBody.GetPosition(), 30)) { tankControlBody.SetVelocity(cpVect.Zero); // stop } else { float direction = (cpVect.cpvdot(mouseDelta, tankBody.GetRotation()) > 0 ? 1 : -1); tankControlBody.SetVelocity(cpVect.cpvrotate(tankBody.GetRotation(), new cpVect(30 * direction, 0))); } } space.Step(dt); }
//public override void Visit() //{ // base.AdditionalTransform = NodeToBodyTransform(); // base.Visit(); //} // returns the transform matrix according the Chipmunk Body values public CCAffineTransform NodeToBodyTransform() { var angle = CCPoint.ForAngle(-CCMathHelper.ToRadians(RotationX)); cpVect rot = (IgnoreBodyRotation ? new cpVect(angle.X, angle.Y) : _body.GetRotation()); //TODO: CHECK ROT double x = _body.GetPosition().x + (double)rot.x * -AnchorPointInPoints.X - (double)rot.y * (-AnchorPointInPoints.Y); double y = _body.GetPosition().y + (double)rot.y * -AnchorPointInPoints.X + (double)rot.x * (-AnchorPointInPoints.Y); return(new CCAffineTransform((float)rot.x, (float)rot.y, (float)-rot.y, (float)rot.x, (float)x, (float)y)); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the transforms position to the physics bodys position /// NOTE: When settings the position directly of a transform, you are also setting the position of the physics object /// This create unwanted behavoir so use this function to set the position without changing the rigidbodys transform /// </summary> public void UpdateToBodyTransform() { if (HasPhysicsAttached) { cpVect pos = AttachedPhysicsBody.GetPosition(); _position = new Vector2(pos.x * Physics.PHYSICS_TRANSFORM_SCALE, pos.y * Physics.PHYSICS_TRANSFORM_SCALE); _rotation = AttachedPhysicsBody.GetAngle(); } }
void eachBody(cpBody body) { cpVect pos = body.GetPosition(); if (pos.y < -400 || cp.cpfabs(pos.x) > 340) { body.SetPosition(new cpVect(, 300),, 900))); } }
void planetGravityVelocityFunc(cpBody body, cpVect gravity, float damping, float dt) { // Gravitational acceleration is proportional to the inverse square of // distance, and directed toward the origin. The central planet is assumed // to be massive enough that it affects the satellites but not vice versa. cpVect p = body.GetPosition(); float sqdist = cpVect.cpvlengthsq(p); cpVect g = cpVect.cpvmult(p, -gravityStrength / (sqdist * cp.cpfsqrt(sqdist))); body.UpdateVelocity(g, damping, dt); }
//UpdatePosition then to Rendering game public void UpdatePosition(float dt) { mRigidbody2D.UpdatePosition(dt); // X.Tools.LogUtils.Debug(X.Tools.LogTag.Test, + ":" + mRigidbody2D.GetPosition().ToString()); cpPos = mRigidbody2D.GetPosition(); mPostion.Set(cpPos.x, cpPos.y); mAngle = cp.cpfangle(mRigidbody2D.GetAngle()); //this.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(new Vector3(cpPos.x * 0.01f, cpPos.y * 0.01f, 0f), Quaternion.Euler(0f,0f, mAngle));//z-Euler this.transform.position = mPostion * XSpaceManager.UnitsPerPixel; this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, mAngle); }
public override void Update(long gametime) { physic.UpdateVelocity(space.GetGravity(), 1, 0.01f); physic.UpdatePosition(1); shp.Update(trsf); cpVect position = physic.GetPosition(); InvokeOnMainThread(() => { SetPosition(position); }); angle = (physic.GetAngle() % 360) / 57.2958f; if (position.y > 500) { physic.ApplyImpulse(new cpVect(1, -150), new cpVect(0.1f, 0.1f)); } }
public override void Update(float dt) { base.Update(dt); float coef = (2.0f + ChipmunkDemoKeyboard.y) / 3.0f; float rate = ChipmunkDemoKeyboard.x * 30.0f * coef; motor.SetRate(rate); motor.SetMaxForce(rate > 0 ? 1000000.0f : 0.0f); space.Step(dt); for (int i = 0; i < numBalls; i++) { cpBody ball = balls[i]; cpVect pos = ball.GetPosition(); if (pos.x > 320.0f) { ball.SetVelocity(cpVect.Zero); ball.SetPosition(new cpVect(-224.0f, 200.0f)); } } }
public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); SetSubTitle("This unicycle is completely driven and balanced by a single cpSimpleMotor.\nMove the mouse to make the unicycle follow it."); space.SetIterations(30); space.SetGravity(new cpVect(0, -500)); { cpShape shape = null; cpBody staticBody = space.GetStaticBody(); shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(-3200, -240), new cpVect(3200, -240), 0.0f)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(0, -200), new cpVect(240, -240), 0.0f)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(-240, -240), new cpVect(0, -200), 0.0f)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); } { float radius = 20.0f; float mass = 1.0f; float moment = cp.MomentForCircle(mass, 0.0f, radius, cpVect.Zero); wheel_body = space.AddBody(new cpBody(mass, moment)); wheel_body.SetPosition(new cpVect(0.0f, -160.0f + radius)); cpShape shape = space.AddShape(new cpCircleShape(wheel_body, radius, cpVect.Zero)); shape.SetFriction(0.7f); shape.SetFilter(new cpShapeFilter(1, cp.ALL_CATEGORIES, cp.ALL_CATEGORIES)); } { float cog_offset = 30.0f; cpBB bb1 = new cpBB(-5.0f, 0.0f - cog_offset, 5.0f, cog_offset * 1.2f - cog_offset); cpBB bb2 = new cpBB(-25.0f, bb1.t, 25.0f, bb1.t + 10.0f); float mass = 3.0f; float moment = cp.MomentForBox2(mass, bb1) + cp.MomentForBox2(mass, bb2); balance_body = space.AddBody(new cpBody(mass, moment)); balance_body.SetPosition(new cpVect(0.0f, wheel_body.GetPosition().y + cog_offset)); cpShape shape = null; shape = space.AddShape(cpPolyShape.BoxShape2(balance_body, bb1, 0.0f)); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(new cpShapeFilter(1, cp.ALL_CATEGORIES, cp.ALL_CATEGORIES)); shape = space.AddShape(cpPolyShape.BoxShape2(balance_body, bb2, 0.0f)); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(new cpShapeFilter(1, cp.ALL_CATEGORIES, cp.ALL_CATEGORIES)); } cpVect anchorA = balance_body.WorldToLocal(wheel_body.GetPosition()); cpVect groove_a = cpVect.cpvadd(anchorA, new cpVect(0.0f, 30.0f)); cpVect groove_b = cpVect.cpvadd(anchorA, new cpVect(0.0f, -10.0f)); space.AddConstraint(new cpGrooveJoint(balance_body, wheel_body, groove_a, groove_b, cpVect.Zero)); space.AddConstraint(new cpDampedSpring(balance_body, wheel_body, anchorA, cpVect.Zero, 0.0f, 6.0e2f, 30.0f)); motor = space.AddConstraint(new cpSimpleMotor(wheel_body, balance_body, 0.0f)); motor.SetPreSolveFunc((s) => motor_preSolve(motor, s)); { float width = 100.0f; float height = 20.0f; float mass = 3.0f; cpBody boxBody = space.AddBody(new cpBody(mass, cp.MomentForBox(mass, width, height))); boxBody.SetPosition(new cpVect(200, -100)); cpShape shape = space.AddShape(cpPolyShape.BoxShape(boxBody, width, height, 0.0f)); shape.SetFriction(0.7f); } Schedule(); }
void motor_preSolve(cpConstraint motor, cpSpace space) { float dt = space.GetCurrentTimeStep(); float target_x = CCMouse.Instance.Position.x; paint = new shape { point1 = new cpVect(target_x, -1000.0f), point2 = new cpVect(target_x, 1000.0f), }; float max_v = 500.0f; float target_v = cp.cpfclamp(cp.bias_coef(0.5f, dt / 1.2f) * (target_x - balance_body.GetPosition().x) / dt, -max_v, max_v); float error_v = (target_v - balance_body.GetVelocity().x); float target_sin = 3.0e-3f * cp.bias_coef(0.1f, dt) * error_v / dt; float max_sin = cp.cpfsin(0.6f); balance_sin = cp.cpfclamp(balance_sin - 6.0e-5f * cp.bias_coef(0.2f, dt) * error_v / dt, -max_sin, max_sin); float target_a = (float)Math.Asin(cp.cpfclamp(-target_sin + balance_sin, -max_sin, max_sin)); float angular_diff = (float)Math.Asin(cpVect.cpvcross(balance_body.GetRotation(), cpVect.cpvforangle(target_a))); float target_w = cp.bias_coef(0.1f, dt / 0.4f) * (angular_diff) / dt; float max_rate = 50.0f; float rate = cp.cpfclamp(wheel_body.GetAngularVelocity() + balance_body.GetAngularVelocity() - target_w, -max_rate, max_rate); motor.SetRate(cp.cpfclamp(rate, -max_rate, max_rate)); motor.SetMaxForce(8.0e4f); }
public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); SetSubTitle("Control the crane by moving the mouse. Right click to release."); space.SetIterations(30); space.SetGravity(new cpVect(0, -100)); space.SetDamping(0.8f); cpBody staticBody = space.GetStaticBody(); cpShape shape; shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(-320, -240), new cpVect(320, -240), 0.0f)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); // Add a body for the dolly. dollyBody = space.AddBody(new cpBody(10, cp.Infinity)); dollyBody.SetPosition(new cpVect(0, 100)); // Add a block so you can see it. space.AddShape(cpPolyShape.BoxShape(dollyBody, 30, 30, 0.0f)); // Add a groove joint for it to move back and forth on. space.AddConstraint(new cpGrooveJoint(staticBody, dollyBody, new cpVect(-250, 100), new cpVect(250, 100), cpVect.Zero)); // Add a pivot joint to act as a servo motor controlling it's position // By updating the anchor points of the pivot joint, you can move the dolly. dollyServo = space.AddConstraint(new cpPivotJoint(staticBody, dollyBody, dollyBody.GetPosition())); // Max force the dolly servo can generate. dollyServo.SetMaxForce(10000); // Max speed of the dolly servo dollyServo.SetMaxBias(100); // You can also change the error bias to control how it slows down. dollyServo.SetErrorBias(0.2f); // Add the crane hook. cpBody hookBody = space.AddBody(new cpBody(1, cp.Infinity)); hookBody.SetPosition(new cpVect(0, 50)); // Add a sensor shape for it. This will be used to figure out when the hook touches a box. shape = space.AddShape(new cpCircleShape(hookBody, 10, cpVect.Zero)); shape.SetSensor(true);// cpTrue); shape.SetCollisionType(((int)COLLISION_TYPES.HOOK_SENSOR)); // Add a slide joint to act as a winch motor // By updating the max length of the joint you can make it pull up the load. winchServo = space.AddConstraint(new cpSlideJoint(dollyBody, hookBody, cpVect.Zero, cpVect.Zero, 0, cp.Infinity)); // Max force the dolly servo can generate. winchServo.SetMaxForce(30000); // Max speed of the dolly servo winchServo.SetMaxBias(60); // TODO: cleanup // Finally a box to play with cpBody boxBody = space.AddBody(new cpBody(30, cp.MomentForBox(30, 50, 50))); boxBody.SetPosition(new cpVect(200, -200)); // Add a block so you can see it. shape = space.AddShape(cpPolyShape.BoxShape(boxBody, 50, 50, 0)); shape.SetFriction(0.7f); shape.SetCollisionType(((int)COLLISION_TYPES.CRATE)); var handler = space.AddCollisionHandler( (int)COLLISION_TYPES.HOOK_SENSOR, (int)COLLISION_TYPES.CRATE); handler.beginFunc = HookCrate; Schedule(); }
void AttachHook(cpBody hook, cpBody crate) { hookJoint = space.AddConstraint(new cpPivotJoint(hook, crate, hook.GetPosition())); }
static float k_scalar_body(cpBody body, cpVect point, cpVect n) { float rcn = cpVect.cpvcross(cpVect.cpvsub(point, body.GetPosition()), n); return(1.0f / body.GetMass() + rcn * rcn / body.GetMoment()); }