public void ShatterShape(cpPolyShape shape, float cellSize, cpVect focus) { space.RemoveShape(shape); space.RemoveBody(shape.GetBody()); cpBB bb =; int width = (int)((bb.r - bb.l) / cellSize) + 1; int height = (int)((bb.t - bb.b) / cellSize) + 1; // printf("Splitting as %dx%d\n", width, height); WorleyContex context = new WorleyContex((int)RandomHelper.frand(), cellSize, width, height, bb, focus); for (int i = 0; i < context.width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < context.height; j++) { cpVect cell = WorleyPoint(i, j, ref context); cpPointQueryInfo cp = null; if (shape.PointQuery(cell, ref cp) < 0.0f) { ShatterCell(shape, cell, i, j, ref context); } } } //cpBodyFree(cpShapeGetBody(shape)); //cpShapeFree(shape); }
public CCPhysicsSprite addGrossiniAtPosition(CCPoint location) { int posx, posy; posx = CCRandom.Next() * 200; posy = CCRandom.Next() * 200; posx = (Math.Abs(posx) % 4) * 85; posy = (Math.Abs(posy) % 3) * 121; CCPhysicsSprite sp = new CCPhysicsSprite(spriteTexture.Texture, new CCRect(posx, posy, 85, 121)); cpBB verts = new cpBB(-24, -54, 24, 54); var body = new cpBody(1, cp.MomentForBox2(1, new cpBB(-24, -54, 24, 54))); //); body.SetPosition(new cpVect(posx, posy)); space.AddBody(body); var shape = cpPolyShape.BoxShape2(body, verts, 0); shape.e = .5f; shape.u = .5f; space.AddShape(shape); sp.Body = body; AddChild(sp); sp.Position = location; return(sp); }
public static cpTransform Ortho(cpBB bb) { return(NewTranspose( 2.0f / (bb.r - bb.l), 0.0f, -(bb.r + bb.l) / (bb.r - bb.l), 0.0f, 2.0f / (bb.t - bb.b), -(bb.t + bb.b) / (bb.t - bb.b) )); }
public void Draw(cpBB bb, cpColor color) { DrawPolygon(new cpVect[] { new cpVect(bb.r, bb.b), new cpVect(bb.r, bb.t), new cpVect(bb.l, bb.t), new cpVect(bb.l, bb.b) }, 4, color); }
public WorleyContex(int seed, float cellSize, int width, int height, cpBB bb, cpVect focus) { // TODO: Complete member initialization this.seed = seed; this.cellSize = cellSize; this.width = width; this.height = height; = bb; this.focus = focus; }
cpBBWrapVect(cpBB bb, cpVect v) { double ix = System.Math.Abs(bb.r - bb.l); double modx = System.Math.Mod(v.x - bb.l, ix); double x = (modx > 0.0f) ? modx : modx + ix; double iy = System.Math.Abs(bb.t - bb.b); double mody = System.Math.Mod(v.y - bb.b, iy); double y = (mody > 0.0f) ? mody : mody + iy; return cpv(x + bb.l, y + bb.b); }
/// Transform a cpBB. public static cpBB BB(cpTransform t, cpBB bb) { cpVect center = cpBB.Center(bb); float hw = (bb.r - bb.l) * 0.5f; float hh = (bb.t - bb.b) * 0.5f; float a = t.a * hw, b = t.c * hh, d = t.b * hw, e = t.d * hh; float hw_max = cp.cpfmax(cp.cpfabs(a + b), cp.cpfabs(a - b)); float hh_max = cp.cpfmax(cp.cpfabs(d + e), cp.cpfabs(d - e)); return(cpBB.NewForExtents(Point(t, center), hw_max, hh_max)); }
cpVect WorleyPoint(int i, int j, ref WorleyContex context) { float size = context.cellSize; int width = context.width; int height = context.height; cpBB bb =; // cpVect fv = cpv(0.5, 0.5); cpVect fv = HashVect(i, j, context.seed); return(new cpVect( cp.cpflerp(bb.l, bb.r, 0.5f) + size * (i + fv.x - width * 0.5f), cp.cpflerp(bb.b, bb.t, 0.5f) + size * (j + fv.y - height * 0.5f) )); }
public override void Update(float dt) { base.Update(dt); space.Step(dt); if (CCMouse.Instance.rightclick || CCMouse.Instance.dblclick) { cpPointQueryInfo info = null; if (space.PointQueryNearest(CCMouse.Instance.Position, 0, GRAB_FILTER, ref info) != null) { cpBB bb = info.shape.GetBB(); // cpShapeGetBB(); float cell_size = cp.cpfmax(bb.r - bb.l, bb.t - bb.b) / 5.0f; if (cell_size > 5) { ShatterShape(info.shape as cpPolyShape, cell_size, CCMouse.Instance.Position); } else { //printf("Too small to splinter %f\n", cell_size); } } } }
cpMomentForBox2(double m, cpBB box) { double width = box.r - box.l; double height = box.t - box.b; cpVect offset = cpVect.Multiply(cpv(box.l + box.r, box.b + box.t), 0.5f); // TODO NaN when offset is 0 and m is double.PositiveInfinity return cpMomentForBox(m, width, height) + m*offset.LengthSQ; }
cpBoxShapeNew2(cpBody body, cpBB box) { return (cpShape)cpBoxShapeInit2(new cpPolyShape(), body, box); }
cpBoxShapeInit2(cpPolyShape poly, cpBody body, cpBB box) { cpVect[] verts = new cpVect[] { cpv(box.l, box.b), cpv(box.l, box.t), cpv(box.r, box.t), cpv(box.r, box.b) }; return cpPolyShapeInit(poly, body, 4, verts, cpvzero); }
public void Draw(cpBB bb) { Draw(bb, cpColor.CyanBlue); }
public override void DrawBB(cpBB bb, cpColor color) { }
public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); SetSubTitle("This unicycle is completely driven and balanced by a single cpSimpleMotor.\nMove the mouse to make the unicycle follow it."); space.SetIterations(30); space.SetGravity(new cpVect(0, -500)); { cpShape shape = null; cpBody staticBody = space.GetStaticBody(); shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(-3200, -240), new cpVect(3200, -240), 0.0f)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(0, -200), new cpVect(240, -240), 0.0f)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(-240, -240), new cpVect(0, -200), 0.0f)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); } { float radius = 20.0f; float mass = 1.0f; float moment = cp.MomentForCircle(mass, 0.0f, radius, cpVect.Zero); wheel_body = space.AddBody(new cpBody(mass, moment)); wheel_body.SetPosition(new cpVect(0.0f, -160.0f + radius)); cpShape shape = space.AddShape(new cpCircleShape(wheel_body, radius, cpVect.Zero)); shape.SetFriction(0.7f); shape.SetFilter(new cpShapeFilter(1, cp.ALL_CATEGORIES, cp.ALL_CATEGORIES)); } { float cog_offset = 30.0f; cpBB bb1 = new cpBB(-5.0f, 0.0f - cog_offset, 5.0f, cog_offset * 1.2f - cog_offset); cpBB bb2 = new cpBB(-25.0f, bb1.t, 25.0f, bb1.t + 10.0f); float mass = 3.0f; float moment = cp.MomentForBox2(mass, bb1) + cp.MomentForBox2(mass, bb2); balance_body = space.AddBody(new cpBody(mass, moment)); balance_body.SetPosition(new cpVect(0.0f, wheel_body.GetPosition().y + cog_offset)); cpShape shape = null; shape = space.AddShape(cpPolyShape.BoxShape2(balance_body, bb1, 0.0f)); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(new cpShapeFilter(1, cp.ALL_CATEGORIES, cp.ALL_CATEGORIES)); shape = space.AddShape(cpPolyShape.BoxShape2(balance_body, bb2, 0.0f)); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(new cpShapeFilter(1, cp.ALL_CATEGORIES, cp.ALL_CATEGORIES)); } cpVect anchorA = balance_body.WorldToLocal(wheel_body.GetPosition()); cpVect groove_a = cpVect.cpvadd(anchorA, new cpVect(0.0f, 30.0f)); cpVect groove_b = cpVect.cpvadd(anchorA, new cpVect(0.0f, -10.0f)); space.AddConstraint(new cpGrooveJoint(balance_body, wheel_body, groove_a, groove_b, cpVect.Zero)); space.AddConstraint(new cpDampedSpring(balance_body, wheel_body, anchorA, cpVect.Zero, 0.0f, 6.0e2f, 30.0f)); motor = space.AddConstraint(new cpSimpleMotor(wheel_body, balance_body, 0.0f)); motor.SetPreSolveFunc((s) => motor_preSolve(motor, s)); { float width = 100.0f; float height = 20.0f; float mass = 3.0f; cpBody boxBody = space.AddBody(new cpBody(mass, cp.MomentForBox(mass, width, height))); boxBody.SetPosition(new cpVect(200, -100)); cpShape shape = space.AddShape(cpPolyShape.BoxShape(boxBody, width, height, 0.0f)); shape.SetFriction(0.7f); } Schedule(); }
hashHandle(cpSpaceHash *hash, cpHandle *hand, cpBB bb) { // Find the dimensions in cell coordinates. double dim = hash.celldim; int l = floor_int(bb.l/dim); // Fix by ShiftZ int r = floor_int(bb.r/dim); int b = floor_int(bb.b/dim); int t = floor_int(bb.t/dim); int n = hash.numcells; for(int i=l; i<=r; i++){ for(int j=b; j<=t; j++){ cpHashValue idx = hash_func(i,j,n); cpSpaceHashBin *bin = hash.table[idx]; // Don't add an object twice to the same cell. if(containsHandle(bin, hand)) continue; cpHandleRetain(hand); // Insert a new bin for the handle in this cell. cpSpaceHashBin *newBin = getEmptyBin(hash); newBin.handle = hand; = bin; hash.table[idx] = newBin; } } }
public static CCRect cpbb2rect(cpBB bb) { return(new CCRect((float)bb.l, (float)bb.b, (float)(bb.r - bb.l), (float)(bb.t - bb.b))); }
public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); space.SetIterations(30); space.SetGravity(new cpVect(0, -500)); space.SetSleepTimeThreshold(0.5f); space.SetCollisionSlop(0.5f); var staticBody = space.GetStaticBody(); // Create segments around the edge of the screen. var shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(-320, -240), new cpVect(-320, 240), 0.0f)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(320, -240), new cpVect(320, 240), 0.0f)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(-320, -240), new cpVect(320, -240), 0.0f)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(-320, 240), new cpVect(320, 240), 0.0f)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); { // Add the edges of the bucket var bb = new cpBB(-300, -200, 100, 0); var radius = 5.0f; shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(bb.l, bb.b), new cpVect(bb.l, bb.t), radius)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(bb.r, bb.b), new cpVect(bb.r, bb.t), radius)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); shape = space.AddShape(new cpSegmentShape(staticBody, new cpVect(bb.l, bb.b), new cpVect(bb.r, bb.b), radius)); shape.SetElasticity(1.0f); shape.SetFriction(1.0f); shape.SetFilter(NOT_GRABBABLE_FILTER); // Add the sensor for the water. shape = space.AddShape(cpPolyShape.BoxShape2(staticBody, bb, 0.0f)); shape.SetSensor(true); shape.SetCollisionType(1); } { float width = 200.0f; float height = 50.0f; float mass = 0.3f * FLUID_DENSITY * width * height; var moment = cp.MomentForBox(mass, width, height); cpBody body = space.AddBody(new cpBody(mass, moment)); body.SetPosition(new cpVect(-50, -100)); body.SetVelocity(new cpVect(0, -100)); body.SetAngularVelocity(1); shape = space.AddShape(cpPolyShape.BoxShape(body, width, height, 0.0f)); shape.SetFriction(0.8f); } { float width = 40.0f; float height = width * 2; float mass = 0.3f * FLUID_DENSITY * width * height; float moment = cp.MomentForBox(mass, width, height); cpBody body = space.AddBody(new cpBody(mass, moment)); body.SetPosition(new cpVect(-200, -50)); body.SetVelocity(new cpVect(0, -100)); body.SetAngularVelocity(1); shape = space.AddShape(cpPolyShape.BoxShape(body, width, height, 0.0f)); shape.SetFriction(0.8f); } cpCollisionHandler handler = space.AddCollisionHandler(1, 0); handler.preSolveFunc = waterPreSolve; Schedule(); }