예제 #1
    public department(int number, int num_tec, string nam, int pos, int num_lines)      //конструктор ініціалізації
        number_workers = number;
        number_tecnic  = num_tec;
        name           = nam;
        pos_in_prod    = pos;
        number_lines   = num_lines;

        for (int i = 0; i < number_lines; i++)
            conveyer_line line = new conveyer_line();

        for (int i = 0; i < number_lines; i++)
            tecnique tec = new tecnique();
        kan = new kanban();

        //store product = new store(st);

        Console.WriteLine("The department was created by initialisation\n");
예제 #2
 public conveyer_line(conveyer_line arg)                //конструктор копіювання
     workers           = arg.workers;
     pos_in_production = arg.pos_in_production;
     eqiupment_stat    = arg.eqiupment_stat;
     time_per_item     = arg.time_per_item;
     work_taken        = arg.work_taken;
     color_danger      = arg.color_danger;
     hand_workers      = arg.hand_workers;
     Console.WriteLine("The conveyer_line was created by copy\n");
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove an existing conveyer_line from the collection
 /// </summary>
 /// <pdGenerated>Default Remove</pdGenerated>
 public void RemoveConveyer_line(conveyer_line oldConveyer_line)
     if (oldConveyer_line == null)
     if (this.conveyer_line != null)
         if (this.conveyer_line.Contains(oldConveyer_line))
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a new conveyer_line in the collection
 /// </summary>
 /// <pdGenerated>Default Add</pdGenerated>
 public void AddConveyer_line(conveyer_line newConveyer_line)
     if (newConveyer_line == null)
     if (this.conveyer_line == null)
         this.conveyer_line = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
     if (!this.conveyer_line.Contains(newConveyer_line))
예제 #5
    public department()      //конструктор за замовчуванням
        number_workers = 10;
        number_tecnic  = 0;
        name           = "";
        pos_in_prod    = 1;
        number_lines   = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < number_lines; i++)
            conveyer_line line = new conveyer_line();

        for (int i = 0; i < number_lines; i++)
            tecnique tec = new tecnique();
        kan = new kanban();

        Console.WriteLine("The department was created by default\n");
예제 #6
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: ShylyukDavid/c3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Lab3 c# done by David SHylyuk,IS-73\nProject was successfully created");
            //***************Using overloaded operators*****************//

            Console.WriteLine("\nDemonstration of using overloaded operators:\n");
            int test_qual; string test_line;

            Console.WriteLine("Creating 3 workers: ");
            List <hand_worker> testing_workers = new List <hand_worker>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("\nEnter value of qualification for worker#{0} - ", i + 1);  test_line = Console.ReadLine();   test_qual = int.Parse(test_line);
                testing_workers.Add(new hand_worker(i, test_qual));
            Console.WriteLine("\nUpdating(increasing by 1) qualification for worker 1 and 3 - "); testing_workers[0]++; testing_workers[2]++;
            Console.WriteLine("Now qualification of workers#1 = {0}, worker#2 = {1}, worker#3 = {2}.", testing_workers[0].Qualification, testing_workers[1].Qualification, testing_workers[2].Qualification);

            Console.WriteLine("\nNext example:\nCreating 3 tecnicians, first has work experience - 3years , second: 2years , third: 3years. ");
            List <tecnique> testing_tecs = new List <tecnique>(); testing_tecs.Add(new tecnique(3)); testing_tecs.Add(new tecnique(2)); testing_tecs.Add(new tecnique(3));

            if (testing_tecs[0] == testing_tecs[2])
                Console.WriteLine("\nTecnician#1 has the same experience as tecnician#3");
            if (testing_tecs[0] != testing_tecs[1])             //перевантаження оператора порівняння(заперечення)
                Console.WriteLine("\nTecnician#1 has different work experience from tecnician#2");
            if (testing_tecs[0] > testing_tecs[1])
                Console.WriteLine("\nTecnician#1 has bigger work experience than tecnician#2");
            Console.WriteLine("\nNext example:\nCreating conveyer_line: "); conveyer_line cv = new conveyer_line();
            Console.WriteLine("Enter equipment condition of line(0<c<10) - "); line = Console.ReadLine(); cv.Eqiupment_stat = int.Parse(line);
            Console.WriteLine("There was some break down on this line and its state became horrible(equipment_state now = {0})", cv.Eqiupment_stat);
            Console.WriteLine("\nFinish....\nPress something to start main program...");
            Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear();
            //********************Starting main program************************//
            Console.WriteLine("Starting program...\nEnter general info about your enterprise:\n");
            float a; int b, c;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter number of deparments(for example 2) - ");
            line = Console.ReadLine();
            b    = int.Parse(line);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter number of products(for example 3) - ");
            line = Console.ReadLine();
            c    = int.Parse(line);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter power productivity of enteprise(for example 320.2) - ");
            line = Console.ReadLine();
            a    = float.Parse(line);

            enterprise d = new enterprise(a, b, c, true);

            Console.WriteLine("\nYour created enterprise: name-{0}, num_departs-{1}, num_products-{2},power_produc-{3}.\nFinished creating enterprise....\nPress something....", d.Name, d.Num_depart, d.Number_product, d.Productivity_pow);
            Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear();

            Console.WriteLine("Now u should describe your enterprise: \nNotice:DONT enter big value for 'conveyer_lines' and 'departments', because u need to describe every department and its lines(so it will take too much time to test program). ");

            for (int i = 0; i < d.Num_depart; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Department{0}:\nEnter name of department #{1} - ", i, i); d.departs[0].Name = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter number_lines of department #{0} - ", i); line = Console.ReadLine(); d.departs[0].Number_lines = int.Parse(line);
                // Console.WriteLine(int.Parse(line));
                Console.WriteLine("Enter number of workers of department #{0} - ", i); line = Console.ReadLine(); d.departs[0].Number_workers = int.Parse(line);
                //Console.WriteLine( int.Parse(line));
                Console.WriteLine("Enter number_tecnics of department #{0} - ", i); line = Console.ReadLine(); d.departs[0].Number_tecnic = int.Parse(line);
                d.departs[i].Pos_in_prod = i;

                Console.WriteLine("\nYou described department#{0}: name - {1}, number_lines - {2}, workers - {3}, tecs - {4}", i, d.departs[0].Name, d.departs[0].Number_lines,
                                  d.departs[0].Number_workers, d.departs[0].Number_tecnic);

                int t = d.departs[i].Number_workers / d.departs[i].Number_lines, ost = d.departs[i].Number_workers % d.departs[i].Number_lines;
                for (int u = 0; u < d.departs[i].Number_tecnic; u++)
                    d.departs[i].tecniques.Add(new tecnique());
                for (int j = 0; j < d.departs[i].Number_lines; j++)
                    int l, k;

                    Console.WriteLine("Conveyer_line#{0}:\nEnter equipment condition(0<x<10) - ", j); line = Console.ReadLine();    l = int.Parse(line); //d.departs[i].conveyer_lines[j].Eqiupment_stat = int.Parse(line);
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter time per making 1 item - "); line = Console.ReadLine();       k = int.Parse(line);                          //d.departs[i].conveyer_lines[j].Time_per_item = int.Parse(line);
                    d.departs[i].conveyer_lines.Add(new conveyer_line(t, j, l, k, false, "green"));

                    if (j == d.departs[i].Number_lines - 1)
                        t += ost;
                    for (int r = 0; r < t; r++)
                        d.departs[i].conveyer_lines[j].hand_workers.Add(new hand_worker(r, 5));
                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou described conveyer_line#{0}: equipment condition - {1}, time per making 1 item in minutes - {2}\n", j, l, k);
                if (i != d.departs[i].Number_lines - 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Press something to describe next department..."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear();
                }                                                                                                                                                                          //be careful
            Console.WriteLine("\nYou described departments and its lines");
            Console.ReadLine();  Console.Clear();

            Console.WriteLine("Now u should describe your products - ");

            for (int i = 0; i < d.Number_product; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter name of product - "); line = Console.ReadLine(); d.products[i].Name_product = line;
                Console.WriteLine("Enter list of details by space- ");
                // string[] words = line.Split(' ');

                int pos = 0;
                line = Console.ReadLine();
                string[] words  = line.Split(new[] { ' ', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                int      length = words.Length;
                foreach (string word in words)
                    d.products[i].List_details.Add(word); pos++;

                Console.WriteLine("Enter number of details by space- ");
                line  = Console.ReadLine();
                words = line.Split(new[] { ' ', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                for (pos = 0; pos < length; pos++)

                Console.WriteLine("Enter list of departments, involved in process of making this product, by space - ");
                line  = Console.ReadLine();
                words = line.Split(new[] { ' ', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                for (pos = 0; pos < d.departs.Count; pos++)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter current quality of this product - "); line = Console.ReadLine(); d.products[i].Quality = int.Parse(line); Console.WriteLine("");
                Console.WriteLine("****************\nYou described product: name - {0}, details(in pairs) - ", d.products[i].Name_product);
                for (pos = 1; pos < d.products[i].List_details.Count; pos++)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", d.products[i].List_details[pos], d.products[i].Number_details[pos]);
                Console.WriteLine("\nlist departments:");
                for (pos = 1; pos < d.products[i].List_departments.Count; pos++)
                Console.WriteLine("\nquality - {0}\n****************\n", d.products[i].Quality); Console.WriteLine("");

            Console.WriteLine("You finally described everything....."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear();

                Console.WriteLine("1.Check equipment     2.Qualify workers       3.Take order             4.Do prototype               5.Exit");
                line = Console.ReadLine();
                switch (line)
                case "1":
                    for (int i = 0; i < d.departs.Count; i++)

                case "2":
                        // int y, h,m,w;
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter number of department to qualify its workers - "); line = Console.ReadLine(); m = int.Parse(line);
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter number of conveyer line - "); line  = Console.ReadLine(); w = int.Parse(line);
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter first wortker to qualify - "); line = Console.ReadLine(); y = int.Parse(line);
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter last worker to qualify - "); line   = Console.ReadLine(); h = int.Parse(line);
                        for (int i = y; i < h; i++)
                    } while (y < h || y < d.departs[m].conveyer_lines[w].Workers || y >= d.departs[m].conveyer_lines[w].Workers ||
                             h < d.departs[m].conveyer_lines[w].Workers || h >= d.departs[m].conveyer_lines[w].Workers); Console.WriteLine("Qualified!"); break;

                case "3":
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter name of orderer - "); line          = Console.ReadLine(); d.ord.Name_orderer = line;
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter name of product to order - "); line = Console.ReadLine(); d.ord.Kind_prod = line;
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter number of product - "); line        = Console.ReadLine(); d.ord.Numb_prod = int.Parse(line);
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter deadline - "); line = Console.ReadLine(); d.ord.Dead_line = int.Parse(line);
                    Console.WriteLine("U took order: name_orderer:{0}, producr:{1}, number:{2},deadline:{3}", d.ord.Name_orderer, d.ord.Kind_prod, d.ord.Numb_prod, d.ord.Dead_line);
                    line = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy | HH:mm:ss"); Console.WriteLine("Order was taken {0}", line);


                case "4": Console.WriteLine("Not done yet"); break;

                case "5": break;
                Console.WriteLine("Press something....."); line = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear();
            } while (line != "5");
            //line = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear();