public static string GetError(string errorcode) { string errMessage = "<div align=\'center\' class=\'FormTable\' style=\'padding-top: 10px;color:red; font-weight:400; font-size:16px; text-align:center; line-height:20px;\' id=\'status\' runat=\'server\'>\r\n" + "<strong>Thank you for your interest in Our Products.</strong><br />\r\n </div>\r\n <div align=\'center\' style=\'font-weight:300; font-size:14px; text-align:center; line-height:20px;\'>\r\n\t\t!_errorMessage_!\r\n</div>"; string default_message = "Due to technical difficulties, we are not able to process your order.<br />\r\nPlease call us at the number below to place an order via phone.<br />\r\n" + "Thank you again for your interest and understanding. Phone: <a href=\'\'>\r\n1-800-353-3140</a>"; object result = null; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorcode)) { if (Convert.ToInt32(errorcode) > 0) { string serviceUrl = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["iservice"].ToString(); serviceUrl += "errorMessage?ErrorCode=" + errorcode + "&format=json"; connectIServices connectIServices = new connectIServices(); string obj = connectIServices.returnJson(serviceUrl); var yourOjbect = new JavaScriptSerializer().DeserializeObject(obj); List<object> resultList = new List<object>(); Dictionary<string, object> dictStr = new Dictionary<string, object>(); dictStr = (Dictionary<string, object>)yourOjbect; //var errorcd = dictStr.Where(b => b.Key == "ErrorCode").Select(b => b.Value).FirstOrDefault(); result = dictStr.Where(b => b.Key == "Message").Select(b => b.Value).FirstOrDefault(); } } if (Convert.ToInt32(errorcode) <= 0) { result = default_message; } } catch (Exception) { result = default_message; } return errMessage.Replace("!_errorMessage_!", result != null ? Convert.ToString(result) : ""); }
private static bool addUpsellToCart(string orderId, string campaignId, string offerId, string upsellId) { string serviceUrl = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["iservice"].ToString(); serviceUrl += "addItemToOrder/?token=741889E3-4565-40A1-982A-F15F7A923D72&PromotionId=" + campaignId + "&OrderId=" + orderId + "&UpsellId=" + upsellId + "&OfferCodes=" + offerId + "&format=json"; connectIServices connectIServices = new connectIServices(); try { string obj = connectIServices.returnJson(serviceUrl); var yourOjbect = new JavaScriptSerializer().DeserializeObject(obj); List<object> offerList = new List<object>(); List<object> resultList = new List<object>(); Dictionary<string, object> dictStr = new Dictionary<string, object>(); dictStr = (Dictionary<string, object>)yourOjbect; var result = dictStr.Where(b => b.Key == "response").Select(b => b.Value).ToList(); System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object> book = new Dictionary<string, object>(); book = (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>)result.FirstOrDefault(); var O_bookDesc = book.Where(b => b.Key == "processed").Select(b => b.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (yourOjbect != null && result != null) { if (O_bookDesc != null) return Convert.ToBoolean(O_bookDesc); } return false; } catch { return false; } }
public ActionResult OrderDetails() { var oComm = new CommonModels(); OrderVariables oVariables = new OrderVariables(); try { if (Session["NewOrderDetails"] != null) { oVariables = Session["NewOrderDetails"] as OrderVariables; string serviceUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["iservice"].ToString(); if (oVariables != null) { BindCartDetails(); serviceUrl += "getupselloffers/?token=741889E3-4565-40A1-982A-F15F7A923D72&UpsellId=" + oVariables.upsellId.ToString() + "&PromotionId=" + oVariables.campaign_id + "&format=json"; //serviceUrl += "getupselloffers/?token=741889E3-4565-40A1-982A-F15F7A923D72&UpsellId=19790613&PromotionId=12469&format=json"; connectIServices connectIServices = new connectIServices(); string obj = connectIServices.returnJson(serviceUrl); var yourOjbect = new JavaScriptSerializer().DeserializeObject(obj); List<object> offerList = new List<object>(); object[] O_bookList; int i = 0; foreach (var item1 in (Dictionary<string, object>)yourOjbect) { i++; var item2 = item1.Value; if (i < 2) { O_bookList = (object[])item2; offerList = O_bookList.ToList(); } } BindOfferDetails(offerList); AssignValuestoViewBag(1); ViewBag.BillZipCode = oVariables.bill_to_zipcode; } } } catch (Exception ex) { oComm.SendEmail("Upsell Page 1 deals <br />Exception Raised from Upsell Page 1 deals. Exception: " + ex.Message.ToString() + ".<br />More Data (Offer URL): " + oVariables.referring_url + ". <br />More Data (Order Id):" + oVariables.order_id); } return View(); }