public bool check_discount(DataTable dtitem) { string strSql = "select disc_code,disc_amt,disc from tblDiscountMaster where SiteId='" + Convert.ToString(Request.Params["SiteId"]) + "' and disc_code='" + Convert.ToString(Request.Params["discCode"]) + "'"; commonclass objdisc = new commonclass(); DataTable dtdisc = objdisc.Fetchrecords(strSql); if (dtdisc.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtitem.Rows) { //disc_amt = Convert.ToDouble(dr["disc_amt"]); dr["disc"] = true; dr["disc_code"] = Convert.ToString(dtdisc.Rows[0]["disc_code"]); dr["disc_amt"] = Convert.ToDouble(dtdisc.Rows[0]["disc_amt"]); //dr["tot_cost"] = (100 - disc_amt) / 100 * tot_cost; // dr["tot_cost"] = (100 - Convert.ToDouble(dr["disc_amt"])) / 100 * tot_cost; } Session["flagDiscount"] = true; return(true); } else { //Response.Write("2"); //Response.Write("~"); //Response.Write("Please verify the discount code"); Session["flagDiscount"] = false; return(false); } }
protected void ddlService_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { commonclass objCommon = new commonclass(); DataSet dsSubService = new DataSet(); string strError = ""; string strSql = "select subservice_id,subservice_name from tblSubServiceMaster where subservice_status=1;select sub.subservice_name,r.subservice_id from tblService_SubService_Relation r inner join tblSubServiceMaster sub on r.subservice_id=sub.subservice_id where r.service_id=" + Convert.ToInt32(ddlService.SelectedValue) + " ;"; //string strSql = "select subservice_id,subservice_name from tblSubServiceMaster where subservice_status=1;select subservice_id from tblService_SubService_Relation "; dsSubService = objCommon.ExecuteDS(strSql, ref strError); if (dsSubService.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { cbSubService.DataSource = dsSubService.Tables[0]; cbSubService.DataValueField = dsSubService.Tables[0].Columns["subservice_id"].ToString(); cbSubService.DataTextField = Convert.ToString(dsSubService.Tables[0].Columns["subservice_name"]); // cbSubService.DataValueField = "subservice_id"; // cbSubService.DataTextField = "subservice_name"; cbSubService.DataBind(); foreach (ListItem li in cbSubService.Items) { foreach (DataRow dr in dsSubService.Tables[1].Rows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(li.Value) == Convert.ToInt32(dr["subservice_id"])) { li.Selected = true; } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { commonclass objcat = new commonclass(); string strsql = "select Category_Id,Category_Name from tblItemCategory_Web_Server"; DataTable dtcat = objcat.Fetchrecords(strsql); rptcatname.DataSource = dtcat; rptcatname.DataBind(); }
public DataTable getDatable(string Category_Id) { commonclass objcat = new commonclass(); //string strsql = "select Category_id,Category_Name,Parent_Category_id from tblItemCategory_Web_Server where Parent_Category_id=" + Category_Id + ""; string strsql = "select Category_id,Category_Name,Parent_Category_id from tblItemCategory_Web_Server"; DataTable dtcat = objcat.Fetchrecords(strsql); return(dtcat); }
public void getPaymentOption() { DataTable dtPoption = new DataTable(); commonclass objPo = new commonclass(); string strSQL = "select * from tblPaymentOptionMaster"; dtPoption = objPo.Fetchrecords(strSQL); rptPo.DataSource = dtPoption; rptPo.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { commonclass objmenu = new commonclass(); DataTable dtmenu = new DataTable(); string strSql = "select * from tblMenuMaster"; dtmenu = objmenu.Fetchrecords(strSql); dvMenu.InnerHtml = generaRootLevel(dtmenu); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { commonclass objdt = new commonclass(); DataTable dtrep = new DataTable(); dtrep = objdt.Fetchrecords("select * from products"); //rep1.DataSource = Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset( // sConn, CommandType.Text, "select * from products").Tables[0].Rows; rep1.DataSource = dtrep; rep1.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Chapter_Id = ""; commonclass objcat = new commonclass(); if (Request.QueryString["Chapter_Id"] != null) { Chapter_Id = Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["Chapter_Id"]); } if (Chapter_Id == "") { // strsql = "select Category_id,Category_Name from tblItemCategory_Web_Server where Parent_Category_id=" + Request.QueryString["catid"] + ""; string strsql = "select c.Chapter_Id,c.Chapter_Name, s.chapter_level,s.Chapter_Path,s.Site_id,s.Parent_Id from tblChapter_Master c " + " INNER JOIN tblSiteChapterMaster s ON s.Chapter_Id=c.Chapter_Id where s.chapter_level=0 "; DataTable dtArticle = objcat.Fetchrecords(strsql); //rptArticles.DataSource = dtArticle; //rptArticles.DataBind(); StringBuilder sboutput = new StringBuilder(); sboutput.Append("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); sboutput.Append("<tr><td><h1>Interesting Articles</h1></td></tr>"); foreach (DataRow drcat in dtArticle.Rows) { sboutput.Append("<tr>"); sboutput.Append("<td>"); sboutput.Append("<a href=\"chapter.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + drcat["Chapter_Id"].ToString() + "&pageno=1\">" + drcat["Chapter_Name"].ToString() + "</a>"); sboutput.Append("</td>"); sboutput.Append("</tr>"); } sboutput.Append("</table>"); lblCategory.Text = sboutput.ToString(); } else { string strsql = "select c.Chapter_Id,c.Chapter_Name, s.chapter_level,s.Chapter_Path,s.Site_id,s.Parent_Id from tblChapter_Master c " + " INNER JOIN tblSiteChapterMaster s ON s.Chapter_Id=c.Chapter_Id "; DataTable dtArticle = objcat.Fetchrecords(strsql); lblCategory.Text = ""; StringBuilder sboutput = new StringBuilder(); lblCategory.Text = BindLevel1(dtArticle, Chapter_Id); } }
public void bindRep() { commonclass objcommon = new commonclass(); //string strSql = " select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY COL ASC) AS SlNo,COL from Duplicate "; string strSql = " select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY COL ASC) AS SlNo,col, row_number() over (partition by ID,col Order by ID) as Sl from DUPLICATE"; //DataTable dtApproved = new DataTable(); // DataTable dtDuplicate = objcommon.Fetchrecords(strSql); DataTable dtDuplicate = objcommon.getDataTable(strSql); rptDuplicate.DataSource = dtDuplicate; rptDuplicate.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { string strSql = ""; strSql = " select id,count(COL) as wait, COL from Duplicate group by id,COL,status having status =1"; commonclass objcommon = new commonclass(); DataTable dtWait = new DataTable(); //dtWait.Columns.Add("sid", typeof(int)); //dtWait.Columns["sid"].AutoIncrement = true; //dtWait.Columns["sid"].AutoIncrementSeed = 1; dtWait = objcommon.Fetchrecords(strSql); dtWait.PrimaryKey = new System.Data.DataColumn[] { dtWait.Columns["id"] }; strSql = " select id,count(COL) as approved, COL as siteapproved from Duplicate group by id,COL,status having status =2"; DataTable dtApproved = new DataTable(); //dtApproved.Columns.Add("sid", typeof(int)); //dtApproved.Columns["sid"].AutoIncrement = true; //dtApproved.Columns["sid"].AutoIncrementSeed = 1; // dtApproved.PrimaryKey = new System.Data.DataColumn[] { dtApproved.Columns["id"] }; dtApproved = objcommon.Fetchrecords(strSql); // strSql = " select id,count(COL)as cancel , COL from Duplicate group by id,COL having status =3"; strSql = " select id,count(COL) as cancel, COL as sitecancel from Duplicate group by id,COL,status having status =3"; DataTable dtCancel = new DataTable(); //dtCancel.Columns.Add("sid", typeof(int)); //dtCancel.Columns["sid"].AutoIncrement = true; //dtCancel.Columns["sid"].AutoIncrementSeed = 1; // dtCancel.PrimaryKey = new System.Data.DataColumn[] { dtCancel.Columns["id"] }; dtCancel = objcommon.Fetchrecords(strSql); //DataTable dtfinal = new DataTable(); //dtfinal.Columns.Add("COL"); //dtfinal.Columns.Add("ApplicationName"); dtWait.Merge(dtApproved); dtWait.Merge(dtCancel); dlLink.DataSource = dtWait; dlLink.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { SetInitialRow(); } Member_name_textbox.Text = Session["member_name"].ToString(); string mymember_name = Member_name_textbox.Text; commonclass ref_no = new commonclass(); Reference_no.Text = ref_no.generate_referenceno(mymember_name); }
public List <Service> populateService_list() { List <Service> colService = new List <Service>(); Service objService = null; string strSql = "select * from tblServiceMaster "; commonclass objcommon = new commonclass(); DataTable dtService = new DataTable(); dtService = objcommon.Fetchrecords(strSql); foreach (DataRow drService in dtService.Rows) { objService = new Service(); objService.service_id = Convert.ToInt32(drService["service_id"]); objService.service_name = Convert.ToString(drService["service_name"]); colService.Add(objService); } return(colService); }
public GCommon <State> populateState() { GCommon <State> colState = new GCommon <State>(); State objstate = null; string strSql = "select * from tblstate order by sname "; commonclass objcommon = new commonclass(); DataTable dtState = new DataTable(); dtState = objcommon.Fetchrecords(strSql); foreach (DataRow drState in dtState.Rows) { objstate = new State(); objstate.sid = Convert.ToInt32(drState["sid"]); objstate.sname = Convert.ToString(drState["sname"]); colState.Add(objstate); } return(colState); }
public void getCity() { string strSql = "select * from tblCityMaster "; commonclass objcommon = new commonclass(); DataTable dtCity = new DataTable(); dtCity = objcommon.Fetchrecords(strSql); rptCity.DataSource = dtCity; rptCity.DataBind(); foreach (DataRow drCity in dtCity.Rows) { hidCityIds.Value += drCity["city_id"].ToString() + ","; } if (hidCityIds.Value.Length > 0) { hidCityIds.Value = hidCityIds.Value.Substring(0, hidCityIds.Value.Length - 1); } hidTotCity.Value = "1"; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["connectionString"]); //try //{ // //Class1.conn.Open(); // if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed) // { // conn.Open(); // } // //conn.Open(); // DataSet d1 = new DataSet(); // SqlDataAdapter adpt = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from ques", conn); // adpt.Fill(d1, "ques"); // myrepeater.DataSource = d1.Tables["ques"]; // myrepeater.DataBind(); //} //catch { } //finally //{ // if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) // { // conn.Close(); // } //} commonclass objrep = new commonclass(); if (!IsPostBack) { DataTable dtques = new DataTable(); string strSql = "select * from ques"; dtques = objrep.Fetchrecords(strSql); myrepeater.DataSource = dtques; myrepeater.DataBind(); } }
public GCommon <City> populateCity() { GCommon <City> colCity = new GCommon <City>(); City objCity = null; //string strSql = "select c.city_name " + // " from tblCityMaster c" + // " inner join tblService_SubService_City_Relation r on c.city_id=r.city_id" + // " where c.city_status=1" + // " order by c.city_name"; string strSql = "select * from tblCityMaster order by city_name "; commonclass objcommon = new commonclass(); DataTable dtCity = new DataTable(); dtCity = objcommon.Fetchrecords(strSql); foreach (DataRow drCity in dtCity.Rows) { objCity = new City(); objCity.city_id = Convert.ToInt32(drCity["city_id"]); objCity.city_name = Convert.ToString(drCity["city_name"]); colCity.Add(objCity); } return(colCity); }
public bool getProduct(string Chapter_Id, int inner, int pagenumber, int numberofProd, ref string strPage) { bool bflag = false; int totproduct = 0; commonclass objcat = new commonclass(); int f = 1; int t = 6; int upto = 0; int prev = 5; string strsql = "select count(pid) as totproduct from testProduct "; DataTable dtAllprod = objcat.Fetchrecords(strsql); if (dtAllprod.Rows.Count > 0) { totproduct = Convert.ToInt32(dtAllprod.Rows[0]["totproduct"]); } string strSql = ""; if (pagenumber == 0) { strSql = "select pname from testProduct"; } else { strSql = "select top (" + numberofProd + ")pname" + " from testProduct " + " where pid not in (select top (" + inner + ")pid " + " from testProduct )"; } DataTable dtArticle = objcat.Fetchrecords(strSql); if (dtArticle.Rows.Count > 0) { dtlArticle.DataSource = dtArticle; dtlArticle.DataBind(); StringBuilder sbpage = new StringBuilder(); if (pagenumber != 0) { if (totproduct > numberofProd) { int intfrompage = (pagenumber - 1) * numberofProd + 1; int inttopage = pagenumber * numberofProd; if (inttopage > totproduct) { sbpage.Append(intfrompage + "-" + totproduct + " of " + totproduct + " "); } else { sbpage.Append(intfrompage + "-" + inttopage + " of " + totproduct + " "); } int nopages = 0; if (totproduct > numberofProd) { if (totproduct % numberofProd != 0) { nopages = totproduct / numberofProd + 1; } else { nopages = totproduct / numberofProd; } } if (intfrompage == 1) { // btnprev.Enabled = false; sbpage.Append("<image src=\"images/prev_arrow.gif\">"); //sbpage.Append("Previous"); } else { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"testPagination.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (pagenumber - 1) + "\"><image src=\"images/prev_arrow.gif\">"); // sbpage.Append("<a href=\"testPagination.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (pagenumber - 1) + "\">Previous</a> "); } if (nopages > 6) { if (pagenumber % 6 == 0) { upto = pagenumber / 6 + 1; f = pagenumber + 1; t = 6 * upto; if (nopages < t) { t = nopages; } else { t = 6 * upto; } Session["f"] = f; Session["t"] = t; if (Session["f"] == null && Session["f"] == null || pagenumber < 6) { f = 1; t = 6; } else { f = Convert.ToInt32(Session["f"]); t = Convert.ToInt32(Session["t"]); } for (int i = f - 1; i <= t; i++) { if (pagenumber == (i)) { sbpage.Append(i); } else { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"testPagination.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (i) + "\">" + (i) + "</a> "); } } } else if (pagenumber - 5 == 0) { f = Convert.ToInt32(Session["f"]) - 6; t = Convert.ToInt32(Session["t"]) - 1; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { if (pagenumber == (i)) { sbpage.Append(i); } else { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"testPagination.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (i) + "\">" + (i) + "</a> "); } } } else if ((pagenumber - 5) % 6 == 0) { int p = Convert.ToInt32(Session["t"]) + 1; if (pagenumber < Convert.ToInt32(Session["f"]))//prev { f = Convert.ToInt32(Session["f"]) - 6; t = Convert.ToInt32(Session["t"]) - 6; //if(t-f if (t - f != 5) { int m = 5 - (t - f); t = t + m; } for (int i = f - 1; i <= t; i++) { if (pagenumber == (i)) { sbpage.Append(i); } else { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"testPagination.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (i) + "\">" + (i) + "</a> "); } } Session["f"] = f; Session["t"] = t; } else { f = Convert.ToInt32(Session["f"]); t = Convert.ToInt32(Session["t"]); for (int i = f - 1; i <= t; i++) { if (pagenumber == (i)) { sbpage.Append(i); } else { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"testPagination.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (i) + "\">" + (i) + "</a> "); } } } } else { if (Session["f"] == null && Session["f"] == null || pagenumber < 6) { f = 1; t = 6; for (int i = f; i <= t; i++) { if (pagenumber == (i)) { sbpage.Append(i); } else { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"testPagination.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (i) + "\">" + (i) + "</a> "); } } } else { f = Convert.ToInt32(Session["f"]); t = Convert.ToInt32(Session["t"]); for (int i = f - 1; i <= t; i++) { if (pagenumber == (i)) { sbpage.Append(i); } else { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"testPagination.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (i) + "\">" + (i) + "</a> "); } } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < nopages; i++) { if (pagenumber == (i + 1)) { sbpage.Append(i + 1); } else { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"testPagination.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (i + 1) + "\">" + (i + 1) + "</a> "); } } } if (pagenumber == nopages) { // btnnext.Enabled = false; sbpage.Append("<image src=\"images/next_arrow.gif\"> "); } else { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"testPagination.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (pagenumber + 1) + "\"><image src=\"images/next_arrow.gif\"> "); } sbpage.Append("<a href=\"testPagination.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=0\"><image src=\"images/view_all_img.gif\"></a>"); } //sbpage.Append("<a href=\"testPagination.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=0\"><image src=\"images/view_all_img.gif\"></a>"); } else { sbpage.Append(totproduct + " of " + totproduct + " "); } strPage = sbpage.ToString(); bflag = true; } return(bflag); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { commonclass objcat = new commonclass(); string strsql = ""; int Parent_Category_id = 0; string parent_Category_Name = string.Empty; string Category_Id = ""; if (Request.QueryString["catid"] != null) { Category_Id = Request.QueryString["catid"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["catid"] != null) { strsql = "select Category_id,Category_Name from tblItemCategory_Web_Server where Parent_Category_id=" + Request.QueryString["catid"] + ""; DataTable dtcat = objcat.Fetchrecords(strsql); rptSubcatname.DataSource = dtcat; rptSubcatname.DataBind(); //DataView subname = new DataView(dtcat); //subname.RowFilter = "Category_id='" + Category_Id + "'"; strsql = "select Category_Id,Category_Name from tblItemCategory_Web_Server where Category_id=(select Parent_Category_id from tblItemCategory_Web_Server where Category_Id=" + Request.QueryString["catid"] + ")"; // dr = objcat.ExecuteDR(strsql,ref dr); DataTable dtParent_Category_id = objcat.Fetchrecords(strsql); if (dtParent_Category_id.Rows.Count > 0) { Parent_Category_id = Convert.ToInt32(dtParent_Category_id.Rows[0]["Category_Id"]); parent_Category_Name = Convert.ToString(dtParent_Category_id.Rows[0]["Category_Name"]); } if (Parent_Category_id != 0) { // DataTable dtsubcat = objcat.Fetchrecords(strsql); strsql = "select Category_Id,Category_Name from tblItemCategory_Web_Server where Parent_Category_id=" + Parent_Category_id + " and Category_Id!=" + Request.QueryString["catid"] + ""; DataTable dtsubcat = objcat.Fetchrecords(strsql); // rptSubcatname.HeaderTemplate.ToString() = parent_Category_Name; rptSubSubcatname.DataSource = dtsubcat; rptSubSubcatname.DataBind(); foreach (RepeaterItem repeatItem in rptSubSubcatname.Items) { // if condition to add HeaderTemplate Dynamically only Once if (repeatItem.ItemIndex == 0) { RepeaterItem headerItem = new RepeaterItem(repeatItem.ItemIndex, ListItemType.Header); HtmlGenericControl hTag = new HtmlGenericControl("h4"); hTag.InnerHtml = parent_Category_Name; repeatItem.Controls.Add(hTag); } } //rptSubSubcatname.DataSource = dtsubcat; //rptSubSubcatname.DataBind(); } } else { } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { commonclass objcat = new commonclass(); string Category_Id = ""; if (Request.QueryString["catid"] != null) { Category_Id = Request.QueryString["catid"].ToString(); } if (Category_Id != null) { DataTable dtCat = getDatable(Category_Id); string Parent_Category_id = ""; string Category_Name = ""; StringBuilder sboutput = new StringBuilder(); if (getCatName(dtCat, ref Parent_Category_id, ref Category_Name, Category_Id)) { DataView dvCat = new DataView(dtCat); // dvCat.RowFilter = "Parent_Category_id='" + Category_Id + "'"; dvCat.RowFilter = "Parent_Category_id='" + Category_Id + "'and Category_Id<>'" + Category_Id + "'"; dvCat.Sort = "Category_Name"; if (dvCat.ToTable().Rows.Count > 0) { sboutput.Append("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); sboutput.Append("<tr><td><h1>SubCategories</h1></td></tr>"); foreach (DataRow drcat in dvCat.ToTable().Rows) { sboutput.Append("<tr>"); sboutput.Append("<td>"); if (drcat["Category_Id"].ToString() == Category_Id) { sboutput.Append("<a style=\"background-color:Red\" href=\"category.aspx?catid=" + drcat["Category_Id"].ToString() + "&pageno=1\">" + drcat["Category_Name"].ToString() + "</a>"); } else { sboutput.Append("<a href=\"category.aspx?catid=" + drcat["Category_Id"].ToString() + "&pageno=1\">" + drcat["Category_Name"].ToString() + "</a>"); } // sboutput.Append("<a href=\"category.aspx?catid=" + drcat["Category_Id"].ToString() + "&pageno=1\">" + drcat["Category_Name"].ToString() + "</a>"); sboutput.Append("</td>"); sboutput.Append("</tr>"); } sboutput.Append("</table>"); sboutput.Append("<br>"); } if (Parent_Category_id != "0") { // dvCat.RowFilter = "Parent_Category_id='" + Parent_Category_id + "'"; dvCat.RowFilter = "Parent_Category_id='" + Parent_Category_id + "'and Category_id <>'" + Category_Id + "'"; dvCat.Sort = "Category_Name"; if (getCatName(dtCat, ref Parent_Category_id, ref Category_Name, Parent_Category_id)) { //dvCat.RowFilter = "Parent_Category_id='" + Parent_Category_id + "'"; //dvCat.Sort = "Category_Name"; if (dvCat.ToTable().Rows.Count > 0) { sboutput.Append("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"); sboutput.Append("<tr><td><h1>" + Category_Name + "</h1></td></tr>"); foreach (DataRow drcat in dvCat.ToTable().Rows) { sboutput.Append("<tr>"); sboutput.Append("<td>"); // sboutput.Append("<a href=\"category.aspx?catid=" + drcat["Category_Id"].ToString() + "&pageno=1\">" + drcat["Category_Name"].ToString() + "</a>"); if (drcat["Category_Id"].ToString() == Category_Id) { sboutput.Append("<a style=\"background-color:Red\" href=\"category.aspx?catid=" + drcat["Category_Id"].ToString() + "&pageno=1\">" + drcat["Category_Name"].ToString() + "</a>"); } else { sboutput.Append("<a href=\"category.aspx?catid=" + drcat["Category_Id"].ToString() + "&pageno=1\">" + drcat["Category_Name"].ToString() + "</a>"); } sboutput.Append("</td>"); sboutput.Append("</tr>"); } sboutput.Append("</table>"); sboutput.Append("<br>"); } } } lblSubCat.Text = sboutput.ToString(); } } }
//public void getService_SubService() //{ // string strSql = " select " + // " s.service_id ," + // " s.service_name," + // " sub.subservice_name, " + // " sub.subservice_id " + // " from " + // " tblService_SubService_City_Relation r " + // " inner join tblSubServiceMaster sub on sub.subservice_id=r.subservice_id " + // " inner join tblServiceMaster s on s.service_id=r.service_id " + // " where " + // " s.service_status=1 and sub.subservice_status=1 "; // commonclass objcommon = new commonclass(); // DataTable dtService = new DataTable(); // dtService = objcommon.Fetchrecords(strSql); // dlService.DataSource = dtService; // dlService.DataBind(); // foreach (DataListItem DataListItem in dlService.Items) // { // // SQL Select Command // string strSqlNew = " select " + // " sub.subservice_name, " + // " sub.subservice_id " + // " from " + // " tblService_SubService_City_Relation r " + // " inner join tblSubServiceMaster sub on sub.subservice_id=r.subservice_id " + // // " inner join tblServiceMaster s on s.service_id=r.service_id "+ // " where " + // " service_id = @service_id and sub.subservice_status=1 "; // SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["connectionString"]); // SqlCommand mySqlSelect = new SqlCommand(strSqlNew, con); // mySqlSelect.CommandType = CommandType.Text; // // Parameter passed as categoryID // // to get products that belong to the passed categoryId // // FindControl HiddenField used to retrieve the value of categoryId // mySqlSelect.Parameters.Add("@service_id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ((HiddenField)DataListItem.FindControl("hiddenCategoryID")).Value; // SqlDataAdapter mySqlAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(mySqlSelect); // DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet(); // mySqlAdapter.Fill(myDataSet); // DataList dlSubService = (DataList)(DataListItem.FindControl("dlSubService")); // // Databinding with Nested DataList Control // dlSubService.DataSource = myDataSet; // ((DataList)(DataListItem.FindControl("dlSubService"))).DataBind(); // } //} public void getServiceHTML() { ArrayList sameprod = new ArrayList(); int intcounter = 0; string strSql = " select " + " s.service_id ," + " s.service_name" + " from " + " tblService_SubService_Relation r " + " inner join tblServiceMaster s on s.service_id=r.service_id " + " where " + " s.service_status=1 "; commonclass objcommon = new commonclass(); DataTable dtService = new DataTable(); dtService = objcommon.Fetchrecords(strSql); //dlService.DataSource = dtService; //dlService.DataBind(); StringBuilder sbSurvice = new StringBuilder(); sbSurvice.Append("<table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"836\">"); sbSurvice.Append("<tbody>"); sbSurvice.Append("<tr>"); int service_id = 0; foreach (DataRow drService in dtService.Rows) { if (!sameprod.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(drService["service_id"]))) { sbSurvice.Append("<td style=\"height: 178px;\" valign=\"top\" width=\"20%\">"); sbSurvice.Append(getSub_ServiceHTML(Convert.ToInt32(drService["service_id"]), Convert.ToString(drService["service_name"]))); sbSurvice.Append("</td>"); sameprod.Add(Convert.ToInt32(drService["service_id"])); intcounter++; } if (intcounter == 4) { sbSurvice.Append("</tr>"); sbSurvice.Append("<tr>"); sbSurvice.Append("<td style=\"height: 19px;\" width=\"20%\">"); sbSurvice.Append(" "); sbSurvice.Append("</td>"); sbSurvice.Append("<td style=\"height: 19px;\" width=\"20%\">"); sbSurvice.Append(" "); sbSurvice.Append(" </td>"); sbSurvice.Append("<td style=\"height: 19px;\" width=\"20%\">"); sbSurvice.Append(" "); sbSurvice.Append("</td>"); sbSurvice.Append("<td style=\"height: 19px;\" width=\"20%\">"); sbSurvice.Append(" "); sbSurvice.Append(" </td>"); sbSurvice.Append(" </tr>"); intcounter = 0; } //sbSurvice.Append("<td style=\"height: 178px;\" valign=\"top\" width=\"20%\">"); //sbSurvice.Append("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"209\">"); //sbSurvice.Append("<tbody>"); //sbSurvice.Append("<tr>"); //sbSurvice.Append("<td class=\"GoldSection\" style=\"height: 19px;\" bgcolor=\"#f6e08d\">"); //sbSurvice.Append(Convert.ToString(drService["service_name"])); //sbSurvice.Append("</td>"); //sbSurvice.Append("</tr>"); //sbSurvice.Append("<tr>"); //sbSurvice.Append("<td style=\"height: 140px;\" bgcolor=\"#fcf4d6\" valign=\"top\">"); //sbSurvice.Append(getSub_ServiceHTML(service_id)); //sameprod.Add(service_id); //sbSurvice.Append("</td>"); //sbSurvice.Append("</tr>"); //sbSurvice.Append("</tbody>"); //sbSurvice.Append("</table>"); //sbSurvice.Append("</td>"); } sbSurvice.Append("</tbody>"); sbSurvice.Append("</table>"); divServiceList.InnerHtml = sbSurvice.ToString(); if (hidSubServId.Value.Length > 0) { hidSubServId.Value = hidSubServId.Value.Substring(0, hidSubServId.Value.Length - 1); } }
public void rating(int expert_id, int login_id, int value) { string sql = ""; commonclass objcommon = new commonclass(); sql = "select rating from tblRating where expert_id=" + Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["expert_id"]) + " and login_id=" + login_id + ""; int rating = 0; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["connectionString"].ToString())) try { if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } SqlCommand CMD = new SqlCommand(sql, con); SqlDataReader dr = CMD.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); if (dr.HasRows) { if (dr.Read()) { rating = Convert.ToInt32(dr["rating"]); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //strError = ex.Message; //bflag = false; } finally { // close the Sql Connection if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { con.Close(); } } if (rating == 0) { sql = "insert into tblRating(expert_id,login_id,status,rating)values(" + expert_id + "," + login_id + ",4," + value + ")"; if (objcommon.ReturnExecute(sql) > 0) { } } else { sql = "update tblRating set rating=" + value + " where expert_id=" + expert_id + " and login_id=" + login_id + " "; if (objcommon.ReturnExecute(sql) > 0) { } } }
public bool getProduct(string Chapter_Id, int inner, int pagenumber, int numberofProd, ref string strPage) { bool bflag = false; int totproduct = 0; commonclass objcat = new commonclass(); string strsql = "select count(a.Article_Id) as totproduct" + " from tblArticle_Chapter_Relation r " + " inner join tblArticleMaster a on a.Article_Id=r.Article_Id " + " inner join tblChapter_Master c on c.Chapter_Id=r.Chapter_Id" + " where c.Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + " "; DataTable dtAllprod = objcat.Fetchrecords(strsql); if (dtAllprod.Rows.Count > 0) { totproduct = Convert.ToInt32(dtAllprod.Rows[0]["totproduct"]); } string strSql = ""; if (pagenumber == 0) { strSql = "select a.Article_Id,a.Article_Name," + " a.Article_Matter " + " from tblArticle_Chapter_Relation r " + " inner join tblArticleMaster a on a.Article_Id=r.Article_Id " + " inner join tblChapter_Master c on c.Chapter_Id=r.Chapter_Id " + " where c.Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + " "; } else { strSql = "select top (" + numberofProd + ") a.Article_Id,a.Article_Name," + " a.Article_Matter " + " from tblArticle_Chapter_Relation r " + " inner join tblArticleMaster a on a.Article_Id=r.Article_Id " + " inner join tblChapter_Master c on c.Chapter_Id=r.Chapter_Id " + " where a.Article_Id not in (select top (" + inner + ")a.Article_Id " + " from tblArticle_Chapter_Relation r" + " inner join tblArticleMaster a on a.Article_Id=r.Article_Id " + " inner join tblChapter_Master c on c.Chapter_Id=r.Chapter_Id) " + " and c.Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + " "; } DataTable dtArticle = objcat.Fetchrecords(strSql); if (dtArticle.Rows.Count > 0) { dtlArticle.DataSource = dtArticle; dtlArticle.DataBind(); StringBuilder sbpage = new StringBuilder(); if (pagenumber != 0) { if (totproduct > numberofProd) { int intfrompage = (pagenumber - 1) * numberofProd + 1; int inttopage = pagenumber * numberofProd; if (inttopage > totproduct) { sbpage.Append(intfrompage + "-" + totproduct + " of " + totproduct); } else { sbpage.Append(intfrompage + "-" + inttopage + " of " + totproduct); } int nopages = 0; if (totproduct > numberofProd) { if (totproduct % numberofProd != 0) { nopages = totproduct / numberofProd + 1; } else { nopages = totproduct / numberofProd; } } if (intfrompage == 1) { // btnprev.Enabled = false; sbpage.Append("<image src=\"images/prev_arrow.gif\">"); } else { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"chapter.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (pagenumber - 1) + "\"><image src=\"images/prev_arrow.gif\">"); } for (int i = 0; i < nopages; i++) { if (pagenumber == (i + 1)) { sbpage.Append(i + 1); } else { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"chapter.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (i + 1) + "\">" + (i + 1) + "</a>"); } } if (pagenumber == nopages) { // btnnext.Enabled = false; sbpage.Append("<image src=\"images/next_arrow.gif\">"); } else { sbpage.Append("<a href=\"chapter.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=" + (pagenumber + 1) + "\"><image src=\"images/next_arrow.gif\">"); } //sbpage.Append("<a href=\"chapter.aspx?Chapter_Id=" + Chapter_Id + "&pageno=0\"><image src=\"images/view_all_img.gif\">"); } } else { sbpage.Append(totproduct + " of " + totproduct); } strPage = sbpage.ToString(); bflag = true; } return(bflag); }