internal void FillMultiPath(com.epl.geometry.SimpleRasterizer rasterizer, com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D trans, com.epl.geometry.MultiPathImpl polygon, bool isWinding)
     com.epl.geometry.SegmentIteratorImpl segIter = polygon.QuerySegmentIterator();
     com.epl.geometry.Point2D             p1      = new com.epl.geometry.Point2D();
     com.epl.geometry.Point2D             p2      = new com.epl.geometry.Point2D();
     while (segIter.NextPath())
         while (segIter.HasNextSegment())
             com.epl.geometry.Segment seg = segIter.NextSegment();
             if (seg.GetType() != com.epl.geometry.Geometry.Type.Line)
                 throw com.epl.geometry.GeometryException.GeometryInternalError();
             // TODO:
             // densify
             // the
             // segment
             // here
             trans.Transform(seg.GetStartXY(), p1);
             trans.Transform(seg.GetEndXY(), p2);
             m_rasterizer.AddEdge(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
     m_rasterizer.RenderEdges(isWinding ? com.epl.geometry.SimpleRasterizer.WINDING : com.epl.geometry.SimpleRasterizer.EVEN_ODD);
 /// <summary>Sets this transformation to be a rotation around point rotationCenter.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Sets this transformation to be a rotation around point rotationCenter.
 /// When the axis Y is directed up and X is directed to the right, the
 /// positive angle corresponds to the anti-clockwise rotation. When the axis
 /// Y is directed down and X is directed to the right, the positive angle
 /// corresponds to the clockwise rotation.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="cosA">The cos of the rotation angle.</param>
 /// <param name="sinA">The sin of the rotation angle.</param>
 /// <param name="rotationCenter">The center point of the rotation.</param>
 internal void SetRotate(double cosA, double sinA, com.epl.geometry.Point2D rotationCenter)
     SetShift(-rotationCenter.x, -rotationCenter.y);
     com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D temp = new com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D();
     temp.SetRotate(cosA, sinA);
     Shift(rotationCenter.x, rotationCenter.y);
예제 #3
 public override void ApplyTransformation(com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D transform)
     if (IsEmptyImpl())
     com.epl.geometry.Point2D pt = GetXY();
     transform.Transform(pt, pt);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns TRUE if this is an orthonormal transformation with the given
 /// tolerance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Returns TRUE if this is an orthonormal transformation with the given
 /// tolerance. The orthonormal: Rotation or rotoinversion and shift
 /// (preserves lengths of vectors and angles between vectors).
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="tol">The tolerance value.</param>
 public bool IsOrthonormal(double tol)
     com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D r = new com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D();
     r.xx = xx * xx + xy * xy;
     r.xy = xx * yx + xy * yy;
     r.yx = yx * xx + yy * xy;
     r.yy = yx * yx + yy * yy;
     r.xd = 0;
     r.yd = 0;
 /// <summary>Returns a copy of the Transformation2D object.</summary>
 /// <returns>A copy of this object.</returns>
 public com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D Copy()
     com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D result = new com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D();
     result.xx = xx;
     result.xy = xy;
     result.xd = xd;
     result.yx = yx;
     result.yy = yy;
     result.yd = yd;
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns True when all members of this transformation are equal to the
 /// corresponding members of the other.
 /// </summary>
 public override bool Equals(object other)
     if (this == other)
     if (!(other is com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D))
     com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D that = (com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D)other;
     return(xx == that.xx && xy == that.xy && xd == that.xd && yx == that.yx && yy == that.yy && yd == that.yd);
예제 #7
 public override void ApplyTransformation(com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D transform)
     com.epl.geometry.Point2D pt = new com.epl.geometry.Point2D();
     pt.x = m_xStart;
     pt.y = m_yStart;
     transform.Transform(pt, pt);
     m_xStart = pt.x;
     m_yStart = pt.y;
     pt.x     = m_xEnd;
     pt.y     = m_yEnd;
     transform.Transform(pt, pt);
     m_xEnd = pt.x;
     m_yEnd = pt.y;
        /// <summary>
        /// Produces inverse matrix for this matrix and puts result into the inverse
        /// parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inverse">The result inverse matrix.</param>
        public void Inverse(com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D inverse)
            double det = xx * yy - xy * yx;

            if (det == 0)
            det        = 1 / det;
            inverse.xd = (xy * yd - xd * yy) * det;
            inverse.yd = (xd * yx - xx * yd) * det;
            inverse.xx = yy * det;
            inverse.xy = -xy * det;
            inverse.yx = -yx * det;
            inverse.yy = xx * det;
예제 #9
        // Used for IsSimple.
        internal static bool NeedsCracking(bool allowCoincident, com.epl.geometry.EditShape shape, double tolerance, com.epl.geometry.NonSimpleResult result, com.epl.geometry.ProgressTracker progress_tracker)
            if (!CanBeCracked(shape))
            com.epl.geometry.Cracker cracker = new com.epl.geometry.Cracker(progress_tracker);
            cracker.m_shape            = shape;
            cracker.m_tolerance        = tolerance;
            cracker.m_bAllowCoincident = allowCoincident;
            if (cracker.NeedsCrackingImpl_())
                if (result != null)
            // Now swap the coordinates to catch horizontal cases.
            com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D transform = new com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D();
            cracker                    = new com.epl.geometry.Cracker(progress_tracker);
            cracker.m_shape            = shape;
            cracker.m_tolerance        = tolerance;
            cracker.m_bAllowCoincident = allowCoincident;
            bool b_res = cracker.NeedsCrackingImpl_();

            // restore shape
            if (b_res)
                if (result != null)
예제 #10
 public override void ApplyTransformation(com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D transform)
     if (IsEmpty())
     com.epl.geometry.AttributeStreamOfDbl points = (com.epl.geometry.AttributeStreamOfDbl)m_vertexAttributes[0];
     com.epl.geometry.Point2D pt2 = new com.epl.geometry.Point2D();
     for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < m_pointCount; ipoint++)
         pt2.x = points.Read(ipoint * 2);
         pt2.y = points.Read(ipoint * 2 + 1);
         transform.Transform(pt2, pt2);
         points.Write(ipoint * 2, pt2.x);
         points.Write(ipoint * 2 + 1, pt2.y);
     // REFACTOR: reset the exact envelope only and transform the loose
     // envelope
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs multiplication of matrices a and b and places the result into
        /// this matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Performs multiplication of matrices a and b and places the result into
        /// this matrix. The a, b, and result could point to same objects. <br />
        /// Equivalent to result = a * b.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="a">The 2D transformation to be multiplied.</param>
        /// <param name="b">The 2D transformation to be multiplied.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The 2D transformation created by multiplication of matrices.</param>
        public static void Multiply(com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D a, com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D b, com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D result)
            double xx;
            double xy;
            double xd;
            double yx;
            double yy;
            double yd;

            xx        = a.xx * b.xx + a.yx * b.xy;
            xy        = a.xy * b.xx + a.yy * b.xy;
            xd        = a.xd * b.xx + a.yd * b.xy + b.xd;
            yx        = a.xx * b.yx + a.yx * b.yy;
            yy        = a.xy * b.yx + a.yy * b.yy;
            yd        = a.xd * b.yx + a.yd * b.yy + b.yd;
            result.xx = xx;
            result.xy = xy;
            result.xd = xd;
            result.yx = yx;
            result.yy = yy;
            result.yd = yd;
 /// <summary>Shears the transformation.</summary>
 /// <param name="proportionX">The proportion of shearing in x direction.</param>
 /// <param name="proportionY">The proportion of shearing in y direction.</param>
 public void Shear(double proportionX, double proportionY)
     com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D temp = new com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D();
     temp.SetShear(proportionX, proportionY);
        internal void Init(com.epl.geometry.MultiVertexGeometryImpl geom, double toleranceXY, int rasterSizeBytes)
            // _ASSERT(CanUseAccelerator(geom));
            m_width        = System.Math.Max((int)(System.Math.Sqrt(rasterSizeBytes) * 2 + 0.5), 64);
            m_scanLineSize = (m_width * 2 + 31) / 32;
            // 2 bits per pixel
            m_geomEnv     = new com.epl.geometry.Envelope2D();
            m_toleranceXY = toleranceXY;
            // calculate bitmap size
            int size         = 0;
            int width        = m_width;
            int scanLineSize = m_scanLineSize;

            while (width >= 8)
                size        += width * scanLineSize;
                width       /= 2;
                scanLineSize = (width * 2 + 31) / 32;
            // allocate the bitmap, that contains the base and the mip-levels
            m_bitmap = new int[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                m_bitmap[i] = 0;
            m_rasterizer = new com.epl.geometry.SimpleRasterizer();
            com.epl.geometry.RasterizedGeometry2DImpl.ScanCallbackImpl callback = new com.epl.geometry.RasterizedGeometry2DImpl.ScanCallbackImpl(this, m_bitmap, m_scanLineSize);
            m_callback = callback;
            m_rasterizer.Setup(m_width, m_width, callback);
            if (m_geomEnv.GetWidth() > m_width * m_geomEnv.GetHeight() || m_geomEnv.GetHeight() > m_geomEnv.GetWidth() * m_width)
            // the geometry is thin and the rasterizer is not needed.
            m_geomEnv.Inflate(toleranceXY, toleranceXY);
            com.epl.geometry.Envelope2D worldEnv = new com.epl.geometry.Envelope2D();
            com.epl.geometry.Envelope2D pixEnv   = com.epl.geometry.Envelope2D.Construct(1, 1, m_width - 2, m_width - 2);
            double minWidth = toleranceXY * pixEnv.GetWidth();
            // min width is such
            // that the size of
            // one pixel is
            // equal to the
            // tolerance
            double minHeight = toleranceXY * pixEnv.GetHeight();

            worldEnv.SetCoords(m_geomEnv.GetCenter(), System.Math.Max(minWidth, m_geomEnv.GetWidth()), System.Math.Max(minHeight, m_geomEnv.GetHeight()));
            m_stroke_half_widthX_pix = worldEnv.GetWidth() / pixEnv.GetWidth();
            m_stroke_half_widthY_pix = worldEnv.GetHeight() / pixEnv.GetHeight();
            // The stroke half width. Later it will be inflated to account for
            // pixels size.
            m_stroke_half_width = m_toleranceXY;
            m_transform         = new com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D();
            m_transform.InitializeFromRect(worldEnv, pixEnv);
            // geom to pixels
            com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D identityTransform = new com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D();
            switch (geom.GetType().Value())
            case com.epl.geometry.Geometry.GeometryType.MultiPoint:
                callback.SetColor(m_rasterizer, 2);
                FillPoints(m_rasterizer, (com.epl.geometry.MultiPointImpl)geom, m_stroke_half_width);

            case com.epl.geometry.Geometry.GeometryType.Polyline:
                callback.SetColor(m_rasterizer, 2);
                StrokeDrawPolyPath(m_rasterizer, (com.epl.geometry.MultiPathImpl)geom._getImpl(), m_stroke_half_width);

            case com.epl.geometry.Geometry.GeometryType.Polygon:
                bool isWinding = false;
                // NOTE: change when winding is supported
                callback.SetColor(m_rasterizer, 1);
                FillMultiPath(m_rasterizer, m_transform, (com.epl.geometry.MultiPathImpl)geom, isWinding);
                callback.SetColor(m_rasterizer, 2);
                StrokeDrawPolyPath(m_rasterizer, (com.epl.geometry.MultiPathImpl)geom._getImpl(), m_stroke_half_width);
            m_dx = m_transform.xx;
            m_dy = m_transform.yy;
            m_x0 = m_transform.xd;
            m_y0 = m_transform.yd;
 /// <summary>Multiplies this matrix on the right with the "right" matrix.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Multiplies this matrix on the right with the "right" matrix. Stores the
 /// result into this matrix and returns a reference to it. <br />
 /// Equivalent to this *= right.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="right">The matrix to be multiplied with.</param>
 public void Multiply(com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D right)
     Multiply(this, right, this);
 /// <summary>Multiplies this matrix on the left with the "left" matrix.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Multiplies this matrix on the left with the "left" matrix. Stores the
 /// result into this matrix and returns a reference to it. <br />
 /// Equivalent to this = left * this.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="left">The matrix to be multiplied with.</param>
 public void MulLeft(com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D left)
     Multiply(left, this, this);
 /// <summary>Extracts scaling part of the transformation.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Extracts scaling part of the transformation. this == scale
 /// rotateNshearNshift.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="scale">The destination matrix where the scale part is copied.</param>
 /// <param name="rotateNshearNshift">
 /// The destination matrix where the part excluding rotation is
 /// copied.
 /// </param>
 public void ExtractScaleTransform(com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D scale, com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D rotateNshearNshift)
     scale.SetScale(System.Math.Sqrt(xx * xx + xy * xy), System.Math.Sqrt(yx * yx + yy * yy));
     rotateNshearNshift.SetScale(1.0 / scale.xx, 1.0 / scale.yy);
 /// <summary>Rotates the transformation aroung a center point.</summary>
 /// <param name="cos">The cos angle of the rotation.</param>
 /// <param name="sin">sin angle of the rotation.</param>
 /// <param name="rotationCenter">The center point of the rotation.</param>
 public void Rotate(double cos, double sin, com.epl.geometry.Point2D rotationCenter)
     com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D temp = new com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D();
     temp.SetRotate(cos, sin, rotationCenter);
 /// <summary>Rotates the transformation.</summary>
 /// <param name="cos">The cos angle of the rotation.</param>
 /// <param name="sin">The sin angle of the rotation.</param>
 public void Rotate(double cos, double sin)
     com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D temp = new com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D();
     temp.SetRotate(cos, sin);
예제 #19
 public override void ApplyTransformation(com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D transform)
예제 #20
 public override void ApplyTransformation(com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D transform)
예제 #21
 /// <summary>Applies 2D affine transformation in XY plane.</summary>
 /// <param name="transform">The affine transformation to be applied to this geometry.</param>
 public abstract void ApplyTransformation(com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D transform);
 /// <summary>Rotates the transformation.</summary>
 /// <param name="angle_in_Radians">The rotation angle in radian.</param>
 public void Rotate(double angle_in_Radians)
     com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D temp = new com.epl.geometry.Transformation2D();