public override void ViewDidLoad() { string sRtnMsg = ""; base.ViewDidLoad (); UIBarButtonItem mybackbtn = new UIBarButtonItem("Back", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, delegate (object sender, EventArgs e) {CheckUnsaved();}); NavigationItem.SetHidesBackButton(true, true); NavigationItem.SetLeftBarButtonItem(mybackbtn, true); // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. DrawMenu(); //Load up the data for each section should it not exist clsTabletDB.ITPDocumentSection ITPSection = new clsTabletDB.ITPDocumentSection(); if(!ITPSection.FillLocalITPSections(m_sPassedId, ref sRtnMsg)) { iUtils.AlertBox alert = new iUtils.AlertBox(); alert.CreateAlertDialog(); alert.SetAlertMessage(sRtnMsg); alert.ShowAlertBox(); } try { DrawOpeningPage(); } catch (Exception ex) { iUtils.AlertBox alert = new iUtils.AlertBox(); alert.CreateAlertDialog(); alert.SetAlertMessage(ex.Message.ToString()); alert.ShowAlertBox(); } }