public bool ExtractScanInfoFromMGFandCDF( string filePath, clsScanList scanList, clsSpectraCache spectraCache, DataOutput.clsDataOutput dataOutputHandler, bool keepRawSpectra, bool keepMSMSSpectra) { // Returns True if Success, False if failure // Note: This function assumes filePath exists // // This function can be used to read a pair of MGF and NetCDF files that contain MS/MS and MS-only parent ion scans, respectively // Typically, this will apply to LC-MS/MS analyses acquired using an Agilent mass spectrometer running DataAnalysis software // filePath can contain the path to the MGF or to the CDF file; the extension will be removed in order to determine the base file name, // then the two files will be looked for separately var scanTime = 0.0; var cdfReader = new NetCDFReader.clsMSNetCdf(); var mgfReader = new MSDataFileReader.clsMGFFileReader(); try { Console.Write("Reading CDF/MGF data files "); ReportMessage("Reading CDF/MGF data files"); UpdateProgress(0, "Opening data file: " + Environment.NewLine + Path.GetFileName(filePath)); // Obtain the full path to the file var mgfFileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath); var mgfInputFilePathFull = mgfFileInfo.FullName; // Make sure the extension for mgfInputFilePathFull is .MGF mgfInputFilePathFull = Path.ChangeExtension(mgfInputFilePathFull, AGILENT_MSMS_FILE_EXTENSION); var cdfInputFilePathFull = Path.ChangeExtension(mgfInputFilePathFull, AGILENT_MS_FILE_EXTENSION); var datasetID = mOptions.SICOptions.DatasetID; var sicOptions = mOptions.SICOptions; var success = UpdateDatasetFileStats(mgfFileInfo, datasetID); mDatasetFileInfo.ScanCount = 0; // Open a handle to each data file if (!cdfReader.OpenMSCdfFile(cdfInputFilePathFull)) { ReportError("Error opening input data file: " + cdfInputFilePathFull); SetLocalErrorCode(clsMASIC.eMasicErrorCodes.InputFileAccessError); return(false); } if (!mgfReader.OpenFile(mgfInputFilePathFull)) { ReportError("Error opening input data file: " + mgfInputFilePathFull); SetLocalErrorCode(clsMASIC.eMasicErrorCodes.InputFileAccessError); return(false); } var msScanCount = cdfReader.GetScanCount(); mDatasetFileInfo.ScanCount = msScanCount; if (msScanCount <= 0) { // No scans found ReportError("No scans found in the input file: " + cdfInputFilePathFull); SetLocalErrorCode(clsMASIC.eMasicErrorCodes.InputFileAccessError); return(false); } // Reserve memory for all of the Survey Scan data scanList.Initialize(); var scanCount = mOptions.SICOptions.ScanRangeCount; if (scanCount <= 0) { scanCount = msScanCount * 3; } scanList.ReserveListCapacity(scanCount, Math.Min(msScanCount, scanCount / 3)); // Assume there are 2 frag scans for every survey scan mScanTracking.ReserveListCapacity(scanCount); spectraCache.SpectrumCount = Math.Max(spectraCache.SpectrumCount, scanCount); UpdateProgress("Reading CDF/MGF data (" + msScanCount.ToString() + " scans)" + Environment.NewLine + Path.GetFileName(filePath)); ReportMessage("Reading CDF/MGF data; Total MS scan count: " + msScanCount.ToString()); // Read all of the Survey scans from the CDF file // CDF files created by the Agilent XCT list the first scan number as 0; use scanNumberCorrection to correct for this var scanNumberCorrection = 0; for (var msScanIndex = 0; msScanIndex < msScanCount; msScanIndex++) { success = cdfReader.GetScanInfo(msScanIndex, out var scanNumber, out var scanTotalIntensity, out scanTime, out _, out _); if (msScanIndex == 0 && scanNumber == 0) { scanNumberCorrection = 1; } if (!success) { // Error reading CDF file ReportError("Error obtaining data from CDF file: " + cdfInputFilePathFull); SetLocalErrorCode(clsMASIC.eMasicErrorCodes.InputFileDataReadError); return(false); } if (scanNumberCorrection > 0) { scanNumber += scanNumberCorrection; } if (mScanTracking.CheckScanInRange(scanNumber, scanTime, sicOptions)) { var newSurveyScan = new clsScanInfo { ScanNumber = scanNumber, TotalIonIntensity = (float)scanTotalIntensity, // Copy the Total Scan Intensity to .TotalIonIntensity ScanHeaderText = string.Empty, ScanTypeName = "MS", }; if (mOptions.CDFTimeInSeconds) { newSurveyScan.ScanTime = (float)(scanTime / 60); } else { newSurveyScan.ScanTime = (float)scanTime; } // Survey scans typically lead to multiple parent ions; we do not record them here newSurveyScan.FragScanInfo.ParentIonInfoIndex = -1; scanList.SurveyScans.Add(newSurveyScan); success = cdfReader.GetMassSpectrum(msScanIndex, out var mzData, out var intensityData, out var intIonCount, out _); if (success && intIonCount > 0) { var msSpectrum = new clsMSSpectrum(scanNumber, mzData, intensityData, intIonCount); double msDataResolution; newSurveyScan.IonCount = msSpectrum.IonCount; newSurveyScan.IonCountRaw = newSurveyScan.IonCount; // Find the base peak ion mass and intensity newSurveyScan.BasePeakIonMZ = FindBasePeakIon(msSpectrum.IonsMZ, msSpectrum.IonsIntensity, out var basePeakIonIntensity, out var mzMin, out var mzMax); newSurveyScan.BasePeakIonIntensity = basePeakIonIntensity; // Determine the minimum positive intensity in this scan newSurveyScan.MinimumPositiveIntensity = mPeakFinder.FindMinimumPositiveValue(msSpectrum.IonsIntensity, 0); if (sicOptions.SICToleranceIsPPM) { // Define MSDataResolution based on the tolerance value that will be used at the lowest m/z in this spectrum, divided by COMPRESS_TOLERANCE_DIVISOR // However, if the lowest m/z value is < 100, then use 100 m/z if (mzMin < 100) { msDataResolution = clsParentIonProcessing.GetParentIonToleranceDa(sicOptions, 100) / sicOptions.CompressToleranceDivisorForPPM; } else { msDataResolution = clsParentIonProcessing.GetParentIonToleranceDa(sicOptions, mzMin) / sicOptions.CompressToleranceDivisorForPPM; } } else { msDataResolution = sicOptions.SICTolerance / sicOptions.CompressToleranceDivisorForDa; } mScanTracking.ProcessAndStoreSpectrum( newSurveyScan, this, spectraCache, msSpectrum, sicOptions.SICPeakFinderOptions.MassSpectraNoiseThresholdOptions, clsMASIC.DISCARD_LOW_INTENSITY_MS_DATA_ON_LOAD, sicOptions.CompressMSSpectraData, msDataResolution, keepRawSpectra); } else { newSurveyScan.IonCount = 0; newSurveyScan.IonCountRaw = 0; } // Note: Since we're reading all of the Survey Scan data, we cannot update .MasterScanOrder() at this time } // Note: We need to take msScanCount * 2 since we have to read two different files if (msScanCount > 1) { UpdateProgress((short)(msScanIndex / (double)(msScanCount * 2 - 1) * 100)); } else { UpdateProgress(0); } UpdateCacheStats(spectraCache); if (mOptions.AbortProcessing) { scanList.ProcessingIncomplete = true; break; } if (msScanIndex % 100 == 0) { ReportMessage("Reading MS scan index: " + msScanIndex.ToString()); Console.Write("."); } } // Record the current memory usage (before we close the .CDF file) OnUpdateMemoryUsage(); cdfReader.CloseMSCdfFile(); // We loaded all of the survey scan data above // We can now initialize .MasterScanOrder() var lastSurveyScanIndex = 0; scanList.AddMasterScanEntry(clsScanList.eScanTypeConstants.SurveyScan, lastSurveyScanIndex); var surveyScansRecorded = new SortedSet <int>() { lastSurveyScanIndex }; // Reset scanNumberCorrection; we might also apply it to MS/MS data scanNumberCorrection = 0; // Now read the MS/MS data from the MGF file do { var fragScanFound = mgfReader.ReadNextSpectrum(out var spectrumInfo); if (!fragScanFound) { break; } mDatasetFileInfo.ScanCount += 1; while (spectrumInfo.ScanNumber < scanList.SurveyScans[lastSurveyScanIndex].ScanNumber) { // The scan number for the current MS/MS spectrum is less than the last survey scan index scan number // This can happen, due to oddities with combining scans when creating the .MGF file // Need to decrement lastSurveyScanIndex until we find the appropriate survey scan lastSurveyScanIndex -= 1; if (lastSurveyScanIndex == 0) { break; } } if (scanNumberCorrection == 0) { // See if udtSpectrumHeaderInfo.ScanNumberStart is equivalent to one of the survey scan numbers, yielding conflicting scan numbers // If it is, then there is an indexing error in the .MGF file; this error was present in .MGF files generated with // an older version of Agilent Chemstation. These files typically have lines like ###MSMS: #13-29 instead of ###MSMS: #13/29/ // If this indexing error is found, then we'll set scanNumberCorrection = 1 and apply it to all subsequent MS/MS scans; // we'll also need to correct prior MS/MS scans for (var surveyScanIndex = lastSurveyScanIndex; surveyScanIndex < scanList.SurveyScans.Count; surveyScanIndex++) { if (scanList.SurveyScans[surveyScanIndex].ScanNumber == spectrumInfo.ScanNumber) { // Conflicting scan numbers were found scanNumberCorrection = 1; // Need to update prior MS/MS scans foreach (var fragScan in scanList.FragScans) { fragScan.ScanNumber += scanNumberCorrection; var scanTimeInterpolated = InterpolateRTandFragScanNumber( scanList.SurveyScans, 0, fragScan.ScanNumber, out var fragScanIterationOut); fragScan.FragScanInfo.FragScanNumber = fragScanIterationOut; fragScan.ScanTime = scanTimeInterpolated; } break; } if (scanList.SurveyScans[surveyScanIndex].ScanNumber > spectrumInfo.ScanNumber) { break; } } } if (scanNumberCorrection > 0) { spectrumInfo.ScanNumber += scanNumberCorrection; spectrumInfo.ScanNumberEnd += scanNumberCorrection; } scanTime = InterpolateRTandFragScanNumber( scanList.SurveyScans, lastSurveyScanIndex, spectrumInfo.ScanNumber, out var fragScanIteration); // Make sure this fragmentation scan isn't present yet in scanList.FragScans // This can occur in Agilent .MGF files if the scan is listed both singly and grouped with other MS/MS scans var validFragScan = true; foreach (var fragScan in scanList.FragScans) { if (fragScan.ScanNumber == spectrumInfo.ScanNumber) { // Duplicate found validFragScan = false; break; } } if (!(validFragScan && mScanTracking.CheckScanInRange(spectrumInfo.ScanNumber, scanTime, sicOptions))) { continue; } // See if lastSurveyScanIndex needs to be updated // At the same time, populate .MasterScanOrder while (lastSurveyScanIndex < scanList.SurveyScans.Count - 1 && spectrumInfo.ScanNumber > scanList.SurveyScans[lastSurveyScanIndex + 1].ScanNumber) { lastSurveyScanIndex += 1; // Add the given SurveyScan to .MasterScanOrder, though only if it hasn't yet been added if (!surveyScansRecorded.Contains(lastSurveyScanIndex)) { surveyScansRecorded.Add(lastSurveyScanIndex); scanList.AddMasterScanEntry(clsScanList.eScanTypeConstants.SurveyScan, lastSurveyScanIndex); } } scanList.AddMasterScanEntry(clsScanList.eScanTypeConstants.FragScan, scanList.FragScans.Count, spectrumInfo.ScanNumber, (float)scanTime); var newFragScan = new clsScanInfo { ScanNumber = spectrumInfo.ScanNumber, ScanTime = (float)scanTime, ScanHeaderText = string.Empty, ScanTypeName = "MSn", }; newFragScan.FragScanInfo.FragScanNumber = fragScanIteration; newFragScan.FragScanInfo.MSLevel = 2; newFragScan.MRMScanInfo.MRMMassCount = 0; scanList.FragScans.Add(newFragScan); var msSpectrum = new clsMSSpectrum(newFragScan.ScanNumber, spectrumInfo.MZList, spectrumInfo.IntensityList, spectrumInfo.DataCount); if (spectrumInfo.DataCount > 0) { newFragScan.IonCount = msSpectrum.IonCount; newFragScan.IonCountRaw = newFragScan.IonCount; // Find the base peak ion mass and intensity newFragScan.BasePeakIonMZ = FindBasePeakIon(msSpectrum.IonsMZ, msSpectrum.IonsIntensity, out var basePeakIonIntensity, out _, out _); newFragScan.BasePeakIonIntensity = basePeakIonIntensity; // Compute the total scan intensity newFragScan.TotalIonIntensity = 0; for (var ionIndex = 0; ionIndex < newFragScan.IonCount; ionIndex++) { newFragScan.TotalIonIntensity += msSpectrum.IonsIntensity[ionIndex]; } // Determine the minimum positive intensity in this scan newFragScan.MinimumPositiveIntensity = mPeakFinder.FindMinimumPositiveValue(msSpectrum.IonsIntensity, 0); var msDataResolution = mOptions.BinningOptions.BinSize / sicOptions.CompressToleranceDivisorForDa; var keepRawSpectrum = keepRawSpectra && keepMSMSSpectra; mScanTracking.ProcessAndStoreSpectrum( newFragScan, this, spectraCache, msSpectrum, sicOptions.SICPeakFinderOptions.MassSpectraNoiseThresholdOptions, clsMASIC.DISCARD_LOW_INTENSITY_MSMS_DATA_ON_LOAD, sicOptions.CompressMSMSSpectraData, msDataResolution, keepRawSpectrum); } else { newFragScan.IonCount = 0; newFragScan.IonCountRaw = 0; newFragScan.TotalIonIntensity = 0; } mParentIonProcessor.AddUpdateParentIons(scanList, lastSurveyScanIndex, spectrumInfo.ParentIonMZ, scanList.FragScans.Count - 1, spectraCache, sicOptions); // Note: We need to take msScanCount * 2, in addition to adding msScanCount to lastSurveyScanIndex, since we have to read two different files if (msScanCount > 1) { UpdateProgress((short)((lastSurveyScanIndex + msScanCount) / (double)(msScanCount * 2 - 1) * 100)); } else { UpdateProgress(0); } UpdateCacheStats(spectraCache); if (mOptions.AbortProcessing) { scanList.ProcessingIncomplete = true; break; } if (scanList.FragScans.Count % 100 == 0) { ReportMessage("Reading MSMS scan index: " + scanList.FragScans.Count); Console.Write("."); } }while (true); // Record the current memory usage (before we close the .MGF file) OnUpdateMemoryUsage(); mgfReader.CloseFile(); // Check for any other survey scans that need to be added to MasterScanOrder // See if lastSurveyScanIndex needs to be updated // At the same time, populate .MasterScanOrder while (lastSurveyScanIndex < scanList.SurveyScans.Count - 1) { lastSurveyScanIndex += 1; // Note that scanTime is the scan time of the most recent survey scan processed in the above Do loop, so it's not accurate if (mScanTracking.CheckScanInRange(scanList.SurveyScans[lastSurveyScanIndex].ScanNumber, scanTime, sicOptions)) { // Add the given SurveyScan to .MasterScanOrder, though only if it hasn't yet been added if (!surveyScansRecorded.Contains(lastSurveyScanIndex)) { surveyScansRecorded.Add(lastSurveyScanIndex); scanList.AddMasterScanEntry(clsScanList.eScanTypeConstants.SurveyScan, lastSurveyScanIndex); } } } // Make sure that MasterScanOrder really is sorted by scan number ValidateMasterScanOrderSorting(scanList); // Now that all of the data has been read, write out to the scan stats file, in order of scan number for (var scanIndex = 0; scanIndex < scanList.MasterScanOrderCount; scanIndex++) { var eScanType = scanList.MasterScanOrder[scanIndex].ScanType; clsScanInfo currentScan; if (eScanType == clsScanList.eScanTypeConstants.SurveyScan) { // Survey scan currentScan = scanList.SurveyScans[scanList.MasterScanOrder[scanIndex].ScanIndexPointer]; } else { // Frag Scan currentScan = scanList.FragScans[scanList.MasterScanOrder[scanIndex].ScanIndexPointer]; } SaveScanStatEntry(dataOutputHandler.OutputFileHandles.ScanStats, eScanType, currentScan, sicOptions.DatasetID); } Console.WriteLine(); scanList.SetListCapacityToCount(); mScanTracking.SetListCapacityToCount(); return(success); } catch (Exception ex) { ReportError("Error in ExtractScanInfoFromMGFandCDF", ex, clsMASIC.eMasicErrorCodes.InputFileDataReadError); return(false); } }
private bool ExtractXcaliburFragmentationScan( XRawFileIO xcaliburAccessor, clsScanList scanList, clsSpectraCache spectraCache, clsDataOutput dataOutputHandler, clsSICOptions sicOptions, clsBinningOptions binningOptions, ThermoRawFileReader.clsScanInfo thermoScanInfo) { // Note that MinimumPositiveIntensity will be determined in LoadSpectraForThermoRawFile var scanInfo = new clsScanInfo(thermoScanInfo.ParentIonMZ) { ScanNumber = thermoScanInfo.ScanNumber, ScanTime = (float)thermoScanInfo.RetentionTime, ScanHeaderText = XRawFileIO.MakeGenericThermoScanFilter(thermoScanInfo.FilterText), ScanTypeName = XRawFileIO.GetScanTypeNameFromThermoScanFilterText(thermoScanInfo.FilterText), BasePeakIonMZ = thermoScanInfo.BasePeakMZ, BasePeakIonIntensity = thermoScanInfo.BasePeakIntensity, TotalIonIntensity = thermoScanInfo.TotalIonCurrent, MinimumPositiveIntensity = 0, ZoomScan = thermoScanInfo.ZoomScan, SIMScan = thermoScanInfo.SIMScan, MRMScanType = thermoScanInfo.MRMScanType }; // Typically .EventNumber is 1 for the parent-ion scan; 2 for 1st frag scan, 3 for 2nd frag scan, etc. // This resets for each new parent-ion scan scanInfo.FragScanInfo.FragScanNumber = thermoScanInfo.EventNumber - 1; // The .EventNumber value is sometimes wrong; need to check for this // For example, if the dataset only has MS2 scans and no parent-ion scan, .EventNumber will be 2 for every MS2 scan if (scanList.FragScans.Count > 0) { var prevFragScan = scanList.FragScans[scanList.FragScans.Count - 1]; if (prevFragScan.ScanNumber == scanInfo.ScanNumber - 1) { if (scanInfo.FragScanInfo.FragScanNumber <= prevFragScan.FragScanInfo.FragScanNumber) { scanInfo.FragScanInfo.FragScanNumber = prevFragScan.FragScanInfo.FragScanNumber + 1; } } } scanInfo.FragScanInfo.MSLevel = thermoScanInfo.MSLevel; if (scanInfo.MRMScanType != MRMScanTypeConstants.NotMRM) { // This is an MRM scan scanList.MRMDataPresent = true; scanInfo.MRMScanInfo = clsMRMProcessing.DuplicateMRMInfo(thermoScanInfo.MRMInfo, thermoScanInfo.ParentIonMZ); if (scanList.SurveyScans.Count == 0) { // Need to add a "fake" survey scan that we can map this parent ion to mLastNonZoomSurveyScanIndex = scanList.AddFakeSurveyScan(); } } else { scanInfo.MRMScanInfo.MRMMassCount = 0; } scanInfo.LowMass = thermoScanInfo.LowMass; scanInfo.HighMass = thermoScanInfo.HighMass; scanInfo.IsFTMS = thermoScanInfo.IsFTMS; // Store the ScanEvent values in .ExtendedHeaderInfo StoreExtendedHeaderInfo(dataOutputHandler, scanInfo, thermoScanInfo.ScanEvents); // Store the collision mode and possibly the scan filter text scanInfo.FragScanInfo.CollisionMode = thermoScanInfo.CollisionMode; StoreExtendedHeaderInfo(dataOutputHandler, scanInfo, clsExtendedStatsWriter.EXTENDED_STATS_HEADER_COLLISION_MODE, thermoScanInfo.CollisionMode); if (mOptions.WriteExtendedStatsIncludeScanFilterText) { StoreExtendedHeaderInfo(dataOutputHandler, scanInfo, clsExtendedStatsWriter.EXTENDED_STATS_HEADER_SCAN_FILTER_TEXT, thermoScanInfo.FilterText); } if (mOptions.WriteExtendedStatsStatusLog) { // Store the StatusLog values in .ExtendedHeaderInfo StoreExtendedHeaderInfo(dataOutputHandler, scanInfo, thermoScanInfo.StatusLog, mOptions.StatusLogKeyNameFilterList); } scanList.FragScans.Add(scanInfo); var fragScanIndex = scanList.FragScans.Count - 1; scanList.AddMasterScanEntry(clsScanList.eScanTypeConstants.FragScan, fragScanIndex); // Note: Even if keepRawSpectra = False, we still need to load the raw data so that we can compute the noise level for the spectrum var msDataResolution = binningOptions.BinSize / sicOptions.CompressToleranceDivisorForDa; var success = LoadSpectraForThermoRawFile( xcaliburAccessor, spectraCache, scanInfo, sicOptions.SICPeakFinderOptions.MassSpectraNoiseThresholdOptions, clsMASIC.DISCARD_LOW_INTENSITY_MSMS_DATA_ON_LOAD, sicOptions.CompressMSMSSpectraData, msDataResolution, mKeepRawSpectra && mKeepMSMSSpectra); if (!success) { return(false); } SaveScanStatEntry(dataOutputHandler.OutputFileHandles.ScanStats, clsScanList.eScanTypeConstants.FragScan, scanInfo, sicOptions.DatasetID); if (thermoScanInfo.MRMScanType == MRMScanTypeConstants.NotMRM) { // This is not an MRM scan mParentIonProcessor.AddUpdateParentIons(scanList, mLastNonZoomSurveyScanIndex, thermoScanInfo.ParentIonMZ, fragScanIndex, spectraCache, sicOptions); } else { // This is an MRM scan mParentIonProcessor.AddUpdateParentIons(scanList, mLastNonZoomSurveyScanIndex, thermoScanInfo.ParentIonMZ, scanInfo.MRMScanInfo, spectraCache, sicOptions); } if (mLastNonZoomSurveyScanIndex >= 0) { var precursorScanNumber = scanList.SurveyScans[mLastNonZoomSurveyScanIndex].ScanNumber; // Compute the interference of the parent ion in the MS1 spectrum for this frag scan scanInfo.FragScanInfo.InterferenceScore = ComputeInterference(xcaliburAccessor, thermoScanInfo, precursorScanNumber); } return(true); }
public void TestScanConversions() { const double MZ_MINIMUM = 100; const float INTENSITY_MINIMUM = 10000; const float SCAN_TIME_SCALAR = 10; var scanList = new clsScanList(); var oRand = new Random(); var intLastSurveyScanIndexInMasterSeqOrder = -1; // Populate scanList with example scan data for (var scanNumber = 1; scanNumber <= 1750; scanNumber++) { if (scanNumber % 10 == 0) { // Add a survey scan // If this is a mzXML file that was processed with ReadW, .ScanHeaderText and .ScanTypeName will get updated by UpdateMSXMLScanType var newSurveyScan = new MASIC.clsScanInfo { ScanNumber = scanNumber, ScanTime = scanNumber / SCAN_TIME_SCALAR, ScanHeaderText = string.Empty, ScanTypeName = "MS", BasePeakIonMZ = MZ_MINIMUM + oRand.NextDouble() * 1000, BasePeakIonIntensity = INTENSITY_MINIMUM + (float)oRand.NextDouble() * 1000 }; // Survey scans typically lead to multiple parent ions; we do not record them here newSurveyScan.FragScanInfo.ParentIonInfoIndex = -1; newSurveyScan.TotalIonIntensity = newSurveyScan.BasePeakIonIntensity * (float)(0.25 + oRand.NextDouble() * 5); // Determine the minimum positive intensity in this scan newSurveyScan.MinimumPositiveIntensity = INTENSITY_MINIMUM; // If this is a mzXML file that was processed with ReadW, then these values will get updated by UpdateMSXMLScanType newSurveyScan.ZoomScan = false; newSurveyScan.SIMScan = false; newSurveyScan.MRMScanType = MRMScanTypeConstants.NotMRM; newSurveyScan.LowMass = MZ_MINIMUM; newSurveyScan.HighMass = Math.Max(newSurveyScan.BasePeakIonMZ * 1.1, MZ_MINIMUM * 10); newSurveyScan.IsFTMS = false; scanList.SurveyScans.Add(newSurveyScan); var intLastSurveyScanIndex = scanList.SurveyScans.Count - 1; scanList.AddMasterScanEntry(clsScanList.eScanTypeConstants.SurveyScan, intLastSurveyScanIndex); intLastSurveyScanIndexInMasterSeqOrder = scanList.MasterScanOrderCount - 1; } else { // If this is a mzXML file that was processed with ReadW, .ScanHeaderText and .ScanTypeName will get updated by UpdateMSXMLScanType var newFragScan = new MASIC.clsScanInfo { ScanNumber = scanNumber, ScanTime = scanNumber / SCAN_TIME_SCALAR, ScanHeaderText = string.Empty, ScanTypeName = "MSn", BasePeakIonMZ = MZ_MINIMUM + oRand.NextDouble() * 1000, BasePeakIonIntensity = INTENSITY_MINIMUM + (float)oRand.NextDouble() * 1000 }; // 1 for the first MS/MS scan after the survey scan, 2 for the second one, etc. newFragScan.FragScanInfo.FragScanNumber = (scanList.MasterScanOrderCount - 1) - intLastSurveyScanIndexInMasterSeqOrder; newFragScan.FragScanInfo.MSLevel = 2; newFragScan.TotalIonIntensity = newFragScan.BasePeakIonIntensity * (float)(0.25 + oRand.NextDouble() * 2); // Determine the minimum positive intensity in this scan newFragScan.MinimumPositiveIntensity = INTENSITY_MINIMUM; // If this is a mzXML file that was processed with ReadW, then these values will get updated by UpdateMSXMLScanType newFragScan.ZoomScan = false; newFragScan.SIMScan = false; newFragScan.MRMScanType = MRMScanTypeConstants.NotMRM; newFragScan.MRMScanInfo.MRMMassCount = 0; newFragScan.LowMass = MZ_MINIMUM; newFragScan.HighMass = Math.Max(newFragScan.BasePeakIonMZ * 1.1, MZ_MINIMUM * 10); newFragScan.IsFTMS = false; scanList.FragScans.Add(newFragScan); scanList.AddMasterScanEntry(clsScanList.eScanTypeConstants.FragScan, scanList.FragScans.Count - 1); } } var scanNumScanConverter = new clsScanNumScanTimeConversion(); RegisterEvents(scanNumScanConverter); // Convert absolute values // Scan 500, relative scan 0.5, and the scan at 30 minutes TestScanConversionToAbsolute( scanList, scanNumScanConverter, new KeyValuePair <int, int>(500, 500), new KeyValuePair <float, float>(0.5F, 876), new KeyValuePair <float, float>(30, 300)); TestScanConversionToTime( scanList, scanNumScanConverter, new KeyValuePair <int, int>(500, 50), new KeyValuePair <float, float>(0.5F, 87.55F), new KeyValuePair <float, float>(30, 30)); // Convert ranges // 50 scans wide, 10% of the run, and 5 minutes TestScanConversionToAbsolute( scanList, scanNumScanConverter, new KeyValuePair <int, int>(50, 50), new KeyValuePair <float, float>(0.1F, 176), new KeyValuePair <float, float>(5, 50)); TestScanConversionToTime( scanList, scanNumScanConverter, new KeyValuePair <int, int>(50, 5), new KeyValuePair <float, float>(0.1F, 17.59F), new KeyValuePair <float, float>(5, 5)); }
private bool ExtractXcaliburSurveyScan( XRawFileIO xcaliburAccessor, clsScanList scanList, clsSpectraCache spectraCache, clsDataOutput dataOutputHandler, clsSICOptions sicOptions, ThermoRawFileReader.clsScanInfo thermoScanInfo) { var scanInfo = new clsScanInfo() { ScanNumber = thermoScanInfo.ScanNumber, ScanTime = (float)thermoScanInfo.RetentionTime, ScanHeaderText = XRawFileIO.MakeGenericThermoScanFilter(thermoScanInfo.FilterText), ScanTypeName = XRawFileIO.GetScanTypeNameFromThermoScanFilterText(thermoScanInfo.FilterText), BasePeakIonMZ = thermoScanInfo.BasePeakMZ, BasePeakIonIntensity = thermoScanInfo.BasePeakIntensity, TotalIonIntensity = thermoScanInfo.TotalIonCurrent, MinimumPositiveIntensity = 0, // This will be determined in LoadSpectraForThermoRawFile ZoomScan = thermoScanInfo.ZoomScan, SIMScan = thermoScanInfo.SIMScan, MRMScanType = thermoScanInfo.MRMScanType, LowMass = thermoScanInfo.LowMass, HighMass = thermoScanInfo.HighMass, IsFTMS = thermoScanInfo.IsFTMS }; // Survey scans typically lead to multiple parent ions; we do not record them here scanInfo.FragScanInfo.ParentIonInfoIndex = -1; if (scanInfo.MRMScanType != MRMScanTypeConstants.NotMRM) { // This is an MRM scan scanList.MRMDataPresent = true; } if (scanInfo.SIMScan) { scanList.SIMDataPresent = true; var simKey = scanInfo.LowMass + "_" + scanInfo.HighMass; if (mSIMScanMapping.TryGetValue(simKey, out var simIndex)) { scanInfo.SIMIndex = simIndex; } else { scanInfo.SIMIndex = mSIMScanMapping.Count; mSIMScanMapping.Add(simKey, mSIMScanMapping.Count); } } // Store the ScanEvent values in .ExtendedHeaderInfo StoreExtendedHeaderInfo(dataOutputHandler, scanInfo, thermoScanInfo.ScanEvents); // Store the collision mode and possibly the scan filter text scanInfo.FragScanInfo.CollisionMode = thermoScanInfo.CollisionMode; StoreExtendedHeaderInfo(dataOutputHandler, scanInfo, clsExtendedStatsWriter.EXTENDED_STATS_HEADER_COLLISION_MODE, thermoScanInfo.CollisionMode); if (mOptions.WriteExtendedStatsIncludeScanFilterText) { StoreExtendedHeaderInfo(dataOutputHandler, scanInfo, clsExtendedStatsWriter.EXTENDED_STATS_HEADER_SCAN_FILTER_TEXT, thermoScanInfo.FilterText); } if (mOptions.WriteExtendedStatsStatusLog) { // Store the StatusLog values in .ExtendedHeaderInfo StoreExtendedHeaderInfo(dataOutputHandler, scanInfo, thermoScanInfo.StatusLog, mOptions.StatusLogKeyNameFilterList); } scanList.SurveyScans.Add(scanInfo); if (!scanInfo.ZoomScan) { mLastNonZoomSurveyScanIndex = scanList.SurveyScans.Count - 1; } scanList.AddMasterScanEntry(clsScanList.eScanTypeConstants.SurveyScan, scanList.SurveyScans.Count - 1); double msDataResolution; if (sicOptions.SICToleranceIsPPM) { // Define MSDataResolution based on the tolerance value that will be used at the lowest m/z in this spectrum, divided by sicOptions.CompressToleranceDivisorForPPM // However, if the lowest m/z value is < 100, then use 100 m/z if (thermoScanInfo.LowMass < 100) { msDataResolution = clsParentIonProcessing.GetParentIonToleranceDa(sicOptions, 100) / sicOptions.CompressToleranceDivisorForPPM; } else { msDataResolution = clsParentIonProcessing.GetParentIonToleranceDa(sicOptions, thermoScanInfo.LowMass) / sicOptions.CompressToleranceDivisorForPPM; } } else { msDataResolution = sicOptions.SICTolerance / sicOptions.CompressToleranceDivisorForDa; } // Note: Even if mKeepRawSpectra = False, we still need to load the raw data so that we can compute the noise level for the spectrum var success = LoadSpectraForThermoRawFile( xcaliburAccessor, spectraCache, scanInfo, sicOptions.SICPeakFinderOptions.MassSpectraNoiseThresholdOptions, clsMASIC.DISCARD_LOW_INTENSITY_MS_DATA_ON_LOAD, sicOptions.CompressMSSpectraData, msDataResolution, mKeepRawSpectra); if (!success) { return(false); } SaveScanStatEntry(dataOutputHandler.OutputFileHandles.ScanStats, clsScanList.eScanTypeConstants.SurveyScan, scanInfo, sicOptions.DatasetID); return(true); }