public static int Main(string[] args) { var exeName = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.GetName().Name; var exePath = PRISM.FileProcessor.ProcessFilesOrDirectoriesBase.GetAppPath(); var cmdLineParser = new CommandLineParser <CommandLineOptions>(exeName, GetAppVersion()); var scannerInfo = new clsMSFileInfoScanner(); cmdLineParser.ProgramInfo = "This program will scan a series of MS data files (or data directories) and " + "extract the acquisition start and end times, number of spectra, and the " + "total size of the data, saving the values in the file " + clsMSFileInfoScanner.DefaultAcquisitionTimeFilename + ". " + "Supported file types are Thermo .RAW files, Agilent Ion Trap (.D directories), " + "Agilent or QStar/QTrap .WIFF files, MassLynx .Raw directories, Bruker 1 directories, " + "Bruker XMass analysis.baf files, .UIMF files (IMS), " + "zipped Bruker imaging datasets (with 0_R*.zip files), and " + "DeconTools _isos.csv files" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Known file extensions: " + CollapseList(scannerInfo.GetKnownFileExtensionsList()) + Environment.NewLine + "Known directory extensions: " + CollapseList(scannerInfo.GetKnownDirectoryExtensionsList()); cmdLineParser.ContactInfo = "Program written by Matthew Monroe for PNNL (Richland, WA) in 2005" + Environment.NewLine + "E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine + "Website: or"; cmdLineParser.UsageExamples.Add("Program syntax:" + Environment.NewLine + Path.GetFileName(exePath) + " /I:InputFileNameOrDirectoryPath [/O:OutputDirectoryName]" + " [/P:ParamFilePath] [/S[:MaxLevel]] [/IE] [/L:LogFilePath]" + " [/LC[:MaxPointsToPlot]] [/NoTIC] [/LCGrad]" + " [/DI] [/SS] [/QS] [/CC]" + " [/MS2MzMin:MzValue] [/NoHash]" + " [/DST:DatasetStatsFileName]" + " [/ScanStart:0] [/ScanEnd:0] [/Debug]" + " [/C] [/M:nnn] [/H] [/QZ]" + " [/CF] [/R] [/Z]" + " [/PostToDMS] [/PythonPlot]"); var result = cmdLineParser.ParseArgs(args); var options = result.ParsedResults; if (!result.Success || !options.Validate()) { // Delay for 750 msec in case the user double clicked this file from within Windows Explorer (or started the program via a shortcut) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(750); return(-1); } mLastProgressTime = DateTime.UtcNow; try { var scanner = new clsMSFileInfoScanner(); scanner.DebugEvent += MSFileScanner_DebugEvent; scanner.ErrorEvent += MSFileScanner_ErrorEvent; scanner.WarningEvent += MSFileScanner_WarningEvent; scanner.StatusEvent += MSFileScanner_MessageEvent; scanner.ProgressUpdate += MSFileScanner_ProgressUpdate; options.CopyToScanner(scanner); scanner.ShowCurrentProcessingOptions(); bool processingError; int returnCode; if (options.RecurseDirectories) { if (scanner.ProcessMSFilesAndRecurseDirectories(options.InputDataFilePath, options.OutputDirectoryName, options.MaxLevelsToRecurse)) { returnCode = 0; processingError = false; } else { returnCode = (int)scanner.ErrorCode; processingError = true; } } else { if (scanner.ProcessMSFileOrDirectoryWildcard(options.InputDataFilePath, options.OutputDirectoryName, true)) { returnCode = 0; processingError = false; } else { returnCode = (int)scanner.ErrorCode; processingError = true; } } if (processingError) { if (returnCode != 0) { ShowErrorMessage("Error while processing: " + scanner.GetErrorMessage()); } else { ShowErrorMessage("Unknown error while processing (ProcessMSFileOrDirectoryWildcard returned false but the ErrorCode is 0)"); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1500); } else if (scanner.ErrorCode == iMSFileInfoScanner.eMSFileScannerErrorCodes.MS2MzMinValidationWarning) { ConsoleMsgUtils.ShowWarning("MS2MzMin validation warning: " + scanner.MS2MzMinValidationMessage); } scanner.SaveCachedResults(); return(returnCode); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage("Error occurred in modMain->Main", ex); return(-1); } }
public static int Main() { int intReturnCode; var objParseCommandLine = new clsParseCommandLine(); mInputDataFilePath = string.Empty; mOutputFolderName = string.Empty; mParameterFilePath = string.Empty; mLogFilePath = string.Empty; mRecurseFolders = false; mRecurseFoldersMaxLevels = 2; mIgnoreErrorsWhenRecursing = false; mReprocessingExistingFiles = false; mReprocessIfCachedSizeIsZero = false; mUseCacheFiles = false; mSaveTICandBPIPlots = true; mSaveLCMS2DPlots = false; mLCMS2DMaxPointsToPlot = clsLCMSDataPlotterOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS_TO_PLOT; mLCMS2DOverviewPlotDivisor = clsLCMSDataPlotterOptions.DEFAULT_LCMS2D_OVERVIEW_PLOT_DIVISOR; mTestLCMSGradientColorSchemes = false; mCheckCentroidingStatus = false; mScanStart = 0; mScanEnd = 0; mShowDebugInfo = false; mComputeOverallQualityScores = false; mCreateDatasetInfoFile = false; mCreateScanStatsFile = false; mUpdateDatasetStatsTextFile = false; mDatasetStatsTextFileName = string.Empty; mCheckFileIntegrity = false; mComputeFileHashes = false; mZipFileCheckAllData = true; mMaximumTextFileLinesToCheck = clsFileIntegrityChecker.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TEXT_FILE_LINES_TO_CHECK; mPostResultsToDMS = false; mPlotWithPython = false; mLastProgressTime = DateTime.UtcNow; try { var blnProceed = false; if (objParseCommandLine.ParseCommandLine()) { if (SetOptionsUsingCommandLineParameters(objParseCommandLine)) { blnProceed = true; } } if (mInputDataFilePath == null) { mInputDataFilePath = string.Empty; } if (!blnProceed || objParseCommandLine.NeedToShowHelp || objParseCommandLine.ParameterCount + objParseCommandLine.NonSwitchParameterCount == 0 || mInputDataFilePath.Length == 0) { ShowProgramHelp(); return(-1); } var scanner = new clsMSFileInfoScanner(); scanner.DebugEvent += mMSFileScanner_DebugEvent; scanner.ErrorEvent += mMSFileScanner_ErrorEvent; scanner.WarningEvent += mMSFileScanner_WarningEvent; scanner.StatusEvent += mMSFileScanner_MessageEvent; scanner.ProgressUpdate += mMSFileScanner_ProgressUpdate; if (mCheckFileIntegrity) { mUseCacheFiles = true; } // Note: These values will be overridden if /P was used and they are defined in the parameter file scanner.UseCacheFiles = mUseCacheFiles; scanner.ReprocessExistingFiles = mReprocessingExistingFiles; scanner.ReprocessIfCachedSizeIsZero = mReprocessIfCachedSizeIsZero; scanner.PlotWithPython = mPlotWithPython; scanner.SaveTICAndBPIPlots = mSaveTICandBPIPlots; scanner.SaveLCMS2DPlots = mSaveLCMS2DPlots; scanner.LCMS2DPlotMaxPointsToPlot = mLCMS2DMaxPointsToPlot; scanner.LCMS2DOverviewPlotDivisor = mLCMS2DOverviewPlotDivisor; scanner.TestLCMSGradientColorSchemes = mTestLCMSGradientColorSchemes; scanner.CheckCentroidingStatus = mCheckCentroidingStatus; scanner.ScanStart = mScanStart; scanner.ScanEnd = mScanEnd; scanner.ShowDebugInfo = mShowDebugInfo; scanner.ComputeOverallQualityScores = mComputeOverallQualityScores; scanner.CreateDatasetInfoFile = mCreateDatasetInfoFile; scanner.CreateScanStatsFile = mCreateScanStatsFile; scanner.UpdateDatasetStatsTextFile = mUpdateDatasetStatsTextFile; scanner.DatasetStatsTextFileName = mDatasetStatsTextFileName; scanner.CheckFileIntegrity = mCheckFileIntegrity; scanner.MaximumTextFileLinesToCheck = mMaximumTextFileLinesToCheck; scanner.ComputeFileHashes = mComputeFileHashes; scanner.ZipFileCheckAllData = mZipFileCheckAllData; scanner.IgnoreErrorsWhenRecursing = mIgnoreErrorsWhenRecursing; if (mLogFilePath.Length > 0) { scanner.LogMessagesToFile = true; scanner.LogFilePath = mLogFilePath; } scanner.DatasetIDOverride = mDatasetID; scanner.DSInfoDBPostingEnabled = mPostResultsToDMS; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mParameterFilePath)) { scanner.LoadParameterFileSettings(mParameterFilePath); } if (mRecurseFolders) { if (scanner.ProcessMSFilesAndRecurseFolders(mInputDataFilePath, mOutputFolderName, mRecurseFoldersMaxLevels)) { intReturnCode = 0; } else { intReturnCode = (int)scanner.ErrorCode; } } else { if (scanner.ProcessMSFileOrFolderWildcard(mInputDataFilePath, mOutputFolderName, true)) { intReturnCode = 0; } else { intReturnCode = (int)scanner.ErrorCode; if (intReturnCode != 0) { ShowErrorMessage("Error while processing: " + scanner.GetErrorMessage()); } } } scanner.SaveCachedResults(); } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorMessage("Error occurred in modMain->Main: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); intReturnCode = -1; } return(intReturnCode); }