private void btnRemoveInventory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtBarcode.Text.Trim() != "") { string OrigQtValue = txtTotalQty.Text; frmInput input = new frmInput(); input.Title = "Remove Inventory"; input.Caption = "Quantity"; input.IsNumericOnly = true; if (input.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { clsProductItem fi = clsProductItem.SearchProduct(txtBarcode.Text); if (Convert.ToDouble(input.Value) <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Quantity must be more than 0", "Remove Item", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (fi != null && fi.StocksRemainingQty - Convert.ToDouble(input.Value) >= 0) { frmInput inputReason = new frmInput(); inputReason.Title = "Remove Inventory"; inputReason.Caption = "Reason for Removing"; inputReason.Value = "Transfer Inventory"; if (inputReason.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (input.Value.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("Must enter reason for removal of inventory", "Remove Items", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } clsInventory itemIventory = new clsInventory(); itemIventory.BarCode = txtBarcode.Text; itemIventory.Capital = Convert.ToDouble(txtCapital.Text); itemIventory.Quantity = -(Convert.ToDouble(input.Value)); itemIventory.Remarks = inputReason.Value; itemIventory.ExpiryDate = dtInventory.Value; itemIventory.DateAdded = dtInventory.Value; itemIventory.Save(); fi.TotalInventoryQty = clsInventory.GetTotalInventoryQty(fi.BarCode); fi.Save(); UpdateList(txtSearchString.Text); UpdateItemDisplay(fi.BarCode); } } else if (fi == null) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Product not found"), "Remove Inventory", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Removing quantity greater than available quantity not allowed"), "Remove Inventory", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } } }
private void btnAddInventory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtBarcode.Text.Trim() != "") { try { string barcode = txtBarcode.Text.Trim(); clsProductItem prod = clsProductItem.SearchProduct(barcode); if (prod == null) { MessageBox.Show("Save the item first.", "Save", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } frmAddInventory addinventory = new frmAddInventory(); addinventory.Quantity = 0; addinventory.Capital = prod.Capital; addinventory.Retail = prod.Amount; if (addinventory.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (addinventory.Capital <= 0 || addinventory.Quantity <= 0 || addinventory.Retail <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Capital/Quantity/Retail must be greater than 0", "Add Item", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } clsInventory itemIventory = new clsInventory(); itemIventory.BarCode = barcode; itemIventory.Capital = addinventory.Capital; itemIventory.Quantity = addinventory.Quantity; itemIventory.ExpiryDate = dtInventory.Value; itemIventory.DateAdded = dtInventory.Value; itemIventory.Save(); prod.Capital = addinventory.Capital; prod.TotalInventoryQty = clsInventory.GetTotalInventoryQty(prod.BarCode); prod.Amount = addinventory.Retail; prod.Save(); //SelectItemFromGrid(itemIventory.BarCode); UpdateItemDisplay(barcode); UpdateList(txtSearchString.Text); //SaveProductItem(); // Update Quantity after saving inventory } } catch { } } }
private void CalibrateProductItems() { Dictionary <string, clsPurchasedItem> lstReceipt = new Dictionary <string, clsPurchasedItem>(); dbConnect connect = new dbConnect(); List <clsProductItem> lstProducts = new List <clsProductItem>(); dgvPurchase.Rows.Clear(); lstProducts = connect.SearchProductItems(""); m_ListProdItems = new List <clsProductItem>(); foreach (clsProductItem fi in lstProducts) { bool saveitem = false; double totInventory = clsInventory.GetTotalInventoryQty(fi.BarCode); if (fi.TotalInventoryQty != totInventory) { fi.TotalInventoryQty = totInventory; saveitem = true; } double qtySold = clsPurchasedItem.GetTotalQtySold(fi.BarCode); if (fi.QtySold != qtySold) { fi.QtySold = qtySold; saveitem = true; } if (fi.StocksRemainingQty < 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.AddInvCalibrate) { clsInventory itemIventory = new clsInventory(); itemIventory.BarCode = fi.BarCode; itemIventory.Capital = fi.Capital; itemIventory.Quantity = Math.Abs(fi.StocksRemainingQty); //itemIventory.Remarks = "Calibrate Inventory"; itemIventory.Remarks = string.Format("(Calibrate){0}: TotInv={1} + {2}", m_username, fi.StocksRemainingQty, itemIventory.Quantity); itemIventory.Save(); fi.TotalInventoryQty += itemIventory.Quantity; saveitem = true; } if (saveitem) { fi.Save(); } AddItemToGrid(fi); m_ListProdItems.Add(fi); } connect.Close(); }
private void btnAddInventory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmInput input = new frmInput(); input.withDecimal = true; input.IsNumericOnly = false; input.Value = ""; input.Caption = "Enter Supplier/Reference Num"; if (input.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel || input.Value == "") { return; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, clsPurchasedItem> items in m_receipt.PurchasedItems) { clsPurchasedItem prod = items.Value; clsInventory itemIventory = new clsInventory(); itemIventory.BarCode = prod.BarCode; itemIventory.Capital = prod.Capital; itemIventory.Quantity = prod.Qty; itemIventory.Remarks = input.Value; itemIventory.DateAdded = dtInventory.Value; itemIventory.Save(); clsProductItem item = clsProductItem.SearchProduct(prod.BarCode); if (item != null) { item.Capital = prod.Capital; item.TotalInventoryQty += prod.Qty; item.Amount = prod.Amount; item.Save(); } } DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; }