protected void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string rtMsg     = "";
            string strValues = "";
            string strSPName = "spUpdate_TrnBankReconsiliationClear";

            if (IsValidClearDate())
                strValues += PrepareXMLStringForClear();

                rtMsg = gf.ExecuteAnySPOutput(strSPName, strValues);

                if (rtMsg == "True")
                    Message1.IsSuccess = true;
                    Message1.Text      = "Your request has been processed successfully!";
                Message1.IsSuccess = false;
                Message1.Text      = "Error";
            Message1.Show = true;
            Message.Show  = false;
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string rtMsg     = "";
            string strSPName = "";

            strValues = "";

            if (GroupID == 0)
                strSPName = "spInsert_MstAccountsGroup";
                strValues = GroupID.ToString();
                strSPName = "spUpdate_MstAccountsGroup";
            if (strValues == "")
                strValues = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["CompanyId"].ToString();

            strValues += chr.ToString() + txtGroupName.Text.Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlGroupType.SelectedValue.Trim();
            if (ddlGroupType.SelectedValue == "Main Group")
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlUnderGroup.SelectedValue.Trim();

            strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlFirstAccountType.SelectedValue.Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlSecondAccountType.SelectedValue.Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlThirdAccountType.SelectedValue.Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["BranchID"];
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["FinYrID"];
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["UserId"];
            rtMsg      = genObj.ExecuteAnySPOutput(strSPName, strValues);
            if (rtMsg == "True")
                Message.IsSuccess = true;
                Message.Text      = "Your request has been processed successfully!";

            else if (rtMsg == "Duplicate")
                Message.IsSuccess = false;
                Message.Text      = "This Account Group already exist!";

            Message.Show = true;
예제 #3
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string strMessage     = "";
            string strMessageType = "";
            string rtMsg          = "";
            //special character for string separation
            char   chr       = Convert.ToChar(130);
            string strSPName = "";
            string strValues = "";
            int    intID     = 0;

            if (hdnGroupTypeID.Value != "")
                intID = Convert.ToInt32(hdnGroupTypeID.Value);
            if (intID == 0)
                strSPName = "spInsert_MstAccountsGroupType";
                strValues = txtGroupType.Text.Trim();
                strValues  = intID.ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtGroupType.Text.Trim();
                strSPName  = "spUpdate_MstAccountsGroupType";
            // Value for Accounts Group Type Table
            //if (strValues == "")
            //    strValues = Session["SesCompanyID"].ToString();
            //    strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["SesCompanyID"].ToString();
            // strValues += chr.ToString() + txtGroupType.Text.Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlSecondAccountType.SelectedValue.Trim().ToString();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["UserId"];
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["BranchID"];
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["FinYrID"];
            rtMsg      = genObj.ExecuteAnySPOutput(strSPName, strValues);
            if (rtMsg == "True")
                Message.IsSuccess = true;
                Message.Text      = "Your request has been processed successfully!";
            else if (rtMsg == "Duplicate")
                Message.IsSuccess = false;
                Message.Text      = "This Account Grp. already exist!";
                Message.IsSuccess = false;
                Message.Text      = "Database Error: " + rtMsg + "";

            //Grid View population
            strValues = "3" + chr.ToString() + "" + chr.ToString() + "";
            genObj.BindGridViewSP(dgvGroupType, "spSelect_MstAccountsGroupType_ForAccountsGroupType", strValues);
            Message.Show = true;
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string rtMsg     = "";
            char   chr       = Convert.ToChar(130);
            string strSPName = "";
            string strValues = "";

            int intID = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ID"].ToString());

            if (intID == 0)
                strSPName = "spInsert_MstCostCenter";
                strValues = intID.ToString();
                strSPName = "spUpdate_MstCostCenter";
            // Value for Employee Table
            if (strValues == "")
                strValues = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["CompanyId"].ToString();

            strValues += chr.ToString() + txtCostCenter.Text.Trim().ToString();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["BranchID"];
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["FinYrID"];
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["UserId"];
            rtMsg      = genObj.ExecuteAnySPOutput(strSPName, strValues);
            if (rtMsg == "True")
                Message.IsSuccess = true;
                Message.Text      = "Your request has been processed successfully!";
            else if (rtMsg == "Duplicate")
                Message.IsSuccess = false;
                Message.Text      = "This Cost Center name already exist!";

            Message.Show = true;
            strValues    = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
            strValues   += chr.ToString() + "";
            genObj.BindGridViewSP(gvCostCenter, "spSelect_MstCostCenter", strValues);
        protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string strSpParams = "";
            string rtMsg       = "";
            string strMessage  = "";

            string strStartYr = txtStartYr.Text.Trim();
            string strEndYr   = txtEndYr.Text.Trim();
            string strActive  = "";

            if (chkActive.Checked)
                strActive = "true";
                strActive = "false";
            strSpParams  = strStartYr + chr.ToString() + strEndYr + chr.ToString() + strActive;
            strSpParams += chr.ToString() + Session["UserId"].ToString() + chr.ToString() + "";
                rtMsg = genObj.ExecuteAnySPOutput("spInsert_MstFinancialYear", strSpParams);
                if (rtMsg == "True")
                    Message.IsSuccess = true;
                    Message.Text      = "Your request has been processed successfully!";
                else if (rtMsg == "Duplicate")
                    Message.IsSuccess = false;
                    Message.Text      = "This Financial Year already exist!";

                genObj.BindGridViewSP(gdFinancialYr, "spSelect_MstFinancialYear_New", "");
            catch (Exception exp)
                Message.IsSuccess = false;
                Message.Text      = "An Unhandled Exception Occured!";
            Message.Show = true;
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["Details"] == null || ((DataSet)Session["Details"]).Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                if (Validate())
                    string rtMsg     = "";
                    string strSPName = "";
                    string strValues = "";
                    int    intID;

                    strValues  = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyyy");
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                    DataSet ds_fn = gf.ExecuteSelectSP("spSelect_GetFnYear", strValues);
                    strValues = "";
                    //if (ds_fn.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FinYearID"].ToString() == Session["FinYrID"].ToString().Trim())
                    intID = Convert.ToInt32(hdnCBVHeaderID.Value);
                    if (intID == 0)
                        //btnPrint.Enabled = false;
                        strSPName = "spInsert_TrnCashBankVoucher";
                        strValues = intID.ToString();
                        strSPName = "spUpdate_TrnCashBankVoucher";
                    ds = (DataSet)Session["Details"];
                    if (strValues == "")
                        strValues = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
                        strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["CompanyId"].ToString();

                    strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["FinYrID"].ToString();
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["BranchID"].ToString();
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["DataFlow"].ToString();
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + txtVoucherDate.Text.Trim();
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlType.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    //strValues += chr.ToString() + ((ddlDRCR.SelectedValue == "RECEIVE") ? "PAYMENT" : "RECEIVE");

                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "CASH";

                    strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlSourceLedger.SelectedValue.ToString();
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + txtAccount.Text; //@OnAccountAmount
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + txtAccount.Text; // @TotalAmount

                    strValues += chr.ToString() + txtNarration.Text.Trim();
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["UserId"].ToString();
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + PrepareXMLString();
                    //strValues += chr.ToString() + PrepareDistrictAmountXMLString();
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "";

                    rtMsg = gf.ExecuteAnySPOutput(strSPName, strValues);
                    string strMsg = rtMsg.Substring(0, 4);
                    if (strMsg == "True")
                        hdnCBVHeaderID.Value = rtMsg.Substring(5, rtMsg.Length - 5);
                        // Meeting Rent Expense Save District Amount

                        BusinessLayer.Accounts.MeetingRentExpense objMeet = new MeetingRentExpense();
                        Entity.Accounts.MeetingRentExpense        EntMeet = new Entity.Accounts.MeetingRentExpense();
                        EntMeet.CBVHeaderID       = Convert.ToInt32(hdnCBVHeaderID.Value);
                        EntMeet.PaymentDate       = DateTime.Parse(txtVoucherDate.Text.ToString());
                        EntMeet.DistrictAmountXML = PrepareDistrictAmountXMLString();
                        EntMeet.CreatedBy         = int.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString());
                        int RowAffected = objMeet.SaveDetails(EntMeet);

                        // *** CLOSE  ***

                        Message.IsSuccess = true;
                        Message.Text      = "Your request has been processed successfully!";

                        //ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "VR", "'sms-receipt.aspx?No=" + txtVchNo.Text + "','','height=600,width=1000')", true);
                        AdjustButtons(true, true, false);
                        PopulateHeaderGrid(ViewState["sortColumn"].ToString(), ViewState["sortDirection"].ToString());
                        Message.IsSuccess = false;
                        Message.Text      = rtMsg;
                //  Message.IsSuccess = false;
                //Message.Text = "Please select a Date Between " + Session["SesFromDate"].ToString() + " & " + Session["SesToDate"].ToString() + "";
                // }
            Message.Show = true;
예제 #7
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Validate())
                char   chr       = Convert.ToChar(130);
                string strSPName = "";
                string strValues = "";

                if (LedgerID == 0)
                    strSPName = "spInsert_MstGeneralLedger";
                    strValues = LedgerID.ToString();
                    strSPName = "spUpdate_MstGeneralLedger";
                // Value for BankAccount Table
                if (strValues == "")
                    strValues = Session["CompanyId"].ToString();
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["CompanyId"].ToString();

                strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["FinYrID"].ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["BranchID"].ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtLedgerName.Text.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlGroup.SelectedValue.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlSubGroup.SelectedValue.Trim().ToString();
                if (chkCostCenter.Checked)
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "True";
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "False";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlLedgerType.SelectedValue.Trim().ToString();
                //strValues += chr.ToString() + "True";
                if (chkIsActive.Checked)
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "True";
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "False";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtOpeningBalance.Text.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlOpeningBalanceType.SelectedValue.Trim();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["UserId"];
                strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["DataFlow"].ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtOpBalDate.Text.Trim().ToString();

                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "1";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "1";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "1";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "";

                string rtMsg = genObj.ExecuteAnySPOutput(strSPName, strValues);
                if (rtMsg == "True")
                    Message.IsSuccess = true;
                    Message.Text      = "Your request has been processed successfully!";
                else if (rtMsg == "Duplicate")
                    Message.IsSuccess = false;
                    Message.Text      = "This General Ledger already exist!";

            Message.Show = true;
예제 #8
        private void SaveVoucherDetails()
            string rtMsg     = "";
            string Msg       = "";
            string strSPName = "";

            strValues = "";

            if (CVHeaderID == 0)
                strSPName = "spInsert_TrnContraVoucher";
                strValues = CVHeaderID.ToString();
                strSPName = "spUpdate_TrnCONTRAVoucher";

            if (strValues == "")
                strValues = txtVchNo.Text.Trim();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtVchNo.Text.Trim();

            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["CompanyId"].ToString().Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["FinYrID"].ToString().Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["BranchId"].ToString().Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["DataFlow"].ToString().Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + txtVoucherDate.Text.ToString().Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + "1";
            strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlLedger.SelectedValue.Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlDrCr.SelectedValue.Trim();

            if (txtChequeNo.Text.Trim() == "")
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "CASH";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + "CHEQUE";

            strValues += chr.ToString() + txtChequeNo.Text.Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + txtChequeDate.Text.Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + txtDrawnOn.Text.Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlParentLedger.SelectedValue.Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + txtAmount.Text.Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + txtNarration.Text.ToString().Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["UserId"].ToString().Trim();

            rtMsg = gf.ExecuteAnySPOutput(strSPName, strValues);
            Msg   = rtMsg.Substring(0, 4);

            if (Msg == "True")
                CVHeaderID = Convert.ToInt32(rtMsg.Substring(5, rtMsg.Length - 5));

                Message.IsSuccess = true;
                Message.Text      = "Your request has been processed successfully!";
                if (rtMsg == "Duplicate:")
                    Message.IsSuccess = false;
                    Message.Text      = "This Voucher No. is already exists!";
            Message.Show = true;
예제 #9
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string rtMsg     = "";
            string strSPName = "";

            strValues = "";

            if (Validate())
                if (BankID == 0)
                    strSPName = "spInsert_MstBankAccount";
                    strValues = BankID.ToString();
                    strSPName = "spUpdate_MstBankAccount";
                // Value for BankAccount Table
                if (strValues == "")
                    strValues = Session["CompanyID"].ToString();
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["CompanyID"].ToString();

                strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["BranchID"].ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlBankName.SelectedValue.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtACNo.Text.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlACType.SelectedValue.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtBankBranch.Text.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtACOpngDate.Text;
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtAddress.Text.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtBankContactNo.Text.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtContactPerson.Text.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtMobileNo.Text.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlOperatedBy.SelectedValue.Trim().ToString();
                if (chkActive.Checked)
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "True";
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "False";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["FinYrID"];
                strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlBankName.SelectedItem.Text.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlGroup.SelectedValue.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlSubGoup.SelectedValue.Trim().ToString();
                if (ChkCostCentreApplble.Checked)
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "True";
                    strValues += chr.ToString() + "False";
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtOpBal.Text.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + ddlOpBalType.SelectedValue.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["UserId"];
                //if (intID == 0)
                strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["DataFlow"];
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtOpBalDate.Text.Trim().ToString();
                strValues += chr.ToString() + txtAccountBalance.Text.Trim();
                rtMsg      = genObj.ExecuteAnySPOutput(strSPName, strValues);

                if (rtMsg == "True")
                    Message.IsSuccess = true;
                    Message.Text      = "Your request has been processed successfully!";
                else if (rtMsg == "Duplicate")
                    Message.IsSuccess = false;
                    Message.Text      = "This Account No. already exist!";
            Message.Show = true;
        private void SaveVoucherDetails()
            string rtMsg = "";
            string Msg   = "";

            string strSPName = "";
            string strValues = "";

            dsD = ((DataSet)Session["SOD"]);

            if (dsD.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                Message.IsSuccess = false;
                Message.Text      = "Please select any Item for Order!";
                Message.Show      = true;

            if (hdnJournalID.Value == "0")
                strSPName = "spInsert_TrnJournalVoucher";
                strSPName = "spUpdate_TrnJournalVoucher";
            strValues  = hdnJournalID.Value.ToString().Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + txtVchNo.Text.ToString().Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["CompanyId"].ToString().Trim();

            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["FinYrID"].ToString().Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["BranchId"].ToString().Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["DataFlow"].ToString().Trim();

            strValues += chr.ToString() + txtVchDate.Text.ToString().Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + "1";
            strValues += chr.ToString() + txtNarration.Text.ToString().Trim();
            strValues += chr.ToString() + Session["UserId"].ToString().Trim();

            strValues += chr.ToString() + PrepareXMLString();
            rtMsg      = gf.ExecuteAnySPOutput(strSPName, strValues);
            Msg        = rtMsg.Substring(0, 4);
            if (Msg == "True")
                hdnJournalID.Value = rtMsg.Substring(5, rtMsg.Length - 5);
                ViewState["ID"]    = hdnJournalID.Value;

                Message.IsSuccess = true;
                Message.Text      = "Your request has been processed successfully!";

                AdjustButtons(true, true, true, false);
                PopulateHeaderGrid(ViewState["sortColumn"].ToString(), ViewState["sortDirection"].ToString());
                if (rtMsg == "Duplicate:")
                    Message.IsSuccess = false;
                    Message.Text      = "This Voucher No. is already exists!";
                else if (rtMsg == "Blank:")
                    Message.IsSuccess = false;
                    Message.Text      = "Voucher No. can not be blank, please set the AutoCode master!";
                AdjustButtons(true, true, false, false);
            Message.Show = true;