protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs arg)
            IFeatureLayer pPointLayer     = null;
            IFeatureLayer pLineLayer      = null;
            IArray        pParcelLayers   = null;
            IFeatureLayer pControlLayer   = null;
            IFeatureLayer pLinePointLayer = null;

            double         dXYTol      = 0.003;
            clsFabricUtils FabricUTILS = new clsFabricUtils();
            IEditor        pEd         = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor");

            //first get the extension
            UID pUID = new UIDClass();

            pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}";
            ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID);
            ICadastralEditor            pCadEd     = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID);

            //check if there is a Manual Mode "modify" job active ===========
            ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadExtMan;

            if (pCadPacMan.PacketOpen)
                MessageBox.Show("This tool cannot be used when there is an open parcel, construction, or job.\r\nPlease complete or discard the open items, and try again.");

            ICadastralFabric pCadFabric = null;

            //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric
            if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing)
                pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric;
                MessageBox.Show("This tool works on a parcel fabric in an edit session.\r\nPlease start editing and try again.");

            if (pCadFabric == null)
            {//find the first fabric in the map
                if (!FabricUTILS.GetFabricFromMap(ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.FocusMap, out pCadFabric))
                    MessageBox.Show("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again.");

            IGeoDataset pGeoDS = (IGeoDataset)pCadFabric;
            ISpatialReferenceTolerance pSpatRefTol = (ISpatialReferenceTolerance)pGeoDS.SpatialReference;

            if (pSpatRefTol.XYToleranceValid == esriSRToleranceEnum.esriSRToleranceOK)
                dXYTol = pSpatRefTol.XYTolerance;

            IMouseCursor          pMouseCursor        = null;
            ISpatialFilter        pSpatFilt           = null; //spatial filter query hinging off the dragged rectangle selection
            IQueryFilter          pQuFilter           = null; //used for the non-spatial query for radial lines, as they have no geometry
            IRubberBand2          pRubberRect         = null;
            IGeometryBag          pGeomBag            = null;
            ITopologicalOperator5 pUnionedPolyine     = null;
            IPolygon      pBufferedToolSelectGeometry = null;         //geometry used to search for parents
            IFIDSet       pLineFIDs            = null;                //the FIDSet used to collect the lines that'll be deleted
            IFIDSet       pPointFIDs           = null;                // the FIDSet used to collect the points that'll be deleted
            IFIDSet       pLinePointFIDs       = null;                // the FIDSet used to collect the line-points that'll be deleted
            List <int>    pDeletedLinesPoints  = new List <int>();    //list used to stage the ids for points that are referenced by lines
            List <int>    pUsedPoints          = new List <int>();    //list used to collect pointids that are referenced by existing lines
            List <int>    CtrPointIDList       = new List <int>();    //list for collecting the ids of center points
            List <int>    pParcelsList         = new List <int>();    //used only to avoid adding duplicates to IN clause string for, based on ties to radial lines
            List <int>    pOrphanPointsList    = new List <int>();    //list of orphan points defined from radial ines
            List <int>    pPointsInsideBoxList = new List <int>();    //list of parcels that exist and that intersect the drag-box
            List <string> sFromToPair          = new List <string>(); //list of from/to pairs for manging line points
            List <int>    pLineToParcelIDRef   = new List <int>();    //list of parcel id refs stored on lines

            IInvalidArea3 pInvArea = null;

            IFeatureClass pLines      = null;
            IFeatureClass pPoints     = null;
            IFeatureClass pParcels    = null;
            IFeatureClass pLinePoints = null;
            IWorkspace    pWS         = null;

                #region define the rubber envelope geometry
                pRubberRect = new RubberEnvelopeClass();
                IGeometry ToolSelectEnvelope = pRubberRect.TrackNew(ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay, null);

                if (ToolSelectEnvelope == null)

                ISegmentCollection pSegmentColl = new PolygonClass();
                IPolygon ToolSelectGeometry = (IPolygon)pSegmentColl;

                if (pCadFabric == null)

                pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass();


                FabricUTILS.GetFabricSubLayersFromFabric(ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.FocusMap, pCadFabric,
                                                         out pPointLayer, out pLineLayer, out pParcelLayers, out pControlLayer,
                                                         out pLinePointLayer);

                #region get tables and field indexes
                pLines      = (IFeatureClass)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines);
                pPoints     = (IFeatureClass)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints);
                pParcels    = (IFeatureClass)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels);
                pLinePoints = (IFeatureClass)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLinePoints);
                string sPref = "";
                string sSuff = "";

                int iCtrPtFldIDX  = pLines.FindField("CENTERPOINTID");
                int iFromPtFldIDX = pLines.FindField("FROMPOINTID");
                int iToPtFldIDX   = pLines.FindField("TOPOINTID");
                int iCatFldIDX    = pLines.FindField("CATEGORY");
                int iParcelIDX    = pLines.FindField("PARCELID");
                int iDistanceIDX  = pLines.FindField("DISTANCE");

                pWS = pLines.FeatureDataset.Workspace;
                ISQLSyntax pSQLSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)pWS;
                sPref = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierPrefix);
                sSuff = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierSuffix);

                pSpatFilt            = new SpatialFilterClass();
                pSpatFilt.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
                pSpatFilt.Geometry   = ToolSelectGeometry;

                #region center point
                //need to make sure that center points are correctly handled for cases where the center point
                //is inside the select box, but the curve itself is not. The following is used to build an
                //IN CLAUSE for All the center points that are found within the tool's select geometry.
                int    iIsCtrPtIDX    = pPoints.FindField("CENTERPOINT");
                int    iCount         = 0;
                int    iCntCtrPoint   = 0;
                string sCtrPntIDList1 = "";

                IFeatureCursor pFeatCursPoints = pPoints.Search(pSpatFilt, false);
                IFeature       pFeat7          = pFeatCursPoints.NextFeature();
                while (pFeat7 != null)
                    int    iVal     = -1;
                    object Attr_val = pFeat7.get_Value(iIsCtrPtIDX);

                    if (Attr_val != DBNull.Value)
                        iVal = Convert.ToInt32(pFeat7.get_Value(iIsCtrPtIDX));

                    if (iVal == 1)
                        if (sCtrPntIDList1.Trim() == "")
                            sCtrPntIDList1 += pFeat7.OID.ToString();
                            sCtrPntIDList1 += "," + pFeat7.OID.ToString();
                    pPointsInsideBoxList.Add(pFeat7.OID); //used to check for orphan linepoints
                    pOrphanPointsList.Add(pFeat7.OID);    //this gets whittled down till only "pure" orphan points remain
                    pFeat7 = pFeatCursPoints.NextFeature();

                #region create convex hull of lines
                //get the lines that intersect the search box and build a
                //polygon search geometry being the convex hull of those lines.
                IFeatureCursor pFeatCursLines = pLines.Search(pSpatFilt, false);
                pGeomBag = new GeometryBagClass();
                IGeometryCollection pGeomColl = (IGeometryCollection)pGeomBag;
                IFeature            pFeat1    = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();
                m_sDebug = "Add lines to Geometry Collection.";
                string sParcelRefOnLines = "";
                object missing           = Type.Missing;
                while (pFeat1 != null)
                    int    iVal    = (int)pFeat1.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX);
                    string sFromTo = iVal.ToString() + ":";

                    if (pOrphanPointsList.Contains(iVal)) //Does this need to be done...will remove fail if it's not there?
                        pOrphanPointsList.Remove(iVal);   //does this need to be in the if block?
                    iVal     = (int)pFeat1.get_Value(iToPtFldIDX);
                    sFromTo += iVal.ToString();
                    if (pOrphanPointsList.Contains(iVal))

                    pGeomColl.AddGeometry(pFeat1.ShapeCopy, missing, missing);

                    if (sParcelRefOnLines.Trim() == "")
                        sParcelRefOnLines = pFeat1.get_Value(iParcelIDX).ToString();
                        sParcelRefOnLines += "," + pFeat1.get_Value(iParcelIDX).ToString();

                    pFeat1 = pFeatCursLines.NextFeature();


                #region Add Center Points for curves outside map extent

                if (iCntCtrPoint > 999)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The Delete Orphans tool works with smaller amounts of data." + Environment.NewLine +
                                                        "Please try again, by selecting fewer fabric lines and points. (More than 1000 center points returned.)");

                //If there is no line geometry found, and there are also no points found, then nothing to do...
                if (pGeomColl.GeometryCount == 0 && iCount == 0)

                //Radial lines have no geometry so there is a special treatment for those;
                //that special treatment takes two forms,
                //1. if a circular arc is selected and it turns out that it is an orphan line, then we
                //need to take down its radial lines, and its center point as well.
                //2. if a center point is selected, we need to check if it's an orphan, by searching for its parent.
                //The parent parcel can easily be well beyond the query rectangle, so the original
                //search rectangle is buffered by the largest found radius distance, to make sure that all
                //parent parcels are "find-able."

                //The radial lines themselves are also needed; Get the radial lines from the Center Points
                //CtrPt is always TO point, so find lines CATEGORY = 4 AND TOPOINT IN ()
                string sRadialLineListParcelID = "";
                string sRadialLinesID          = "";
                string sRadialLinePoints       = "";

                double dRadiusBuff = 0;
                pQuFilter = new QueryFilterClass();
                //Find all the radial lines based on the search query
                if (sCtrPntIDList1.Trim() != "")
                    pQuFilter.WhereClause = "CATEGORY = 4 AND TOPOINTID IN (" + sCtrPntIDList1 + ")";

                    //add all the *references* to Parcel ids for the radial lines,
                    //and add the ID's of the lines
                    IFeatureCursor pFeatCursLines8 = pLines.Search(pQuFilter, false);
                    IFeature       pFeat8          = pFeatCursLines8.NextFeature();
                    while (pFeat8 != null)
                        object Attr_val = pFeat8.get_Value(iDistanceIDX);
                        double dVal     = 0;
                        if (Attr_val != DBNull.Value)
                            dVal = Convert.ToDouble(Attr_val);
                        dRadiusBuff = dRadiusBuff > dVal ? dRadiusBuff : dVal;
                        int iVal = Convert.ToInt32(pFeat8.get_Value(iParcelIDX));
                        if (!pParcelsList.Contains(iVal))
                            if (sRadialLineListParcelID.Trim() == "")
                                sRadialLineListParcelID += Convert.ToString(iVal);
                                sRadialLineListParcelID += "," + Convert.ToString(iVal);

                        //pOrphanPointsList is used for "Pure Orphan point" detection
                        //meaning that these are points that do not have ANY line, not even an orphan line.
                        iVal = (int)pFeat8.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX);
                        if (pOrphanPointsList.Contains(iVal))

                        iVal = (int)pFeat8.get_Value(iToPtFldIDX);
                        if (pOrphanPointsList.Contains(iVal))

                        if (sRadialLinesID.Trim() == "")
                            sRadialLinesID += Convert.ToString(iVal);
                            sRadialLinesID += "," + Convert.ToString(iVal);

                        //Add from point to list
                        if (sRadialLinePoints.Trim() == "")
                            sRadialLinePoints += Convert.ToString(pFeat8.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX));
                            sRadialLinePoints += "," + Convert.ToString(pFeat8.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX));
                        //Add To point to list
                        sRadialLinePoints += "," + Convert.ToString(pFeat8.get_Value(iToPtFldIDX));

                        pFeat8 = pFeatCursLines8.NextFeature();

                    //create a polygon goeometry that is a buffer of the selection rectangle expanded
                    //to the greatest radius of all the radial lines found.
                    ITopologicalOperator topologicalOperator = (ITopologicalOperator)ToolSelectGeometry;
                    pBufferedToolSelectGeometry = topologicalOperator.Buffer(dRadiusBuff) as IPolygon;
                    pQuFilter.WhereClause = "";

                #region OrphanLines

                if (pGeomColl.GeometryCount != 0)
                    pUnionedPolyine = new PolylineClass();
                    ITopologicalOperator pTopoOp     = (ITopologicalOperator)pUnionedPolyine;
                    IGeometry            pConvexHull = pTopoOp.ConvexHull();
                    //With this convex hull, do a small buffer,
                    //theis search geometry is used as a spatial query on the parcel polygons
                    //and also on the parcel lines, to build IN Clauses
                    pTopoOp = (ITopologicalOperator)pConvexHull;
                    IGeometry pBufferedConvexHull = pTopoOp.Buffer(10 * dXYTol);
                    if (pBufferedToolSelectGeometry != null)
                        pTopoOp = (ITopologicalOperator)pBufferedToolSelectGeometry;
                        IGeometry pUnionPolygon = pTopoOp.Union(pBufferedConvexHull);
                        pSpatFilt.Geometry = pUnionPolygon;
                        pSpatFilt.Geometry = pBufferedConvexHull;
                    if (pQuFilter.WhereClause.Trim() == "" && pBufferedToolSelectGeometry == null)
                        pSpatFilt.Geometry = ToolSelectGeometry;
                        pSpatFilt.Geometry = pBufferedToolSelectGeometry;

                IColor pColor = new RgbColorClass();
                pColor.RGB = System.Drawing.Color.Blue.ToArgb();
                IScreenDisplay pScreenDisplay = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay;
                FabricUTILS.FlashGeometry(pSpatFilt.Geometry, pScreenDisplay, pColor, 5, 100);

                pSpatFilt.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial;

                m_sDebug = "Searching Parcels table.";
                pInvArea = new InvalidAreaClass();
                IFeatureCursor pFeatCursParcels = pParcels.Search(pSpatFilt, false);
                IFeature       pFeat2           = pFeatCursParcels.NextFeature();
                string         sParcelIDList    = "";
                iCount = 0;
                //create the "NOT IN" CLAUSE for parcels that exist in the DB and that are within the search area
                //Will be used as a search on lines to get the Orphan Lines

                while (pFeat2 != null)
                    if (sParcelIDList.Trim() == "")
                        sParcelIDList += pFeat2.OID.ToString();
                        sParcelIDList += "," + pFeat2.OID.ToString();

                    if (iCount > 999)
                    pFeat2 = pFeatCursParcels.NextFeature();

                //if we have more than 999 in clause tokens, there will be problems on Oracle.
                //Since this is an interactive tool, we expect it not to be used on a large amount of data.
                //for this reason, the following message is displayed if more than 999 parcels are returned in this query.
                //TODO: for the future this can be made to work on larger sets of data.
                if (iCount > 999)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The Delete Orphans tool works with smaller amounts of data." + Environment.NewLine +
                                                        "Please try again, by selecting fewer fabric lines and points. (More than 1000 parcels returned.)");

                m_sDebug = "Building the used points list.";
                //This first pass contains all references to points found within the parent parcel search buffer
                //Later, points are removed from this list
                IFeatureCursor pFeatCursLargerLineSet = pLines.Search(pSpatFilt, false);
                IFeature       pFeat3 = pFeatCursLargerLineSet.NextFeature();
                while (pFeat3 != null)
                    object Attr_val = pFeat3.get_Value(iCtrPtFldIDX);
                    if (Attr_val != DBNull.Value)
                        pUsedPoints.Add(Convert.ToInt32(Attr_val)); //add center point
                    int iVal = (int)pFeat3.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX);
                    pUsedPoints.Add(iVal);//add from point

                    iVal = (int)pFeat3.get_Value(iToPtFldIDX);
                    pUsedPoints.Add(iVal);//add to point

                    pFeat3 = pFeatCursLargerLineSet.NextFeature();

                //pUsedPoints list is at this stage, references to points for all lines found within the search area.
                //use the IN clause of the parcel ids to search for lines within
                //the original search box, and that are also orphans that do not have a parent parcel.
                pSpatFilt.WhereClause = "";
                pSpatFilt.Geometry    = ToolSelectGeometry;
                pSpatFilt.SpatialRel  = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
                pSpatFilt.SearchOrder = esriSearchOrder.esriSearchOrderSpatial;

                IFeatureCursor pFeatCursor = null;
                if (pGeomColl.GeometryCount == 0)
                    if (sParcelIDList.Trim().Length > 0 && sCtrPntIDList1.Trim().Length > 0)
                        pQuFilter.WhereClause = "(PARCELID NOT IN (" + sParcelIDList +
                                                ")) AND (CATEGORY = 4 AND TOPOINTID IN (" + sCtrPntIDList1 + "))";
                        pFeatCursor = pLines.Search(pQuFilter, false);
                    else if (sParcelIDList.Trim().Length == 0 && sCtrPntIDList1.Trim().Length > 0)
                        pQuFilter.WhereClause = "CATEGORY = 4 AND TOPOINTID IN (" + sCtrPntIDList1 + ")";
                        pFeatCursor           = pLines.Search(pQuFilter, false);
                {//do a spatial query
                    if (sParcelIDList.Trim().Length > 0)
                        pSpatFilt.WhereClause = "PARCELID NOT IN (" + sParcelIDList + ")";
                        pSpatFilt.WhereClause = "";
                    pFeatCursor = pLines.Search(pSpatFilt, false);

                m_sDebug = "Collecting lines to be deleted.";

                //start collecting the lines that need to be deleted
                iCount = 0;
                int    iCtrPointCount         = 0;
                string sCtrPointIDList        = "";
                string sLineParcelIDReference = "";
                //Feature cursor is lines that are NOT IN the ParcelIDList

                if (pFeatCursor != null)
                    pLineFIDs = new FIDSetClass();
                    IFeature pFeat4 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                    while (pFeat4 != null)
                        int iParcRef = Convert.ToInt32(pFeat4.get_Value(iParcelIDX));
                        if (sLineParcelIDReference.Trim() == "")
                            sLineParcelIDReference = iParcRef.ToString();
                            if (!pLineToParcelIDRef.Contains(iParcRef))
                                sLineParcelIDReference += "," + iParcRef.ToString();
                        //now for this line, get it's points
                        //first add the center point reference if there is one
                        object Attr_val = pFeat4.get_Value(iCtrPtFldIDX);
                        if (Attr_val != DBNull.Value)
                            int iCtrPointID = Convert.ToInt32(Attr_val);
                            pDeletedLinesPoints.Add(iCtrPointID); //add this line's center point

                            if (sCtrPointIDList.Trim() == "")
                                sCtrPointIDList = iCtrPointID.ToString();
                                if (CtrPointIDList.Contains(iCtrPointID))
                                    sCtrPointIDList += "," + iCtrPointID.ToString();
                            CtrPointIDList.Add(iCtrPointID);//to keep track of repeats
                        //and also add the FROM and TO point references if they exist
                        int iVal = (int)pFeat4.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX);
                        pDeletedLinesPoints.Add(iVal);//add FROM point
                        if (pGeomColl.GeometryCount > 0)

                        iVal = (int)pFeat4.get_Value(iToPtFldIDX);
                        pDeletedLinesPoints.Add(iVal);//add TO point
                        if (pGeomColl.GeometryCount > 0)

                        if (iCtrPointCount > 999)
                        pFeat4 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                if (iCtrPointCount > 999)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The Delete Orphans tool works with smaller amounts of data." + Environment.NewLine +
                                                        "Please try again, by selecting fewer fabric lines and points. (More than 1000 center points returned.)");

                m_sDebug = "Adding orphan radial lines to list.";

                if (sCtrPointIDList.Trim().Length > 0)
                    //add the Radial lines at each end of the curves using the collected CtrPtIDs
                    //CtrPt is always TO point, so find lines CATEGORY = 4 AND TOPOINT IN ()

                    pQuFilter.WhereClause = "CATEGORY = 4 AND TOPOINTID IN (" + sCtrPointIDList + ")";
                    pFeatCursor           = pLines.Search(pQuFilter, false);
                    IFeature pFeat5 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                    while (pFeat5 != null)
                        int iParcRef = Convert.ToInt32(pFeat5.get_Value(iParcelIDX));
                        if (sLineParcelIDReference.Trim() == "")
                            sLineParcelIDReference = iParcRef.ToString();
                            if (!pLineToParcelIDRef.Contains(iParcRef))
                                sLineParcelIDReference += "," + iParcRef.ToString();
                        pFeat5 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                    pQuFilter.WhereClause = "";

                //refine the DeletedLinesPoints list
                foreach (int i in pUsedPoints)
                    if (pDeletedLinesPoints.Contains(i))
                        } while (pDeletedLinesPoints.Remove(i));

                //add the points to a new FIDSet
                pPointFIDs = new FIDSetClass();
                foreach (int i in pDeletedLinesPoints)


                #region OrphanPoints
                //We already know which points to delete based on taking down the orphan lines.
                //We need to still add to the points FIDSet those points that are "pure" ophan points
                //as defined for the pOrphanPointsList variable.
                //and add the orphan points to the points FIDSet
                foreach (int i in pOrphanPointsList)
                    bool bFound = false;
                    pPointFIDs.Find(i, out bFound);
                    if (!bFound)

                #region orphan Line points
                //next check for orphan line-points
                //the line-point is deleted if there is no underlying point
                //or if the from and to point references do not exist.
                pSpatFilt.WhereClause = "";
                pSpatFilt.Geometry    = ToolSelectGeometry;
                IFeatureCursor pFeatCursLinePoints = pLinePoints.Search(pSpatFilt, false);
                IFeature       pLPFeat             = pFeatCursLinePoints.NextFeature();
                int            iLinePtPointIdIdx   = pLinePoints.FindField("LINEPOINTID");
                int            iLinePtFromPtIdIdx  = pLinePoints.FindField("FROMPOINTID");
                int            iLinePtToPtIdIdx    = pLinePoints.FindField("TOPOINTID");

                pLinePointFIDs = new FIDSetClass();
                while (pLPFeat != null)
                    bool bExistsA = true;

                    bool bExists1 = true;
                    bool bExists2 = true;
                    bool bExists3 = true;

                    int iVal = (int)pLPFeat.get_Value(iLinePtPointIdIdx);
                    pPointFIDs.Find(iVal, out bExists1);
                    if (!pPointsInsideBoxList.Contains(iVal))
                        bExistsA = false;

                    iVal = (int)pLPFeat.get_Value(iLinePtFromPtIdIdx);
                    string sFrom = iVal.ToString();
                    pPointFIDs.Find(iVal, out bExists2);

                    iVal = (int)pLPFeat.get_Value(iLinePtToPtIdIdx);
                    string sTo = iVal.ToString();
                    pPointFIDs.Find(iVal, out bExists3);

                    int iOID = pLPFeat.OID;

                    if (bExists1 || bExists2 || bExists3)

                    if (!sFromToPair.Contains(sFrom + ":" + sTo) && !sFromToPair.Contains(sTo + ":" + sFrom))
                        pLinePointFIDs.Find(iOID, out bExists1);
                        if (!bExists1)

                    //if (!bExistsA || !bExistsB || !bExistsC)
                    if (!bExistsA)
                        bool bFound = true;
                        pLinePointFIDs.Find(iOID, out bFound);
                        if (!bFound)

                    pLPFeat = pFeatCursLinePoints.NextFeature();


                #region Refine the lines that are on the delete list
                //next step is to refine and double-check to make sure that the lines that are on the delete list
                //do not have a parcel record somewhere else (not spatially connected to the line) (example unjoined, or bad geom)
                string sFreshlyFoundParcels = "";
                if (sLineParcelIDReference.Trim() != "")
                    pQuFilter.WhereClause = sPref + pParcels.OIDFieldName + sSuff + " IN (" + sLineParcelIDReference + ")";
                    pFeatCursor           = pParcels.Search(pQuFilter, false);
                    IFeature pFeat6 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                    while (pFeat6 != null)
                        int iOID = pFeat6.OID;
                        if (sFreshlyFoundParcels.Trim() == "")
                            sFreshlyFoundParcels = iOID.ToString();
                            sFreshlyFoundParcels += "," + iOID.ToString();
                        pFeat6 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();

                    if (sFreshlyFoundParcels.Trim() != "")
                        pQuFilter.WhereClause = "PARCELID IN (" + sFreshlyFoundParcels + ")";
                        pFeatCursor           = pLines.Search(pQuFilter, false);
                        IFeature pFeat9 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();
                        while (pFeat9 != null)
                            int  iOID    = pFeat9.OID;
                            bool bIsHere = false;
                            int iVal = Convert.ToInt32(pFeat9.get_Value(iFromPtFldIDX));
                            pPointFIDs.Find(iVal, out bIsHere);
                            if (bIsHere)

                            iVal = Convert.ToInt32(pFeat9.get_Value(iToPtFldIDX));
                            pPointFIDs.Find(iVal, out bIsHere);
                            if (bIsHere)

                            pFeat9 = pFeatCursor.NextFeature();

                #region Make sure the points on the delete list are not part of a construction
                //For post 10.0, Make sure the points on the delete list are not part of a construction if they are then null geometry
                //pQuFilter.WhereClause=pLines.LengthField.Name + " = 0 AND CATEGORY <> 4";
                //IFeatureCursor pFeatCursLines101 = pLines.Search(pQuFilter, false);
                //this would open a new cursor and do a query on the entire

                #region report results and do edits
                dlgReport Report = new dlgReport();
                //Display the dialog
                System.Drawing.Color BackColorNow = Report.textBox1.BackColor;
                if (iCount == 0 && pPointFIDs.Count() == 0 && pLinePointFIDs.Count() == 0)
                    Report.textBox1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen;
                    Report.textBox1.Text      = "Selected area has no orphan lines or points.";
                    int iCount1 = 0;
                    int iCount2 = 0;
                    int iCount3 = 0;
                    if (pLineFIDs != null)
                        iCount1 = pLineFIDs.Count();

                    if (pPointFIDs != null)
                        iCount2 = pPointFIDs.Count();

                    if (pLinePointFIDs != null)
                        iCount3 = pLinePointFIDs.Count();

                    iCount = iCount1 + iCount2 + iCount3;
                    if (iCount > 0)
                        FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet((ITable)pLines, pLineFIDs, null, null);
                        FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet((ITable)pPoints, pPointFIDs, null, null);
                        if (pPointFIDs.Count() > 0)
                            //now need to update the control points associated with any deleted points.
                            ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 pSchemaEd = (ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2)pCadFabric;
                            ITable     pControlTable       = pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl);
                            int        idxNameFldOnControl = pControlTable.FindField("POINTID");
                            string     ControlNameFldName  = pControlTable.Fields.get_Field(idxNameFldOnControl).Name;
                            int        i;
                            List <int> pPointFIDList = new List <int>();
                            pPointFIDs.Next(out i);
                            while (i > -1)
                                pPointFIDs.Next(out i);
                            List <string> InClausePointsNotConnectedToLines = FabricUTILS.InClauseFromOIDsList(pPointFIDList, 995);
                            pQuFilter.WhereClause = ControlNameFldName + " IN (" + InClausePointsNotConnectedToLines[0] + ")";
                            pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(pControlTable, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl); //release safety-catch
                            if (!FabricUTILS.ResetControlAssociations(pControlTable, pQuFilter, false))
                                pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl);//set safety back on
                            pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl);//set safety back on
                        pQuFilter.WhereClause = "";
                        FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet((ITable)pLinePoints, pLinePointFIDs, null, null);
                        pEd.StopOperation("Delete " + iCount.ToString() + " orphans");
                        Report.textBox1.Text = "Deleted:";
                        if (iCount1 > 0)
                            Report.textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine + iCount1.ToString() + " orphaned lines";
                        if (iCount2 > 0)
                            Report.textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine + iCount2.ToString() + " orphaned points";
                        if (iCount3 > 0)
                            Report.textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine + iCount3.ToString() + " orphaned line points";
                    if (sFreshlyFoundParcels.Trim() != "")
                        if (Report.textBox1.Text.Trim() != "")
                            Report.textBox1.Text += Environment.NewLine;
                        Report.textBox1.Text += "Info: Line(s) that you selected are not directly" +
                                                Environment.NewLine + "touching a parent parcel geometry. Check parcels with OIDs:" +
                IArea pArea = (IArea)ToolSelectGeometry;
                if (pArea.Area > 0)
                    SetDialogLocationAtPoint(Report, pArea.Centroid);

                DialogResult pDialogResult = Report.ShowDialog();
                Report.textBox1.BackColor = BackColorNow;
                pInvArea.Display          = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay;

                if (pPointLayer != null)
                                                              pPointLayer, ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.Extent);

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (pEd != null)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + m_sDebug, "Delete Orphans Tool");

            #region Final Cleanup
                pDeletedLinesPoints = null;
                pUsedPoints = null;
                CtrPointIDList = null;
                pParcelsList = null;
                pOrphanPointsList = null;
                pPointsInsideBoxList = null;
                pLineToParcelIDRef = null;
                sFromToPair = null;

                FabricUTILS = null;
예제 #2
        protected override void OnClick()
            IMouseCursor pMouseCursor = new MouseCursorClass();


            //first get the selected parcel features
            UID pUID = new UIDClass();

            pUID.Value = "{114D685F-99B7-4B63-B09F-6D1A41A4DDC1}";
            ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID);
            ICadastralEditor            pCadEd     = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID);

            //check if there is a Manual Mode "modify" job active ===========
            ICadastralPacketManager pCadPacMan = (ICadastralPacketManager)pCadExtMan;

            if (pCadPacMan.PacketOpen)
                MessageBox.Show("The Delete Parcels command cannot be used when there is an open job.\r\nPlease finish or discard the open job, and try again.",
                                "Delete Selected Parcels");

            IEditor pEd = (IEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esri object editor");

            IActiveView      pActiveView       = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView;
            IMap             pMap              = pActiveView.FocusMap;
            ICadastralFabric pCadFabric        = null;
            clsFabricUtils   FabricUTILS       = new clsFabricUtils();
            IProgressDialog2 pProgressorDialog = null;

            //if we're in an edit session then grab the target fabric
            if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing)
                pCadFabric = pCadEd.CadastralFabric;

            if (pCadFabric == null)
            {//find the first fabric in the map
                if (!FabricUTILS.GetFabricFromMap(pMap, out pCadFabric))
                        ("No Parcel Fabric found in the map.\r\nPlease add a single fabric to the map, and try again.");

            IArray CFParcelLayers = new ArrayClass();

            if (!(FabricUTILS.GetFabricSubLayersFromFabric(pMap, pCadFabric, out CFPointLayer, out CFLineLayer,
                                                           out CFParcelLayers, out CFControlLayer, out CFLinePointLayer)))
                return; //no fabric sublayers available for the targeted fabric

            bool                  bIsFileBasedGDB = false; bool bIsUnVersioned = false; bool bUseNonVersionedDelete = false;
            IWorkspace            pWS           = null;
            ICadastralFabricLayer pCFLayer      = null;
            ITable                pParcelsTable = null;
            ITable                pLinesTable   = null;
            ITable                pLinePtsTable = null;
            ITable                pPointsTable  = null;
            ITable                pControlTable = null;

                //Get the selection of parcels
                IFeatureLayer pFL = (IFeatureLayer)CFParcelLayers.get_Element(0);

                IDataset pDS = (IDataset)pFL.FeatureClass;
                pWS = pDS.Workspace;

                if (!FabricUTILS.SetupEditEnvironment(pWS, pCadFabric, pEd, out bIsFileBasedGDB,
                                                      out bIsUnVersioned, out bUseNonVersionedDelete))
                if (bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                    pCFLayer = new CadastralFabricLayerClass();
                    pCFLayer.CadastralFabric    = pCadFabric;
                    pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = pCFLayer;//NOTE: Need to set this back to NULL when done.

                ICadastralSelection pCadaSel = (ICadastralSelection)pCadEd;

                IEnumGSParcels pEnumGSParcels = pCadaSel.SelectedParcels;// need to get the parcels before trying to get the parcel count: BUG workaround

                IFeatureSelection pFeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)pFL;
                ISelectionSet2    pSelSet  = (ISelectionSet2)pFeatSel.SelectionSet;

                bMoreThan995UnjoinedParcels = (pSelSet.Count > pCadaSel.SelectedParcelCount); //used for bug workaround

                if (pCadaSel.SelectedParcelCount == 0 && pSelSet.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select some fabric parcels and try again.", "No Selection",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    if (bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                        pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null;
                        CFParcelLayers   = null;
                        CFPointLayer     = null;
                        CFLineLayer      = null;
                        CFControlLayer   = null;
                        CFLinePointLayer = null;

                if (bMoreThan995UnjoinedParcels)
                    m_bShowProgressor = (pSelSet.Count > 10);
                    m_bShowProgressor = (pCadaSel.SelectedParcelCount > 10);

                if (m_bShowProgressor)
                    m_pProgressorDialogFact    = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass();
                    m_pTrackCancel             = new CancelTrackerClass();
                    m_pStepProgressor          = m_pProgressorDialogFact.Create(m_pTrackCancel, ArcMap.Application.hWnd);
                    pProgressorDialog          = (IProgressDialog2)m_pStepProgressor;
                    m_pStepProgressor.MinRange = 1;
                    if (bMoreThan995UnjoinedParcels)
                        m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange = pSelSet.Count * 18; //(estimate 7 lines per parcel, 4 pts per parcel, 3 line points per parcel, and there is a second loop on parcel list)
                        m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange = pCadaSel.SelectedParcelCount * 18; //(estimate 7 lines per parcel, 4 pts per parcel, 3 line points per parcel, and there is a second loop on parcel list)
                    m_pStepProgressor.StepValue = 1;
                    pProgressorDialog.Animation = ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressSpiral;

                m_pQF = new QueryFilterClass();
                string sPref; string sSuff;

                ISQLSyntax pSQLSyntax = (ISQLSyntax)pWS;
                sPref = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierPrefix);
                sSuff = pSQLSyntax.GetSpecialCharacter(esriSQLSpecialCharacters.esriSQL_DelimitedIdentifierSuffix);

                //====== need to do this for all the parcel sublayers in the map that are part of the target fabric

                if (m_bShowProgressor)
                    m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Collecting parcel data...";

                //Add the OIDs of all the selected parcels into a new feature IDSet
                string[] sOIDList   = { "(" };
                int      tokenLimit = 995;
                bool     bCont      = true;
                int      j          = 0;
                int      iCounter   = 0;

                m_pFIDSetParcels = new FIDSetClass();

                //===================== start bug workaraound for 10.0 client ===================
                if (bMoreThan995UnjoinedParcels)
                    ICursor pCursor = null;
                    pSelSet.Search(null, false, out pCursor);//code deletes all selected parcels
                    IFeatureCursor pParcelFeatCurs = (IFeatureCursor)pCursor;
                    IFeature       pParcFeat       = pParcelFeatCurs.NextFeature();

                    while (pParcFeat != null)
                        //Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop process
                        if (m_bShowProgressor)
                            bCont = m_pTrackCancel.Continue();
                            if (!bCont)
                        bool bExists = false;
                        m_pFIDSetParcels.Find(pParcFeat.OID, out bExists);
                        if (!bExists)

                            if (iCounter <= tokenLimit)
                                sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j] + Convert.ToString(pParcFeat.OID) + ",";
                            {//maximum tokens reached
                                sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j].Trim();
                                iCounter    = 0;
                                //set up the next OIDList
                                FabricUTILS.RedimPreserveString(ref sOIDList, 1);
                                sOIDList[j] = "(";
                                sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j] + Convert.ToString(pParcFeat.OID) + ",";
                        Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pParcFeat); //garbage collection
                        pParcFeat = pParcelFeatCurs.NextFeature();

                        if (m_bShowProgressor)
                            if (m_pStepProgressor.Position < m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange)
                    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pCursor); //garbage collection
                    //===================== end bug workaraound for 10.0 client ===================
                else //===the following code path is preferred======
                    IGSParcel pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next();
                    while (pGSParcel != null)
                        //Check if the cancel button was pressed. If so, stop process
                        if (m_bShowProgressor)
                            bCont = m_pTrackCancel.Continue();
                            if (!bCont)
                        if (iCounter <= tokenLimit)
                            sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j] + Convert.ToString(pGSParcel.DatabaseId) + ",";
                        {//maximum tokens reached
                            sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j].Trim();
                            iCounter    = 0;
                            //set up the next OIDList
                            FabricUTILS.RedimPreserveString(ref sOIDList, 1);
                            sOIDList[j] = "(";
                            sOIDList[j] = sOIDList[j] + Convert.ToString(pGSParcel.DatabaseId) + ",";
                        Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pGSParcel); //garbage collection
                        pGSParcel = pEnumGSParcels.Next();
                        if (m_bShowProgressor)
                            if (m_pStepProgressor.Position < m_pStepProgressor.MaxRange)
                    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pEnumGSParcels); //garbage collection

                if (!bCont)
                    AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS);

                string sTime = "";
                if (!bIsUnVersioned && !bIsFileBasedGDB)
                    //see if parcel locks can be obtained on the selected parcels. First create a job.
                    DateTime localNow = DateTime.Now;
                    sTime = Convert.ToString(localNow);
                    ICadastralJob pJob = new CadastralJobClass();
                    pJob.Name        = sTime;
                    pJob.Owner       = System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserName;
                    pJob.Description = "Delete selected parcels";
                        Int32 jobId = pCadFabric.CreateJob(pJob);
                    catch (COMException ex)
                        if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_ALREADY_EXISTS)
                            MessageBox.Show("Job named: '" + pJob.Name + "', already exists");

                //if we're in an enterprise then test for edit locks
                ICadastralFabricLocks pFabLocks = (ICadastralFabricLocks)pCadFabric;
                if (!bIsUnVersioned && !bIsFileBasedGDB)
                    pFabLocks.LockingJob = sTime;
                    ILongArray pLocksInConflict    = null;
                    ILongArray pSoftLcksInConflict = null;

                    ILongArray pParcelsToLock = new LongArrayClass();

                    FabricUTILS.FIDsetToLongArray(m_pFIDSetParcels, ref pParcelsToLock, m_pStepProgressor);
                    if (m_bShowProgressor && !bIsFileBasedGDB)
                        m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Testing for edit locks on parcels...";

                        pFabLocks.AcquireLocks(pParcelsToLock, true, ref pLocksInConflict, ref pSoftLcksInConflict);
                    catch (COMException pCOMEx)
                        if (pCOMEx.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_LOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS ||
                            pCOMEx.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_CURRENTLY_EDITED)
                            MessageBox.Show("Edit Locks could not be acquired on all selected parcels.");
                            // since the operation is being aborted, release any locks that were acquired
                            MessageBox.Show(pCOMEx.Message + Environment.NewLine + Convert.ToString(pCOMEx.ErrorCode));


                //Build an IDSet of lines for the parcel to be deleted, and build an IDSet of the points for those lines
                m_pFIDSetLines  = new FIDSetClass();
                m_pFIDSetPoints = new FIDSetClass();
                if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing)
                        pEd.AbortOperation();//abort any open edit operations and try again
                if (bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                    if (!FabricUTILS.StartEditing(pWS, bIsUnVersioned))

                //first delete all the parcel records
                if (m_bShowProgressor)
                    m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Deleting parcels...";

                bool bSuccess = true;
                pParcelsTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTParcels);
                pLinesTable   = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLines);
                pLinePtsTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTLinePoints);
                pPointsTable  = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints);
                pControlTable = (ITable)pCadFabric.get_CadastralTable(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl);

                if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                    bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pParcelsTable, m_pFIDSetParcels, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel);
                if (bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                    bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pParcelsTable,
                                                                 m_pFIDSetParcels, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel);

                if (!bSuccess)
                    if (!bIsUnVersioned)

                    AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS);

                    if (!bIsUnVersioned)
                        //check version and if the Cancel button was not clicked and we're higher than
                        //version 10.0, then re-try the delete with the core delete command
                        string sVersion = Application.ProductVersion;
                        int    iErrCode = FabricUTILS.LastErrorCode;
                        if (!sVersion.StartsWith("10.0") && iErrCode == -2147217400)

                //next need to use an in clause for lines, so ...
                string[] sPointOIDList = { "" };
                int      iCnt          = 0;
                int      iTokenCnt     = 0;
                int      iStepCnt      = 1;
                //...for each item in the sOIDList array
                foreach (string inClause in sOIDList)
                    ICursor pLineCurs = FabricUTILS.GetCursorFromCommaSeparatedOIDList(pLinesTable, inClause, "PARCELID");
                    IRow    pRow      = pLineCurs.NextRow();
                    Int32   iFromPt   = pLinesTable.Fields.FindField("FROMPOINTID");
                    Int32   iToPt     = pLinesTable.Fields.FindField("TOPOINTID");

                    while (pRow != null)
                        if (iTokenCnt >= tokenLimit)
                            FabricUTILS.RedimPreserveString(ref sPointOIDList, 1);
                            iTokenCnt = 0;

                        Int32 i = (Int32)pRow.get_Value(iFromPt);
                        if (i > -1)
                            bool bExists = false;
                            m_pFIDSetPoints.Find(i, out bExists);
                            if (!bExists)
                                sPointOIDList[iCnt] = sPointOIDList[iCnt] + Convert.ToString(i) + ",";
                        i = (Int32)pRow.get_Value(iToPt);
                        if (i > -1)
                            bool bExists = false;
                            m_pFIDSetPoints.Find(i, out bExists);
                            if (!bExists)
                                sPointOIDList[iCnt] = sPointOIDList[iCnt] + Convert.ToString(i) + ",";
                        Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pRow); //garbage collection
                        pRow = pLineCurs.NextRow();
                    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLineCurs); //garbage collection

                    //delete line records based on the selected parcels
                    string sMessage = "Deleting lines...";
                    int    iSetCnt  = sOIDList.GetLength(0);
                    if (iSetCnt > 1)
                        sMessage += "Step " + Convert.ToString(iStepCnt) + " of " + Convert.ToString(iSetCnt);
                    if (m_bShowProgressor)
                        m_pStepProgressor.Message = sMessage;
                    if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                        bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pLinesTable, m_pFIDSetLines, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel);
                    if (bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                        bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pLinesTable, m_pFIDSetLines, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel);
                    if (!bSuccess)
                        if (!bIsUnVersioned)

                        AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS);

                    //delete the line points for the deleted parcels
                    //build the list of the line points that need to be deleted.
                    //IFeatureClass pFeatCLLinePoints = CFLinePointLayer.FeatureClass;
                    string NewInClause = "";
                    //remove trailing comma
                    if ((inClause.Substring(inClause.Length - 1, 1)) == ",")
                        NewInClause = inClause.Substring(0, inClause.Length - 1);

                    //m_pQF.WhereClause = (sPref + "parcelid" + sSuff).Trim() + " IN " + NewInClause + ")";
                    m_pQF.WhereClause = "PARCELID IN " + NewInClause + ")";
                    ICursor pLinePointCurs = pLinePtsTable.Search(m_pQF, false);
                    IRow    pLinePointFeat = pLinePointCurs.NextRow();

                    //Build an IDSet of linepoints for parcels to be deleted
                    IFIDSet pFIDSetLinePoints = new FIDSetClass();

                    while (pLinePointFeat != null)
                        Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLinePointFeat); //garbage collection
                        pLinePointFeat = pLinePointCurs.NextRow();

                    //===========deletes linepoints associated with parcels
                    iSetCnt  = sOIDList.GetLength(0);
                    sMessage = "Deleting line-points...";
                    if (iSetCnt > 1)
                        sMessage += "Step " + Convert.ToString(iStepCnt) + " of " + Convert.ToString(iSetCnt);
                    if (m_bShowProgressor)
                        m_pStepProgressor.Message = sMessage;

                    if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                        bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pLinePtsTable,
                                                                  pFIDSetLinePoints, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel);
                    if (bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                        bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pLinePtsTable,
                                                                     pFIDSetLinePoints, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel);
                    if (!bSuccess)
                        if (!bIsUnVersioned)

                        AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS);

                        if (pLinePointCurs != null)
                            Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLinePointCurs); //garbage


                    Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pLinePointCurs); //garbage

                //now need to get points that should not be deleted, because they are used by lines that are not deleted.
                //first search for the remaining lines. Any that have from/to points that are in the point fidset are the points
                //that should stay
                IFIDSet pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtFrom = new FIDSetClass();
                IFIDSet pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtTo   = new FIDSetClass();
                if (m_bShowProgressor)
                    m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Updating point delete list...";

                for (int z = 0; z <= iCnt; z++)
                    //remove trailing comma
                    if ((sPointOIDList[z].Trim() == ""))
                    if ((sPointOIDList[z].Substring(sPointOIDList[z].Length - 1, 1)) == ",")
                        sPointOIDList[z] = sPointOIDList[z].Substring(0, sPointOIDList[z].Length - 1);

                //string TheWhereClause = "(" + (sPref + "frompointid" + sSuff).Trim() + " IN (";

                //UpdateDeletePointList(ref sPointOIDList, ref m_pFIDSetPoints, "frompointid",
                //  TheWhereClause, pLinesTable, out pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtFrom);

                //TheWhereClause = "(" + (sPref + "topointid" + sSuff).Trim() + " IN (";

                //UpdateDeletePointList(ref sPointOIDList, ref m_pFIDSetPoints, "topointid",
                //  TheWhereClause, pLinesTable, out pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtTo);

                string TheWhereClause = "(FROMPOINTID IN (";

                UpdateDeletePointList(ref sPointOIDList, ref m_pFIDSetPoints, "FROMPOINTID",
                                      TheWhereClause, pLinesTable, out pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtFrom);

                TheWhereClause = "(TOPOINTID IN (";

                UpdateDeletePointList(ref sPointOIDList, ref m_pFIDSetPoints, "TOPOINTID",
                                      TheWhereClause, pLinesTable, out pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtTo);

                if (m_bShowProgressor)
                    m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Deleting points...";

                if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                    bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsByFIDSet(pPointsTable, m_pFIDSetPoints,
                                                              m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel);
                if (bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                    bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteRowsUnversioned(pWS, pPointsTable, m_pFIDSetPoints,
                                                                 m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel);
                if (!bSuccess)
                    if (!bIsUnVersioned)

                    AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS);

                //====Phase 2 of line-point delete. Remove the Line-points that no longer have underlying points.
                if (m_bShowProgressor)
                    m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Deleting line-points...";
                for (int z = 0; z <= iCnt; z++)
                    if ((sPointOIDList[z].Trim() == ""))
                    //remove line points where underlying points were deleted
                    bSuccess = FabricUTILS.DeleteByQuery(pWS, pLinePtsTable, pLinePtsTable.Fields.get_Field(pLinePtsTable.FindField("LinePointID")),
                                                         sPointOIDList, !bIsUnVersioned, m_pStepProgressor, m_pTrackCancel);
                    if (!bSuccess)
                        if (!bIsUnVersioned)

                        AbortEdits(bUseNonVersionedDelete, pEd, pWS);


                //Empty geometry on points that are floating points on unjoined parcels
                m_pEmptyGeoms = new FIDSetClass();
                FabricUTILS.IntersectFIDSetCommonIDs(pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtTo, pFIDSetNullGeomLinePtFrom, out m_pEmptyGeoms);

                ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2 pSchemaEd = (ICadastralFabricSchemaEdit2)pCadFabric;
                pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(pPointsTable, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints); //release safety-catch
                if (!bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                    FabricUTILS.EmptyGeometries((IFeatureClass)pPointsTable, m_pEmptyGeoms);
                    FabricUTILS.EmptyGeometriesUnversioned(pWS, CFPointLayer.FeatureClass, m_pEmptyGeoms);

                pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTPoints);//set safety back on

                if (m_bShowProgressor)
                    m_pStepProgressor.Message = "Resetting control point associations...";

                for (int z = 0; z <= iCnt; z++)
                    if ((sPointOIDList[z].Trim() == ""))
                    //cleanup associated control points, and associations where underlying points were deleted
                    //m_pQF.WhereClause = (sPref + "pointid" + sSuff).Trim() + " IN (" + sPointOIDList[z] + ")";
                    m_pQF.WhereClause = "POINTID IN (" + sPointOIDList[z] + ")";
                    pSchemaEd.ReleaseReadOnlyFields(pControlTable, esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl); //release safety-catch
                    if (!FabricUTILS.ResetControlAssociations(pControlTable, m_pQF, bUseNonVersionedDelete))
                        pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl);//set safety back on
                pSchemaEd.ResetReadOnlyFields(esriCadastralFabricTable.esriCFTControl);//set safety back on

                if (bUseNonVersionedDelete)

                if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing)
                    pEd.StopOperation("Delete parcels");

                //clear selection, to make sure the parcel explorer is updated and refreshed properly
                if (pFeatSel != null && bMoreThan995UnjoinedParcels)

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (bUseNonVersionedDelete)

                if (pEd != null)
                    if (pEd.EditState == esriEditState.esriStateEditing)

                RefreshMap(pActiveView, CFParcelLayers, CFPointLayer, CFLineLayer, CFControlLayer, CFLinePointLayer);
                //update the TOC
                IMxDocument mxDocument = (ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.IMxDocument)(ArcMap.Application.Document);
                for (int i = 0; i < mxDocument.ContentsViewCount; i++)
                    IContentsView pCV = (IContentsView)mxDocument.get_ContentsView(i);

                if (pMouseCursor != null)

                m_pStepProgressor = null;
                if (!(pProgressorDialog == null))
                pProgressorDialog = null;

                if (bUseNonVersionedDelete)
                    pCadEd.CadastralFabricLayer = null;
                    CFParcelLayers   = null;
                    CFPointLayer     = null;
                    CFLineLayer      = null;
                    CFControlLayer   = null;
                    CFLinePointLayer = null;