public string getMember(string companyCode, string MemberID, string find1, string find2) { clsDataAccessor dataAccessor = new clsDataAccessor(); dataAccessor.connectionstring = dataAccessor.getConnectionString_Vapt(dataAccessor, companyCode); string fieldCriteria = ""; string fieldCriteria1 = ""; string fieldCriteria2 = ""; if (MemberID == "" && find1 == "" && find2 == "") { return("Please provide search criteria."); } else { if (MemberID != null && MemberID != "") { fieldCriteria = " (ID='" + MemberID + "') "; } if (find1 != null && find1 != "") { if (MemberID == null || MemberID == "") { fieldCriteria1 = " (CustICNO LIKE '%" + find1 + "%' OR email LIKE '%" + find1 + "%' OR hph LIKE '%" + find1 + "%' OR cardnumber LIKE '%" + find1 + "%' OR customerFirstName LIKE '%" + find1 + "%' OR customerLastName LIKE '%" + find1 + "%')"; } else { fieldCriteria1 = " AND (CustICNO LIKE '%" + find1 + "%' OR email LIKE '%" + find1 + "%' OR hph LIKE '%" + find1 + "%' OR cardnumber LIKE '%" + find1 + "%' OR customerFirstName LIKE '%" + find1 + "%' OR customerLastName LIKE '%" + find1 + "%')"; } } if (find2 != null && find2 != "") { if (find1 == null || find1 == "") { fieldCriteria2 = " (CustICNO LIKE '%" + find2 + "%' OR email LIKE '%" + find2 + "%' OR hph LIKE '%" + find2 + "%' OR cardnumber LIKE '%" + find2 + "%' OR customerFirstName LIKE '%" + find2 + "%' OR customerLastName LIKE '%" + find2 + "%')"; } else { fieldCriteria2 = " AND (CustICNO LIKE '%" + find2 + "%' OR email LIKE '%" + find2 + "%' OR hph LIKE '%" + find2 + "%' OR cardnumber LIKE '%" + find2 + "%' OR customerFirstName LIKE '%" + find2 + "%' OR customerLastName LIKE '%" + find2 + "%')"; } } } string strSql = "SELECT ID AS MemberID,custcode, CustICNO, Email, hph as MobileNo, cardnumber, CustomerDOB AS DOB, customerFirstName as FirstName, customerLastName AS LastName, " + "CustomerAddress1 AS Address1, CustomerAddress2 AS Address2, CustomerAddress3 AS Address3, CustomerPostcode AS PostalCode, " + "IF(CustomerCountryID='','',(SELECT FULL FROM list_countries WHERE ID=customer.CustomerCountryID)) AS Country," + "IF(CustomerSexID='','',(SELECT Nick FROM list_sexes WHERE ID= CustomerSexID)) AS Gender,OpeningLP " + " FROM customer" + " WHERE RecordStatus <> 'DELETED' AND " + fieldCriteria + fieldCriteria1 + fieldCriteria2 + " Order By custcode,CustICNO,Email"; DataSet memberDS = dataAccessor.RunSPRetDataset(strSql, "Member"); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(memberDS, Formatting.Indented); return(json); }
public string getMemberPoint(string companyCode, string MemberID, string hph, string nric) { clsDataAccessor dataAccessor = new clsDataAccessor(); dataAccessor.connectionstring = dataAccessor.getConnectionString_Vapt(dataAccessor, companyCode); string fieldCriteria = ""; if (MemberID != "" && MemberID != "0") { fieldCriteria = " WHERE ID ='" + MemberID + "' OR VendorMemberID = '" + MemberID + "'"; } if (hph != "" && hph != "0") { if (fieldCriteria != "") { fieldCriteria += " AND hph = '" + hph + "'"; } else { fieldCriteria = " WHERE hph = '" + hph + "'"; } } if (nric != "" && nric != "0") { if (fieldCriteria != "") { fieldCriteria += " AND RIGHT(custicno ,4) ='" + nric + "'"; } else { fieldCriteria = " WHERE RIGHT(custicno ,4) ='" + nric + "'"; } } string strSql = "SELECT hph,TotalLP AS BalancePoint,TotalEP AS EarnPoint,TotalRP AS RedeemPoint,TotalAP AS AdjustPoint,(SELECT getExpiringPoint(customer.ID)) AS ExpiryPoint," + "IF(ExpiryPointDate = 0000-00-00," + "(SELECT DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY(CONCAT(SUBSTR(CURDATE(),1,4)+1,LPAD(PointCutOffMonth,2,'0'),'01')),'%d-%m') AS expiryDate FROM customer_definitions),ExpiryPointDate) AS ExpiringDate, " + " ID AS MemberID FROM customer " + fieldCriteria; /* string strSql = "SELECT SPV01 AS MemberID,hph AS MobileNo,TotalLP AS BalancePoint,0 AS RedeemPoint,0 AS AdjustPoint,0 AS ExpiryPoint," + * "(SELECT DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY(CONCAT(SUBSTR(CURDATE(),1,4)+1,LPAD(PointCutOffMonth,2,'0'),'01')),'%d-%m') AS expiryDate FROM customer_definitions) AS ExpiringDate " + * " FROM customer " + fieldCriteria; */ DataSet memLPDS = dataAccessor.RunSPRetDataset(strSql, "Member"); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(memLPDS, Formatting.Indented); //List<string[]> asd = inventoryDS; //return asd; return(json); }
public ArrayList GenerateMessages(clsDataAccessor dataAccessor, string tableName, string strCriteria) { ArrayList arr_mess = new ArrayList(); try { bool gotRecord = true; int page = 1; int limit = 5; while (gotRecord) { string sql = ""; if (strCriteria == "") { sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE QUEUESTATUS='PENDING' LIMIT " + ((page - 1) * limit) + ", " + limit; } else { sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " " + strCriteria; } DataSet ds_salesdata = new DataSet(); ds_salesdata = dataAccessor.RunSPRetDataset(sql, tableName); if (ds_salesdata != null && ds_salesdata.Tables != null && ds_salesdata.Tables[0] != null && ds_salesdata.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string mess = clsXmlTransfer.CDataToXml(ds_salesdata); arr_mess.Add(mess); if (strCriteria == "") { page++; } else { gotRecord = false; } } else { gotRecord = false; } ds_salesdata.Clear(); ds_salesdata.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } return(arr_mess); }
public int CalculateInventoryOnhandQty(string companyCode, string RetailID, string field, string fieldID) { int result = 0; clsDataAccessor dataAccessor = new clsDataAccessor(); dataAccessor.connectionstring = dataAccessor.getConnectionString_Vapt(dataAccessor, companyCode); string retailCriteria = ""; if (RetailID != "0") { retailCriteria = " AND IR.RetailID=" + RetailID; } string strSql = ""; string itemCriteria = ""; string ItemID; if (fieldID != "0") { strSql = "SELECT ItemID FROM inventory WHERE " + field + "=" + fieldID; ItemID = dataAccessor.ExecScalarVal(strSql, "").ToString(); itemCriteria = " AND IR.ItemID=" + ItemID; } /* strSql = "SELECT IR.ItemID, IR.RetailID, SUM(Qty) AS OnHandQty FROM inventory_retail IR LEFT JOIN inventory_tran IT" + * " ON IR.ItemID=IT.ItemID AND IR.RetailID=IT.RetailID" + * " WHERE 1=1 " + itemCriteria + retailCriteria + * " GROUP BY IR.ItemID, IR.RetailID";*/ strSql = "SELECT t.*,IF(t.ItemActQty IS NULL,t.OnHandQty,FLOOR(t.OnHandQty/t.ItemActQty)) AS OnHandDefQty FROM (" + "SELECT IR.ItemID, IR.RetailID, getItemOnHandQtyPerRetailer(IR.ItemID,IR.RetailID, NOW()) AS OnHandQty," + "(SELECT ItemActQty FROM inventory_unit WHERE ItemID = IR.ItemID AND ItemUnitDef='Y' AND RecordStatus<>'DELETED') AS ItemActQty " + " FROM inventory_retail IR WHERE 1=1 " + itemCriteria + retailCriteria + " GROUP BY IR.ItemID, IR.RetailID) AS t"; DataSet inventoryDS = dataAccessor.RunSPRetDataset(strSql, "inventory_retail"); string criteria; double OnHandQty = 0.00; double onHandDefQty = 0.00; foreach (DataRow dsTableRow in inventoryDS.Tables[0].Rows) { ItemID = dsTableRow["ItemID"].ToString(); RetailID = dsTableRow["RetailID"].ToString(); OnHandQty = double.Parse(dsTableRow["OnHandQty"].ToString()); onHandDefQty = double.Parse(dsTableRow["OnHandDefQty"].ToString()); criteria = " WHERE ItemID=" + ItemID + " AND RetailID=" + RetailID; strSql = "UPDATE inventory_retail SET OnHandQty=" + OnHandQty + ",OnHandDefQty=" + onHandDefQty + " " + criteria; result = dataAccessor.Exec_UpdateQuery(strSql, ""); //SendMessages(dataAccessor, companyCode, "inventory_retail", criteria, terminalList); } return(result); }
public int CalculateCustomerPoint(string companyCode, string field, string fieldID) { int result = 0; clsDataAccessor dataAccessor = new clsDataAccessor(); dataAccessor.connectionstring = dataAccessor.getConnectionString_Vapt(dataAccessor, companyCode); string fieldCriteria = ""; if (fieldID != "0") { fieldCriteria = " AND " + field + "='" + fieldID + "'"; } /* string strSql = "SELECT CustID, SUM(TotalAmount) AS spendAmt,SUM(AdjustPoint)+SUM(LoyaltyPoint) AS LP,SUM(RedeemPoint) AS RP" + * " FROM customer_salesdetails WHERE 1=1 " + fieldCriteria + " GROUP BY CustID";*/ string strSql = "SELECT t.*,((SELECT OPENINGLP FROM CUSTOMER WHERE SERVERID=t.CustID) + LP - RP) AS BalPoint FROM (" + "SELECT CustID, SUM(TotalAmount) AS spendAmt,SUM(AdjustPoint)+SUM(LoyaltyPoint) AS LP,SUM(RedeemPoint) AS RP " + "FROM customer_salesdetails WHERE 1=1 " + fieldCriteria + " GROUP BY CustID ) AS t"; DataSet customerDS = dataAccessor.RunSPRetDataset(strSql, "customer_salesdetails"); string CustID, LP, RP, criteria; double balPoint = 0.00; double spendAmt = 0.00; foreach (DataRow dsTableRow in customerDS.Tables[0].Rows) { CustID = dsTableRow["CustID"].ToString(); spendAmt = double.Parse(dsTableRow["spendAmt"].ToString()); LP = dsTableRow["LP"].ToString(); RP = dsTableRow["RP"].ToString(); //balPoint = double.Parse(dsTableRow["BalPoint"].ToString()); balPoint = Convert.ToDouble(dsTableRow["BalPoint"]); criteria = " WHERE SERVERID='" + CustID + "'"; strSql = "UPDATE customer SET TotalLP=" + balPoint + ",TotalYTDSales= " + spendAmt + " " + criteria; result = dataAccessor.Exec_UpdateQuery(strSql, ""); //SendMessages(dataAccessor, companyCode, "customer", criteria, terminalList); } return(result); }
public List <string[]> getAllTerminals(clsDataAccessor dataAccessor, string retailID) { List <string[]> arr_terminals = new List <string[]>(); string sqlCriteria = ""; if (retailID != "0") { sqlCriteria = " AND RetailerID='" + retailID + "'"; } string sql = "SELECT RetailerID, TerminalID FROM definitions_terminal WHERE `Display`='Y' AND RecordStatus<>'DELETED'"; DataSet ds_Databaseinfor = dataAccessor.RunSPRetDataset(sql + sqlCriteria, "definitions_terminal"); string[] result = new string[2]; foreach (DataRow dsTableRow in ds_Databaseinfor.Tables[0].Rows) { result = new string[2]; result[0] = dsTableRow["RetailerID"].ToString(); result[1] = dsTableRow["TerminalID"].ToString(); arr_terminals.Add(result); } return(arr_terminals); }