예제 #1
        public string LoadingProgramList(DataTable Table, out List <classStepDataInfor> lstProgList)
            string strRet = "0";

            //List<clsProgramListRowData> lstProgList = new List<clsProgramListRowData>();
            lstProgList = new List <classStepDataInfor>();

            //Start Reading Excel File
            //Reading some special info
            this.strProgramListname        = ReadCellFromTable(Table, 10, 2);
            this.strProgramListVersion     = ReadCellFromTable(Table, 10, 3);
            this.strProgramListDateCreated = ReadCellFromTable(Table, 10, 4);

            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            //int intStartSearchFunc = 0;
            string strTemp             = "";
            int    intSequenceID       = 0;
            bool   blFoundNewUserFunc  = false;
            string strUserFunctionName = "";

            this.lstclsUserFunction = new List <classUserFunction>();
            classUserFunction clsNewUserFunc = new classUserFunction();

            //Searching main sequence area in step list
            for (i = FirstRowOrder; i < Table.Rows.Count; i++)
                classStepDataInfor clsTemp = new classStepDataInfor();

                //Check Step Sequence ID
                //Get value of Test Number
                strTemp = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, TestNumberOrder);
                strTemp = strTemp.Trim();

                if (strTemp == "") //End of Main sequence

                //clsTemp = this.SearchOneRow(i, FirstRowOrder, Table, intSequenceID, strUserFunctionName);

                object objTemp = this.SearchOneRow(i, FirstRowOrder, Table, intSequenceID, strUserFunctionName);
                if (!(objTemp is classStepDataInfor)) //Loading fail

                clsTemp = (classStepDataInfor)objTemp;

                //If everything OK, then we add row data to collection

                //Add for minicompiler

            //Searching program list function area in step list: start with "FUNC" and ending with "END"
            int intStartSearch = i;

            for (i = intStartSearch; i < Table.Rows.Count; i++)
                //Get value of Test Number
                strTemp = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, TestNumberOrder);
                strTemp = strTemp.Trim();

                if (strTemp.ToUpper() == "FUNC") //Found new function
                    blFoundNewUserFunc  = true;
                    strUserFunctionName = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, (TestNumberOrder + 1)).Trim();
                    clsNewUserFunc      = new classUserFunction();
                    clsNewUserFunc.strUserFunctionName = strUserFunctionName;
                    intSequenceID = -1;              //No caring this row
                else if (strTemp.ToUpper() == "END") //Marking end of user function
                    blFoundNewUserFunc  = false;     //Ending User function. Reset for next searching
                    strUserFunctionName = "";
                    intSequenceID = -1; //No caring this row
                    if (blFoundNewUserFunc == true)
                        object objTemp = this.SearchOneRow(i, FirstRowOrder, Table, intSequenceID, strUserFunctionName);
                        if (!(objTemp is classStepDataInfor)) //Loading fail
                        classStepDataInfor clsTemp = (classStepDataInfor)objTemp;
                        clsTemp.intStepSequenceID = 1; //program list user function area

                        //Add row data to new user function class

            //Now append Program list function to the end of main sequence step area
            int intFuncStepPos = intStartSearch - FirstRowOrder;

            for (i = 0; i < this.lstclsUserFunction.Count; i++)
                //Add 2 empty row to separate view
                for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    classStepDataInfor clsTemp = new classStepDataInfor();
                    clsTemp.intStepSequenceID = -1;
                    clsTemp.intStepPos        = intFuncStepPos;


                //Add real function step row
                for (j = 0; j < this.lstclsUserFunction[i].lstclsStepRowData.Count; j++)
                    //Adjust step position
                    this.lstclsUserFunction[i].lstclsStepRowData[j].intStepPos = intFuncStepPos;
                    //Add to list of program list
                    //Add to mini compiler
                    //Add for minicompiler


            //Checking duplicate step in Main sequence ID and user function ID
            for (i = 0; i < lstProgList.Count; i++)
                if (lstProgList[i].intStepSequenceID == -1)
                    continue;                                         //No caring
                int intStepNumber = lstProgList[i].intStepNumber;
                for (j = (i + 1); j < lstProgList.Count; j++)
                    if (lstProgList[j].intStepSequenceID == -1)
                        continue;                                      //No caring
                    if (lstProgList[j].intStepNumber == intStepNumber) //Duplicate step number
                        return("Program List Error: Duplicate step number [" + intStepNumber.ToString() +
                               "] at row [" + lstProgList[i].intRowNumber.ToString() + "] & [" + lstProgList[j].intRowNumber.ToString() + "] in program list file! Please check & modify program list!");

            //Confirm if User Function Name is duplicate or not
            for (i = 0; i < this.lstclsUserFunction.Count; i++)
                string strTempName = this.lstclsUserFunction[i].strUserFunctionName;
                for (j = (i + 1); j < this.lstclsUserFunction.Count; j++)
                    if (strTempName.ToUpper().Trim() == this.lstclsUserFunction[j].strUserFunctionName.ToUpper().Trim())
                        return("Program List Error: Duplicate User Function Name [" + strTempName + "] in program list file! Please check & modify program list!");

예제 #2
        public object SearchOneRow(int intRowIndex, int intFirstRowOrder, DataTable Table, int intSequenceID = 0, string strUserFunctionName = "")
            classStepDataInfor clsTemp = new classStepDataInfor();

            clsTemp.lstobjParameter   = new List <object>();
            clsTemp.lstobjParameterEx = new List <object>();

            string strTemp = "";
            int    intTmp  = 0;

            #region _SearchStep

            clsTemp.intStepSequenceID   = intSequenceID;
            clsTemp.strUserFunctionName = strUserFunctionName;

            //Step row number
            clsTemp.intRowNumber = intRowIndex + 1;

            //0. Cal Test Position
            clsTemp.intStepPos = intRowIndex - intFirstRowOrder; //Count from 0

            //1. Get value of Test Number
            strTemp = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, TestNumberOrder);

            //Check validity of value Test Number
            if (int.TryParse(strTemp, out intTmp) == true) //valid
                clsTemp.intStepNumber = Convert.ToInt32(strTemp);
            else //invalid => just exit. This one, maybe blank row or User Function Name Row
                if ((intSequenceID == 0) || (intSequenceID == 1)) //Main Sequence or User Function Sequence
                    //MessageBox.Show("The number name of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to integer. Please check!", "SearchOneRow()");
                    //Environment.Exit(0);//End application

                    return("The number name of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to integer. Please check!");
                else //Another sequence ID => No caring
                    clsTemp.intStepNumber = -clsTemp.intStepPos; //Marking not valid Row

            //1.2 Get value of origin step number
            //clsTemp.strOriginStepNumber = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, OriginStepOrder);
            clsTemp.strGroupData = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, OriginStepOrder);

            //Analyze group data to get Group Number & Origin Step Number (from step list)
            string[] strTest = clsTemp.strGroupData.Split(',');
            if (strTest.Length > 1) //Group Mode - need 2 number input (Group Number - Origin step)
                clsTemp.strGroupNumber      = strTest[0].Trim();
                clsTemp.strOriginStepNumber = strTest[1].Trim();
            else //Not Group Mode
                clsTemp.strGroupNumber      = ""; //Default value is 1. All step belong to 1 group, 1 item.
                clsTemp.strOriginStepNumber = strTest[0].Trim();

            //2. Get value of Test Name
            clsTemp.strStepName = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, TestNameOrder);

            //3. Get value of Test Class
            strTemp = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, TestClassOrder);
            //Check validity of value Test Number
            if (int.TryParse(strTemp, out intTmp) == true) //valid
                clsTemp.intStepClass = Convert.ToInt32(strTemp);
            else //invalid
                if ((intSequenceID == 0) || (intSequenceID == 1)) //Main Sequence or User Function Sequence
                    //MessageBox.Show("The Test Class of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to integer. Please check!", "SearchOneRow()");
                    //Environment.Exit(0);//End application

                    return("The Test Class of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to integer. Please check!");

            //4. Get value of Unit
            clsTemp.strUnitName = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, UnitNameOrder).Trim();

            //5. Get value of Low Limit value & High Limit value
            string strLowLimit = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, LoLimitOrder);
            string strHiLimit  = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, HiLimitOrder);

            //Check validity of value Low Limit
            if ((clsTemp.strUnitName.ToUpper() == "ANY") || ((clsTemp.strUnitName.ToUpper() == "STR"))) //Anything accepted
                //No need check anything
                clsTemp.objLoLimit = strLowLimit;
                clsTemp.objHiLimit = strHiLimit;
            else if ((clsTemp.strUnitName.ToUpper() == "BOOL") || ((clsTemp.strUnitName.ToUpper() == "BOOLEAN"))) //Boolean type
                bool blLowLimit = false;
                bool blHiLimit  = false;
                if (bool.TryParse(strLowLimit, out blLowLimit) == false)
                    if ((intSequenceID == 0) || (intSequenceID == 1)) //Main Sequence or User Function Sequence
                        return("The Lo Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strLowLimit + "] cannot convert to boolean. Please check!");

                if (bool.TryParse(strHiLimit, out blHiLimit) == false)
                    if ((intSequenceID == 0) || (intSequenceID == 1)) //Main Sequence or User Function Sequence
                        return("The Hi Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strHiLimit + "] cannot convert to boolean. Please check!");

                clsTemp.objLoLimit = blLowLimit;
                clsTemp.objHiLimit = blHiLimit;
            else //Numeric type
                decimal dcLowLimit = 0;
                decimal dcHiLimit  = 0;

                if (clsTemp.strUnitName.ToUpper() == "H") //Hexa format
                    int intLowLimit = 0;
                    int intHiLimit  = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(strLowLimit, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out intLowLimit) == false)
                        if ((intSequenceID == 0) || (intSequenceID == 1)) //Main Sequence or User Function Sequence
                            return("The Lo Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strLowLimit + "] cannot convert to numeric. Please check!");

                    if (int.TryParse(strHiLimit, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out intHiLimit) == false)
                        if ((intSequenceID == 0) || (intSequenceID == 1)) //Main Sequence or User Function Sequence
                            return("The Lo Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strHiLimit + "] cannot convert to numeric. Please check!");

                    dcLowLimit = intLowLimit;
                    dcHiLimit  = intHiLimit;
                else //Not hexa format
                    if (decimal.TryParse(strLowLimit, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, null, out dcLowLimit) == false)
                        if ((intSequenceID == 0) || (intSequenceID == 1)) //Main Sequence or User Function Sequence
                            return("The Lo Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strLowLimit + "] cannot convert to numeric. Please check!");

                    if (decimal.TryParse(strHiLimit, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, null, out dcHiLimit) == false)
                        if ((intSequenceID == 0) || (intSequenceID == 1)) //Main Sequence or User Function Sequence
                            return("The Lo Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strHiLimit + "] cannot convert to numeric. Please check!");

                //Check if surely Low limit is smaller than High Limit
                if (dcLowLimit > dcHiLimit)
                    if ((intSequenceID == 0) || (intSequenceID == 1)) //Main Sequence or User Function Sequence
                        return("Step" + Convert.ToString(clsTemp.intStepNumber) + ": Low Limit is greater than High Limit!");

                clsTemp.objLoLimit = dcLowLimit;
                clsTemp.objHiLimit = dcHiLimit;

            //7. Get value of JigID
            strTemp = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, JigIDOrder);
            //Check validity of value Test Number
            if (int.TryParse(strTemp, out intTmp) == true) //valid
                clsTemp.intJigId = Convert.ToInt32(strTemp);
            else //invalid
                if ((intSequenceID == 0) || (intSequenceID == 1)) //Main Sequence or User Function Sequence
                    //MessageBox.Show("The Jig ID of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to integer. Please check!", "SearchOneRow()");
                    //Environment.Exit(0);//End application

                    return("The Jig ID of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to integer. Please check!");

            //8. Get value of HardwareID
            strTemp = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, HardWareIDOrder);
            //Check validity of value HardwareID
            if (int.TryParse(strTemp, out intTmp) == true) //valid
                clsTemp.intHardwareId = Convert.ToInt32(strTemp);
            else //invalid
                if ((intSequenceID == 0) || (intSequenceID == 1)) //Main Sequence or User Function Sequence
                    //MessageBox.Show("The Hardware ID of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to integer. Please check!", "SearchOneRow()");
                    //Environment.Exit(0);//End application

                    return("The Hardware ID of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to integer. Please check!");

            //9. Get value of Function ID value
            strTemp = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, FunctionIDOrder);
            //Check validity of value Function ID
            if (int.TryParse(strTemp, out intTmp) == true) //valid
                clsTemp.intFunctionId = Convert.ToInt32(strTemp);
            else //invalid
                if ((intSequenceID == 0) || (intSequenceID == 1)) //Main Sequence or User Function Sequence
                    //MessageBox.Show("The Function ID of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to integer. Please check!", "SearchOneRow()");
                    //Environment.Exit(0);//End application

                    return("The Function ID of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(intRowIndex + 1) + "[" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to integer. Please check!");

            //10. Get Transmission value
            clsTemp.strTransmisstion   = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, TransmissionOrder);
            clsTemp.strTransmisstionEx = clsTemp.strTransmisstion;

            //11. Get Receive value
            clsTemp.strReceive = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, ReceiveOrder);

            //12-31. Get Parameter 1->20 value
            int j = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < 20; j++)
                clsTemp.lstobjParameter.Add(ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, (Para1Order + j)));

            //Transfer to executed list parameter
            for (j = 0; j < clsTemp.lstobjParameter.Count; j++)
                string strParaTemp = clsTemp.lstobjParameter[j].ToString();

            ////32. Get Jump Control Command
            clsTemp.strSpecialControl = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, SpecialControlOrder);

            //38. Get signal name value
            clsTemp.strSignalName = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, SignalNameOrder);
            //39. Get Measure Point value
            clsTemp.strMeasurePoint = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, MeasurePointOrder);
            //40. Get Measure Pad value
            clsTemp.strMeasurePad = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, MeasurePadOrder);
            //41. Get Comment value
            clsTemp.strComment = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, CommentOrder);
            //42. Get Note value
            clsTemp.strNotes = ReadCellFromTable(Table, intRowIndex, NoteOrder);


            //If everything is OK, then assign return data sucessful code "0"

예제 #3
        }                                                      //Include all data in 1 collum from excel file

        public string LoadingStepList(DataTable Table, out List <classStepDataInfor> lstStepList)
            string strRet = "0";

            lstStepList = new List <classStepDataInfor>();
            //Start Reading Excel File
            //Reading some special info
            this.strStepListname        = ReadCellFromTable(Table, 8, 4);
            this.strStepListVersion     = ReadCellFromTable(Table, 10, 7);
            this.strStepListDateCreated = ReadCellFromTable(Table, 9, 3);

            int    i       = 0;
            int    j       = 0;
            string strTemp = "";
            int    intTmp  = 0;
            double dblTmp  = 0;

            for (i = FirstRowOrder; i < Table.Rows.Count; i++)
                classStepDataInfor clsTemp = new classStepDataInfor();

                //Check Step Sequence ID
                //Get value of Test Number
                strTemp = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, TestNumberOrder);
                strTemp = strTemp.Trim();

                if (strTemp == "") //Check if Step list ending checking sequence

                //1. Check validity of value Test Number
                if (int.TryParse(strTemp, out intTmp) == true) //valid
                    clsTemp.intStepNumber = Convert.ToInt32(strTemp);
                else //invalid => just exit
                    //MessageBox.Show("The number name of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + " [" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to integer. Please check!", "Step List Error");
                    //Environment.Exit(0);//End application

                    return("The number name of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + " [" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to integer. Please check!");

                //2. Get value of Test Name
                clsTemp.strStepName = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, TestNameOrder);

                //3. Get value of Unit
                clsTemp.strUnitName = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, UnitNameOrder);

                //5. Get value of Low Limit value
                strTemp = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, LoLimitOrder);
                //Check validity of value Low Limit
                if (clsTemp.strUnitName.ToUpper() == "H")                                        //Hexa format
                    if (int.TryParse(strTemp, NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out intTmp) == true) //Valid
                        clsTemp.objLoLimit = intTmp;
                    else //Invalid
                        //MessageBox.Show("The Lo Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + "[" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to hexa number. Please check!", "Step List Error");
                        //Environment.Exit(0);//End application

                        return("The Lo Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + "[" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to hexa number. Please check!");
                else //Double format
                    if (double.TryParse(strTemp, out dblTmp) == true) //valid
                        clsTemp.objLoLimit = Convert.ToDouble(strTemp);
                    else //invalid
                        //MessageBox.Show("The Lo Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + " [" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to number. Please check!", "Step List Error");
                        //Environment.Exit(0);//End application

                        return("The Lo Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + " [" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to number. Please check!");

                //6. Get value of Hi Limit value
                strTemp = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, HiLimitOrder);
                //Check validity of value Hi Limit
                if (clsTemp.strUnitName.ToUpper() == "H")                                                //Hexa format
                    if (int.TryParse(strTemp, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, null, out intTmp) == true) //Valid
                        clsTemp.objHiLimit = intTmp;
                    else //Invalid
                        //MessageBox.Show("The Hi Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + " [" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to hexa number. Please check!", "Step List Error");
                        //Environment.Exit(0);//End application

                        return("The Hi Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + " [" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to hexa number. Please check!");
                else //Double format
                    if (double.TryParse(strTemp, out dblTmp) == true) //valid
                        clsTemp.objHiLimit = Convert.ToDouble(strTemp);
                    else //invalid
                        //MessageBox.Show("The Hi Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + " [" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to number. Please check!", "Step List Error");
                        //Environment.Exit(0);//End application

                        return("The Hi Limit of step at row: " + Convert.ToString(i + 1) + " [" + strTemp + "] cannot convert to number. Please check!");

                //7. Check if surely Low limit is smaller than High Limit
                if (Convert.ToDouble(clsTemp.objLoLimit) > Convert.ToDouble(clsTemp.objHiLimit))
                    //MessageBox.Show("Step" + Convert.ToString(clsTemp.intStepNumber) + ": Low Limit is greater than High Limit!", "Step List Error");
                    //Environment.Exit(0);//End application

                    return("Step" + Convert.ToString(clsTemp.intStepNumber) + ": Low Limit is greater than High Limit!");

                //10. Get Transmission value
                clsTemp.strTransmisstion   = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, TransmissionOrder);
                clsTemp.strTransmisstionEx = clsTemp.strTransmisstion;

                //11. Get Receive value
                clsTemp.strReceive = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, ReceiveOrder);

                //38. Get signal name value
                clsTemp.strSignalName = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, SignalNameOrder);
                //39. Get Measure Point value
                clsTemp.strMeasurePoint = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, MeasurePointOrder);
                //40. Get Measure Pad value
                clsTemp.strMeasurePad = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, MeasurePadOrder);
                //41. Get Comment value
                clsTemp.strComment = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, CommentOrder);
                //42. Get Note value
                clsTemp.strNotes = ReadCellFromTable(Table, i, NoteOrder);

                //If everything OK, then we add row data to collection

            //Checking duplicate step in Main sequence ID and user function ID
            for (i = 0; i < lstStepList.Count; i++)
                if (lstStepList[i].intStepSequenceID == -1)
                    continue;                                         //No caring
                int intStepNumber = lstStepList[i].intStepNumber;
                for (j = (i + 1); j < lstStepList.Count; j++)
                    if (lstStepList[j].intStepSequenceID == -1)
                        continue;                                      //No caring
                    if (lstStepList[j].intStepNumber == intStepNumber) //Duplicate step number
                        MessageBox.Show("Step List Error: Duplicate step number [" + intStepNumber.ToString() +
                                        "] at row [" + (i + 14).ToString() + "] & [" + (j + 14).ToString() + "] in Step list file! Please check & modify Step list!", "STEP LIST DUPLICATE STEP ERROR");
            //Return program list
            //return lstStepList;
