예제 #1
파일: day_03.cs 프로젝트: LEPT0N/toybox
        internal static c_line_segment[] parse_path(string input_path)
            List <c_line_segment> results = new List <c_line_segment>();
            c_vector previous_position    = new c_vector();
            int      total_distance       = 0;

            foreach (string input_direction in input_path.Split(","))
                c_vector new_position = new c_vector(previous_position);

                int input_direction_magnitude = int.Parse(input_direction.Substring(1));

                switch (input_direction[0])
                case 'L': new_position.x -= input_direction_magnitude; break;

                case 'R': new_position.x += input_direction_magnitude; break;

                case 'D': new_position.y -= input_direction_magnitude; break;

                case 'U': new_position.y += input_direction_magnitude; break;

                results.Add(new c_line_segment(previous_position, total_distance, new_position));

                total_distance   += new_position.taxi_distance(previous_position);
                previous_position = new_position;

예제 #2
파일: Day_19.cs 프로젝트: LEPT0N/toybox
 private c_scanner(
     c_vector input_scanner,
     c_vector[] input_beacons)
     scanner = input_scanner;
     beacons = input_beacons;
예제 #3
파일: int_math.cs 프로젝트: LEPT0N/toybox
        public static c_matrix scale(c_vector s)
            c_matrix result = identity();

            result.values[0, 0] *= s.x;
            result.values[1, 1] *= s.y;
            result.values[2, 2] *= s.z;

예제 #4
파일: int_math.cs 프로젝트: LEPT0N/toybox
        public static c_matrix translate(c_vector t)
            c_matrix result = identity();

            result.values[0, 3] += t.x;
            result.values[1, 3] += t.y;
            result.values[2, 3] += t.z;

예제 #5
파일: Day_19.cs 프로젝트: LEPT0N/toybox
            // create a new scanner that is equivalent to this, but with operation applied to all the objects.
            private c_scanner apply(c_matrix operation)
                c_vector result_scanner = operation.multiply(scanner);

                c_vector[] result_beacons = new c_vector[beacons.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < beacons.Length; i++)
                    result_beacons[i] = operation.multiply(beacons[i]);

                return(new c_scanner(result_scanner, result_beacons));
예제 #6
파일: Day_19.cs 프로젝트: LEPT0N/toybox
            public c_scanner(c_input_reader input_reader)
                List <c_vector> beacon_list = new List <c_vector>();

                while (input_reader.has_more_lines())
                    string input_line = input_reader.read_line();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input_line))

                    int[] input_numbers = input_line.Split(",").Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToArray();

                    beacon_list.Add(new c_vector(input_numbers[0], input_numbers[1], input_numbers[2]));

                scanner = new c_vector(0, 0, 0);
                beacons = beacon_list.ToArray();
예제 #7
파일: int_math.cs 프로젝트: LEPT0N/toybox
        public c_vector multiply(c_vector vector)
            // applies the current operation to the inputted vector.

            c_vector result = new c_vector();

            result.x = vector.x * this.values[0, 0]
                       + vector.y * this.values[0, 1]
                       + vector.z * this.values[0, 2]
                       + this.values[0, 3];

            result.y = vector.x * this.values[1, 0]
                       + vector.y * this.values[1, 1]
                       + vector.z * this.values[1, 2]
                       + this.values[1, 3];

            result.z = vector.x * this.values[2, 0]
                       + vector.y * this.values[2, 1]
                       + vector.z * this.values[2, 2]
                       + this.values[2, 3];

예제 #8
파일: day_03.cs 프로젝트: LEPT0N/toybox
 public c_line_segment(c_vector s, int d, c_vector e)
     start         = s;
     base_distance = d;
     size          = new c_rectangle(s, e);
예제 #9
파일: day_03.cs 프로젝트: LEPT0N/toybox
 public c_intersection(c_vector p, int t_d)
     position       = p;
     total_distance = t_d;