protected void gdWidgets_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Seleted") { LinkButton btnSelected = (LinkButton)e.CommandSource; // the button GridViewRow myRow = (GridViewRow)btnSelected.Parent.Parent; // the row //GridView myGrid = (GridView)sender; // the gridview string lngCodWidget = gdWidgets.DataKeys[myRow.RowIndex].Values["cod_widget"].ToString(); // value of the datakey DBConn oConn = new DBConn(); if (oConn.Open()) { cWidgets oWidgets = new cWidgets(ref oConn); oWidgets.CodUser = oIsUsuario.CodUsuario; oWidgets.CodWidget = lngCodWidget; oWidgets.Order = hdd_pos_widget.Value; oWidgets.Accion = "CREAR"; oWidgets.Put(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oWidgets.Error)) { Response.Write(oWidgets.Error); } } oConn.Close(); hdd_delete_widget.Value = string.Empty; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), "hide", "document.forms[0].submit();", true); getWidgetAvailable(); //PanelWidgetAvailable.Update(); } }
//Modal public void getWidgetAvailable() { DBConn oConn = new DBConn(); if (oConn.Open()) { cWidgets oWidgets = new cWidgets(ref oConn); oWidgets.CodUser = oIsUsuario.CodUsuario; gdWidgets.DataSource = oWidgets.getWidgetsAvailable(); gdWidgets.DataBind(); } oConn.Close(); }
protected void PanelWidget_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dtWidget = null; DBConn oConn = new DBConn(); if (oConn.Open()) { cWidgets oWidgets = new cWidgets(ref oConn); oWidgets.CodUser = oIsUsuario.CodUsuario; dtWidget = oWidgets.getWidgetsByUser(); } oConn.Close(); DrawDashboard(dtWidget); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.Now); Response.Cache.SetNoServerCaching(); Response.Cache.SetNoStore(); DBConn oConn = new DBConn(); oIsUsuario = oWeb.ValidaUserAppReport(); if (!IsPostBack) { bool bFromMenu = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oWeb.GetData("frommenu")) ? true : false); //idUser.Text = "¡Hola " + oIsUsuario.Nombres + "!"; idUser.Text = "CUSTOMER PROFILE "; if (oConn.Open()) { if (bFromMenu) { hdd_cliente.Value = oWeb.GetData("nkey_cliente"); hdd_holding.Value = oWeb.GetData("ncodholding"); cDashboard oDeudor = new cDashboard(ref oConn); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_cliente.Value)) { oDeudor.nKeyCliente = hdd_cliente.Value; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_holding.Value)) { oDeudor.CodHolding = hdd_holding.Value; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oWeb.GetData("nkey_deudor"))) { oDeudor.nKeyDeudor = oWeb.GetData("nkey_deudor"); } DataTable dt = oDeudor.GetDeudores(); if (dt != null) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { hdd_ncodigodeudor.Value = dt.Rows[0]["ncodigodeudor"].ToString() + " " + dt.Rows[0]["deudor"].ToString().Replace("'", ""); } } dt = null; hdd_load_msj.Value = "1"; } else { cDashboardKeys oDashboardKeys = new cDashboardKeys(ref oConn); oDashboardKeys.CodUser = oIsUsuario.CodUsuario; DataTable dt = oDashboardKeys.Get(); if (dt != null) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { hdd_cliente.Value = dt.Rows[0]["nkey_cliente"].ToString(); hdd_holding.Value = dt.Rows[0]["ncodholding"].ToString(); hdd_ncodigodeudor.Value = dt.Rows[0]["ncodigodeudor"].ToString(); oIsUsuario.NKeyUsuario = dt.Rows[0]["nkey_cliente"].ToString(); oIsUsuario.NCodHolding = dt.Rows[0]["ncodholding"].ToString(); oIsUsuario.NCodigodeudor = dt.Rows[0]["ncodigodeudor"].ToString(); oIsUsuario.NKeyDeudor = dt.Rows[0]["nkey_deudor"].ToString(); hdd_load_msj.Value = "1"; } } dt = null; } } oConn.Close(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_loadnewcondition.Value)) { oIsUsuario.NKeyUsuario = string.Empty; oIsUsuario.NCodHolding = string.Empty; oIsUsuario.NKeyDeudor = string.Empty; oIsUsuario.NCodigodeudor = string.Empty; hdd_loadnewcondition.Value = ""; } if (oConn.Open()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_delete_widget.Value)) { cWidgets oWidgets = new cWidgets(ref oConn); oWidgets.CodUser = oIsUsuario.CodUsuario; oWidgets.CodWidget = hdd_delete_widget.Value; oWidgets.Accion = "ELIMINAR"; oWidgets.Put(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oWidgets.Error)) { Response.Write("Error de eliminación : " + oWidgets.Error); Response.End(); } hdd_delete_widget.Value = string.Empty; } bool indOneHolding = false; bool indCmbHoldingAct = false; cDashboard oHC = new cDashboard(ref oConn); oHC.CodUsuario = oIsUsuario.CodUsuario; DataTable dtHolding = oHC.GetHolding(); if (dtHolding != null) { if (dtHolding.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dtHolding.Rows.Count > 1) { indCmbHoldingAct = true; foreach (DataRow oRow in dtHolding.Rows) { idItemDropdownHolding.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<a class=\"dropdown-item item-holding\" href=\"#\" data-value=\"" + oRow["ncodholding"].ToString() + "\">" + oRow["holding"].ToString().ToUpper() + "</a>")); } } else { indOneHolding = true; } } else { idCmbHolding.Visible = false; } } bool indOneCliente = false; bool indCmbClienteAct = false; DataTable dtClientes = oHC.GetClientes(); if (dtClientes != null) { if (dtClientes.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dtClientes.Rows.Count > 1) { indCmbClienteAct = true; foreach (DataRow oRow in dtClientes.Rows) { idItemDropdownCliente.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<a class=\"dropdown-item item-cliente\" href=\"#\" data-value=\"" + oRow["nkey_cliente"].ToString() + "\">" + oRow["sNombre"].ToString().ToUpper() + "</a>")); } } else { indOneCliente = true; } } else { idCmbCliente.Visible = false; } } if ((indOneHolding) && (!idCmbCliente.Visible)) { hdd_holding.Value = dtHolding.Rows[0]["ncodholding"].ToString(); idCmbHolding.Visible = false; hdd_load_msj.Value = "1"; } else { if (!indCmbHoldingAct) { foreach (DataRow oRow in dtHolding.Rows) { idItemDropdownHolding.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<a class=\"dropdown-item item-holding\" href=\"#\" data-value=\"" + oRow["ncodholding"].ToString() + "\">" + oRow["holding"].ToString().ToUpper() + "</a>")); } } } if ((indOneCliente) && (!idCmbHolding.Visible)) { hdd_cliente.Value = dtClientes.Rows[0]["nkey_cliente"].ToString(); idCmbCliente.Visible = false; hdd_load_msj.Value = "1"; } else { if (!indCmbClienteAct) { foreach (DataRow oRow in dtClientes.Rows) { idItemDropdownCliente.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<a class=\"dropdown-item item-cliente\" href=\"#\" data-value=\"" + oRow["nkey_cliente"].ToString() + "\">" + oRow["sNombre"].ToString().ToUpper() + "</a>")); } } } dtClientes = null; dtHolding = null; } oConn.Close(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_load_msj.Value)) { hdd_load_msj.Value = "1"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), "openmodal", "$('#modalRelatedContent').modal('show');", true); } else { if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_cliente.Value)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_holding.Value))) { if (oConn.Open()) { cDashboard oClienteHolding = new cDashboard(ref oConn); oClienteHolding.nKeyCliente = hdd_cliente.Value; oClienteHolding.CodHolding = hdd_holding.Value; DataTable dt = oClienteHolding.GetClienteHolding(); if (dt != null) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_cliente.Value)) { dropdownholding.InnerText = "HOLDING"; dropdownempresas.InnerText = dt.Rows[0]["sNombre"].ToString().ToUpper(); lblClienteHolding.Text = "EMPRESA: " + dt.Rows[0]["sNombre"].ToString().ToUpper(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_holding.Value)) { dropdownholding.InnerText = dt.Rows[0]["holding"].ToString().ToUpper(); dropdownempresas.InnerText = "EMPRESAS"; lblClienteHolding.Text = "HOLDING: " + dt.Rows[0]["holding"].ToString().ToUpper(); } } } dt = null; } oConn.Close(); } if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_ncodigodeudor.Value)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_cliente.Value)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_holding.Value))) { if (oConn.Open()) { cDashboard oDeudor = new cDashboard(ref oConn); oDeudor.nKeyCliente = hdd_cliente.Value; oDeudor.CodHolding = hdd_holding.Value; oDeudor.NomDeudor = hdd_ncodigodeudor.Value; //oDeudor.CodigoDeudor = hdd_ncodigodeudor.Value; DataTable dt = oDeudor.GetDeudorByCodigo(); if (dt != null) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { cDashboardKeys oDashboardKeys = new cDashboardKeys(ref oConn); oDashboardKeys.CodUser = oIsUsuario.CodUsuario; oDashboardKeys.Accion = "ELIMINAR"; oDashboardKeys.Put(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_cliente.Value)) { oDashboardKeys.KeyCliente = hdd_cliente.Value; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_holding.Value)) { oDashboardKeys.CodHolding = hdd_holding.Value; } oDashboardKeys.CodigoDeudor = hdd_ncodigodeudor.Value; oDashboardKeys.KeyDeudor = dt.Rows[0]["nkey_deudor"].ToString(); oDashboardKeys.Accion = "CREAR"; oDashboardKeys.Put(); oIsUsuario.NKeyUsuario = hdd_cliente.Value; oIsUsuario.NCodHolding = hdd_holding.Value; oIsUsuario.NCodigodeudor = hdd_ncodigodeudor.Value; oIsUsuario.NKeyDeudor = dt.Rows[0]["nkey_deudor"].ToString(); oIsUsuario.Moneda = oDeudor.getSimboloMoneda(); //lblDeudor.Text = "Estás en el CUSTOMER PROFILE " + dt.Rows[0]["deudor"].ToString() + " Cod. " + dt.Rows[0]["ncodigodeudor"].ToString(); lblDeudor.Text = (dt.Rows[0]["deudor"].ToString() + " Cod. " + dt.Rows[0]["ncodigodeudor"].ToString()).ToUpper(); Log oLog = new Log(); oLog.IdUsuario = oIsUsuario.CodUsuario; oLog.ObsLog = "CUSTOMER PROFILE " + dt.Rows[0]["deudor"].ToString() + " Cod. " + dt.Rows[0]["ncodigodeudor"].ToString(); oLog.CodEvtLog = "100"; oLog.AppLog = "CUSTOMER PROFILE"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_cliente.Value)) { oLog.NkeyCliente = hdd_cliente.Value; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdd_holding.Value)) { oLog.NcodHolding = hdd_holding.Value; } oLog.NkeyDeudor = dt.Rows[0]["nkey_deudor"].ToString(); oLog.putLog(); } } dt = null; } oConn.Close(); } else { hdd_ncodigodeudor.Value = string.Empty; lblDeudor.Text = string.Empty;; } } getWidgetAvailable(); DataTable dtWidget = null; if (oConn.Open()) { cWidgets oWidgets = new cWidgets(ref oConn); oWidgets.CodUser = oIsUsuario.CodUsuario; dtWidget = oWidgets.getWidgetsByUser(); } oConn.Close(); DrawDashboard(dtWidget); }