예제 #1
        public cCommunication()
            // Init the queues
            mCommandQueue = new cPriorityQueue();
            mReplyQueue = new cPriorityQueue();
            mDatabaseQueue = new cDatabaseQueue();

            // Init defaults:
            mstrCommPort = "";
            miBaudRate = 2400;
            miDataBits = 8;
            mparParity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.None;
            miCharInputBufferSize = 7;
            miTimeout = 1000;
        public cSpectraCyberBase()
            // Change communication settings on the communication object
            // TODO: Eventually a communication object will be inited to determine which
            // SpectraCyber unit we are dealing with, until then we have to init one temporarly.
            mcommCommunication = new cCommunication();
            mcommCommunication.BaudRate = miBaudRate;
            mcommCommunication.DataBits = miDataBits;
            mcommCommunication.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.None;
            mcommCommunication.BufferSize = miCharInputBufferSize;
            mcommCommunication.SpectraCyber = this;

            mCommandQueue = mcommCommunication.CommandQueue;
            mReplyQueue = mcommCommunication.ReplyQueue;
            mDatabaseQueue = mcommCommunication.DatabaseQueue;

            // Init datamembers
            mbOnline = false;
            mbScanning = false;