// *********************** protected members ****************************************
        /// <summary>
        ///		Checks to see if the name of the cell data source matches the cell data
        ///		source name stored in the animals data source.  An InvalidOperationException
        ///		exception is raised if the datasource is not connected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Cells">
        ///		The list of cells containg the name to check.  An ArgumentNullException
        ///		exception is raised if Cells is null.
        ///	</param>
        /// <returns>True if the names match.</returns>
        protected override bool CheckCellsName(cCellList Cells)
            if (mvarConnection == null)
            if (Cells == null)
            // create a dataset
            DataSet CellsNameDataSet = new DataSet("CellsNameDataSet");
            // get CellsName table
            OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [CellsName]",

            da.Fill(CellsNameDataSet, "CellsName");
            // now get the new table
            DataTable dt = CellsNameDataSet.Tables[0];
            // get the datarow at the current read position
            DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];
            // check the cells name
            bool CheckValue = (Convert.ToString(dr["CellsName"]) == Cells.Name);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new stategy based on passed settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ModelBackground">The background</param>
        /// <param name="StrategyCells">The cells affected by the strategy</param>
        /// <param name="ActualLevel">The level of the strategy</param>
        /// <param name="Year">The year the strategy is applied</param>
        /// <param name="Week">The week the strategy is applied</param>
        /// <returns>A newly created cull strategy</returns>
        protected override cStrategy CreateStrategy(cBackground ModelBackground, cCellList StrategyCells, int ActualLevel,
                                                    int Year, int Week)
            // extract the current fertility control effective period from the dataset
            int EffectivePeriod;

                if (mvarTrialSettings.Tables.Contains("FertilityControlInformation"))
                    //DataRow drFertility = mvarTrialSettings.Tables["FertilityControlInformation"].Rows[0];
                    //EffectivePeriod = Convert.ToInt32(drFertility["EffectivePeriod"]);
                    DataRow drFertility = mvarTrialSettings.Tables[2].Rows[1];
                    EffectivePeriod = Convert.ToInt32(drFertility[1]);
                    // not found - must be an older dataset
                    EffectivePeriod = 52;
                // not found - must be an older dataset
                EffectivePeriod = 52;

            // return a cull strategy
            return(new cFertilityStrategy(ModelBackground, StrategyCells, ActualLevel, Year, Week, EffectivePeriod));
예제 #3
        // *************************************** Constructors *********************************************

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Cells">The list of cells to output</param>
        /// <param name="FileName">The name of the file to output</param>
        public cCellPopulationOutput(cCellList Cells, string FileName, bool TabDelimited, bool NoOutputExceptions, cAppReport AppReport)
            : base(FileName, TabDelimited, NoOutputExceptions, AppReport)
            mvarCells         = Cells;
            mvarOutputStrings = new Dictionary <string, StringBuilder>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new stategy based on passed settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ModelBackground">The background</param>
        /// <param name="StrategyCells">The cells affected by the strategy</param>
        /// <param name="ActualLevel">The level of the strategy</param>
        /// <param name="Year">The year the strategy is applied</param>
        /// <param name="Week">The week the strategy is applied</param>
        /// <returns>A newly created cull strategy</returns>
        protected override cStrategy CreateStrategy(cBackground ModelBackground, cCellList StrategyCells, int ActualLevel,
                                                    int Year, int Week)
            // extract the current vaccine effective period from the dataset
            //DataRow drDisease = mvarTrialSettings.Tables["DiseaseInformation"].Rows[0];
            //int EffectivePeriod = Convert.ToInt32(drDisease["VaccineEffectivePeriod"]);
            DataRow drDisease       = mvarTrialSettings.Tables[2].Rows[0];
            int     EffectivePeriod = Convert.ToInt32(drDisease[1]);

            // return a vaccine strategy
            return(new cRabiesVaccineStrategy(ModelBackground, StrategyCells, ActualLevel, Year, Week, EffectivePeriod));
        /// <summary>
        ///		Writes the name of the cells data source that these animals are associated
        ///		with.  An InvalidOperationException	exception is raised if the datasource
        ///		is not connected or if the datasource is open as read-only.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Cells">
        ///		The list of cells who's name shall be written.  An ArgumentNullException
        ///		exception is raised if Cells is null.
        ///	</param>
        protected override void WriteCellsName(cCellList Cells)
            if (mvarConnection == null)
            if (Cells == null)
            if (mvarReadOnly)
            // start by eliminating any existing data
            OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("DELETE * FROM [CellsName]", mvarConnection);

            // create the query to write the data
            cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [CellsName] VALUES('" + Cells.Name + "');";
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new stategy based on passed settings
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ModelBackground">The background</param>
 /// <param name="StrategyCells">The cells affected by the strategy</param>
 /// <param name="ActualLevel">The level of the strategy</param>
 /// <param name="Year">The year the strategy is applied</param>
 /// <param name="Week">The week the strategy is applied</param>
 /// <returns>A newly created cull strategy</returns>
 protected override cStrategy CreateStrategy(cBackground ModelBackground, cCellList StrategyCells, int ActualLevel,
                                             int Year, int Week)
     // return a cull strategy
     return(new cCullStrategy(ModelBackground, StrategyCells, ActualLevel, Year, Week));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        ///		Define movement behaviour for independent (yearling and adult) foxes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CurrentWeek">
        ///		The current week of the year.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is
        ///		raised if CurrentWeek is not in the range of 1-52.
        ///	</param>
        /// <returns>True if the fox changes cell.</returns>
        protected override bool Move(int CurrentWeek)
            if (CurrentWeek < 1 || CurrentWeek > 52)
            // see if this is week 0, if it is, reset has moved
            ///////////////////////////////EER: the next line has been commented to enable >1 movement per year
            //if (CurrentWeek == 1) HasMoved = false;
            if (CurrentWeek > 0 || CurrentWeek < 53)
                HasMoved = false;                                      //EER
            // next, if this animal has moved, leave now
            //EER: the next line has been commented out to enable >1 movement per year
            //if (HasMoved) return false;

            //EER: Do not all Adam & Eve to move, to help grow the population
            if (this.ID == "0" | this.ID == "1")
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cFox.cs: Move(): Adam or Eve, ID = " + this.ID + "; don't move");

            // now load the appropriate movement arrays depending upon what type of animal
            // you are
            bool[]   MovementArray;
            double[] MovementDistribution;
            if (this.AgeClass == enumAgeClass.YoungOfTheYear)
                if (this.Gender == enumGender.female)
                    MovementArray        = (this.Background as cFoxBackground).FoxYoungFemaleWeeklyMovement;
                    MovementDistribution = (this.Background as cFoxBackground).FoxYoungFemaleMovementDistribution;
                    MovementArray        = (this.Background as cFoxBackground).FoxYoungMaleWeeklyMovement;
                    MovementDistribution = (this.Background as cFoxBackground).FoxYoungMaleMovementDistribution;
                if (this.Gender == enumGender.female)
                    MovementArray        = (this.Background as cFoxBackground).FoxJuvAdultFemaleWeeklyMovement;
                    MovementDistribution = (this.Background as cFoxBackground).FoxJuvAdultFemaleMovementDistribution;
                    MovementArray        = (this.Background as cFoxBackground).FoxJuvAdultMaleWeeklyMovement;
                    MovementDistribution = (this.Background as cFoxBackground).FoxJuvAdultMaleMovementDistribution;

            // can the animal even move this week?  If not, leave now!!
            if (!MovementArray[CurrentWeek - 1])

            // if it can, work out the current odds of moving for the current week
            double MovementOdds    = 0;
            double OddsDenominator = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < 52; j++)
                if (MovementArray[j])
                    OddsDenominator += 1;
                    if (j <= CurrentWeek)
                        MovementOdds += 1;
            // if odds denominator is 0, then no movement is defined, leave now
            if (OddsDenominator == 0)
                // set the HasMoved flag to true and exit as if movement has happened
                HasMoved = true;

            // calculate current movement odds
            // EER: this is needed to calculate the odds of moving for the current permissible week, given that there may be
            //  more than one permissible weeks, and for the raccoon model, only 1 movement allowed per year
            // EER: For ARM, the animal is allowed >1 movement per year, so this code is not needed

             * MovementOdds = MovementOdds / OddsDenominator * 100;
             *          // now determine if the animal will move
             *          if (MovementOdds < 100) {
             *                  // if the random number is greater than the movement odds, the animal does not move
             *  double RanValue = this.Background.RandomNum.RealValue(0, 100);
             *                  if (RanValue > MovementOdds) return false;
             *          }

            // if we get here, we are going to move!!
            // generate a random number
            double MoveRandom = this.Background.RandomNum.RealValue(0, 100);

            // loop until movement distance is found
            // EER: This loops, interating i, until the sum of the movement probabilities, defined by array MovementDistribution
            //  are greater than the random number, to randomly define the probability of moving i cells
            //  So, the final i defines the number of cells to move
            //  I think the limit of i should be set at the max allowable cells to move
            //  Dave had this at 26, but I changed it to 49 to align with the ORM ArcGIS interface
            double sum = 0;
            int    i;

            for (i = 0; i < 49; i++)
                sum += MovementDistribution[i] * 100;
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cFox.cs: Move(): MovementDistribution[" + i + "] = " + MovementDistribution[i]);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cFox.cs: Move(): sum = " + sum);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cFox.cs: Move(): MoveRandom = " + MoveRandom);
                if (sum >= MoveRandom)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cFox.cs: Move(): HERE 5 Move this many cells = " + i);
            // at this point, i is the dispersal distance
            // call the calculate path of the MasterCell object belonging to the
            // background to find a path through the cells.  Remember that the path
            // returned may not be the distance requested because it may stop at
            // a supercell boundary

            string lastCell;

            lastCell = null;
            if (i > 0)
                // calculate a random direction bias
                //NOTE: Generating integer value now in range of 0 to 5.  For this call we WANT the range 0 to 5 since the values
                //      0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are all equally probable.  D. Ball February 8, 2010
                enumNeighbourPosition DirectionBias = (enumNeighbourPosition)this.Background.RandomNum.IntValue(0, 5);
                cCellList             Path          = this.Background.Cells.CalculatePath(this.CurrentCell.ID, i, DirectionBias);
                // move this animal to the last cell in this path
                if (Path.Count > 0)
                    this.MoveAnimal(Path[Path.Count - 1]);

            // set the HasMoved flag to true
            HasMoved = true;
        public void btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click()");

            DataSet returnSettingsData = null;
            string  filePath           = string.Empty;
            string  fileExt            = string.Empty;

            settingsFile = null;
            OpenFileDialog file = new OpenFileDialog();                    //open dialog to choose file

            if (file.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) //if there is a file choosen by the user
                filePath     = file.FileName;                              //get the path and name of the file
                settingsFile = filePath;

                /*Debug.WriteLine("settingsFile = " + settingsFile);
                 * Debug.WriteLine("filePath = " + filePath);*/
                fileExt = Path.GetExtension(filePath); //get the file extension
                if (fileExt.CompareTo(".xls") == 0 || fileExt.CompareTo(".xlsx") == 0)
                        //Code to put Excel worksheets in datatables and then 1 dataset alphabetically

                        //Make excel settings file into dataset object
                        returnSettingsData = cCSVSettingsTemplate.Parse(filePath);

                        //Retrieve setttings values in the dataset: Table(worksheet), row and column
                        String parameterSetName = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[0][1].ToString(); //YM
                        //String parameterSetName = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[0][1].ToString(); //YM
                        textBoxParameterSet.Text = parameterSetName;

                        outputFolder = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[2][1].ToString();//YM
                        //outputFolder = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[2][1].ToString(); //YM
                        textBoxOutputFolder.Text = outputFolder;

                        String landscapeFile = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[3][1].ToString();//YM
                        //String landscapeFile = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[3][1].ToString();//YM
                        Char[]   delimiters             = { '\\', '/' };
                        String[] landscapeFileItems     = landscapeFile.Split(delimiters);
                        String   landscapeFileItemsLast = landscapeFileItems.Last();
                        textBoxLandscapeFile.Text = landscapeFileItemsLast;

                        String growPop = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[4][1].ToString();//YM
                        //String growPop = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[4][1].ToString();//YM
                        //Debug.WriteLine("growPop = " + growPop);

                        if (growPop == "TRUE")
                            textBoxPopulationFile.Text = "No file provided. A population is being grown.";
                            String populationFile = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[7][1].ToString();//YM
                            //String populationFile = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[7][1].ToString();//YM
                            //Debug.WriteLine("populationFile = " + populationFile);
                            //Char delimiter = '\\';
                            String[] populationFileItems     = populationFile.Split(delimiters);
                            String   populationFileItemsLast = populationFileItems.Last();
                            //Debug.WriteLine("populationFileItemsLast = " + populationFileItemsLast);
                            textBoxPopulationFile.Text = populationFileItemsLast;
                        String numbIterations = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[12][1].ToString();//YM
                        //String numbIterations = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[12][1].ToString();//YM
                        textBoxNumbIterations.Text = numbIterations;

                        String numbYears = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[8][1].ToString();//YM
                        //String numbYears = returnSettingsData.Tables[6].Rows[8][1].ToString();//YM
                        textBoxNumbYears.Text = numbYears;

                        //Connect to landscape XML file to get supercell and K information
                        cXMLCellDataSource landscapeXMLFile = new cXMLCellDataSource(true);
                        int    totalPathLength = landscapeFile.Length;
                        int    landNameLength  = landscapeFileItemsLast.Length;
                        string landPath        = landscapeFile.Substring(0, totalPathLength - landNameLength);
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): landPath = " + landPath);
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): landscapeFileItemsLast = " + landscapeFileItemsLast);
                        landscapeXMLFile.DataSourcePath = landPath;
                        landscapeXMLFile.DataSourceName = landscapeFileItemsLast;

                        //Getting set up to get supercell values
                        cSuperCellList listSuperCells = new cSuperCellList();
                        int numbSupCells = listSuperCells.Count;
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): numbSupCells = " + numbSupCells);
                        string superCellFormEntry;
                        superCellFormEntry = null;

                        //Getting set up to get K values
                        cUniformRandom rand      = new cUniformRandom();
                        cCellList      listCells = new cCellList(rand);
                        landscapeXMLFile.GetCellData(listCells, listSuperCells);
                        cCellData CellData  = new cCellData();
                        int       numbCells = listCells.Count;
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): numbCells = " + numbCells);
                        double mvarK;

                        // Get the supercell and K combinations
                        var superK = new ListWithDuplicates();
                        for (int i = 0; i < numbCells; i++)
                            //landscapeKValues[i] = listCells.ToString()
                            //values = listCells.ToString();
                            mvarK = listCells[i].K;
                            superCellFormEntry = listCells[i].SuperCell.ID;
                            //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): i = " + i + " mvarK = " + mvarK + "; supercell = " + superCellFormEntry);
                            superK.Add(superCellFormEntry, mvarK);

                        // Disconnect from the landscape XML file

                        //With the data loaded in, activate the run button
                        btnRun.Enabled = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please choose .xls or .xlsx file only.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); //custom messageBox to show error
        //mothode : Load Files ** for ORM console **
        public void LoadSettingsFile(string[] args)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click()");
            pathArg[0] = ".";
            Debug.WriteLine("settingsFile =++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ " + pathArg[0]);
            DataSet returnSettingsData = null;
            string  filePath           = string.Empty;
            string  fileExt            = string.Empty;

            settingsFile = null;
            //filePath = pathArg[0]; //get the path and name of the file
            settingsFile = pathArg[0];

            /*Debug.WriteLine("settingsFile = " + settingsFile);
             * Debug.WriteLine("filePath = " + filePath);*/
            //fileExt = pathArg[0]; //get the file extension
            if (pathArg[0] != "")
                    //Code to put Excel worksheets in datatables and then 1 dataset alphabetically

                    //Make excel settings file into dataset object
                    returnSettingsData = cCSVSettingsTemplate.Parse(pathArg[0]);

                    //Retrieve setttings values in the dataset: Table(worksheet), row and column
                    String parameterSetName = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[0][1].ToString();
//                    textBoxParameterSet.Text = parameterSetName;

                    outputFolder = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[2][1].ToString();
//                    textBoxOutputFolder.Text = outputFolder;
                    Debug.WriteLine(" outputFolder =++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ " + outputFolder);

                    String   landscapeFile          = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[3][1].ToString();
                    Char[]   delimiters             = { '\\', '/' };
                    String[] landscapeFileItems     = landscapeFile.Split(delimiters);
                    String   landscapeFileItemsLast = landscapeFileItems.Last();
//                    textBoxLandscapeFile.Text = landscapeFileItemsLast;

                    String growPop = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[4][1].ToString();
                    //Debug.WriteLine("growPop = " + growPop);

                    if (growPop == "TRUE")
//                        textBoxPopulationFile.Text = "No file provided. A population is being grown.";
                        String populationFile = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[7][1].ToString();
                        //Debug.WriteLine("populationFile = " + populationFile);
                        //Char delimiter = '\\';
                        String[] populationFileItems     = populationFile.Split(delimiters);
                        String   populationFileItemsLast = populationFileItems.Last();
                        //Debug.WriteLine("populationFileItemsLast = " + populationFileItemsLast);
//                        textBoxPopulationFile.Text = populationFileItemsLast;
                    String numbIterations = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[12][1].ToString();
//                    textBoxNumbIterations.Text = numbIterations;

                    String numbYears = returnSettingsData.Tables[4].Rows[8][1].ToString();
//                    textBoxNumbYears.Text = numbYears;

                    //Connect to landscape XML file to get supercell and K information
                    cXMLCellDataSource landscapeXMLFile = new cXMLCellDataSource(true);
                    int    totalPathLength = landscapeFile.Length;
                    int    landNameLength  = landscapeFileItemsLast.Length;
                    string landPath        = landscapeFile.Substring(0, totalPathLength - landNameLength);
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): landPath = " + landPath);
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): landscapeFileItemsLast = " + landscapeFileItemsLast);
                    landscapeXMLFile.DataSourcePath = landPath;
                    landscapeXMLFile.DataSourceName = landscapeFileItemsLast;

                    //Getting set up to get supercell values
                    cSuperCellList listSuperCells = new cSuperCellList();
                    int numbSupCells = listSuperCells.Count;
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): numbSupCells = " + numbSupCells);
                    string superCellFormEntry;
                    superCellFormEntry = null;

                    //Getting set up to get K values
                    cUniformRandom rand      = new cUniformRandom();
                    cCellList      listCells = new cCellList(rand);
                    landscapeXMLFile.GetCellData(listCells, listSuperCells);
                    cCellData CellData  = new cCellData();
                    int       numbCells = listCells.Count;
                    //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): numbCells = " + numbCells);
                    double mvarK;

                    // Get the supercell and K combinations
                    var superK = new ListWithDuplicates();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numbCells; i++)
                        //landscapeKValues[i] = listCells.ToString()
                        //values = listCells.ToString();
                        mvarK = listCells[i].K;
                        superCellFormEntry = listCells[i].SuperCell.ID;
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Form1.cs: btn_LoadSettingsFile_Click(): i = " + i + " mvarK = " + mvarK + "; supercell = " + superCellFormEntry);
                        superK.Add(superCellFormEntry, mvarK);

                    // Disconnect from the landscape XML file

                    //With the data loaded in, activate the run button
//                    btnRun.Enabled = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Please choose .xls or .xlsx file only.");
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Abstract methos for creating an actual strategy.  Overridden by sub-classes to create specific strategy types
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ModelBackground">The background</param>
 /// <param name="StrategyCells">The cells the strategy applies to</param>
 /// <param name="ActualLevel">The level for the strategy</param>
 /// <param name="Year">The year of the strategy</param>
 /// <param name="Week">The week of the strategy</param>
 /// <returns>A newly created combned stategy</returns>
 protected abstract cStrategy CreateStrategy(cBackground ModelBackground, cCellList StrategyCells, int ActualLevel, int Year, int Week);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Read vaccination strategies from the Trial Settings dataset
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ModelBackground"></param>
        public void GetStrategies(cBackground ModelBackground)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Runs with no strategies???? cStrategyReader.cs: GetStrategies()");

            int i           = 0;
            int j           = 0;
            int Level       = 0;
            int ActualLevel = 0;
            int Year        = 0;
            int Week        = 0;
            // get required data tables and datarow
            DataTable     dtStrategyTimes   = mvarTrialSettings.Tables[mvarStrategyName + "_StrategyTimes"];
            DataTable     dtStrategies      = mvarTrialSettings.Tables[mvarStrategyName + "_Strategies"];
            DataTable     dtCellIDs         = mvarTrialSettings.Tables[mvarStrategyName + "_CellIDs"];
            List <string> StrategyCellIDs   = new List <string>();
            string        StrategyFieldName = null;
            DataRow       dr = null;

            // get the strategy cell ids - these are stored in the same order as the strategy values
            foreach (DataRow drCell in dtCellIDs.Rows)
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" No data in drCell");
            // loop through the number of defined strategies (the count of records in the StrategyTimes table)
            int numbdefs = dtStrategyTimes.Rows.Count;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("    number of defined strategies = " + numbdefs);
            for (i = 0; i <= dtStrategyTimes.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" here01");
                // get the year and week for this strategy
                dr   = dtStrategyTimes.Rows[i];
                Year = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Year"]);
                Week = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Week"]);
                // field name in Strategies table for this strategy
                StrategyFieldName = "S" + i;
                // create a list of cells affected by this strategy
                cCellList StrategyCells = new cCellList(null);
                ActualLevel = 0;
                for (j = 0; j <= StrategyCellIDs.Count - 1; j++)
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" here02");
                    dr = dtStrategies.Rows[j];
                    // get the level for each cell
                    Level = Convert.ToInt32(dr[StrategyFieldName]);
                    if (Level > ActualLevel)
                        ActualLevel = Level;
                    // add a cell to the list if the level value for that cell is greater than 0
                    if (Level > 0)
                // now create a strategy object
                cStrategy NewStrategy = CreateStrategy(ModelBackground, StrategyCells, ActualLevel, Year, Week);
                // add this strategy to the list of strategies
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// YM:
        /// Read control strategies from the CSV settings file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ModelBackground"></param>The background
        /// <param name="StrategiesCtrlPath"></param> the path to the strategies control file
        public void GetStrategiesCsvTemplate(string StrategiesCtrlPath, cBackground ModelBackground)
            int  i           = 0;
            int  j           = 0;
            int  Level       = 0;
            int  ActualLevel = 0;
            int  Year        = 0;
            int  Week        = 0;
            char Delimiter   = ';';
            // Get csv data
            DataTable dtStrategiesCtrl = new DataTable();
            DataRow   Rowdt;

            using (StreamReader StrategiesCtrlData = new StreamReader(StrategiesCtrlPath))
                string   StrategiesCtrlLine = StrategiesCtrlData.ReadLine();
                string[] Header             = StrategiesCtrlLine.Split(Delimiter);
                foreach (string dc in Header)
                    dtStrategiesCtrl.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(dc));

                while (!StrategiesCtrlData.EndOfStream)
                    StrategiesCtrlLine = StrategiesCtrlData.ReadLine();
                    string[] Rows = StrategiesCtrlLine.Split(Delimiter);
                    if (Rows.Length == dtStrategiesCtrl.Columns.Count)
                        Rowdt           = dtStrategiesCtrl.NewRow();
                        Rowdt.ItemArray = Rows;

            // Use the RowFilter method to find all rows matching the strategy type.
            dtStrategiesCtrl.DefaultView.RowFilter = "Type='" + mvarStrategyName + "'";
            DataTable dtStrategiesCtrlFilterType = (dtStrategiesCtrl.DefaultView).ToTable();


            List <string> StrategiesNameList = new List <string>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dtStrategiesCtrlFilterType.Rows)
            int StrategiesNameCount = StrategiesNameList.Distinct().Count();
            IEnumerable <string> StrategiesNameListDistinct = StrategiesNameList.Distinct();

            // loop through the number of defined strategies
            foreach (string StrategyNameStr in StrategiesNameListDistinct)
                // filter strategies by name
                dtStrategiesCtrlFilterType.DefaultView.RowFilter = "StrategyName='" + StrategyNameStr + "'";
                DataTable dtStrategiesCtrlFilterStrgName = (dtStrategiesCtrlFilterType.DefaultView).ToTable();

                // get required data tables and datarow
                List <string> StrategyCellIDs = new List <string>();
                DataRow       dr;
                // get the strategy cell ids
                for (i = 0; i <= dtStrategiesCtrlFilterStrgName.Rows.Count - 1; i++)

                // create a list of cells affected by this strategy
                cCellList StrategyCells = new cCellList(null);
                StrategyCells.Name = "StrategiesCells";
                cStrategy NewStrategy = null;
                for (j = 0; j <= StrategyCellIDs.Count - 1; j++)
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" here02");
                    dr = dtStrategiesCtrlFilterStrgName.Rows[j];
                    //get the year and the week for this strategy
                    Year = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Year"]);
                    Week = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Week"]);
                    // get the level for each cell
                    Level = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Level"]);
                    if (Level > ActualLevel)
                        ActualLevel = Level;
                    // add a cell to the list if the level value for that cell is greater than 0
                    if (Level > 0)
                        ActualLevel = Level;
                // now create a strategy object
                NewStrategy = CreateStrategy(ModelBackground, StrategyCells, ActualLevel, Year, Week);
                // add this strategy to the list of strategies
        /// <summary>
        ///		Define movement behaviour for independent (yearling and adult) raccoons.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CurrentWeek">
        ///		The current week of the year.  An ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is
        ///		raised if CurrentWeek is not in the range of 1-52.
        ///	</param>
        /// <returns>True if the raccoon changes cell.</returns>
        protected override bool Move(int CurrentWeek)
            if (CurrentWeek < 1 || CurrentWeek > 52)
            // see if this is week 0, if it is, reset has moved
            if (CurrentWeek == 1)
                HasMoved = false;

            //if (this.ID == "3683630" && CurrentWeek == 12 && this.Background.Years.CurrentYearNum == 81)
            //    int Stopper = 1;

            // next, if this animal has moved, leave now
            if (HasMoved)

            // now load the appropriate movement arrays depending upon what type of animal
            // you are
            bool[]   MovementArray;
            double[] MovementDistribution;
            if (this.AgeClass == enumAgeClass.YoungOfTheYear)
                if (this.Gender == enumGender.female)
                    MovementArray        = (this.Background as cRaccoonBackground).RaccoonYoungFemaleWeeklyMovement;
                    MovementDistribution = (this.Background as cRaccoonBackground).RaccoonYoungFemaleMovementDistribution;
                    MovementArray        = (this.Background as cRaccoonBackground).RaccoonYoungMaleWeeklyMovement;
                    MovementDistribution = (this.Background as cRaccoonBackground).RaccoonYoungMaleMovementDistribution;
                if (this.Gender == enumGender.female)
                    MovementArray        = (this.Background as cRaccoonBackground).RaccoonJuvAdultFemaleWeeklyMovement;
                    MovementDistribution = (this.Background as cRaccoonBackground).RaccoonJuvAdultFemaleMovementDistribution;
                    MovementArray        = (this.Background as cRaccoonBackground).RaccoonJuvAdultMaleWeeklyMovement;
                    MovementDistribution = (this.Background as cRaccoonBackground).RaccoonJuvAdultMaleMovementDistribution;

            // can the animal even move this week?  If not, leave now!!
            if (!MovementArray[CurrentWeek - 1])

            // if it can, work out the current odds of moving
            double MovementOdds    = 0;
            double OddsDenominator = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < 52; j++)
                if (MovementArray[j])
                    OddsDenominator += 1;
                    if (j <= CurrentWeek)
                        MovementOdds += 1;
            // if odds denominator is 0, then no movement is defined, leave now
            if (OddsDenominator == 0)
                // set the HasMoved flag to true and exit as if movement has happened
                HasMoved = true;
            // calculate current movement odds
            MovementOdds = MovementOdds / OddsDenominator * 100;
            // now detirmine if the animal will move
            if (MovementOdds < 100)
                // if the random number is greater than the movement odds, the animal does not move
                double RanValue = this.Background.RandomNum.RealValue(0, 100);
                if (RanValue > MovementOdds)

            // if we get here, we are going to move!!
            // generate a random number
            double MoveRandom = this.Background.RandomNum.RealValue(0, 100);

            // loop until movement distance is found
            double sum = 0;
            int    i;

            for (i = 0; i < 26; i++)
                sum += MovementDistribution[i];
                if (sum >= MoveRandom)

            // at this point, i is the dispersal distance
            // call the calculate path of the MasterCell object belonging to the
            // background to find a path through the cells.  Remember that the path
            // returned may not be the distance requested because it may stop at
            // a supercell boundary
            if (i > 0)
                // calculate a random direction bias
                //NOTE: Generating integer value now in range of 0 to 5.  For this call we WANT the range 0 to 5 since the values
                //      0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are all equally probable.  D. Ball February 8, 2010
                enumNeighbourPosition DirectionBias = (enumNeighbourPosition)this.Background.RandomNum.IntValue(0, 5);
                cCellList             Path          = this.Background.Cells.CalculatePath(this.CurrentCell.ID, i, DirectionBias);
                // move this animal to the last cell in this path
                if (Path.Count > 0)
                    this.MoveAnimal(Path[Path.Count - 1]);

            // set the HasMoved flag to true
            HasMoved = true;
예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.  Create a strategy for applying a combined vaccination and fertility control strategy
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="BG">The background</param>
 /// <param name="Cells">The list of cells affected by the strategy</param>
 /// <param name="Level">The level of the strategy</param>
 /// <param name="Year">The year the strategy is applied</param>
 /// <param name="Week">The week the strategy is applied</param>
 /// <param name="VaccineEffectivePeriod">The effective period of the vaccine</param>
 /// <param name="FertilityEffectivePeriod">The effective period of the fertility control</param>
 public cRabiesCombinedStrategy(cBackground BG, cCellList Cells, int Level, int Year, int Week,
                                int VaccineEffectivePeriod, int FertilityEffectivePeriod)
     : base(BG, Cells, Level, Year, Week, "Rabies", VaccineEffectivePeriod, FertilityEffectivePeriod)
예제 #15
            /// <summary>
            /// Create the strategy being read
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="ModelBackground">The background</param>
            /// <param name="StrategyCells">The cells the strategy applies to</param>
            /// <param name="ActualLevel">The level for the strategy</param>
            /// <param name="Year">The year of the strategy</param>
            /// <param name="Week">The week of the strategy</param>
            /// <returns>A newly created combned stategy</returns>
                    protected override cStrategy CreateStrategy(cBackground ModelBackground, cCellList StrategyCells, int ActualLevel, int Year, int Week)
                        // extract the current fertility control effective period from the dataset
                        int VaccineEffectivePeriod   = 0;
                        int FertilityEffectivePeriod = 0;
                        // extract the current vaccine effective period from the dataset
                        var drDisease          = mvarTrialSettings.Tables["DiseaseInformation"].Rows[0];
                        VaccineEffectivePeriod = Convert.ToInt32(drDisease["VaccineEffectivePeriod"]);
                            try {
                            var drFertility = mvarTrialSettings.Tables["FertilityControlInformation"].Rows[0];
                                FertilityEffectivePeriod = Convert.ToInt32(drFertility["EffectivePeriod"]);
                            catch {
                            // not found - must be an older dataset
                            FertilityEffectivePeriod = 52;
                        // return a fertility strategy
                            return(new cRabiesCombinedStrategy(ModelBackground, StrategyCells, ActualLevel, Year, Week, VaccineEffectivePeriod, FertilityEffectivePeriod));

 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="BG">The background</param>
 /// <param name="Cells">The cells affected by the strategy</param>
 /// <param name="Level">The level of the strategy</param>
 /// <param name="Year">The year the strategy is applied</param>
 /// <param name="Week">The week the strategy is applied</param>
 /// <param name="EffectivePeriod">The effecive period of the vaccine</param>
 public cRabiesVaccineStrategy(cBackground BG, cCellList Cells, int Level, int Year, int Week, int EffectivePeriod)
     :  base(BG, Cells, Level, Year, Week, "Rabies", EffectivePeriod)