예제 #1
        public static String getReply(String reply, String conversation, String nick)
            cResponse rawReply;

            rawReply = AIMLbot.chat(conversation, nick);  // needs to change a bit.

            reply = rawReply.getOutput();

            // Let's replace stuff that Kon wasn't able to find in AIML with something from his brain.

            reply = reply.Replace("NANIMONAI", IRC.myAI.pullFromBrain());
            reply = reply.Replace("REPLACETHISWITHSOMETHING", IRC.myAI.pullFromBrain());
            reply = reply.Replace("HEHADNOIDEAWHATHESAID", IRC.myAI.pullFromBrain());
            reply = reply.Replace("KONHASNOFREAKINCLUERIGHTNOW", IRC.myAI.pullFromBrain());
            reply = reply.Replace("REPLACETHISMORESOITSTOPSREPEATING", IRC.myAI.pullFromBrain());

            // Now we'll replace a few other things to help make it better.
            reply = reply.Replace(@"Perhaps some of my AIML files are missing. You can download them from http://www.alicebot.org/ and place them in the following directory: C:\Documents and Settings\James\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\Kon\Kon\bin\Debug\aiml", IRC.myAI.pullFromBrain());
            reply = reply.Replace("I think you mean \"it's\" or \"it is\" not \"its\".", IRC.myAI.pullFromBrain());
            reply = reply.Replace("I answer a lot of silly questions.", IRC.myAI.pullFromBrain());
            reply = reply.Replace("Try asking me in simpler terms.", IRC.myAI.pullFromBrain());

            // Replace "un-named user" with the nick of the person speaking to the bot.
            reply = reply.Replace("un-named user", nick);

예제 #2
        public void MessageHandler(Connection conn, InstantMessage im)
            Log.Instance.WriteStatus("INMSG (" + conn.m_type.ToString() + ") << " + im.User + " : " + im.Text);

            string strUniqueID = im.User + conn.m_type.ToString();

            if (m_bLoadingUsers || m_bLoadingReminders)
                conn.SendMessage(im.User, "RemindMe is performing maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, please contact [email protected]");

                // TODO: fiond out why the bot gets stuck with one of these two being true all the time
                Log.Instance.WriteLine("m_bLoadingUsers = {0} , m_bLoadingReminders = {1}", m_bLoadingUsers.ToString(), m_bLoadingReminders.ToString());

            User user = userMgr.GetUserByService(conn.m_type, im.User);

            // unknown user? Then get out ohere quickly
            if (user == null)
                // we don't want to send email back to spammers
                if ((m_imers[strUniqueID] == null || (int)m_imers[strUniqueID] < 1))                // && conn.m_type != ConnectionType.EMAIL)
                    conn.SendMessage(im.User, m_rm.GetString("unknown_user") + adMgr.GetNextAdText(null, conn.m_type));

                // protect against spamming the bot, max of 1 im
                if (m_imers[strUniqueID] == null)
                    m_imers[strUniqueID] = 1;
                    m_imers[strUniqueID] = (int)m_imers[strUniqueID] + 1;


            if ((im.Text.ToLower() == @"/reset aim" || im.Text.ToLower() == @"/reset icq" ||
                 im.Text.ToLower() == @"/reset yahoo" || im.Text.ToLower() == @"/reset msn") &&
                user.Class == UserClassType.ADMIN)
                string []      strList = im.Text.Split(' ');
                ConnectionType ct      = (ConnectionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConnectionType), strList[1], true);

                Connection resetcon = conMgr.GetConnection(ct);
                if (resetcon != null)


            if (im.Text.ToLower() == @"/whoami")
                conn.SendMessage(im.User, "\r\nUser: "******"(" + user.UserID + ")" +
                                 "\r\nClass: " + user.Class.ToString() +
                                 "\r\nEmail: " + user.Email +
                                 "\r\nPlanNumber: " + user.PlanNumber);

            Regex reg = new Regex(@"^f**k\s+you", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Match m   = reg.Match(im.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                conn.SendMessage(im.User, "That's really not nice!");
                m_fuers[im.User] = 1;

            // /help commands
            reg = new Regex(@"^[\/\-\:]+help\s*[\w\s]*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            m   = reg.Match(im.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                string strResponse = helpMgr.GetResponse(im.Text);

                if (strResponse.Length > 1)
                    conn.SendMessage(im.User, strResponse);


            // /list
            reg = new Regex(@"^\/list", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            m   = reg.Match(im.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                string strResponse = "\nCurrent Pending Reminders:\n";

                foreach (Reminder aRem in DataManagerObj.GetUsersReminders(user.UserID))
                    strResponse += aRem.ID + "   " + aRem.UserTimeString + "\n";

                conn.SendMessage(im.User, strResponse);

            // /cancel 1234 -- show a reminder
            reg = new Regex(@"^/cancel\s+(\d+)\s*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            m   = reg.Match(im.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                string   remId  = m.Groups[1].Captures[0].ToString();
                int      iRemID = int.Parse(remId);
                Reminder aRem   = DataManagerObj.GetReminder(iRemID);

                if (aRem != null && aRem.UserID == user.UserID)
                    aRem.Delivered = true;

                    string strResponse = m_rm.GetString("cancel_reminder_conf");
                    strResponse = strResponse.Replace("%d", aRem.ID);

                    conn.SendMessage(im.User, strResponse);


            // /show 1234 - display the details of reminder 1234
            reg = new Regex(@"^/show\s+(\d+)\s*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            m   = reg.Match(im.Text);
            if (m.Success)
                string   remId  = m.Groups[1].Captures[0].ToString();
                int      iRemID = int.Parse(remId);
                Reminder aRem   = DataManagerObj.GetReminder(iRemID);

                if (aRem != null && aRem.UserID == user.UserID)
                    string strResponse = m_rm.GetString(@"reminder_info_IM");
                    User   creatorObj  = _dataManager.GetUser(aRem.CreatorID);

                    strResponse = strResponse.Replace("%d", aRem.ID.ToString());
                    strResponse = strResponse.Replace("%a", creatorObj.Username);
                    strResponse = strResponse.Replace("%b", aRem.UserTimeString);
                    strResponse = strResponse.Replace("%c", aRem.Message);

                    conn.SendMessage(im.User, strResponse);

            // remind me .......
            reg = new Regex(@"^remind\s+\w+\s+\w+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            m   = reg.Match(im.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                ProcessParse(conn, im, user, @"creation_parse");

            // in 20 minutes remind me to transfer
            reg = new Regex(@"^.*?\s+remind\s+[\w_,]+\s+.*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            m   = reg.Match(im.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                ProcessParse(conn, im, user, @"creation_parse");

            reg = new Regex(@"^repeat\s+\w+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            m   = reg.Match(im.Text);

            if (m.Success)
                ProcessParse(conn, im, user, @"repeat_parse");

            if (user != null && conn.m_type != ConnectionType.EMAIL)
                if (_aliceBotReady)
                    cResponse reply = _aliceBot.chat(im.Text, user.Username);
                    conn.SendMessage(im.User, reply.getOutput());
                    string strMsg = m_rm.GetString("known_user_default");
                    strMsg = strMsg.Replace("%u", user.Username);
                    conn.SendMessage(im.User, strMsg);