예제 #1
        private void AddressesChangesUpdate(cUser Demography)
            List <cAddress> addresses = Session["dem_Addresses"] as List <cAddress>;

            int userId = (int)Session["UserID"];
            //For each element of the original list perform one of the following:
            //If update, update information
            //If delete, mark record for delete
            //If new, mark record for adding
            cAddress a1 = null;

            if (Demography.UserAddresses != null)
                foreach (cAddress a in Demography.UserAddresses)                    //state in database
                    a1 = addresses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AddressID == a.AddressID); //If record not found in memory that means it was deleted
                    if (a1 == null)
                        a.SaveUpdate(userId, true);

            a1 = addresses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AddressID <= 0);
            if (a1 != null && a1.IsValid()) // If new and valid, let push it to the database
예제 #2
        protected void gv_Address_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
            List <cAddress> addresses = null;
            int             gindex    = e.RowIndex;
            cAddress        address   = new cAddress();
            GridView        gv        = (GridView)sender;

            addresses = Session["dem_Addresses"] as List <Classes.cAddress>;
            if (gindex < addresses.Count())
                address.StrAddress1   = ((gv.Rows[gindex].FindControl("gv_txtAddress1") as TextBox).Text + string.Empty).Trim();
                address.StrAddress2   = ((gv.Rows[gindex].FindControl("gv_txtAddress2") as TextBox).Text + string.Empty).Trim();
                address.StrCity       = ((gv.Rows[gindex].FindControl("gv_txtCity") as TextBox).Text + string.Empty).Trim();
                address.StrStateID    = ((gv.Rows[gindex].FindControl("gv_txtState") as TextBox).Text + string.Empty).Trim();
                address.StrPostalCode = ((gv.Rows[gindex].FindControl("gv_txtZipCode") as TextBox).Text + string.Empty).Trim();
                address.StrCountry    = ((gv.Rows[gindex].FindControl("gv_txtCountry") as TextBox).Text + string.Empty).Trim();
                int iRetVal = 0;
                int.TryParse((gv.Rows[gindex].FindControl("ddAddressType") as DropDownList).SelectedValue, out iRetVal); //only native types can be returned so temp variable
                address.IntAddressTypeID = iRetVal;
                address.IsPrimary        = (gv.Rows[gindex].FindControl("rbtnPrimary") as RadioButton).Checked;
                if (address.IsValid())
                    addresses[gindex].StrAddress1      = address.StrAddress1;
                    addresses[gindex].StrAddress2      = address.StrAddress2;
                    addresses[gindex].StrCity          = address.StrCity;
                    addresses[gindex].StrStateID       = address.StrStateID;
                    addresses[gindex].StrPostalCode    = address.StrPostalCode;
                    addresses[gindex].StrCountry       = address.StrCountry;
                    addresses[gindex].IntAddressTypeID = address.IntAddressTypeID;
                    addresses[gindex].IsPrimary        = address.IsPrimary;
                    if (addresses[gindex].IntAddressID < 1)//Always make sure that there is an extra records to edit, since there is not option to add records
                        addresses.Add(new cAddress());
                    //if the primary record is checked then all other record must not be ckeched
                    if (addresses[gindex].IsPrimary)
                        addresses.ForAll(x => x.IsPrimary = false);
                        addresses[gindex].IsPrimary       = true;

                    Session["dem_Addresses"] = addresses;
                    gv.Rows[gindex].RowState = DataControlRowState.Normal;
                    gv_Address.EditIndex     = -1;
                    lblMessage.Text = address.strErrorDescription;
                    e.Cancel        = true;
예제 #3
        protected void gvAddresses_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
            List <cAddress> clAddresses = Session["dem_Addresses"] as List <cAddress>;

            if (e.RowIndex < clAddresses.Count)
                cAddress UpdatedAddress = clAddresses[e.RowIndex];

                TextBox tbAddress1 = (TextBox)gvAddresses.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("tbAddress1");
                if (tbAddress1 != null)
                    UpdatedAddress.Address1 = tbAddress1.Text;
                TextBox tbCity = (TextBox)gvAddresses.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("tbCity");
                if (tbCity != null)
                    UpdatedAddress.City = tbCity.Text;
                TextBox tbPostalCode = (TextBox)gvAddresses.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("tbPostalCode");
                if (tbPostalCode != null)
                    UpdatedAddress.PostalCode = tbPostalCode.Text;

                if (!UpdatedAddress.IsValid())
                    lblMessage.Text = UpdatedAddress.strErrorDescription;
                    e.Cancel        = true;
                    TextBox tbAddress2 = (TextBox)gvAddresses.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("tbAddress2");
                    if (tbAddress2 != null)
                        UpdatedAddress.Address2 = tbAddress2.Text;
                    TextBox tbState = (TextBox)gvAddresses.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("tbState");
                    if (tbState != null)
                        UpdatedAddress.StateID = tbState.Text;
                    TextBox tbCountry = (TextBox)gvAddresses.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("tbCountry");
                    if (tbCountry != null)
                        UpdatedAddress.Country = tbCountry.Text;
                    DropDownList ddlAddressType = (DropDownList)gvAddresses.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("ddlAddressType");
                    if (ddlAddressType != null)
                        UpdatedAddress.AddressTypeID = ddlAddressType.SelectedValue.ToInt32();
                    RadioButton rbPrimary = (RadioButton)gvAddresses.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("rbPrimary");
                    if (rbPrimary != null)
                        if (rbPrimary.Checked)
                            clAddresses.ForAll(x => x.IsPrimary = false);
                            UpdatedAddress.IsPrimary            = true;
                    Session["dem_Addresses"] = clAddresses;
                    gvAddresses.EditIndex    = -1;
                e.Cancel = true;