protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); btBroadphaseInterface broadphase = new btDbvtBroadphase(); btDefaultCollisionConfiguration collisionConfiguration = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration(); btCollisionDispatcher dispatcher = new btCollisionDispatcher(collisionConfiguration); btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver solver = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver(); btDiscreteDynamicsWorld dynamicsWorld = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(dispatcher, broadphase, solver, collisionConfiguration); dynamicsWorld.setGravity(new btVector3(0, -10, 0)); btCollisionShape groundShape = new btStaticPlaneShape(new btVector3(0, 1, 0), 1); btDefaultMotionState groundMotionState = new btDefaultMotionState(new btTransform(new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), new btVector3(0, -1, 0))); btRigidBody.btRigidBodyConstructionInfo groundRigidBodyCI = new btRigidBody.btRigidBodyConstructionInfo(0, groundMotionState, groundShape, new btVector3(0, 0, 0)); btRigidBody groundRigidBody = new btRigidBody(groundRigidBodyCI); dynamicsWorld.addRigidBody(groundRigidBody); btDefaultMotionState fallMotionState = new btDefaultMotionState(new btTransform(new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), new btVector3(0, 50, 0))); btVector3 fallInertia = new btVector3(0, 0, 0); btCollisionShape fallShape = new btSphereShape(1); fallShape.calculateLocalInertia(1, fallInertia); btRigidBody.btRigidBodyConstructionInfo fallRigidBodyCI = new btRigidBody.btRigidBodyConstructionInfo(1, fallMotionState, fallShape, fallInertia); btRigidBody fallRigidBody = new btRigidBody(fallRigidBodyCI); dynamicsWorld.addRigidBody(fallRigidBody); for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) { dynamicsWorld.stepSimulation(1 / 60.0f, 10); btTransform trans = new btTransform(); fallRigidBody.getMotionState().getWorldTransform(trans); Console.WriteLine("sphere height: " + trans.getOrigin().getY()); } }
public static void integrateTransform( ref btTransform curTrans, ref btVector3 linvel, ref btVector3 angvel , double timeStep, out btTransform predictedTransform ) { btVector3 tmp; btVector3 tmp2; linvel.Mult( timeStep, out tmp ); curTrans.getOrigin( out tmp2 ); tmp2.Add( ref tmp, out predictedTransform.m_origin ); #if QUATERNION_DERIVATIVE btQuaternion predictedOrn = curTrans.getRotation(); predictedOrn += (angvel predictedOrn) * (timeStep 0.5); predictedOrn.normalize(); #else //Exponential map //google for "Practical Parameterization of Rotations Using the Exponential Map", F. Sebastian Grassia btVector3 axis; double fAngle = angvel.length(); //limit the angular motion if( fAngle * timeStep > ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD ) { fAngle = ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD / timeStep; } if( fAngle < 0.001 ) { // use Taylor's expansions of sync function angvel.Mult( ( btScalar.BT_HALF * timeStep - ( timeStep * timeStep * timeStep ) * ( 0.020833333333 ) * fAngle * fAngle ), out axis ); } else { // sync(fAngle) = sin(cfAngle)/t angvel.Mult( ( btScalar.btSin( btScalar.BT_HALF * fAngle * timeStep ) / fAngle ), out axis ); } btQuaternion dorn = new btQuaternion( axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, btScalar.btCos( fAngle * timeStep * 0.5 ) ); btQuaternion orn0; curTrans.getRotation( out orn0 ); btQuaternion predictedOrn; dorn.Mult( ref orn0, out predictedOrn ); predictedOrn.normalize(); #endif btMatrix3x3.setRotation( out predictedTransform.m_basis, ref predictedOrn); //predictedTransform.setRotation( ref predictedOrn ); }
/// <summary> /// Called from Simulate /// This is the avatar's movement control + PID Controller /// </summary> /// <param name="timeStep"></param> public void Move(float timeStep) { // no lock; for now it's only called from within Simulate() // If the PID Controller isn't active then we set our force // calculating base velocity to the current position if (Body == null) { return; } tempTrans1.Dispose(); tempTrans1 = Body.getInterpolationWorldTransform(); tempVector1.Dispose(); tempVector1 = tempTrans1.getOrigin(); tempVector2.Dispose(); tempVector2 = Body.getInterpolationLinearVelocity(); if (m_pidControllerActive == false) { m_zeroPosition.X = tempVector1.getX(); m_zeroPosition.Y = tempVector1.getY(); m_zeroPosition.Z = tempVector1.getZ(); } //PidStatus = true; Vector3 vec = Vector3.Zero; Vector3 vel = new Vector3(tempVector2.getX(), tempVector2.getY(), tempVector2.getZ()); vel *= 0.25f; float movementdivisor = 1f; if (!m_alwaysRun) { movementdivisor = walkDivisor; } else { movementdivisor = runDivisor; } // if velocity is zero, use position control; otherwise, velocity control if (m_target_velocity.X == 0.0f && m_target_velocity.Y == 0.0f && m_target_velocity.Z == 0.0f && m_iscolliding) { // keep track of where we stopped. No more slippin' & slidin' if (!m_zeroFlag) { m_zeroFlag = true; m_zeroPosition.X = tempVector1.getX(); m_zeroPosition.Y = tempVector1.getY(); m_zeroPosition.Z = tempVector1.getZ(); } if (m_pidControllerActive) { // We only want to deactivate the PID Controller if we think we want to have our surrogate // react to the physics scene by moving it's position. // Avatar to Avatar collisions // Prim to avatar collisions Vector3 pos = new Vector3(tempVector1.getX(), tempVector1.getY(), tempVector1.getZ()); vec.X = (m_target_velocity.X - vel.X) * (PID_D) + (m_zeroPosition.X - pos.X) * (PID_P * 2); vec.Y = (m_target_velocity.Y - vel.Y) * (PID_D) + (m_zeroPosition.Y - pos.Y) * (PID_P * 2); if (m_flying) { vec.Z = (m_target_velocity.Z - vel.Z) * (PID_D) + (m_zeroPosition.Z - pos.Z) * PID_P; } } //PidStatus = true; } else { m_pidControllerActive = true; m_zeroFlag = false; if (m_iscolliding && !m_flying) { // We're standing on something vec.X = ((m_target_velocity.X / movementdivisor) - vel.X) * (PID_D); vec.Y = ((m_target_velocity.Y / movementdivisor) - vel.Y) * (PID_D); } else if (m_iscolliding && m_flying) { // We're flying and colliding with something vec.X = ((m_target_velocity.X / movementdivisor) - vel.X) * (PID_D / 16); vec.Y = ((m_target_velocity.Y / movementdivisor) - vel.Y) * (PID_D / 16); } else if (!m_iscolliding && m_flying) { // we're in mid air suspended vec.X = ((m_target_velocity.X / movementdivisor) - vel.X) * (PID_D / 6); vec.Y = ((m_target_velocity.Y / movementdivisor) - vel.Y) * (PID_D / 6); // We don't want linear velocity to cause our avatar to bounce, so we check target Z and actual velocity X, Y // rebound preventing //if (m_target_velocity.Z < 0.025f && m_velocity.X < 0.25f && m_velocity.Y < 0.25f) // m_zeroFlag = true; } if (m_iscolliding && !m_flying && m_target_velocity.Z > 0.0f) { // We're colliding with something and we're not flying but we're moving // This means we're walking or running. Vector3 pos = new Vector3(tempVector1.getX(), tempVector1.getY(), tempVector1.getZ()); vec.Z = (m_target_velocity.Z - vel.Z) * PID_D + (m_zeroPosition.Z - pos.Z) * PID_P; if (m_target_velocity.X > 0) { vec.X = ((m_target_velocity.X - vel.X) / 1.2f) * PID_D; } if (m_target_velocity.Y > 0) { vec.Y = ((m_target_velocity.Y - vel.Y) / 1.2f) * PID_D; } } else if (!m_iscolliding && !m_flying) { // we're not colliding and we're not flying so that means we're falling! // m_iscolliding includes collisions with the ground. // d.Vector3 pos = d.BodyGetPosition(Body); if (m_target_velocity.X > 0) { vec.X = ((m_target_velocity.X - vel.X) / 1.2f) * PID_D; } if (m_target_velocity.Y > 0) { vec.Y = ((m_target_velocity.Y - vel.Y) / 1.2f) * PID_D; } } if (m_flying) { vec.Z = (m_target_velocity.Z - vel.Z) * (PID_D) * 10; } } if (m_flying) { // Slight PID correction vec.Z += (((-1 * m_parent_scene.gravityz) * m_mass) * 1.5f); //auto fly height. Kitto Flora //d.Vector3 pos = d.BodyGetPosition(Body); float target_altitude = m_parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(m_position.X, m_position.Y) + m_parent_scene.minimumGroundFlightOffset; if (m_position.Z < target_altitude) { vec.Z += (target_altitude - m_position.Z) * PID_P * 5.0f; } } if (Body != null && (((m_target_velocity.X > 0.2f || m_target_velocity.X < -0.2f) || (m_target_velocity.Y > 0.2f || m_target_velocity.Y < -0.2f)))) { Body.setFriction(0.001f); //m_log.DebugFormat("[PHYSICS]: Avatar force applied: {0}, Target:{1}", vec.ToString(), m_target_velocity.ToString()); } if (Body != null) { int activationstate = Body.getActivationState(); if (activationstate == 0) { Body.forceActivationState(1); } } doImpulse(vec, true); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the reported position and velocity. This essentially sends the data up to ScenePresence. /// </summary> public void UpdatePositionAndVelocity() { if (Body == null) { return; } //int val = Environment.TickCount; CheckIfStandingOnObject(); //m_log.DebugFormat("time:{0}", Environment.TickCount - val); //IsColliding = Body.checkCollideWith(m_parent_scene.TerrainBody); tempTrans1.Dispose(); tempTrans1 = Body.getInterpolationWorldTransform(); tempVector1.Dispose(); tempVector1 = tempTrans1.getOrigin(); tempVector2.Dispose(); tempVector2 = Body.getInterpolationLinearVelocity(); // no lock; called from Simulate() -- if you call this from elsewhere, gotta lock or do Monitor.Enter/Exit! Vector3 vec = new Vector3(tempVector1.getX(), tempVector1.getY(), tempVector1.getZ()); // kluge to keep things in bounds. ODE lets dead avatars drift away (they should be removed!) if (vec.X < -10.0f) { vec.X = 0.0f; } if (vec.Y < -10.0f) { vec.Y = 0.0f; } if (vec.X > m_parent_scene.m_region.RegionSizeX + 10.2f) { vec.X = m_parent_scene.m_region.RegionSizeX + 10.2f; } if (vec.Y > m_parent_scene.m_region.RegionSizeY + 10.2f) { vec.Y = m_parent_scene.m_region.RegionSizeY + 10.2f; } m_position.X = vec.X; m_position.Y = vec.Y; m_position.Z = vec.Z; // Did we move last? = zeroflag // This helps keep us from sliding all over if (m_zeroFlag) { m_velocity.X = 0.0f; m_velocity.Y = 0.0f; m_velocity.Z = 0.0f; // Did we send out the 'stopped' message? if (!m_lastUpdateSent) { m_lastUpdateSent = true; base.RequestPhysicsterseUpdate(); } //Tell any listeners that we've stopped base.TriggerMovementUpdate(); } else { m_lastUpdateSent = false; vec = new Vector3(tempVector2.getX(), tempVector2.getY(), tempVector2.getZ()); m_velocity.X = (vec.X); m_velocity.Y = (vec.Y); m_velocity.Z = (vec.Z); //m_log.Debug(m_target_velocity); if (m_velocity.Z < -6 && !m_hackSentFall) { m_hackSentFall = true; m_pidControllerActive = false; } else if (m_flying && !m_hackSentFly) { //m_hackSentFly = true; //base.SendCollisionUpdate(new CollisionEventUpdate()); } else { m_hackSentFly = false; m_hackSentFall = false; } const float VELOCITY_TOLERANCE = 0.001f; const float POSITION_TOLERANCE = 0.05f; //Check to see whether we need to trigger the significant movement method in the presence if (!RotationalVelocity.ApproxEquals(m_lastRotationalVelocity, VELOCITY_TOLERANCE) || !Velocity.ApproxEquals(m_lastVelocity, VELOCITY_TOLERANCE) || !Position.ApproxEquals(m_lastPosition, POSITION_TOLERANCE)) { // Update the "last" values m_lastPosition = Position; m_lastRotationalVelocity = RotationalVelocity; m_lastVelocity = Velocity; base.RequestPhysicsterseUpdate(); base.TriggerSignificantMovement(); } //Tell any listeners about the new info base.TriggerMovementUpdate(); } if (Body != null) { if (Body.getFriction() < 0.9f) { Body.setFriction(0.9f); } } //if (Body != null) // Body.clearForces(); }
public void updateSeparatingDistance( ref btTransform transA, ref btTransform transB ) { btVector3 toPosA; transA.getOrigin( out toPosA ); btVector3 toPosB; transB.getOrigin( out toPosB ); btQuaternion toOrnA; transA.getRotation( out toOrnA ); btQuaternion toOrnB; transB.getRotation( out toOrnB ); if( m_separatingDistance > 0 ) { btVector3 linVelA, angVelA, linVelB, angVelB; btTransformUtil.calculateVelocityQuaternion( ref m_posA, ref toPosA, ref m_ornA, ref toOrnA, 1, out linVelA, out angVelA ); btTransformUtil.calculateVelocityQuaternion( ref m_posB, ref toPosB, ref m_ornB, ref toOrnB, 1, out linVelB, out angVelB ); double maxAngularProjectedVelocity = angVelA.length() * m_boundingRadiusA + angVelB.length() * m_boundingRadiusB; btVector3 relLinVel; linVelB.Sub( ref linVelA, out relLinVel ); double relLinVelocLength = ref m_separatingNormal ); if( relLinVelocLength < 0 ) { relLinVelocLength = 0; } double projectedMotion = maxAngularProjectedVelocity + relLinVelocLength; m_separatingDistance -= projectedMotion; } m_posA = toPosA; m_posB = toPosB; m_ornA = toOrnA; m_ornB = toOrnB; }
/// <summary> /// Updates the reported position and velocity. This essentially sends the data up to ScenePresence. /// </summary> public void UpdatePositionAndVelocity() { if (Body == null) { return; } //int val = Environment.TickCount; CheckIfStandingOnObject(); //m_log.DebugFormat("time:{0}", Environment.TickCount - val); //IsColliding = Body.checkCollideWith(m_parent_scene.TerrainBody); tempTrans1.Dispose(); tempTrans1 = Body.getInterpolationWorldTransform(); tempVector1.Dispose(); tempVector1 = tempTrans1.getOrigin(); tempVector2.Dispose(); tempVector2 = Body.getInterpolationLinearVelocity(); // no lock; called from Simulate() -- if you call this from elsewhere, gotta lock or do Monitor.Enter/Exit! PhysicsVector vec = new PhysicsVector(tempVector1.getX(), tempVector1.getY(), tempVector1.getZ()); // kluge to keep things in bounds. ODE lets dead avatars drift away (they should be removed!) if (vec.X < -10.0f) { vec.X = 0.0f; } if (vec.Y < -10.0f) { vec.Y = 0.0f; } if (vec.X > (int)Constants.RegionSize + 10.2f) { vec.X = (int)Constants.RegionSize + 10.2f; } if (vec.Y > (int)Constants.RegionSize + 10.2f) { vec.Y = (int)Constants.RegionSize + 10.2f; } m_position.X = vec.X; m_position.Y = vec.Y; m_position.Z = vec.Z; // Did we move last? = zeroflag // This helps keep us from sliding all over if (m_zeroFlag) { m_velocity.X = 0.0f; m_velocity.Y = 0.0f; m_velocity.Z = 0.0f; // Did we send out the 'stopped' message? if (!m_lastUpdateSent) { m_lastUpdateSent = true; //base.RequestPhysicsterseUpdate(); } } else { m_lastUpdateSent = false; vec = new PhysicsVector(tempVector2.getX(), tempVector2.getY(), tempVector2.getZ()); m_velocity.X = (vec.X); m_velocity.Y = (vec.Y); m_velocity.Z = (vec.Z); //m_log.Debug(m_target_velocity); if (m_velocity.Z < -6 && !m_hackSentFall) { m_hackSentFall = true; m_pidControllerActive = false; } else if (m_flying && !m_hackSentFly) { //m_hackSentFly = true; //base.SendCollisionUpdate(new CollisionEventUpdate()); } else { m_hackSentFly = false; m_hackSentFall = false; } } if (Body != null) { if (Body.getFriction() < 0.9f) { Body.setFriction(0.9f); } } //if (Body != null) // Body.clearForces(); }