예제 #1
 public void SegPostProcess()
     DebugMethod.slicerUniformAll = new List <List <SlicerRecordUniform> >();
     DebugMethod.slicerAll        = new List <List <SlicerRecord> >();
     bodypart[]            bdparr          = (bodypart[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(bodypart));
     List <SlicerRecord>[] bodySlicerGroup = new List <SlicerRecord> [(int)bodypart.PartCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < (int)bodypart.PartCount; i++)
         List <SlicerRecord> slicerSeq;
         bodypart            bdt = bdparr[i];
         CreateSlicerSequence(bdt, interval, out slicerSeq);
         bodySlicerGroup[i] = slicerSeq;
     for (int i = 0; i < (int)bodypart.PartCount; i++)
         List <SlicerRecord> slicerSeq = bodySlicerGroup[i];
         int n = (int)bodypart.Torso == i ? 20 :    //  密集 30 10 10 18
                 (int)bodypart.Arm_0 == i ? 10 :
                 (int)bodypart.Arm_1 == i ? 10 : 18;
         bodypart bdt = bdparr[i];
         List <SlicerRecordUniform> radialSlicer = RadialSlicerCut(slicerSeq, n);
         // TrickForSegment.PostEliminateChestGap(radialSlicer, bdparr[i]);
         // display
         foreach (SlicerRecordUniform sru in radialSlicer)
             sru.lable = i;
         WriteToSlicFile(radialSlicer, bdt);
예제 #2
        // 把这个当作主要的处理函数
        public void CreateSlicerSequence(bodypart bdt, double interval, out List <SlicerRecord> slicerSeq)
            slicerSeq = new List <SlicerRecord>();
            if (bdt == bodypart.Arm_0 || bdt == bodypart.Arm_1)
                CreateArmSlicerSequence(bdt, interval, slicerSeq);
            List <int> skeletonSeq = partSkelSeq[(int)bdt];

            #region compute interval: output pSkeLen
            double pSkeLen = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < skeletonSeq.Count - 1; i++)
                pSkeLen += (skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[i + 1]] - skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[i]]).Length();
            interval = pSkeLen / (Math.Floor(pSkeLen / interval)) + interval / 200;
            Vector3d nodeNV;
            Vector3d nodepos;
            Plane    nodePlane;
            double   globalPos    = 0.0; // 整个骨架序列线段中的位置
            double   skeLineAddup = 0.0; // 单个骨架线中的位置
            int      skeLineIndex = 0;   // 骨架序列索引
            // start point
            nodeNV    = skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[1]] - skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[0]];
            nodePlane = new Plane(skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[0]], nodeNV);
            slicerSeq.Add(new SlicerRecord(segMesh, nodePlane));
            globalPos   += interval;
            skeLineAddup = (skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[1]] - skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[0]]).Length();
            // medial points
            // 总的不超过整个seq
                int    currStartIndex = skeletonSeq[skeLineIndex];
                int    currEndIndex   = skeletonSeq[skeLineIndex + 1];
                double currLineLen    = (skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex]).Length();
                for (; skeLineAddup < globalPos;)
                    currStartIndex = skeletonSeq[skeLineIndex];
                    currEndIndex   = skeletonSeq[skeLineIndex + 1];
                    currLineLen    = (skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex]).Length();
                    skeLineAddup  += currLineLen;
                }// 循环停止的结果:skeLineAddup>=globalPos skeLineIndex指向超过globalpos的那个线段
                nodepos = (1 - (skeLineAddup - globalPos) / currLineLen) *
                          (skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex]) +
                nodeNV    = skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex];
                nodePlane = new Plane(nodepos, nodeNV);
                slicerSeq.Add(new SlicerRecord(segMesh, nodePlane));
                globalPos += interval;
            } while (globalPos < pSkeLen);
            //end point
            nodeNV    = skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[skeletonSeq.Count - 1]] - skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[skeletonSeq.Count - 2]];
            nodePlane = new Plane(skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq.Last()], nodeNV);
            slicerSeq.Add(new SlicerRecord(segMesh, nodePlane));
            SlicerSeqPruning(ref slicerSeq, bdt);
 void drawbody(bodypart bp)
     if (bp == bodypart.l_eyes)
         textBox3.Text = "x";
     else if (bp == bodypart.r_eyes)
         textBox4.Text = "x";
     else if (bp == bodypart.body)
         textBox5.Text = "x";
     else if (bp == bodypart.l_leg)
         textBox6.Text = "x";
     else if (bp == bodypart.r_leg)
         textBox7.Text = "x";
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 与 createsequence函数搭配使用,因此在s上不需要进行分割
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="bdt"></param>
        private void SlicerSeqPruning(ref List <SlicerRecord> s, bodypart bdt)
            switch (bdt)
            case bodypart.Head: /* HeadSeqPrune(ref s);*/ break;

            case bodypart.Torso:
                int ct;
                TorsoSeqPrune(s, out ct);
                TrickForSegment.chest = new Plane(s[ct].skeletonNodepos, s[ct].slicerNormal);
                TrickForSegment.navel = new Plane(s.Last().skeletonNodepos, s.Last().slicerNormal);

            case bodypart.Arm_0: ArmSeqPrune(ref s); break;

            case bodypart.Arm_1: ArmSeqPrune(ref s); break;

            case bodypart.Leg_0: LegSeqPrune(ref s); break;

            case bodypart.Leg_1: LegSeqPrune(ref s); break;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 这个函数是用来对手臂上的分片进行特殊处理的,是CreateSlicerSequence的分支,后面还需要对躯干与手臂进行交叉
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bdt"></param>
        /// <param name="interval"></param>
        /// <param name="slicerSeq"></param>
        private void CreateArmSlicerSequence(bodypart bdt, double interval, List <SlicerRecord> slicerSeq)
            List <int> skeletonSeq  = partSkelSeq[(int)bdt];
            int        foreArmIndex = skeletonSeq.Count / 8 - 1;
            Vector3d   torso2ArmDir = skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[foreArmIndex]] - skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[0]];                         // 得到初始的法向量

            Vector3d armEndDir = skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[skeletonSeq.Count - 1]] - skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[skeletonSeq.Count - 2]]; // 得到末端的法向量

            #region get the length of skeleton and compute two intervals of relative slicer sknode.
            double pSkeLen = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < skeletonSeq.Count - 1; i++)
                pSkeLen += (skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[i + 1]] - skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[i]]).Length();
            interval = pSkeLen / (Math.Floor(pSkeLen / interval)) + interval / 200;
            double oxterInterval = interval / 5;  // 寻找腋窝的interval 细化
            //Vector3d nodeNV;
            Vector3d nodepos;
            Plane    nodePlane;
            List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > skeEndIndex = new List <KeyValuePair <int, int> >();
            // 因为起点的slicer并不需要所以直接舍弃
            double globalPos    = oxterInterval; // 整个骨架序列线段中的位置
            double skeLineAddup = 0.0;           // 单个骨架线中的位置
            int    skeLineIndex = 0;             // 骨架序列索引
                int    currStartIndex = 0;
                int    currEndIndex   = 1;
                double currLineLen    = (skeRcd.nodePosList[1] - skeRcd.nodePosList[0]).Length();
                for (; skeLineAddup < globalPos; skeLineIndex++)
                    currStartIndex = skeletonSeq[skeLineIndex];
                    currEndIndex   = skeletonSeq[skeLineIndex + 1];
                    currLineLen    = (skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex]).Length();
                    skeLineAddup  += currLineLen;
                }// 循环停止的结果:skeLineAddup>=globalPos skeLineIndex指向超过globalpos的那个线段
                if (skeEndIndex.Count == 0 || currEndIndex != skeEndIndex.Last().Key)
                    skeEndIndex.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(currEndIndex, skeLineIndex - 1));
                    nodepos = (1 - (skeLineAddup - globalPos) / currLineLen) *
                              (skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex]) +
                    //nodeNV = skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex]; 这里注释了
                    nodePlane = new Plane(nodepos, torso2ArmDir);
                    slicerSeq.Add(new SlicerRecord(segMesh, nodePlane));
                globalPos += oxterInterval;
            } while (globalPos < pSkeLen);
            // find oxter slicer
            Diff2rdPrune(slicerSeq, out int outstart);  // outstart 就是腋窝的index

            // 进行手臂的分片生成
            SlicerRecord temp = slicerSeq[outstart];
            double armLength = 0.0;
            for (int i = skeEndIndex[outstart].Value; i < skeletonSeq.Count - 1; i++)
                armLength += (skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[i + 1]] - skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[i]]).Length();
            double foreArmLength = armLength / 3 * 2;
            interval = armLength / (Math.Floor(armLength / interval)) + interval / 200;
            Vector3d nodeNV;
            globalPos    = interval;                    // 整个骨架序列线段中的位置
            skeLineAddup = 0.0;                         // 单个骨架线中的位置
            skeLineIndex = skeEndIndex[outstart].Value; // 骨架序列索引
                int    currStartIndex = skeletonSeq[skeLineIndex];
                int    currEndIndex   = skeletonSeq[skeLineIndex + 1];
                double currLineLen    = (skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex]).Length();
                for (; skeLineAddup < globalPos; skeLineIndex++)
                    currStartIndex = skeletonSeq[skeLineIndex];
                    currEndIndex   = skeletonSeq[skeLineIndex + 1];
                    currLineLen    = (skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex]).Length();
                    skeLineAddup  += currLineLen;
                }// 循环停止的结果:skeLineAddup>=globalPos skeLineIndex指向超过globalpos的那个线段
                nodepos = (1 - (skeLineAddup - globalPos) / currLineLen) *
                          (skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex]) +
                if (skeLineAddup < foreArmLength)
                    nodeNV = (skeLineAddup * (skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex]) +
                              (foreArmLength - skeLineAddup) * torso2ArmDir) / (foreArmLength); //这里注释了
                    nodeNV = (skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex]).Normalize();

                nodePlane = new Plane(nodepos, nodeNV);
                slicerSeq.Add(new SlicerRecord(segMesh, nodePlane));
                globalPos += interval * (1 / nodeNV.Normalize().Dot((skeRcd.nodePosList[currEndIndex] - skeRcd.nodePosList[currStartIndex]).Normalize()));
            } while (globalPos < armLength);
            // final cut slicer
            nodeNV    = skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[skeletonSeq.Count - 1]] - skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq[skeletonSeq.Count - 2]];
            nodePlane = new Plane(skeRcd.nodePosList[skeletonSeq.Last()], nodeNV);
            slicerSeq.Add(new SlicerRecord(segMesh, nodePlane));
예제 #6
        public void WriteToSlicFile(List <SlicerRecordUniform> osl, bodypart bdt)
            string currPath = "W:\\Release\\ResultHexa\\";

            switch (bdt)
            case bodypart.Arm_0:
                List <SlicerRecordUniform> osl1;
                List <SlicerRecordUniform> osl2;
                LimbMidDivision(osl, out osl1, out osl2);
                WriteToSlicFile_single(osl1, currPath + "LeftupperArm.txt");
                WriteToSlicFile_single(osl2, currPath + "LeftlowerArm.txt");

            case bodypart.Arm_1:
                List <SlicerRecordUniform> osl1;
                List <SlicerRecordUniform> osl2;
                LimbMidDivision(osl, out osl1, out osl2);
                WriteToSlicFile_single(osl1, currPath + "RightupperArm.txt");
                WriteToSlicFile_single(osl2, currPath + "RightlowerArm.txt");

            case bodypart.Leg_0:
                List <SlicerRecordUniform> osl1;
                List <SlicerRecordUniform> osl2;
                LimbMidDivision(osl, out osl1, out osl2);
                WriteToSlicFile_single(osl1, currPath + "LeftupperLeg.txt");
                WriteToSlicFile_single(osl2, currPath + "LeftlowerLeg.txt");

            case bodypart.Leg_1:
                List <SlicerRecordUniform> osl1;
                List <SlicerRecordUniform> osl2;
                LimbMidDivision(osl, out osl1, out osl2);
                WriteToSlicFile_single(osl1, currPath + "RightupperLeg.txt");
                WriteToSlicFile_single(osl2, currPath + "RightlowerLeg.txt");

            case bodypart.Head:
                for (int i = 0; i < osl.Count; i++)
                WriteToSlicFile_single(osl, currPath + "Head.txt"); break;

            case bodypart.Torso:
                WriteToSlicFile_single(osl, currPath + "Torso.txt"); break;