internal override void GenCode(CompileContext compileContext) { int RealChildCount = this.ChildCount; if ((RealChildCount != 0) && (((baseNode)base.Children[RealChildCount - 1]).ChildCount == 0)) { RealChildCount--; } compileContext.gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, RealChildCount); compileContext.gen.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, typeof(JSValue)); for (int i = 0; i < RealChildCount; i++) { compileContext.gen.Emit(OpCodes.Dup); compileContext.gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i); baseNode n = (baseNode)base.Children[i]; if (n.ChildCount == 0) { compileContext.gen.EmitCallV(CompileContext.mi_JSUndefined_Instance); } else { ((ExpressionNode)n.Children[0]).GenCode(compileContext); } compileContext.gen.Emit(OpCodes.Stelem_Ref); } compileContext.gen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, CompileContext.JSArray_ctor); }
internal void GenFinallyForward(CompileContext compileContext, Label dest, baseNode destNode, bool bNeedLeave) { int n = this.PostFinallyLabels.Count; this.PostFinallyLabels.Add(new PostFinallyLabel() { destNode = destNode, lbl = dest, switchlabel = compileContext.gen.DefineLabel() }); compileContext.gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, n); compileContext.gen.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, this.FinallyFwdDest); compileContext.gen.Emit(bNeedLeave ? OpCodes.Leave : OpCodes.Br, this.FinEnd); }
protected void GenInterStatementBreak(CompileContext compileContext, Label lbl, baseNode destNode) { tryStatementNode FinallyNode; bool bNeedLeave = this.NeedLeave(destNode, out FinallyNode); if (FinallyNode != null) { FinallyNode.GenFinallyForward(compileContext, lbl, destNode, bNeedLeave); } else { compileContext.gen.Emit(bNeedLeave ? OpCodes.Leave : OpCodes.Br, lbl); } }
internal override void GenStatementCode(CompileContext compileContext, bool bGenDebug) { Stack <baseNode> st = new Stack <baseNode>(); st.Push(this); while (st.Count > 0) { baseNode t = st.Pop(); for (int i = t.ChildCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { baseNode c = (baseNode)t.Children[i]; if (!(c is TopStatementList)) { st.Push(c); } } if (t is VarDeclStatement) { ((VarDeclStatement)t).GenCreate(compileContext); } } if (this.ChildCount != 0) { foreach (StatementNode n in base.Children) { if (n is functionDeclarationNode) { ((functionDeclarationNode)n).GenCode(compileContext); } } foreach (StatementNode n in base.Children) { if (!(n is functionDeclarationNode)) { n.GenCode(compileContext); } } } }
protected bool NeedLeave(baseNode destNode, out tryStatementNode FinallyNode) { FinallyNode = null; bool need = false; for (baseNode n = base.parent as baseNode; !(n is TopStatementList); n = n.parent as baseNode) { if (n.TryCatchLevels > 0) { need = true; } if (n is tryStatementNode) { FinallyNode = (tryStatementNode)n; return(need); } if (n == destNode) { return(need); } } return(need); }
// $ANTLR start "arguments" // JavaScript.g:228:1: arguments : '(' ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )* )? ( LT )* ')' ; public JavaScriptParser.arguments_return arguments() // throws RecognitionException [1] { JavaScriptParser.arguments_return retval = new JavaScriptParser.arguments_return(); retval.Start = input.LT(1); object root_0 = null; IToken char_literal257 = null; IToken LT258 = null; IToken LT260 = null; IToken char_literal261 = null; IToken LT262 = null; IToken LT264 = null; IToken char_literal265 = null; JavaScriptParser.assignmentExpression_return assignmentExpression259 = default(JavaScriptParser.assignmentExpression_return); JavaScriptParser.assignmentExpression_return assignmentExpression263 = default(JavaScriptParser.assignmentExpression_return); object char_literal257_tree=null; object LT258_tree=null; object LT260_tree=null; object char_literal261_tree=null; object LT262_tree=null; object LT264_tree=null; object char_literal265_tree=null; try { // JavaScript.g:229:2: ( '(' ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )* )? ( LT )* ')' ) // JavaScript.g:229:4: '(' ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )* )? ( LT )* ')' { root_0 = (object)adaptor.GetNilNode(); char_literal257=(IToken)Match(input,42,FOLLOW_42_in_arguments2001); if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) {char_literal257_tree = new baseNode(char_literal257) ; root_0 = (object)adaptor.BecomeRoot(char_literal257_tree, root_0); } // JavaScript.g:229:19: ( ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )* )? int alt140 = 2; alt140 = dfa140.Predict(input); switch (alt140) { case 1 : // JavaScript.g:229:20: ( LT )* assignmentExpression ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )* { // JavaScript.g:229:22: ( LT )* do { int alt136 = 2; int LA136_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA136_0 == LT) ) { alt136 = 1; } switch (alt136) { case 1 : // JavaScript.g:229:22: LT { LT258=(IToken)Match(input,LT,FOLLOW_LT_in_arguments2008); if (state.failed) return retval; } break; default: goto loop136; } } while (true); loop136: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop136' has no statements PushFollow(FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_arguments2012); assignmentExpression259 = assignmentExpression(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) adaptor.AddChild(root_0, assignmentExpression259.Tree); // JavaScript.g:229:46: ( ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression )* do { int alt139 = 2; alt139 = dfa139.Predict(input); switch (alt139) { case 1 : // JavaScript.g:229:47: ( LT )* ',' ( LT )* assignmentExpression { // JavaScript.g:229:49: ( LT )* do { int alt137 = 2; int LA137_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA137_0 == LT) ) { alt137 = 1; } switch (alt137) { case 1 : // JavaScript.g:229:49: LT { LT260=(IToken)Match(input,LT,FOLLOW_LT_in_arguments2015); if (state.failed) return retval; } break; default: goto loop137; } } while (true); loop137: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop137' has no statements char_literal261=(IToken)Match(input,43,FOLLOW_43_in_arguments2019); if (state.failed) return retval; // JavaScript.g:229:59: ( LT )* do { int alt138 = 2; int LA138_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA138_0 == LT) ) { alt138 = 1; } switch (alt138) { case 1 : // JavaScript.g:229:59: LT { LT262=(IToken)Match(input,LT,FOLLOW_LT_in_arguments2022); if (state.failed) return retval; } break; default: goto loop138; } } while (true); loop138: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop138' has no statements PushFollow(FOLLOW_assignmentExpression_in_arguments2026); assignmentExpression263 = assignmentExpression(); state.followingStackPointer--; if (state.failed) return retval; if ( state.backtracking == 0 ) adaptor.AddChild(root_0, assignmentExpression263.Tree); } break; default: goto loop139; } } while (true); loop139: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop139' has no statements } break; } // JavaScript.g:229:89: ( LT )* do { int alt141 = 2; int LA141_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA141_0 == LT) ) { alt141 = 1; } switch (alt141) { case 1 : // JavaScript.g:229:89: LT { LT264=(IToken)Match(input,LT,FOLLOW_LT_in_arguments2032); if (state.failed) return retval; } break; default: goto loop141; } } while (true); loop141: ; // Stops C# compiler whining that label 'loop141' has no statements char_literal265=(IToken)Match(input,44,FOLLOW_44_in_arguments2036); if (state.failed) return retval; } retval.Stop = input.LT(-1); if ( (state.backtracking==0) ) { retval.Tree = (object)adaptor.RulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.SetTokenBoundaries(retval.Tree, (IToken) retval.Start, (IToken) retval.Stop);} } catch (RecognitionException re) { ReportError(re); Recover(input,re); // Conversion of the second argument necessary, but harmless retval.Tree = (object)adaptor.ErrorNode(input, (IToken) retval.Start, input.LT(-1), re); } finally { } return retval; }
protected bool NeedLeave(baseNode destNode, out tryStatementNode FinallyNode) { FinallyNode = null; bool need = false; for (baseNode n = base.parent as baseNode; !(n is TopStatementList); n = n.parent as baseNode) { if (n.TryCatchLevels > 0) { need = true; } if (n is tryStatementNode) { FinallyNode = (tryStatementNode) n; return need; } if (n == destNode) { return need; } } return need; }
void CreatingAndSavingGrid() { string filename = ""; string saveDirectoryName = "saves"; string saveDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, saveDirectoryName); string filePath = Path.Combine(saveDirectoryPath, filename); string saveData = "saved grid for the level"; if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(saveDirectoryPath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveDirectoryPath); } Node[][] grid = gridManager.GetGridNodes(); string[] tempString = new string[grid[0].Length]; for (int i = 0; i < grid[0].Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < grid.Length; j++) { towerNode = grid[i][j].gameObject.GetComponent <GameNode>(); gameBase = grid[i][j].gameObject.GetComponent <baseNode>(); if (gameBase != null) { if (!gameBase.IsEmpty && grid[i][j].IsVisitable) { Debug.Log("p"); tempString[i] += "p"; } if (!gameBase.IsEnemyBaseEmpty && grid[i][j].IsVisitable) { Debug.Log("e"); tempString[i] += "e"; } } if (!towerNode.IsEmpty && grid[i][j].IsVisitable) { Debug.Log("t"); if (towerNode.getTower().GetData().baseStats.TorretNumber.Equals(1)) { tempString[i] += "1"; } if (towerNode.getTower().GetData().baseStats.TorretNumber.Equals(2)) { tempString[i] += "2"; } if (towerNode.getTower().GetData().baseStats.TorretNumber.Equals(3)) { tempString[i] += "3"; } } else if (grid[i][j].IsVisitable && towerNode.IsEmpty && gameBase == null) { Debug.Log("o"); tempString[i] += "o"; } else if (!grid[i][j].IsVisitable && towerNode.IsEmpty && gameBase == null) { Debug.Log("x"); tempString[i] += "x"; } } } Debug.Log("Save was saved in: " + filePath + saveData); File.WriteAllLines(filePath, tempString); }