private int PlanebTriangleIntersection(b_Plane plane, bTriangle triangle, out ActiveNode <bVertex>[] intersection, bool duplicateIntersectionPoints = false, bool useSecondLookupTable = false) { intersection = new ActiveNode <bVertex> [3]; intersection[0] = null; intersection[1] = null; intersection[2] = null; int nullCount = 0; Vector3 vec; float interp; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int j = (i + 1) % 3; int vi = triangle.GetVertexIndex(i); int vj = triangle.GetVertexIndex(j); if (LineIntersectLookup(vi, vj, !useSecondLookupTable) == lineLookupBlank) { nullCount++; continue; } else if (LineIntersectLookup(vi, vj, !useSecondLookupTable) != null) { intersection[i] = LineIntersectLookup(vi, vj, !useSecondLookupTable); } else if (PlaneSegmentIntersection(plane, triangle.GetVertex(i), triangle.GetVertex(j), out vec, out interp) == 1) { bVertex newVert = new bVertex( new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z), Vector2.Lerp(triangle.GetUV(i), triangle.GetUV(j), interp) ); intersection[i] = AddVertex(newVert, true); SetLineIntersect(vi, vj, intersection[i], !useSecondLookupTable); if (duplicateIntersectionPoints) { AddVertex(new bVertex( new Vector3(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z), Vector2.Lerp(triangle.GetUV(i), triangle.GetUV(j), interp)), true); } } else { SetLineIntersect(vi, vj, lineLookupBlank, !useSecondLookupTable); nullCount++; } } if (nullCount > 1) { return(0); } return(1); }
/* * Helper Functions */ private ActiveNode <bVertex> AddVertex(bVertex vertex, bool active = true) { ActiveNode <bVertex> ret = vertices.Add(vertex, active); history.AddChange(ret,, false, true); return(ret); }
public bVertex GetCopy() { bVertex newVert = new bVertex(); newVert.vertex = new Vector3(vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z); newVert.uv = new Vector2(uv.x, uv.y); return(newVert); }
IEnumerator ContractTransition(float numSeconds, HashSet <ActiveNode <bVertex> > verticesToBeTranslated, List <ActiveNode <bTriangle> > trianglesToRemove, Vector3 translation) { float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + numSeconds; float currentTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; List <Vector3> originalVertices = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (ActiveNode <bVertex> node in verticesToBeTranslated) { originalVertices.Add(new Vector3(,,; } while (currentTime < endTime) { float t = 1.0f - ((endTime - currentTime) / numSeconds); int _i = 0; foreach (ActiveNode <bVertex> node in verticesToBeTranslated) { = Vector3.Lerp(originalVertices[_i], originalVertices[_i] + translation, t); _i++; } RegenerateMesh(); currentTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } int i = 0; foreach (ActiveNode <bVertex> node in verticesToBeTranslated) { bVertex newVert =; newVert.vertex = originalVertices[i] + translation; = originalVertices[i]; ChangeVertex(node, newVert,; // = originalVertices[i] + translation; i++; } int x = trianglesToRemove.Count; for (int j = 0; j < x; j++) { ActiveNode <bTriangle> node = trianglesToRemove[j]; ChangebTriangle(node, null, true); //triangles.SetActivity(node, false); } RegenerateMesh(); history.PushChanges(); }
private void ChangeVertex(ActiveNode <bVertex> node, bVertex newVal, bVertex oldVal, bool activityToggle = false) { history.AddChange(node, oldVal, activityToggle); if (newVal != null) { = newVal; } if (activityToggle) { vertices.SetActivity(node, !node.IsActive()); } }
public void AddChange(ActiveNode <bVertex> node, bVertex oldData, bool activityToggle, bool newNode = false) { if (MaxCount <= 0) { return; } Vertex_Change v; v.node = node; v.oldData = oldData.GetCopy(); v.activityToggle = activityToggle; v.newNode = newNode; runningVertexChanges.Add(v); }
IEnumerator ExpandTransition(float numSeconds, HashSet <ActiveNode <bVertex> > verticesToBeTranslated, Vector3 translation) { float endTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + numSeconds; float currentTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; List <Vector3> originalVertices = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (ActiveNode <bVertex> node in verticesToBeTranslated) { originalVertices.Add(new Vector3(,,; } while (currentTime < endTime) { float t = 1.0f - ((endTime - currentTime) / numSeconds); int _i = 0; foreach (ActiveNode <bVertex> node in verticesToBeTranslated) { = Vector3.Lerp(originalVertices[_i], originalVertices[_i] + translation, t); _i++; } RegenerateMesh(); currentTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } int i = 0; foreach (ActiveNode <bVertex> node in verticesToBeTranslated) { bVertex newVert =; newVert.vertex = originalVertices[i] + translation; = originalVertices[i]; ChangeVertex(node, newVert,; // = originalVertices[i] + translation; i++; } RegenerateMesh(); history.PushChanges(); }
public void Contract(b_Plane bisectPlane, b_Plane bisectPlane2, float timeToContract = -1.0f) { ResetLineLookupTable(); timeToContract *= timerMultiplier; // Transform the planes to local space for the mesh b_Plane bisectPlaneLocal; bisectPlaneLocal.location = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(bisectPlane.location); bisectPlaneLocal.normal = this.transform.InverseTransformDirection(bisectPlane.normal); b_Plane bisectPlaneLocal2; bisectPlaneLocal2.location = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(bisectPlane2.location); bisectPlaneLocal2.normal = this.transform.InverseTransformDirection(bisectPlane2.normal); // Transform translation to local space Vector3 translation = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(bisectPlane2.location) - bisectPlaneLocal.location; if (AxisAlignedBisection) { Vector3 dif = new Vector3(translation.x, translation.y, translation.z); dif.x = Mathf.Abs(dif.x); dif.y = Mathf.Abs(dif.y); dif.z = Mathf.Abs(dif.z); // X axis aligned if (dif.x > dif.y && dif.x > dif.z) { translation.y = 0; translation.z = 0; bisectPlaneLocal.normal.y = 0; bisectPlaneLocal.normal.z = 0; bisectPlaneLocal2.normal.y = 0; bisectPlaneLocal2.normal.z = 0; bisectPlaneLocal2.location = bisectPlaneLocal.location + translation; } // Y axis aligned else if (dif.y > dif.z) { translation.x = 0; translation.z = 0; bisectPlaneLocal.normal.x = 0; bisectPlaneLocal.normal.z = 0; bisectPlaneLocal2.normal.x = 0; bisectPlaneLocal2.normal.z = 0; bisectPlaneLocal2.location = bisectPlaneLocal.location + translation; } // Z axis aligned else { translation.x = 0; translation.y = 0; bisectPlaneLocal.normal.x = 0; bisectPlaneLocal.normal.y = 0; bisectPlaneLocal2.normal.x = 0; bisectPlaneLocal2.normal.y = 0; bisectPlaneLocal2.location = bisectPlaneLocal.location + translation; } } bisectPlaneLocal.uPlane = new Plane(bisectPlaneLocal.normal, bisectPlaneLocal.location); bisectPlaneLocal2.uPlane = new Plane(bisectPlaneLocal2.normal, bisectPlaneLocal2.location); Vector3 translationSide = bisectPlaneLocal.location + translation.normalized; Vector3 translationSide2 = bisectPlaneLocal2.location - translation.normalized; int triangleLen = triangles.ActiveCount; int verticesLen = vertices.ActiveCount; HashSet <ActiveNode <bVertex> > verticesToBeTranslated = new HashSet <ActiveNode <bVertex> >(); HashSet <ActiveNode <bVertex> > verticesToBeTranslated2 = new HashSet <ActiveNode <bVertex> >(); List <ActiveNode <bTriangle> > trianglesInBetween = new List <ActiveNode <bTriangle> >(); List <ActiveNode <bTriangle> > trianglesNotTranslated = new List <ActiveNode <bTriangle> >(); ActiveNode <bTriangle> it = triangles.GetRootNode().nextActiveNode; for (int i = 0; i < triangleLen; i++) { bTriangleBisection(bisectPlaneLocal, translationSide, it, verticesToBeTranslated, trianglesNotTranslated); foreach (ActiveNode <bTriangle> node in trianglesNotTranslated) { bTriangleBisection(bisectPlaneLocal2, translationSide2, node, verticesToBeTranslated2, trianglesInBetween, true); } trianglesNotTranslated.Clear(); it = it.nextActiveNode; } verticesToBeTranslated.Clear(); if (timeToContract <= 0.0f) { int x = trianglesInBetween.Count; for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { ActiveNode <bTriangle> node = trianglesInBetween[i]; ChangebTriangle(node, null, true); //triangles.SetActivity(node, false); } foreach (ActiveNode <bVertex> node in verticesToBeTranslated2) { bVertex newVert =; newVert.vertex -= translation; ChangeVertex(node, newVert,; // -= translation; } RegenerateMesh(); history.PushChanges(); } else { RegenerateMesh(); StartCoroutine(ContractTransition(timeToContract, verticesToBeTranslated2, trianglesInBetween, -translation)); } // Propagate through children foreach (bMesh mesh in this.GetComponentsInChildren <bMesh>()) { if (mesh != this) { mesh.Contract(bisectPlane, bisectPlane2, timeToContract); } } }
public void Expand(b_Plane bisectPlane, b_Plane bisectPlane2, float timeToExpand = -1.0f) { ResetLineLookupTable(); timeToExpand *= timerMultiplier; // Transform the planes to local space for the mesh b_Plane bisectPlaneLocal; bisectPlaneLocal.location = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(bisectPlane.location); bisectPlaneLocal.normal = this.transform.InverseTransformDirection(bisectPlane.normal); // Transform translation to local space Vector3 translation = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(bisectPlane2.location) - bisectPlaneLocal.location; if (AxisAlignedBisection) { Vector3 dif = new Vector3(translation.x, translation.y, translation.z); dif.x = Mathf.Abs(dif.x); dif.y = Mathf.Abs(dif.y); dif.z = Mathf.Abs(dif.z); // X axis aligned if (dif.x > dif.y && dif.x > dif.z) { translation.y = 0; translation.z = 0; bisectPlaneLocal.normal.y = 0; bisectPlaneLocal.normal.z = 0; } // Y axis aligned else if (dif.y > dif.z) { translation.x = 0; translation.z = 0; bisectPlaneLocal.normal.x = 0; bisectPlaneLocal.normal.z = 0; } // Z axis aligned else { translation.x = 0; translation.y = 0; bisectPlaneLocal.normal.x = 0; bisectPlaneLocal.normal.y = 0; } } bisectPlaneLocal.uPlane = new Plane(bisectPlaneLocal.normal, bisectPlaneLocal.location); Vector3 translationSide = bisectPlaneLocal.location + translation; int triangleLen = triangles.ActiveCount; int verticesLen = vertices.ActiveCount; HashSet <ActiveNode <bVertex> > verticesToBeTranslated = new HashSet <ActiveNode <bVertex> >(); ActiveNode <bTriangle> it = triangles.GetRootNode().nextActiveNode; for (int i = 0; i < triangleLen; i++) { bTriangleBisection(bisectPlaneLocal, translationSide, it, verticesToBeTranslated); it = it.nextActiveNode; } if (timeToExpand <= 0.0f) { foreach (ActiveNode <bVertex> node in verticesToBeTranslated) { bVertex newVert =; newVert.vertex += translation; ChangeVertex(node, newVert,; // += translation; } RegenerateMesh(); history.PushChanges(); } else { RegenerateMesh(); StartCoroutine(ExpandTransition(timeToExpand, verticesToBeTranslated, translation)); RegenerateMesh(); } // Propagate through children foreach (bMesh mesh in this.GetComponentsInChildren <bMesh>()) { if (mesh != this) { mesh.Expand(bisectPlane, bisectPlane2, timeToExpand); } } }