예제 #1
        public bool InsertCompany(b2bCompany model)
            //model.CompCode = GenCompCode((int)model.ServiceType,(int)model.emCompID);
            #region set default
            model.isNotification = true;
            model.RowFlag        = 2;
            model.RowVersion     = 1;
            model.CreatedBy      = "sa";
            model.ModifiedBy     = "sa";
            model.ModifiedDate   = DateTimeNow;
            model.CreatedDate    = DateTimeNow;


            if (ValidateInsertCompany())
                IsResult = true;
                IsResult = false;
예제 #2
        public bool UpdateCompany(b2bCompany model)
            var data = qDB.b2bCompanies.Single(q => q.CompID == model.CompID);

            #region Set Value
            data = model;

            data.ModifiedBy   = "sa";
            data.ModifiedDate = DateTimeNow;
            IsResult = true;
예제 #3
 public bool RegisterSessionLogon(IEnumerable <view_emCompanyMember> list, b2bCompany model, bool IsOutSource = false)
     if (list.Count() > 0)
         //ตรวจสอบข้อมูล Cookie ว่ามีการ Login ค้างอยู่ในระบบหรือเปล่า ??
         Hashtable htAuthentication = svAuthentication.GetCookieAuthentication();
         if (htAuthentication.Count > 0)
             //ทำการ Clear ข้อมูลเดิมก่อน
             UnRegisterSessionLogon(DataManager.ConvertToString(htAuthentication["SessionID"]), DataManager.ConvertToString(htAuthentication["MemberID"]));
         //New SessionID
         string strSessionID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
         //Add Data To Cookie
         if (IsOutSource)
             AddCookieAuthentication(list, model, strSessionID);
예제 #4
        public ActionResult SignIn(string username, string password, string remember, string admincode)
            EncryptManager encrypt = new EncryptManager();
            var            Url     = new UrlHelper(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext);

            #region Check Admin
            var svCompany = new CompanyService();
            var sqlWhere  = svCompany.CreateWhereAction(Company.CompStatus.Activate);
            sqlWhere += " AND CompCode = '" + admincode + "' AND ServiceType = 14 ";
            var companies   = svCompany.SelectData <b2bCompany>(" * ", sqlWhere);
            var company     = new b2bCompany();
            var isOutSource = false;

            if (svCompany.TotalRow > 0)
                isOutSource = true;
                foreach (var it in companies)
                    company.CompCode    = it.CompCode;
                    company.DisplayName = it.DisplayName;
                    company.ServiceType = it.ServiceType;
                return(Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Result = false }));

            var query = svMember.SelectData <view_emCompanyMember>("MemberID,UserName,Password,DisplayName,Email,CountLogin,CompID", " (UserName ='******' or Email ='" + username + "') and Password ='******' and RowFlagWeb = 2 and IsDelete = 0 and WebID =" + res.Config.WebID, null);
            List <view_emCompanyMember> list = query;
            if (svMember.TotalRow > 0)
                var data = query.First();

                data.CountLogin = data.CountLogin != null ? data.CountLogin : 0;
                if (data.CountLogin < 500)
                    RegisterSessionLogon(list, company, isOutSource);
                    RegisterRememberLogon(list, Convert.ToBoolean(remember));

                    if (data.CountLogin != 0)
                        //Update Count LogOn
                        if (!svMember.UpdateByCondition <emMemberWeb>("CountLogin = 0", "MemberID =" + data.MemberID))
                            return(Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Result = "เกิดข้อผิดพลาด กรุณาลองอีกครั้ง" }));
                            return(Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Result = "เกิดข้อผิดพลาด กรุณาลองอีกครั้ง" }));
                        #region Redirect to HomePage
                        return(Json(new { IsSuccess = true, Result = Url.Action("Index", "Home") }));

                    return(Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Result = Url.Content("คุณเข้าสู่ระบบไม่ผ่าน 5 ครั้ง บัญชีของคุณถูกปิดเพื่อความปลอดภัย กรุณาตรวจสอบอีเมลล์เพื่อยืนยันตัวตน") }));
                query = svMember.SelectData <view_emCompanyMember>("MemberID,CountLogin,FirstName,LastName,Email,CompID", " (UserName ='******' or Email ='" + username + "') and RowFlagWeb > 1 and WebID =" + res.Config.WebID, null);
                IEnumerable <view_emCompanyMember> listUser = query.ToList();
                if (listUser.Count() > 0)
                    listUser.First().CountLogin = listUser.First().CountLogin != null?listUser.First().CountLogin : 0;

                    if (listUser.First().CountLogin < 500)
                        if ((4 - listUser.First().CountLogin) == 0)
                            if (!svMember.UpdateByCondition <emMemberWeb>("CountLogin = 500", "MemberID =" + listUser.First().MemberID))
                                return(Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Result = Url.Content("เกิดข้อผิดพลาด กรุณาลองอีกครั้ง") }));
                                if (!svMember.UpdateByCondition <emMemberActivate>("StartDate ='" + DateTime.Now + "',ExpireDate ='" + DateTime.Now.AddHours(24) + "',ActivateType = 3, ActivateCode = '" + emailManager.GenActivateCode() + "'", "MemberID =" + listUser.First().MemberID))
                                    return(Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Result = Url.Content("เกิดข้อผิดพลาด กรุณาลองอีกครั้ง") }));
                                    //if (!SendEmail(listUser))
                                    return(Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Result = Url.Content("เกิดข้อผิดพลาด 5 ครั้ง") }));
                                    //    return Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Result = Url.Content("คุณเข้าสู่ระบบไม่ผ่าน 5 ครั้ง บัญชีของคุณถูกปิดเพื่อความปลอดภัย กรุณาตรวจสอบอีเมลล์เพื่อยืนยันตัวตน") });
                            int count = (int)listUser.First().CountLogin + 1;
                            if (!svMember.UpdateByCondition <emMemberWeb>("CountLogin = "******"MemberID =" + listUser.First().MemberID))
                                return(Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Result = Url.Content("เกิดข้อผิดพลาด กรุณาลองอีกครั้ง") }));
                                return(Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Result = Url.Content("รหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง คุณสามารถลงชื่อเข้าใช้ได้อีก " + (5 - count) + " ครั้ง") }));
                        return(Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Result = Url.Content("คุณเข้าสู่ระบบไม่ผ่าน 5 ครั้ง บัญชีของคุณถูกปิดเพื่อความปลอดภัย กรุณาตรวจสอบอีเมลล์เพื่อยืนยันตัวตน") }));

            return(Json(new { IsSuccess = false, Result = Url.Content("ชื่อผู้ใช้ หรือ Eamil หรือ รหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง") }));
예제 #5
        private void AddCookieAuthentication(IEnumerable <view_emCompanyMember> list, b2bCompany model, string SessionID)
            HttpCookie ckAuthentication = new HttpCookie(AppName);
            var        member           = list.First();
            var        company          = svCompany.SelectData <b2bCompany>("CompID,CompName,ServiceType,CompCode,CompLevel,DisplayName", "MemberID = " + member.MemberID).First();

            ckAuthentication.Values["SessionID"]   = SessionID;
            ckAuthentication.Values["MemberID"]    = Convert.ToString(member.MemberID);
            ckAuthentication.Values["UserName"]    = member.UserName;
            ckAuthentication.Values["DisplayName"] = EncryptText("&%#@?,:*", model.DisplayName);
            ckAuthentication.Values["Email"]       = member.Email;
            ckAuthentication.Values["emCompID"]    = Convert.ToString(member.CompID);
            ckAuthentication.Values["CompID"]      = Convert.ToString(company.CompID);
            ckAuthentication.Values["ServiceType"] = Convert.ToString(model.ServiceType);
            ckAuthentication.Values["CompCode"]    = Convert.ToString(model.CompCode);
            ckAuthentication.Values["CompLevel"]   = Convert.ToString(company.CompLevel);
            ckAuthentication.Values["CompName"]    = EncryptText("&%#@?,:*", company.CompName);

            ckAuthentication.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

예제 #6
        public bool InsertCompany(Ouikum.Common.Register model)
            b2bCompany        data        = new b2bCompany();
            b2bCompanyProfile compProfile = new b2bCompanyProfile();

            if (model.ServiceType < 1 || model.ServiceType == null)
                model.ServiceType = 3;

            #region set b2bCompany
            if (model.CompLevel == 0)
                model.CompLevel = 1;
            data.MemberID = model.MemberID;
            data.emCompID = model.emCompID;
            if (model.ServiceType > 0)
                data.CompCode = GenCompCode((int)model.ServiceType, (int)model.emCompID).ToString();
                data.CompCode = GenCompCode(2, (int)model.emCompID).ToString();
            data.CompLevel = model.CompLevel;
            if (model.CompLevel == 3)
                data.ExpireDate = model.ExpireDate;
            data.CompWebsiteTemplate = 0;
            data.DisplayName         = model.DisplayName.Trim();
            data.ContactFirstName    = model.FirstName_register.Trim();
            data.ContactLastName     = model.LastName.Trim();
            data.ServiceType         = DataManager.ConvertToByte(model.ServiceType);
            data.CompName            = model.CompName.Trim();
            data.BizTypeID           = model.BizTypeID;
            data.CompCountryID       = model.CountryID;
            data.CompProvinceID      = model.ProvinceID;
            data.CompDistrictID      = model.DistrictID;
            data.CompPhone           = model.Phone;
            data.ContactCountryID    = model.CountryID;
            data.ContactProvinceID   = model.ProvinceID;
            data.ContactDistrictID   = model.DistrictID;

            data.ContactEmail      = model.Emails.Trim();
            data.ContactPhone      = model.Phone;
            data.FactoryCountryID  = model.CountryID;
            data.FactoryProvinceID = model.ProvinceID;
            data.FactoryDistrictID = model.DistrictID;
            data.FactoryPhone      = model.Phone;
            data.IsShow            = true;
            data.CompPostalCode    = model.PostalCode;
            data.ContactPostalCode = model.PostalCode;
            data.FactoryPostalCode = model.PostalCode;
            data.CompFax           = model.Fax;
            data.ContactFax        = model.Fax;
            data.FactoryFax        = model.Fax;
            data.ProductCount      = 0;
            data.ViewCount         = 0;
            data.BuyLeadCount      = 0;
            data.isNotification    = true;
            data.IsTrust           = DataManager.ConvertToBool(DataManager.ConvertToInteger(model.IsTrust));
            data.IsSME             = DataManager.ConvertToBool(DataManager.ConvertToInteger(model.IsSME));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.BizTypeOther) && model.BizTypeID == 13)
                data.BizTypeOther = model.BizTypeOther.Trim();

            #region set b2bCompanyProfile
            compProfile.emCompProfileID = model.emCompProfileID;
            compProfile.CompBizType     = (byte)model.BizTypeID;
            compProfile.CompName        = model.CompName.Trim();
            compProfile.AddrLine1       = model.AddrLine1;
            compProfile.CountryID       = model.CountryID;
            compProfile.ProvinceID      = model.ProvinceID;
            compProfile.DistrictID      = model.DistrictID;
            compProfile.PostalCode      = model.PostalCode;
            compProfile.IsShow          = true;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(compProfile.CompBizTypeOther) && compProfile.CompBizType == 13)
                compProfile.CompBizTypeOther = model.BizTypeOther.Trim();

            using (var trans = new TransactionScope())

                compProfile.CompID = data.CompID;
                UpdateCompanySignIn(data.CompID, false);

                #region Set CompCode ที่ได้ เข้า Register Model กลับไป
                model.CompCode = data.CompCode;

                IsResult = true;

        public ActionResult editcompany(
            int compid,
            string image,
            string name,
            string nameeng,
            string tel,
            string mobile,
            string fax,
            string email,
            string website,
            string address,
            int province,
            int district
            var    svCompany   = new CompanyService();
            var    svMember    = new CompanyService();
            var    b2bCompany  = new b2bCompany();
            var    emCompanies = new emCompany();
            string compimg;
            string complogo;

            var Company = svCompany.SelectData <b2bCompany>("*", " CompID = " + compid + "");

            b2bCompany = Company.First();

            #region set ค่า b2bCompany
            compimg  = b2bCompany.CompImgPath;
            complogo = b2bCompany.LogoImgPath;
            b2bCompany.LogoImgPath    = image;
            b2bCompany.CompName       = name;
            b2bCompany.CompNameEng    = nameeng;
            b2bCompany.CompAddrLine1  = address;
            b2bCompany.CompDistrictID = district;
            b2bCompany.CompProvinceID = province;
            b2bCompany.CompPhone      = tel;
            b2bCompany.CompMobile     = mobile;
            b2bCompany.CompWebsiteUrl = website;

            #region Update b2bCompany
            svCompany.SaveData <b2bCompany>(b2bCompany, "CompID");

            if (svCompany.IsResult)
                emCompanies = svMember.SelectData <emCompany>("*", " CompID = " + b2bCompany.emCompID).First();

                #region set ค่า emCompany
                emCompanies.LogoImgPath    = b2bCompany.LogoImgPath;
                emCompanies.CompName       = b2bCompany.CompName;
                emCompanies.DisplayName    = b2bCompany.DisplayName;
                emCompanies.CompNameEng    = b2bCompany.CompNameEng;
                emCompanies.CompAddrLine1  = b2bCompany.CompAddrLine1;
                emCompanies.CompDistrictID = b2bCompany.CompDistrictID;
                emCompanies.CompProvinceID = b2bCompany.CompProvinceID;
                emCompanies.CompPostalCode = b2bCompany.CompPostalCode;
                emCompanies.CompPhone      = b2bCompany.CompPhone;
                emCompanies.CompMobile     = b2bCompany.CompMobile;
                emCompanies.CompFax        = b2bCompany.CompFax;
                emCompanies.BizTypeID      = b2bCompany.BizTypeID;
                emCompanies.BizTypeOther   = b2bCompany.BizTypeOther;
                emCompanies.CompWebsiteUrl = b2bCompany.CompWebsiteUrl;
                emCompanies.RowVersion     = b2bCompany.RowVersion;

                #region Update emCompany
                svMember.SaveData <emCompany>(emCompanies, "CompID");

                if (svCompany.IsResult && svMember.IsResult)
                    #region SaveLogo
                    if (image != "")
                        if (b2bCompany.LogoImgPath != complogo)
                            imgManager = new FileHelper();

                            //#region Delete Folder
                            //imgManager.DeleteFilesInDir("Companies/Logo/" + b2bCompany.CompID);
                            imgManager.DirPath     = "Companies/Logo/" + b2bCompany.CompID;
                            imgManager.DirTempPath = "Temp/Companies/Logo/" + b2bCompany.CompID;
                            imgManager.ImageName   = image;
                            //imgManager.ImageThumbName = "Thumb_" + form["LogoImgPath"];
                            imgManager.FullHeight = 150;
                            imgManager.FullWidth  = 150;
                            //imgManager.ThumbHeight = 150;
                            //imgManager.ThumbWidth = 150;


            return(Json(new { status = svCompany.IsResult }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));