예제 #1
    protected void noticeBind()
        ax_article bll = new ax_article();

        this.rptList_notice.DataSource = bll.GetList(8, " category_id =3 and status=1 ", " sort_id asc, add_time desc");
    private void TreeBind()
        ax_article bll = new ax_article();
        DataTable  dt  = bll.GetList("category_id =1 order by sort_id asc,id desc").Tables[0];

        this.ddlCategoryId.Items.Add(new ListItem("==全部==", ""));
        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
            string Id    = dr["id"].ToString();
            string Title = dr["title"].ToString().Trim();
            this.ddlCategoryId.Items.Add(new ListItem(Title, Id));
예제 #3
    private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby)
        this.page        = AXRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1);
        txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords;
        ax_article bll = new ax_article();

        this.rptList.DataSource = bll.GetList(this.pageSize, this.page, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount);

        txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString();
        string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("magic_list.aspx", "keywords={0}&page={1}", this.keywords, "__id__");

        PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize, this.page, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8);
    public void binddr()
        ax_article bll = new ax_article();

        string sqlstr = "category_id =1 and status=1 order by sort_id asc, add_time desc";

        DataView dv = bll.GetList(sqlstr).Tables[0].DefaultView;
        PagedDataSource pds = new PagedDataSource();
        AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dv.Count;
        pds.DataSource = dv;
        pds.AllowPaging = true;
        pds.CurrentPageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1;
        pds.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
        repCategory.DataSource = pds;