예제 #1
        public void TestAssemblyMappingSQLConnectorGetOrCreateOldAssemblyMapTest()
            var mapA    = instance.GetOrCreateOldAssemblyMap(id, "path");
            var expectA = new assembly_map
                old_path = "path",
                sdk_id   = id

            AssertAditional.AssemblyMapEquals(expectA, mapA, "issue on first create");

            var mapB    = instance.GetOrCreateOldAssemblyMap(id, "path2");
            var expectB = new assembly_map
                old_path = "path2",
                sdk_id   = id

            AssertAditional.AssemblyMapEquals(expectB, mapB, "issue on second create");
            AssertAditional.AssemblyMapEquals(expectA, mapA, "impropper modification of A");

            var mapC    = instance.GetOrCreateOldAssemblyMap(id, "path");
            var expectC = new assembly_map
                old_path = "path",
                sdk_id   = id,
                id       = mapA.id

            AssertAditional.AssemblyMapEquals(expectC, mapC, "issue on first get");
            AssertAditional.AssemblyMapEquals(expectB, mapB, "impropper modification of B");
            AssertAditional.AssemblyMapEquals(expectA, mapA, "impropper modification of A");
예제 #2
        public static void AssemblyMapEquals(assembly_map expected, assembly_map actual, string message)
            Assert.IsNotNull(actual, message);
            var expectedText = "";
            var actualText   = "";

            if (expected.id != 0)
                expectedText += ", [id]:" + expected.id;
                actualText   += ", [id]:" + actual.id;
            if (expected.name != null)
                expectedText += ", [name]:" + ToSafeString(expected.name);
                actualText   += ", [name]:" + ToSafeString(actual.name);
            if (expected.new_path != null)
                expectedText += ", [new_path]:" + ToSafeString(expected.new_path);
                actualText   += ", [new_path]:" + ToSafeString(actual.new_path);
            if (expected.old_path != null)
                expectedText += ", [old_path]:" + ToSafeString(expected.old_path);
                actualText   += ", [old_path]:" + ToSafeString(actual.old_path);
            if (expected.sdk_id != 0)
                expectedText += ", [sdk_id]:" + expected.sdk_id;
                actualText   += ", [sdk_id]:" + actual.sdk_id;
            expectedText = expectedText.Substring(2);
            actualText   = actualText.Substring(2);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedText, actualText, message);
예제 #3
        public void DoStuff(string dllPath, bool isOld, int sdkId)
            var    assem         = Assembly.LoadFrom(dllPath);
            string assemFullName = assem.FullName;

            Console.WriteLine("Read from   " + dllPath);

            var types = assem.GetTypes(); // the types will tell you if there are custom data attributes

            foreach (var type in types)   // itereate over old dll to find custom attributes
                foreach (var attr in type.CustomAttributes)
                    if (attr.AttributeType.Name.Equals(ReadProject.CustomAttributeName))
                        string modelIdentifier = (string)attr.ConstructorArguments.First().Value;
                        if (isOld)
                            namespace_map nsMap = NSMappingSQLConnector.GetInstance().GetOrCreateOldNSMap(sdkId, type.Namespace);
                            assembly_map  asMap = AssemblyMappingSQLConnector.GetInstance().GetOrCreateOldAssemblyMap(sdkId, dllPath);
                            SDKMappingSQLConnector.GetInstance().SaveOldSDKMapping(sdkId, modelIdentifier, type.Name, nsMap, asMap);
                            sdk_map2 sdkMap = SDKMappingSQLConnector.GetInstance().GetSDKMappingByIdentifiers(sdkId, modelIdentifier);
                            if (sdkMap != null)
                                NSMappingSQLConnector.GetInstance().UpdateOrCreateNSMapping(sdkMap.namespace_map, sdkMap, type.Namespace);
                                AssemblyMappingSQLConnector.GetInstance().UpdateAssemblyMapping(sdkMap.assembly_map, sdkMap, dllPath, assemFullName);
                                SDKMappingSQLConnector.GetInstance().UpdateSDKMapping(sdkMap, type.Name);
예제 #4
        public virtual void LoadExpectedMappings()
            int model_identifier_id  = -1;
            int old_namespace_id     = -1;
            int old_classname_id     = -1;
            int new_namespace_id     = -1;
            int new_classname_id     = -1;
            int old_assembly_path_id = -1;
            int new_assembly_path_id = -1;
            int assembly_name_id     = -1;

            if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(TestFolder, "expectedSql.txt")))
                Assert.Fail("expectedSql.txt does not exist");
            var lines = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(TestFolder, "expectedSql.txt"));

            if (lines.Length <= 0)
                Assert.Fail("expectedSql.txt is empty");
            var lineOne = lines[0].Split('\t');

            Assert.AreEqual(8, lineOne.Length, "Impropper number of headers");
            for (var i = 0; i < lineOne.Length; i++)
                switch (lineOne[i])
                case "model_identifier":
                    model_identifier_id = i;

                case "old_namespace":
                    old_namespace_id = i;

                case "old_classname":
                    old_classname_id = i;

                case "new_namespace":
                    new_namespace_id = i;

                case "new_classname":
                    new_classname_id = i;

                case "old_assembly_path":
                    old_assembly_path_id = i;

                case "new_assembly_path":
                    new_assembly_path_id = i;

                case "assembly_name":
                    assembly_name_id = i;

                    Assert.Fail("invalid header " + lineOne[i]);
            expectedMappings = new List <sdk_map2>();
            for (var i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++)
                var curLine = lines[i].Split('\t');
                Assert.AreEqual(lineOne.Length, curLine.Length, "wrong number of entries on line " + i);
                var namespaceMap = new namespace_map();
                namespaceMap.new_namespace = GetValueFromExpected(curLine[new_namespace_id]);
                namespaceMap.old_namespace = GetValueFromExpected(curLine[old_namespace_id]);
                var assemblyMap = new assembly_map();
                assemblyMap.name     = GetValueFromExpected(curLine[assembly_name_id]);
                assemblyMap.new_path = GetValueFromExpected(curLine[new_assembly_path_id]);
                if (assemblyMap.new_path != null && assemblyMap.new_path != "'?'")
                    assemblyMap.new_path = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(TestFolder, curLine[new_assembly_path_id]));
                assemblyMap.old_path = GetValueFromExpected(curLine[old_assembly_path_id]);
                if (assemblyMap.old_path != null && assemblyMap.old_path != "'?'")
                    assemblyMap.old_path = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(TestFolder, curLine[old_assembly_path_id]));
                var sdkMap = new sdk_map2();
                sdkMap.namespace_map    = namespaceMap;
                sdkMap.assembly_map     = assemblyMap;
                sdkMap.new_classname    = GetValueFromExpected(curLine[new_classname_id]);
                sdkMap.old_classname    = GetValueFromExpected(curLine[old_classname_id]);
                sdkMap.model_identifier = GetValueFromExpected(curLine[model_identifier_id]);