private void addViewInner(android.view.View child, int index, android.view.ViewGroup .LayoutParams @params, bool preventRequestLayout) { if (mTransition != null) { // Don't prevent other add transitions from completing, but cancel remove // transitions to let them complete the process before we add to the container mTransition.cancel(android.animation.LayoutTransition.DISAPPEARING); } if (child.getParent() != null) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The specified child already has a parent. " + "You must call removeView() on the child's parent first."); } if (mTransition != null) { mTransition.addChild(this, child); } if (!checkLayoutParams(@params)) { @params = generateLayoutParams(@params); } if (preventRequestLayout) { child.mLayoutParams = @params; } else { child.setLayoutParams(@params); } if (index < 0) { index = mChildrenCount; } addInArray(child, index); // tell our children if (preventRequestLayout) { child.assignParent(this); } else { child.mParent = this; } if (child.hasFocus()) { requestChildFocus(child, child.findFocus()); } android.view.View.AttachInfo ai = mAttachInfo; if (ai != null && (mGroupFlags & FLAG_PREVENT_DISPATCH_ATTACHED_TO_WINDOW) == 0) { bool lastKeepOn = ai.mKeepScreenOn; ai.mKeepScreenOn = false; child.dispatchAttachedToWindow(mAttachInfo, (mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK)); if (ai.mKeepScreenOn) { needGlobalAttributesUpdate(true); } ai.mKeepScreenOn = lastKeepOn; } onViewAdded(child); if ((child.mViewFlags & DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE) == DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE) { mGroupFlags |= FLAG_NOTIFY_CHILDREN_ON_DRAWABLE_STATE_CHANGE; } }
/// <summary>Add an item view at the given index.</summary> /// <remarks>Add an item view at the given index.</remarks> /// <param name="itemView">View to add</param> /// <param name="childIndex">Index within the parent to insert at</param> protected internal virtual void addItemView(android.view.View itemView, int childIndex ) { android.view.ViewGroup currentParent = (android.view.ViewGroup)itemView.getParent (); if (currentParent != null) { currentParent.removeView(itemView); } ((android.view.ViewGroup)mMenuView).addView(itemView, childIndex); }
/// <summary>Return true if child is an descendant of parent, (or equal to the parent). /// </summary> /// <remarks>Return true if child is an descendant of parent, (or equal to the parent). /// </remarks> private bool isViewDescendantOf(android.view.View child, android.view.View parent ) { if (child == parent) { return true; } android.view.ViewParent theParent = child.getParent(); return (theParent is android.view.ViewGroup) && isViewDescendantOf((android.view.View )theParent, parent); }
public override bool onTouchEvent(android.widget.TextView widget, android.text.Spannable buffer, android.view.MotionEvent @event) { int initialScrollX = -1; int initialScrollY = -1; int action = @event.getAction(); if (action == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { initialScrollX = android.text.method.Touch.getInitialScrollX(widget, buffer); initialScrollY = android.text.method.Touch.getInitialScrollY(widget, buffer); } bool handled = android.text.method.Touch.onTouchEvent(widget, buffer, @event); if (widget.isFocused() && !widget.didTouchFocusSelect()) { if (action == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { if (isSelecting(buffer)) { int offset = widget.getOffsetForPosition(@event.getX(), @event.getY()); buffer.setSpan(LAST_TAP_DOWN, offset, offset, android.text.SpannedClass.SPAN_POINT_POINT ); // Disallow intercepting of the touch events, so that // users can scroll and select at the same time. // without this, users would get booted out of select // mode once the view detected it needed to scroll. widget.getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); } } else { if (action == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { if (isSelecting(buffer) && handled) { // Before selecting, make sure we've moved out of the "slop". // handled will be true, if we're in select mode AND we're // OUT of the slop // Turn long press off while we're selecting. User needs to // re-tap on the selection to enable long press widget.cancelLongPress(); // Update selection as we're moving the selection area. // Get the current touch position int offset = widget.getOffsetForPosition(@event.getX(), @event.getY()); android.text.Selection.extendSelection(buffer, offset); return true; } } else { if (action == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { // If we have scrolled, then the up shouldn't move the cursor, // but we do need to make sure the cursor is still visible at // the current scroll offset to avoid the scroll jumping later // to show it. if ((initialScrollY >= 0 && initialScrollY != widget.getScrollY()) || (initialScrollX >= 0 && initialScrollX != widget.getScrollX())) { widget.moveCursorToVisibleOffset(); return true; } int offset = widget.getOffsetForPosition(@event.getX(), @event.getY()); if (isSelecting(buffer)) { buffer.removeSpan(LAST_TAP_DOWN); android.text.Selection.extendSelection(buffer, offset); } else { if (!widget.shouldIgnoreActionUpEvent()) { android.text.Selection.setSelection(buffer, offset); } } android.text.method.MetaKeyKeyListener.adjustMetaAfterKeypress(buffer); android.text.method.MetaKeyKeyListener.resetLockedMeta(buffer); return true; } } } } return handled; }
public virtual android.view.WindowManagerClass.LayoutParams getRootViewLayoutParameter (android.view.View view) { android.view.ViewParent vp = view.getParent(); while (vp != null && !(vp is android.view.ViewRootImpl)) { vp = vp.getParent(); } if (vp == null) { return null; } android.view.ViewRootImpl vr = (android.view.ViewRootImpl)vp; int N = mRoots.Length; { for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { if (mRoots[i] == vr) { return mParams[i]; } } } return null; }
internal virtual void invalidateGlobalRegion(android.view.View v, r) { // We need to make a new rect here, so as not to modify the one passed this.globalInvalidateRect.set(r); this.globalInvalidateRect.union(0, 0, this._enclosing.getWidth(), this._enclosing .getHeight()); android.view.View p = v; if (!(v.getParent() != null && v.getParent() is android.view.View)) { return; } bool firstPass = true; this.parentRect.set(0, 0, 0, 0); while (p.getParent() != null && p.getParent() is android.view.View && !this.parentRect .contains(this.globalInvalidateRect)) { if (!firstPass) { this.globalInvalidateRect.offset(p.getLeft() - p.getScrollX(), p.getTop() - p.getScrollY ()); } firstPass = false; p = (android.view.View)p.getParent(); this.parentRect.set(p.getScrollX(), p.getScrollY(), p.getWidth() + p.getScrollX() , p.getHeight() + p.getScrollY()); p.invalidate(this.globalInvalidateRect.left,, this. globalInvalidateRect.right, this.globalInvalidateRect.bottom); } p.invalidate(this.globalInvalidateRect.left,, this. globalInvalidateRect.right, this.globalInvalidateRect.bottom); }