protected internal override void onDestroy() { localVideoTrack.removeRenderer(videoView); localMedia.removeVideoTrack(localVideoTrack); timerView.stop(); localMedia.release(); base.onDestroy(); }
public virtual void onChronometerTick(android.widget.Chronometer chronometer) { if (mProgressBar == null) { throw new java.lang.RuntimeException("Expecting child ProgressBar with id ''" ); } // Stop Chronometer if we're past duration long now = android.os.SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (now >= mDurationBase) { mChronometer.stop(); } // Update the ProgressBar status int remaining = (int)(mDurationBase - now); mProgressBar.setProgress(mDuration - remaining); // Move the Chronometer if gravity is set correctly if (mChronometerFollow) { android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams @params; // Calculate estimate of ProgressBar leading edge position @params = (android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)mProgressBar.getLayoutParams (); int contentWidth = mProgressBar.getWidth() - (@params.leftMargin + @params.rightMargin ); int leadingEdge = ((contentWidth * mProgressBar.getProgress()) / mProgressBar.getMax ()) + @params.leftMargin; // Calculate any adjustment based on gravity int adjustLeft = 0; int textWidth = mChronometer.getWidth(); if (mChronometerGravity == android.view.Gravity.RIGHT) { adjustLeft = -textWidth; } else { if (mChronometerGravity == android.view.Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL) { adjustLeft = -(textWidth / 2); } } // Limit margin to keep text inside ProgressBar bounds leadingEdge += adjustLeft; int rightLimit = contentWidth - @params.rightMargin - textWidth; if (leadingEdge < @params.leftMargin) { leadingEdge = @params.leftMargin; } else { if (leadingEdge > rightLimit) { leadingEdge = rightLimit; } } @params = (android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)mChronometer.getLayoutParams (); @params.leftMargin = leadingEdge; // Request layout to move Chronometer mChronometer.requestLayout(); } }