예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// This xfermode draws, or doesn't draw, based on the destination's
 /// distance from an op-color.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This xfermode draws, or doesn't draw, based on the destination's
 /// distance from an op-color.
 /// There are two modes, and each mode interprets a tolerance value.
 /// Avoid: In this mode, drawing is allowed only on destination pixels that
 /// are different from the op-color.
 /// Tolerance near 0: avoid any colors even remotely similar to the op-color
 /// Tolerance near 255: avoid only colors nearly identical to the op-color
 /// Target: In this mode, drawing only occurs on destination pixels that
 /// are similar to the op-color
 /// Tolerance near 0: draw only on colors that are nearly identical to the op-color
 /// Tolerance near 255: draw on any colors even remotely similar to the op-color
 /// </remarks>
 public AvoidXfermode(int opColor, int tolerance, android.graphics.AvoidXfermode.Mode
     // these need to match the enum in SkAvoidXfermode.h on the native side
     //!< draw everywhere except on the opColor
     //!< draw only on top of the opColor
     if (tolerance < 0 || tolerance > 255)
         throw new System.ArgumentException("tolerance must be 0..255");
     native_instance = nativeCreate(opColor, tolerance, (int)mode);
예제 #2
 public AvoidXfermode(int arg0, int arg1, android.graphics.AvoidXfermode.Mode arg2)  : base(global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv.ThreadEnv)
     global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv         @__env = global::MonoJavaBridge.JNIEnv.ThreadEnv;
     global::MonoJavaBridge.JniLocalHandle handle = @__env.NewObject(android.graphics.AvoidXfermode.staticClass, global::android.graphics.AvoidXfermode._AvoidXfermode3076, global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg0), global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg1), global::MonoJavaBridge.JavaBridge.ConvertToValue(arg2));
     Init(@__env, handle);