예제 #1
 public ToggleButton(android.content.Context context, android.util.AttributeSet attrs
                     , int defStyle) : base(context, attrs, defStyle)
     android.content.res.TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, [email protected]
                                                                       .styleable.ToggleButton, defStyle, 0);
     mTextOn        = a.getText([email protected]_textOn);
     mTextOff       = a.getText([email protected]_textOff);
     mDisabledAlpha = a.getFloat([email protected]_disabledAlpha
                                 , 0.5f);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a new Switch with a default style determined by the given theme attribute,
        /// overriding specific style attributes as requested.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Construct a new Switch with a default style determined by the given theme attribute,
        /// overriding specific style attributes as requested.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="context">The Context that will determine this widget's theming.</param>
        /// <param name="attrs">Specification of attributes that should deviate from the default styling.
        ///     </param>
        /// <param name="defStyle">
        /// An attribute ID within the active theme containing a reference to the
        /// default style for this widget. e.g. android.R.attr.switchStyle.
        /// </param>
        public Switch(android.content.Context context, android.util.AttributeSet attrs, int
                      defStyle) : base(context, attrs, defStyle)
            // Enum for the "typeface" XML parameter.
            // Does not include padding
            mTextPaint = new android.text.TextPaint(android.graphics.Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
            android.content.res.Resources res = getResources();
            mTextPaint.density = res.getDisplayMetrics().density;
            android.content.res.TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, [email protected]
                                                                              .styleable.Switch, defStyle, 0);
            mThumbDrawable    = a.getDrawable([email protected]_thumb);
            mTrackDrawable    = a.getDrawable([email protected]_track);
            mTextOn           = a.getText([email protected]_textOn);
            mTextOff          = a.getText([email protected]_textOff);
            mThumbTextPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize([email protected]_thumbTextPadding
                                                        , 0);
            mSwitchMinWidth = a.getDimensionPixelSize([email protected]_switchMinWidth
                                                      , 0);
            mSwitchPadding = a.getDimensionPixelSize([email protected]_switchPadding
                                                     , 0);
            int appearance = a.getResourceId([email protected]_switchTextAppearance
                                             , 0);

            if (appearance != 0)
                setSwitchTextAppearance(context, appearance);
            android.view.ViewConfiguration config = android.view.ViewConfiguration.get(context
            mTouchSlop        = config.getScaledTouchSlop();
            mMinFlingVelocity = config.getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity();
            // Refresh display with current params