Vector3 applyChase(algorithmBoid theBoid)
        temp =;

        temp = target.position - theBoid.boidTransform.position;

        return temp.normalized * chaseStrength;
 Vector3 applyAlignment(algorithmBoid theBoid)
     temp =;
     foreach( algorithmBoid flockmate in flock)
         if (flockmate.boidTransform.gameObject.GetInstanceID() != theBoid.boidTransform.gameObject.GetInstanceID())
             temp += (flockmate.boidTransform.position - flockmate.lastPosition);
     temp = temp / (initialNumberOfBoids - 1);
     return (temp - theBoid.velocity) / alignmentStrength; //removing the "Velocity" part makes them swarm around each other / - theBoid.velocity
    Vector3 applyCohesion(algorithmBoid theBoid)
        temp =;

        foreach (algorithmBoid flockmate in flock)
            if(flockmate.boidTransform.gameObject.GetInstanceID() != theBoid.boidTransform.gameObject.GetInstanceID())
                temp += flockmate.boidTransform.position;
        temp = temp / (initialNumberOfBoids -1);
        return (temp - theBoid.boidTransform.position) / cohesionStrength;
    Vector3 applyDodge(algorithmBoid theBoid)
        temp =;

        if(Vector3.Distance(theBoid.boidTransform.position, target.position) < dodgeRadius)
            temp = theBoid.boidTransform.position - target.position;
        return temp.normalized * dodgeStrength;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        for (int i = 0; i < flock.Count; i++)
            tempBoid = flock[i];
            separationResult = applySeparation(flock[i]);
            alignmentResult = applyAlignment(flock[i]);
            cohesionResult = applyCohesion(flock[i]);

            if (chase) chaseResult = applyChase(flock[i]);
            else chaseResult =;
            dodgeResult = applyDodge(flock[i]);

            tempBoid.velocity += separationResult + alignmentResult + cohesionResult + chaseResult + dodgeResult;

            Ray findWall = new Ray(flock[i].boidTransform.position, flock[i].velocity);

            //If we would have hit a wall, we will move away from it, because that'd just be unboidlike
            RaycastHit myRaycastHit;
            if (Physics.Raycast(findWall, out myRaycastHit, detectWallDistance, 1 << 8))
                Vector3 moveAwayVector = (flock[i].boidTransform.position - myRaycastHit.point).normalized;
                moveAwayVector = moveAwayVector - new Vector3(0, moveAwayVector.y, 0);
                tempBoid.velocity += moveAwayVector * wallDetectionStrength
                    + Vector3.Cross(flock[i].velocity, flock[i].boidTransform.up).normalized * wallMoveStrength;
                //gets a vector "sideways away" from the wall
            tempBoid.lastPosition = flock[i].boidTransform.position;
            tempBoid.boidTransform.position += flock[i].velocity * boidSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
            flock[i] = tempBoid;

            //flock[i].lastPosition = flock[i].boidTransform.position;
    //Below are implementations of the boids algorithm functions provided to us
    Vector3 applySeparation(algorithmBoid theBoid)
        temp =;

        foreach (algorithmBoid flockMate in flock)
            if (flockMate.boidTransform.gameObject.GetInstanceID() != theBoid.boidTransform.gameObject.GetInstanceID())
                if(Vector3.Distance(theBoid.boidTransform.position,flockMate.boidTransform.position) < separationRadius)
                    temp = temp - (flockMate.boidTransform.position - theBoid.boidTransform.position);

        return temp;