예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Multiply matrix with vector as column vector.
        /// Vector must have save length as columns of matrix.
        /// Returns a vector with size of matrix rows.
        /// </summary>
        public static Vector <__ft__> Multiply(this Matrix <__ft__> mat, Vector <__ft__> vec)
            if (mat.Dim.X != vec.Dim)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Cannot multiply matrix {0} with vector of size {1}", mat.Dim, vec.Dim));

            var result = new __ft__[mat.Dim.Y];

            var  data0 = mat.Data; var data1 = vec.Data;
            long my0 = mat.DY, d1 = vec.D;
            long mf1 = vec.FirstIndex;
            long ds0 = mat.DSX, d0 = mat.DX;

            for (long ri = 0, ye = mat.FirstIndex + mat.DSY, f0 = mat.FirstIndex, e0 = f0 + ds0;
                 f0 != ye; f0 += my0, e0 += my0, ri++)
                __ft__ dot = 0.0__tc__;
                for (long i0 = f0, i1 = mf1; i0 != e0; i0 += d0, i1 += d1)
                    dot += data0[i0] * data1[i1];

                result[ri] = dot;
예제 #2
 // todo andi {
 public static __rot3t__ Divide(__ft__ s, __rot3t__ q)
     return(new __rot3t__(
                s / q.W,
                s / q.X, s / q.Y, s / q.Z
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates quaternion representing a rotation around
        /// an axis by an angle.
        /// </summary>
        // todo ISSUE 20090420 andi : sm, rft: What about adding an AxisAngle struct?.
        public __rot3t__(__v3t__ axis, __ft__ angleInRadians)
            var halfAngle = angleInRadians / 2;

            W = halfAngle.Cos();
            V = axis.Normalized * halfAngle.Sin();
예제 #4
 // [todo ISSUE 20090225 andi : andi] Wir sollten auch folgendes beruecksichtigen -q == q, weil es die selbe rotation definiert.
 // [todo ISSUE 20090427 andi : andi] use an angle-tolerance
 // [todo ISSUE 20090427 andi : andi] add __rot3t__.ApproxEqual(__rot3t__ other);
 public static bool ApproxEqual(__rot3t__ r0, __rot3t__ r1, __ft__ tolerance)
     return((r0.W - r1.W).Abs() <= tolerance &&
            (r0.X - r1.X).Abs() <= tolerance &&
            (r0.Y - r1.Y).Abs() <= tolerance &&
            (r0.Z - r1.Z).Abs() <= tolerance);
예제 #5
        public static __m33t__ Multiply(__rot2t__ rot, __m33t__ mat)
            __ft__ a = (__ft__)System.Math.Cos(rot.Angle);
            __ft__ b = (__ft__)System.Math.Sin(rot.Angle);

            return(new __m33t__(a * mat.M00 +
                                b * mat.M10,

                                a * mat.M01 +
                                b * mat.M11,

                                a * mat.M02 +
                                b * mat.M12,

                                -b * mat.M00 +
                                a * mat.M10,

                                -b * mat.M01 +
                                a * mat.M11,

                                -b * mat.M02 +
                                a * mat.M12,



예제 #6
        public Similarity__x3t__(M4__x4t__ m, __ft__ epsilon = (__ft__)0.00001)
            if (!(m.M30.IsTiny(epsilon) && m.M31.IsTiny(epsilon) && m.M32.IsTiny(epsilon)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Matrix contains perspective components.");
            if (m.M33.IsTiny(epsilon))
                throw new ArgumentException("Matrix is not homogeneous.");
            m /= m.M33; //normalize it
            var m33 = (M3__x3t__)m;
            var s0  = m33.C0.Norm2;
            var s1  = m33.C1.Norm2;
            var s2  = m33.C2.Norm2;
            var s   = (s0 * s1 * s2).Pow((__ft__)1.0 / 3); //geometric mean of scale

            if (!((s0 / s - 1).IsTiny(epsilon) && (s1 / s - 1).IsTiny(epsilon) && (s2 / s - 1).IsTiny(epsilon)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Matrix features non-uniform scaling");
            m33  /= s;
            Scale = s;
            EuclideanTransformation = new Euclidean__x3t__(m33, m.C3.XYZ);
예제 #7
        public static Matrix <__ft__> Multiply(this Matrix <__ft__> m0, Matrix <__ft__> m1)
            if (m0.SX != m1.SY)
                throw new ArgumentException("m0.SX != m1.SY");

            var result = new Matrix <__ft__>(m1.SX, m0.SY);

            var  data = result.Data; var data0 = m0.Data; var data1 = m1.Data;
            long i = result.FirstIndex, yj = result.JY, my0 = m0.DY;
            long xs = result.DSX, mf1 = m1.FirstIndex, xj = result.JX, mx1 = m1.DX;
            long ds0 = m0.DSX, d0 = m0.DX, d1 = m1.DY;

            for (long ye = i + result.DSY, f0 = m0.FirstIndex, e0 = f0 + ds0;
                 i != ye; i += yj, f0 += my0, e0 += my0)
                for (long xe = i + xs, f1 = mf1; i != xe; i += xj, f1 += mx1)
                    __ft__ dot = 0.0__tc__;
                    for (long i0 = f0, i1 = f1; i0 != e0; i0 += d0, i1 += d1)
                        dot += data0[i0] * data1[i1];
                    data[i] = dot;
예제 #8
        public __ft__ this[int index]
                switch (index)
                case 0: return(V.X);

                case 1: return(V.Y);

                case 2: return(V.Z);

                case 3: return(W);

                default: throw new ArgumentException();

                switch (index)
                case 0: V.X = value; break;

                case 1: V.Y = value; break;

                case 2: V.Z = value; break;

                case 3: W = value; break;

                default: throw new ArgumentException();
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a similarity transformation from a rigid transformation <paramref name="euclideanTransformation"/> and an (subsequent) uniform scale by factor <paramref name="scale"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public Similarity__x3t__(Euclidean__x3t__ euclideanTransformation, __ft__ scale)
     Scale = scale;
     EuclideanTransformation = new Euclidean__x3t__(
         scale * euclideanTransformation.Trans
예제 #10
        public static __v2t__ Multiply(__rot2t__ rot, __v2t__ vec)
            __ft__ a = (__ft__)System.Math.Cos(rot.Angle);
            __ft__ b = (__ft__)System.Math.Sin(rot.Angle);

            return(new __v2t__(a * vec.X + b * vec.Y,
                               -b * vec.X + a * vec.Y));
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates quaternion from euler angles [yaw, pitch, roll].
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="yawInRadians">Rotation around X</param>
        /// <param name="pitchInRadians">Rotation around Y</param>
        /// <param name="rollInRadians">Rotation around Z</param>
        public __rot3t__(__ft__ yawInRadians, __ft__ pitchInRadians, __ft__ rollInRadians)
            var qx = new __rot3t__(__v3t__.XAxis, yawInRadians);
            var qy = new __rot3t__(__v3t__.YAxis, pitchInRadians);
            var qz = new __rot3t__(__v3t__.ZAxis, rollInRadians);

            this = qz * qy * qx;
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Multiplies a complex number with this
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="number"></param>
        public void Multiply(__ct__ number)
            __ft__ real = Real;
            __ft__ imag = Imag;

            Real = real * number.Real - imag * number.Imag;
            Imag = real * number.Imag + imag * number.Real;
예제 #13
        public static __v3t__ Multiply(__rot2t__ rot, __v3t__ vec)
            __ft__ ca = (__ft__)System.Math.Cos(rot.Angle);
            __ft__ sa = (__ft__)System.Math.Sin(rot.Angle);

            return(new __v3t__(ca * vec.X + sa * vec.Y,
                               -sa * vec.X + ca * vec.Y,
예제 #14
        public static __m34t__ Multiply(__rot2t__ rot, __shift3t__ shift)
            __ft__ a = (__ft__)System.Math.Cos(rot.Angle);
            __ft__ b = (__ft__)System.Math.Sin(rot.Angle);

            return(new __m34t__(a, b, 0, a * shift.X + b * shift.Y,
                                -b, a, 0, -b * shift.X + a * shift.Y,
                                0, 0, 1, shift.Z));
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes from a <see cref="V__x3t__"/> point (origin) and
        /// a <see cref="V__x3t__"/> normal the transformation matrix
        /// and its inverse.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origin">The point which will become the new origin.</param>
        /// <param name="normal">The normal vector of the new ground plane.</param>
        /// <param name="local2global">A <see cref="M4__x4t__"/>The trafo from local to global system.</param>
        /// <param name="global2local">A <see cref="M4__x4t__"/>The trafofrom global to local system.</param>
        public static void NormalFrame(V__x3t__ origin, V__x3t__ normal,
                                       out M4__x4t__ local2global, out M4__x4t__ global2local
            V__x3t__ min;
            __ft__   x = Fun.Abs(normal.X);
            __ft__   y = Fun.Abs(normal.Y);
            __ft__   z = Fun.Abs(normal.Z);

            if (x < y)
                if (x < z)
                    min = V__x3t__.XAxis;
                    min = V__x3t__.ZAxis;
                if (y < z)
                    min = V__x3t__.YAxis;
                    min = V__x3t__.ZAxis;

            V__x3t__ xVec = Vec.Cross(normal, min);

            xVec.Normalize(); // this is now guaranteed to be normal to the input normal
            V__x3t__ yVec = Vec.Cross(normal, xVec);

            V__x3t__ zVec = normal;


            local2global = new M4__x4t__(xVec.X, yVec.X, zVec.X, origin.X,
                                         xVec.Y, yVec.Y, zVec.Y, origin.Y,
                                         xVec.Z, yVec.Z, zVec.Z, origin.Z,
                                         0, 0, 0, 1);

            M4__x4t__ mat = new M4__x4t__(xVec.X, xVec.Y, xVec.Z, 0,
                                          yVec.X, yVec.Y, yVec.Z, 0,
                                          zVec.X, zVec.Y, zVec.Z, 0,
                                          0, 0, 0, 1);

            var shift = M4__x4t__.Translation(-origin);

            global2local = mat * shift;
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Exponentiates a complex by another
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static __ct__ Pow(__ct__ number, __ct__ exponent)
            __ft__ r   = number.Norm;
            __ft__ phi = number.Argument;

            __ft__ a = exponent.Real;
            __ft__ b = exponent.Imag;

            return(__ct__.CreateRadial((__ft__)System.Math.Exp(System.Math.Log(r) * a - b * phi), a * phi + b * (__ft__)System.Math.Log(r)));
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Divides this by a complex number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="number"></param>
        public void Divide(__ct__ number)
            __ft__ t = 1 / number.NormSquared;

            __ft__ real = Real;
            __ft__ imag = Imag;

            Real = t * (real * number.Real + imag * number.Imag);
            Imag = t * (imag * number.Real - real * number.Imag);
예제 #18
        public static Vector <__ft__> Multiply(this Vector <__ft__> vec, __ft__ s)
            var result = new __ft__[vec.Dim];

            __ft__[] a0 = vec.Data;
            for (long i0 = vec.Origin, ri = 0, e0 = i0 + vec.DSX, d0 = vec.D; i0 != e0; i0 += d0, ri++)
                result[ri] = a0[i0] * s;
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Exponentiates this by a real number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scalar"></param>
        public void Pow(__ft__ scalar)
            __ft__ r   = NormSquared;
            __ft__ phi = (__ft__)System.Math.Atan2(Imag, Real);

            r    = (__ft__)System.Math.Pow(r, scalar);
            phi *= scalar;

            Real = r * (__ft__)System.Math.Cos(phi);
            Imag = r * (__ft__)System.Math.Sin(phi);
예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates the Square-Root of a real number and returns a Complex
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="number"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static __ct__ Sqrt(__ft__ number)
     if (number >= 0)
         return(new __ct__((__ft__)System.Math.Sqrt(number), 0.0f));
         return(new __ct__(0.0f, (__ft__)System.Math.Sqrt(-1.0f * number)));
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates e^Complex
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="number"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static __ct__ Exp(__ct__ number)
            __ct__ c = __ct__.Zero;

            __ft__ factor = (__ft__)System.Math.Pow(Constant.E, number.Real);

            c.Real = factor * (__ft__)System.Math.Cos(number.Imag);
            c.Imag = factor * (__ft__)System.Math.Sin(number.Imag);

예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the squared norm of a vector:
        /// ||a|| = Sum(a0*a0 + a1*a1 + ... aN*aN)
        /// </summary>
        public static __ft__ NormSquared(this Vector <__ft__> v)
            __ft__ result = 0.0__tc__;

            __ft__[] a = v.Data;
            for (long i = v.Origin, e = i + v.DSX, d = v.D; i != e; i += d)
                result += a[i] * a[i];
예제 #23
        public static Vector <__ft__> Add(this Vector <__ft__> a, __ft__ b)
            var result = new __ft__[a.Dim];

            __ft__[] a0 = a.Data;
            for (long i0 = a.Origin, ri = 0, e0 = i0 + a.DSX, d0 = a.D; i0 != e0; i0 += d0, ri++)
                result[ri] = a0[i0] + b;
예제 #24
        //# foreach (var isDouble in new[] { false, true }) {
        //#   var ft = isDouble ? "double" : "float";
        //#   var tc = isDouble ? "d" : "f";
        #region Vector Extensions

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the dot product of two vectors:
        /// a dot b = Sum(a0*b0 + a1*b1 + ... aN*bN)
        /// </summary>
        public static __ft__ DotProduct(this Vector <__ft__> v0, Vector <__ft__> v1)
            __ft__ result = 0.0__tc__;

            __ft__[] a0 = v0.Data, a1 = v1.Data;
            for (long i0 = v0.Origin, i1 = v1.Origin, e0 = i0 + v0.DSX, d0 = v0.D, d1 = v1.D;
                 i0 != e0; i0 += d0, i1 += d1)
                result += a0[i0] * a1[i1];
예제 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a rigid transformation from a matrix <paramref name="m"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public __e3t__(M4__s4f__ m, __ft__ epsilon = __eps__)
     : this(((M3__s3f__)m) / m.M33, m.C3.XYZ / m.M33, epsilon)
     if (!(m.M30.IsTiny(epsilon) && m.M31.IsTiny(epsilon) && m.M32.IsTiny(epsilon)))
         throw new ArgumentException("Matrix contains perspective components.");
     if (m.M33.IsTiny(epsilon))
         throw new ArgumentException("Matrix is not homogeneous.");
예제 #26
 public static __ct__ Power(this __ct__ number, __ft__ exponent)
     if (number.IsZero)
         __ft__ r   = number.Norm;
         __ft__ phi = number.Argument;
         return(__ct__.CreateRadial(Pow(r, exponent), exponent * phi));
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Inverts this quaternion (multiplicative inverse).
        /// Returns this.
        /// </summary>
        public void Invert()
            var norm = NormSquared;

            if (norm == 0)
                throw new ArithmeticException("quaternion is not invertible");
            var scale = 1 / norm;

            W *= scale;
            V *= -scale;
예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the n-th Root of a Complex number and returns n Solutions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="number"></param>
        /// <param name="order">n</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public __ct__[] Root(__ct__ number, int order)
            __ct__[] values = new __ct__[order];

            __ft__ phi  = number.Argument / 2.0f;
            __ft__ dphi = (__ft__)Constant.PiTimesTwo / (__ft__)order;
            __ft__ r    = (__ft__)System.Math.Pow(number.Norm, 1.0f / order);

            for (int i = 1; i < order; i++)
                values[i] = __ct__.CreateRadial(r, phi + dphi * i);

예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Normalizes this quaternion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>This.</returns>
        public void Normalize()
            var norm = Norm;

            if (norm == 0)
                this = __rot3t__.Identity;
                var scale = 1 / norm;
                W *= scale;
                V *= scale;
예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a quaternion from a rotation matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m"></param>
        /// <param name="epsilon"></param>
        public static __rot3t__ From__m33t__(__m33t__ m, __ft__ epsilon = (__ft__)1e-6)
            if (!m.IsOrthonormal(epsilon))
                throw new ArgumentException("Matrix is not orthonormal.");
            var t = 1 + m.M00 + m.M11 + m.M22;

            if (t > epsilon)
                __ft__ s = t.Sqrt() * 2;
                __ft__ x = (m.M21 - m.M12) / s;
                __ft__ y = (m.M02 - m.M20) / s;
                __ft__ z = (m.M10 - m.M01) / s;
                __ft__ w = s / 4;
                return(new __rot3t__(w, x, y, z).Normalized);
                if (m.M00 > m.M11 && m.M00 > m.M22)
                    __ft__ s = Fun.Sqrt(1 + m.M00 - m.M11 - m.M22) * 2;
                    __ft__ x = s / 4;
                    __ft__ y = (m.M01 + m.M10) / s;
                    __ft__ z = (m.M02 + m.M20) / s;
                    __ft__ w = (m.M21 - m.M12) / s;
                    return(new __rot3t__(w, x, y, z).Normalized);
                else if (m.M11 > m.M22)
                    __ft__ s = Fun.Sqrt(1 + m.M11 - m.M00 - m.M22) * 2;
                    __ft__ x = (m.M01 + m.M10) / s;
                    __ft__ y = s / 4;
                    __ft__ z = (m.M12 + m.M21) / s;
                    __ft__ w = (m.M20 - m.M02) / s;
                    return(new __rot3t__(w, x, y, z).Normalized);
                    __ft__ s = Fun.Sqrt(1 + m.M22 - m.M00 - m.M11) * 2;
                    __ft__ x = (m.M20 + m.M02) / s;
                    __ft__ y = (m.M12 + m.M21) / s;
                    __ft__ z = s / 4;
                    __ft__ w = (m.M01 - m.M10) / s;
                    return(new __rot3t__(w, x, y, z).Normalized);