/// <summary>
        /// Gets layer data for WWT layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workSheet">Active worksheet</param>
        private void GetLayerDataForWWT(_Worksheet workSheet)
            if (workSheet != null)
                object[,] layerData = WWTManager.GetLayerData(this.currentWorkbookMap.SelectedLayerMap.LayerDetails.ID, false);
                if (layerData != null && layerData.Length > 0)
                    // Gets the range from the excel for data row and columns
                    Range currentRange = workSheet.GetRange(ThisAddIn.ExcelApplication.ActiveCell, layerData.GetLength(0), layerData.GetLength(1));
                    if (currentRange != null)
                        if (ValidateAffectedMappedRange(workSheet, currentRange))
                            string address = currentRange.Address;

                            if (currentRange != null)

                                // Gets the new range for with the active cell address
                                Range newRange = workSheet.Application.Range[address];

                                // Creates named range for the new range
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the Date format for the columns which are mapped to StartDate and EndDate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workSheet">Worksheet object</param>
        private void SetFormatForDateColumns(_Worksheet workSheet)
            Range currentLayerRange = workSheet.Application.Range[this.currentWorkbookMap.SelectedLayerMap.RangeAddress];
            Range firstCell = null;

            if (this.currentWorkbookMap.SelectedLayerMap.LayerDetails.StartDateColumn != Common.Constants.DefaultColumnIndex)
                foreach (Range area in currentLayerRange.Areas)
                    firstCell = area.Cells[this.currentWorkbookMap.SelectedLayerMap.LayerDetails.StartDateColumn + 1] as Range;
                    Range startDateColumn = workSheet.GetRange(firstCell, currentLayerRange.GetRowsCount(), 1);
                    startDateColumn.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy h:mm";

            if (this.currentWorkbookMap.SelectedLayerMap.LayerDetails.EndDateColumn != Common.Constants.DefaultColumnIndex)
                foreach (Range area in currentLayerRange.Areas)
                    firstCell = area.Cells[this.currentWorkbookMap.SelectedLayerMap.LayerDetails.EndDateColumn + 1] as Range;
                    Range endDateColumn = workSheet.GetRange(firstCell, currentLayerRange.GetRowsCount(), 1);
                    endDateColumn.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy h:mm";
        private void GetLayerDataForLocalInWWT(_Worksheet workSheet)
            if (workSheet != null && this.currentWorkbookMap.SelectedLayerMap != null)
                Range currentLayerRange = workSheet.Application.Range[this.currentWorkbookMap.SelectedLayerMap.RangeAddress];
                Range validationRange = currentLayerRange;
                if (currentLayerRange != null)
                    object[,] layerData = WWTManager.GetLayerData(this.currentWorkbookMap.SelectedLayerMap.LayerDetails.ID, false);

                    if (layerData != null && layerData.Length > 0)
                        int difference = 0;
                        Range rowDifferenceRange = null, columnDifferenceRange = null;
                        string rowaddress = string.Empty, colAddress = string.Empty;

                        // 1. Gets the difference from the current layer range
                        // 2. Gets the range with the first  row cell
                        // 3. Inserts rows/columns to range with difference
                        if (currentLayerRange.Columns.Count < layerData.GetLength(1))
                            difference = GetRangeDifference(currentLayerRange.Columns.Count, layerData.GetLength(1));

                            // Take the column next to last column of the current range as first column getting inserted.
                            Range firstColumnCell = (Range)currentLayerRange.Cells[1, currentLayerRange.Columns.Count + 1];

                            columnDifferenceRange = workSheet.GetRange(firstColumnCell, currentLayerRange.GetRowsCount(), difference);

                        // The range provides a combination of the current range and column difference range,
                        // which is used for affected range and formula validation.
                        if (difference > 0)
                            validationRange = validationRange.Resize[Type.Missing, validationRange.Columns.Count + difference];

                        int rowsCount = currentLayerRange.GetRowsCount();
                        if (rowsCount < layerData.GetLength(0))
                            difference = GetRangeDifference(rowsCount, layerData.GetLength(0));

                            // Take the row next to last row of the current range as first row getting inserted.
                            Range firstRowCell = (Range)currentLayerRange.Cells[rowsCount + 1, 1];

                            rowDifferenceRange = workSheet.GetRange(firstRowCell, difference, currentLayerRange.Columns.Count);

                        // The range provides a combination of the current range and row difference range
                        // which is used for affected range and formula validation.
                        if (difference > 0)
                            validationRange = validationRange.Resize[validationRange.GetRowsCount() + difference, Type.Missing];

                        if (ValidateLocalInWWTLayerData(workSheet, validationRange))
                            Range rowRange = null, colRange = null;
                            if (columnDifferenceRange != null)
                                // Insert the columns which are needed to get the latest data.
                                colAddress = columnDifferenceRange.Address;
                                colRange = workSheet.Application.Range[colAddress];

                            if (rowDifferenceRange != null)
                                // Insert the rows which are needed to get the latest data.
                                rowaddress = rowDifferenceRange.Address;
                                rowRange = workSheet.Application.Range[rowaddress];

                            bool createLayerForRange = false;
                            if (rowRange != null)
                                // Any new rows added, add them to the layer range.
                                createLayerForRange = true;
                                currentLayerRange = workSheet.Application.get_Range(rowRange, currentLayerRange);

                            if (colRange != null)
                                // Any new columns added, add them to the layer range.
                                createLayerForRange = true;
                                currentLayerRange = workSheet.Application.get_Range(colRange, currentLayerRange);
                            ThisAddIn.ExcelApplication.SheetChange -= new AppEvents_SheetChangeEventHandler(OnSheetChange);
                            ThisAddIn.ExcelApplication.SheetChange += new AppEvents_SheetChangeEventHandler(OnSheetChange);

                            // Only in case if the range size increased, update the layer properties.
                            if (createLayerForRange)
                                // Since Range is not getting changed in case of no more rows/columns added to them, call this method to update the layer properties alone.

                            bool isResizeRangeRequired = false;

                            // In case if the rows are less, resize the range, instead paste only the rows having data and rest of rows will be left as empty.
                            // Additional empty rows cannot be deleted, since there could be data in the columns which are not part of range which will be lost.
                            if (currentLayerRange.GetRowsCount() > layerData.GetLength(0))
                                difference = GetRangeDifference(currentLayerRange.GetRowsCount(), layerData.GetLength(0));
                                currentLayerRange = currentLayerRange.Resize[currentLayerRange.GetRowsCount() - difference, Type.Missing];
                                isResizeRangeRequired = true;

                            // In case if the columns are less, resize the range, instead paste only the columns having data and rest of columns will be left as empty.
                            // Additional empty columns cannot be deleted, since there could be data in the rows which are not part of range which will be lost.
                            if (currentLayerRange.Columns.Count > layerData.GetLength(1))
                                difference = GetRangeDifference(currentLayerRange.Columns.Count, layerData.GetLength(1));
                                currentLayerRange = currentLayerRange.Resize[Type.Missing, currentLayerRange.Columns.Count - difference];
                                isResizeRangeRequired = true;

                            if (isResizeRangeRequired)
