public override void Draw(System.Drawing.Graphics g, int centerX, int centerY, Zoom Zoom, int borderSize) { int x = centerX + XOffset; int y = centerY + YOffset; x *= Zoom; y *= Zoom; int w = Width * Zoom; int h = Height * Zoom; g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(FrontColor), x, y, w, h); Brush b = new SolidBrush(BorderColor); g.FillRectangle(b, x, y, w, borderSize); g.FillRectangle(b, x, y, borderSize, h); g.FillRectangle(b, x, y + h - borderSize, w, borderSize); g.FillRectangle(b, x + w - borderSize, y, borderSize, h); int borderSize2 = 2 * borderSize; int dborderSize = borderSize; g.FillRectangle(b, x - dborderSize, y - dborderSize, borderSize2, borderSize2); g.FillRectangle(b, x - dborderSize, y - borderSize + h, borderSize2, borderSize2); g.FillRectangle(b, x - borderSize + w, y - dborderSize, borderSize2, borderSize2); g.FillRectangle(b, x - borderSize + w, y - borderSize + h, borderSize2, borderSize2); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { estadoActual = estado; Estados= new EstadoTutorial[5]; Estados [0] = new EstadoTutorial (flechaDendritica,Dendritica,"Células dendríticas" ,"Las células dendríticas están presentes en los tejidos y patrullan constantemente tu cuerpo en busca de alguna enfermedad o daño"); Estados [1] = new EstadoTutorial (flechaNeutrofilo,Neutrofilo,"Neutrófilos" ,"Los neutrófilos hacen parte de los granulocitos debido a la presencia de gránulos en su citoplasma. \n\n"+ "Son las células más abundantes del sistema inmune, normalmente representan el 50 a 60% del total de leucocitos circulantes.\n\n"+ "Los gránulos del neutrófilo contienen una variedad de sustancias tóxicas que matan o inhiben el crecimiento de bacterias, hongos y virus."); Estados [2] = new EstadoTutorial (flechaMacrofago,Macrofago,"Macrófagos","Los macrófagos son células cuya función principal es la fagocitosis y la reparación. \n\n"+ "La fagocitosis es la función de ingerir elementos externos y digerirlos en su interior. \n\n"+ "Los macrófagos son los fagocitos más eficientes, y pueden fagocitar bacterias, hongos, y otras células muertas."); Estados [3] = new EstadoTutorial (flechaNK,Nk, "Natural Killer", "Las células NK, Natural Killer o asesina natural no destruyen los bichos directamente, pero si son capaces de destruir la célula infectada."); zoom = this.GetComponent<Zoom> (); if (estadoActual==1) { Estados[0].objeto.GetComponent<Collider>().enabled=true; panelPrincipal_1.SetActive(false); textos.SetActive(true); panel_innata.SetActive(true); flechaDendritica.SetActive(true); flechaMacrofago.SetActive(true); flechaNeutrofilo.SetActive(true); flechaNK.SetActive(true); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//ok { if (selectedZoom != 0) { string query = "select * from Phong where IdPhong='" + selectedZoom + "'"; Zoom phong = new Zoom(); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); using (SqlDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (rd.Read()) { phong = new Zoom(selectedZoom, rd.GetString(1), rd.GetInt32(2), ""); if (!rd.IsDBNull(3)) { phong.setIdBill(rd.GetString(3)); } } } conn.Close(); } if (phong.getIdBill() != "") { EditDialog ed = new EditDialog(selectedZoom, phong.getIdBill(), dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); ed.ShowDialog(); getThongTinPhong(selectedZoom); } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { h = gameObject.transform.position.y; h = (float)System.Math.Round(h, 2); //a += "1"; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) { MouseLook scriptMouseLook = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <MouseLook>(); Zoom scriptZoom = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <Zoom>(); showHelp = !showHelp; if (showHelp) { scriptMouseLook.enabled = false; scriptZoom.enabled = false; //Cursor.visible = true; //Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None; } else { scriptMouseLook.enabled = true; scriptZoom.enabled = true; //Cursor.visible = false; //Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; } } }
private void HandleCameraPhysicsProcess(float delta) { var input = new Vector2( PanDirection.GetFloat(InputPanDirection.Right) - PanDirection.GetFloat(InputPanDirection.Left), PanDirection.GetFloat(InputPanDirection.Down) - PanDirection.GetFloat(InputPanDirection.Up) ); var vpSize = GetViewportRect().Size; var mouseOriginLocal = GetViewport().GetMousePosition(); if (SettingsManager.EdgeScroll) { var uscroll = mouseOriginLocal - EdgePanMargin; var lscroll = mouseOriginLocal - (vpSize - EdgePanMargin); input += ((uscroll - uscroll.Abs()) / 2 / EdgePanMargin) + ((lscroll + lscroll.Abs()) / 2 / EdgePanMargin); } Position = Position.LinearInterpolate(Position + input * PanSpeed * Zoom, PanSpeed * delta * SettingsManager.CameraMovementMultiplier); var nzoom = Zoom.LinearInterpolate(Vector2.One * ZoomFactor, ZoomSpeed * delta); if (nzoom < Zoom) { Position = Position + (-0.5f * vpSize + mouseOriginLocal) * (Zoom - nzoom); } Zoom = nzoom; }
private void computeZoom(EventLayer eventLayer, ref bool didGesture, Finger finger1, Finger finger2, ref Vector2 finger1Vec, ref Vector2 finger2Vec) { Vector2 finger1Pos = new Vector2(finger1.NrmlX, finger1.NrmlY); Vector2 finger2Pos = new Vector2(finger2.NrmlX, finger2.NrmlY); float currentPinchDistance = (finger1Pos - finger2Pos).length2(); Vector2 vectorSum = finger1Vec - finger2Vec; momentumDirection = 1.0f; zoomDelta = vectorSum.length(); momentum = zoomDelta; deceleration = momentum / decelerationTime; if (currentPinchDistance > lastPinchDistance) { zoomDelta = -zoomDelta; momentumDirection = -1.0f; } didGesture = true; lastPinchDistance = currentPinchDistance; if (!gestureStarted) { gestureStarted = true; if (GestureStarted != null) { GestureStarted.Invoke(eventLayer, this); } } if (Zoom != null) { Zoom.Invoke(eventLayer, this); } }
private void Listener_ZoomEvent(Zoom type) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, new ThreadStart(() => { var matrix = device.Transform.Value; double scaleFactor = 1; switch (type) { case Zoom.IN: scaleFactor = 1.001; break; case Zoom.OUT: scaleFactor = 1 / 1.001; break; default: break; } Vector3D v = new Vector3D(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor); matrix.Scale(v); device.Transform = new MatrixTransform3D(matrix); })); }
/// <summary> Matches tags of given model. </summary> /// <param name="model">Model.</param> /// <param name="zoomLevel">Current zoom level.</param> /// <returns>True if model is matched.</returns> protected bool MatchTags(Model model, int zoomLevel) { switch (Operation) { case MapCssStrings.OperationZoom: return(Zoom.Contains(zoomLevel)); case MapCssStrings.OperationExist: return(model.Tags.ContainsKey(Tag)); case MapCssStrings.OperationNotExist: return(!model.Tags.ContainsKey(Tag)); case MapCssStrings.OperationEquals: return(model.Tags.ContainsKeyValue(Tag, Value)); case MapCssStrings.OperationNotEquals: return(model.Tags.IsNotEqual(Tag, Value)); case MapCssStrings.OperationLess: return(model.Tags.IsLess(Tag, Value)); case MapCssStrings.OperationGreater: return(model.Tags.IsGreater(Tag, Value)); default: throw new MapCssFormatException( String.Format(Strings.MapCssUnsupportedSelectorOperation, Operation)); } }
public List <Zoom> getListZoom() { List <Zoom> list = new List <Zoom>(); string query = "select * from Phong"; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); //SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(query, conn); using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { Zoom a = new Zoom(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetString(1), reader.GetInt32(2), ""); if (!reader.IsDBNull(3)) { a.setIdBill(reader.GetString(3)); } list.Add(a); } } } conn.Close(); } return(list); }
public void Awake() { anim = GetComponent<Animator>(); GetComponent<Collider2D>().enabled = false; GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false; zoomer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent<Zoom>(); }
public static void Load() { var subMenu = new Menu("Auto use items", "autouseitems", false); var percent = new Menu("% Menu", "percentMenu", false); var itemConfig = new Menu("Items", "Items", false); subMenu.AddSubMenu(percent); subMenu.AddSubMenu(itemConfig); subMenu.AddItem(new MenuItem("midasAll", "Midas All").SetValue(true).SetTooltip("false = only creeps 5 lvl and > 950 HP.")); itemConfig.AddItem(new MenuItem("item_config", "itemuse").SetValue(new AbilityToggler(Allitems.list_of_items))); percent.AddItem(new MenuItem("stickPs", "Stick % HP").SetValue(new Slider(10, 1, 100))); percent.AddItem(new MenuItem("cheesePs", "Cheese % HP").SetValue(new Slider(10, 1, 100))); percent.AddItem(new MenuItem("arcaneBootsPs", "Arcane Boots % MP").SetValue(new Slider(30, 1, 100))); MainMenu.MenuSettings.AddSubMenu(subMenu); MainMenu.MenuSettings.AddItem(new MenuItem("dodge", "Dodge ?").SetValue(true)); MainMenu.MenuSettings.AddItem(new MenuItem("dodgefrequency", "Dodge Frequency").SetValue(Frequency)); MainMenu.MenuSettings.AddItem(new MenuItem("showatkrange", "Show attack range ?").SetValue(false)); MainMenu.MenuSettings.AddItem( new MenuItem("expRange", "Exp Range").SetValue(false).SetTooltip("Show your experience range.")); MainMenu.MenuSettings.AddItem(new MenuItem("cameradistance", "Camera Distance").SetValue(CameraDistance)) .ValueChanged += (sender, arg) => { Zoom.Slider_ValueChanged(arg); }; }
/// <summary> /// Renders the voronoi diagram. /// </summary> public void Render(Graphics g, Zoom zoom, ColorManager renderColors) { this.renderColors = renderColors; var points = data.VoronoiPoints; var edges = data.VoronoiEdges; if (points != null && edges != null) { uint k; PointF p0, p1; int n = edges.Length / 2; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // First endpoint of voronoi edge k = edges[2 * i]; p0 = new PointF(points[2 * k], points[2 * k + 1]); // Second endpoint of voronoi edge k = edges[2 * i + 1]; p1 = new PointF(points[2 * k], points[2 * k + 1]); // Render the edge if (zoom.ViewportContains(p0.X, p0.Y) || zoom.ViewportContains(p1.X, p1.Y)) { p0 = zoom.WorldToScreen(p0.X, p0.Y); p1 = zoom.WorldToScreen(p1.X, p1.Y); g.DrawLine(renderColors.VoronoiLine, p0, p1); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Zooms main camera /// </summary> /// <param name="zoom"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Zoom_Camera(Zoom zoom) { if (Lock_Zoom) { return(false); } if (Game.Instance.State != Game.GameState.RUNNING) { return(false); } if (zoom == Zoom.In) { Camera.main.orthographicSize += zoom_speed; if (Camera.main.orthographicSize > max_zoom) { Camera.main.orthographicSize = max_zoom; } } else { Camera.main.orthographicSize -= zoom_speed; if (Camera.main.orthographicSize < min_zoom) { Camera.main.orthographicSize = min_zoom; } } return(true); }
// GET: /Video/GetPlayingInfo public ContentResult GetPlayingInfo() { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); Zoom.GetInfo().Save(writer); return(this.Content(writer.ToString(), @"text/xml", writer.Encoding)); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hc = Id.GetHashCode(); foreach (var i in Images) { hc ^= i.GetHashCode(); } hc ^= (int)Stretch << 14; hc ^= (int)StretchDirection << 17; hc ^= Opacity.GetHashCode(); hc ^= HorizontalOffset.GetHashCode(); hc ^= VerticalOffset.GetHashCode(); hc ^= LeftMarginWidthPercent.GetHashCode(); hc ^= RightMarginWidthPercent.GetHashCode(); hc ^= TopMarginHeightPercent.GetHashCode(); hc ^= BottomMarginHeightPercent.GetHashCode(); hc ^= MaxHeight.GetHashCode(); hc ^= MaxWidth.GetHashCode(); hc ^= Zoom.GetHashCode(); hc ^= (int)ImagePlacement; hc ^= IsRandom ? int.MinValue : 0; hc ^= IsEnabled ? 0x40000000 : 0; hc ^= Interval.GetHashCode(); return(hc); }
private void button18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//ok { //MessageBox.Show((x==v).ToString()); if (selectedZoom != 0) { string query = "select * from Phong where IdPhong='" + selectedZoom + "'"; Zoom phong = new Zoom(); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn); using (SqlDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (rd.Read()) { phong = new Zoom(selectedZoom, rd.GetString(1), rd.GetInt32(2), ""); if (!rd.IsDBNull(3)) { phong.setIdBill(rd.GetString(3)); } } } conn.Close(); } if (phong.getIdBill() != "") { AddDialog a = new AddDialog(selectedZoom); a.ShowDialog(); getThongTinPhong(selectedZoom); } } }
public void CallBack(PulsarMessage message) { if (message != null) { switch (message.Type) { case PulsarMessage.MessageType.MouseWheelZoomIn: _zoom = Zoom.In; AdjustZoom(); break; case PulsarMessage.MessageType.MouseWheelZoomOut: _zoom = Zoom.Out; AdjustZoom(); break; case PulsarMessage.MessageType.MouseButtonLeftDownRotate: RotateCamera(message); break; case PulsarMessage.MessageType.MouseButtonRightDownPan: PanCamera(message); break; } } }
public void AddBooking1Hour(string datetime) { string code = Session["code"].ToString(); string redirectUrlAction = Session["url"].ToString(); string token = Zoom.getAccessToken(code, redirectUrlAction); char[] delimiters = new char[] { '\n' }; string[] datestr = datetime.Split(delimiters); DateTime bookingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(datestr[2] + " " + datestr[3]); bool result = false; Booking model = new Booking(); model.UserId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); model.SessionAttended = false; model.SessionExpired = false; model.SessionType = 2; model.URL = 1; model.UTCStartTime = bookingDate; model.UTCEndTime = bookingDate.AddHours(3); using (var db = GetDb()) { db.Booking.Add(model); int recordsinserted = db.SaveChanges(); if (recordsinserted > 0) { result = true; } } DateTime strenddate = bookingDate; string startDate = bookingDate.ToString("s") + "Z"; string endDate = strenddate.AddHours(3).ToString("s") + "Z"; Zoom.CreateZoomMeeting(token, startDate, endDate, 60); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the mesh. /// </summary> public void Render(Graphics g, Zoom zoom) { this.zoom = zoom; if (mesh.Edges != null) { this.RenderSelectedTriangle(g); this.RenderEdges(g); this.RenderTriangleIds(g); } else if (mesh.Triangles != null) { this.RenderTriangles(g); } if (mesh.Segments != null) { this.RenderSegments(g); } RenderSelectedEdge(g); if (mesh.Vertices != null) { this.RenderPoints(g); } }
private void Update() { if (UnityEngine.Input.mouseScrollDelta.y != 0) { Zoom?.Invoke(UnityEngine.Input.mouseScrollDelta.y / 10); } }
// Use to process your families. protected override void onProcess(int familiesUpdateCount) { if (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y != 0) { foreach (GameObject panel in f_zoomable) { Zoom zoom = panel.GetComponent <Zoom>(); if (zoom.transform.localScale.x + Input.mouseScrollDelta.y * zoom.scale > 0) { zoom.transform.localScale = new Vector3(zoom.transform.localScale.x + Input.mouseScrollDelta.y * zoom.scale, zoom.transform.localScale.y + Input.mouseScrollDelta.y * zoom.scale, zoom.transform.localScale.z); if (zoom.transform.localScale.x <= 1) { foreach (GameObject line in f_lines) { LineRenderer line_r = line.GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); float defaultWidth = 0.05f * zoom.transform.localScale.x; line_r.widthCurve = new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe(0, defaultWidth) , new Keyframe(0.5f, defaultWidth) , new Keyframe(0.5001f, defaultWidth + 0.3f * zoom.transform.localScale.x) , new Keyframe(0.6f, defaultWidth) , new Keyframe(1, defaultWidth)); } } } foreach (Transform child in zoom.transform) { child.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().edgeRadius = 20 * zoom.transform.localScale.x; } } } foreach (GameObject zoomablePanel in f_enabledZoomArea) { RectTransform rect = zoomablePanel.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); float xMax = 0; float yMin = 0; foreach (RectTransform child in zoomablePanel.transform) { xMax = child.localPosition.x + child.rect.width / 2 > xMax ? child.localPosition.x + child.rect.width / 2 : xMax; yMin = child.localPosition.y - (child.rect.height / 2) < yMin ? child.localPosition.y - (child.rect.height / 2) : yMin; } rect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(xMax, -yMin); foreach (RectTransform child in zoomablePanel.transform) { if (child.localPosition.x - (child.rect.width / 2) < 0) { child.localPosition = new Vector3(child.rect.width / 2, child.localPosition.y, child.localPosition.z); } if (child.localPosition.y + (child.rect.height / 2) > 0) { child.localPosition = new Vector3(child.localPosition.x, -(child.rect.height / 2), child.localPosition.z); } } } }
public void paintScenario(GameObject go) { Zoom zoom = go.GetComponent <Zoom>(); int cpt = 0; foreach (Scenario.RawTask task in scenario.rawScenario.tasks) { GameObject newTask = GameObject.Instantiate(zoom.taskPrefab); task.linkedMovableUI = newTask; =; newTask.GetComponent <MoveTask>().scenarioId = cpt; newTask.GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>().text =; newTask.transform.SetParent(go.transform); newTask.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // enable "view subtasks" if (task.rawSubTasks.Count > 0) { Toggle toggle = newTask.transform.GetComponentInChildren <Toggle>(true); toggle.gameObject.SetActive(true); toggle.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate(bool newState) { onViewSubTasks(newTask); }); } GameObjectManager.bind(newTask); cpt++; } }
/// <summary> /// Intiailizes the camera, /// and ensures that there is only once camera instance per player /// </summary> public void Init() { GameObject currentObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Current"); if (currentObject != null) { current = currentObject.GetComponent <Current>(); } zoomManager = GetComponent <Zoom>(); transform = GetComponent <Transform>(); Vector3 position = transform.position; position.z = zPosition; transform.position = position; deadzoneRadiusSquared = deadzoneRadius * deadzoneRadius; if (isLocalPlayer) { if (cameraInstance != null && cameraInstance != this) { GameObject.Destroy(this.gameObject); } else { DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); cameraInstance = this; } } initialized = true; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the graphics. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The index.</param> /// <param name="z">The z.</param> /// <returns>An array of uint.</returns> public BitmapBuffer GetGraphics(int index, Zoom z) { if (Lenght == 0) { return(null); } return(elements[index].GetGraphics(z)); }
public void Zooming(float factor, Zoom zoom, float lerpDuration = 0.5f, float stayDuration = 0.25f) { if (ZoomCoroutine == null && FlyBackCoroutine == null) { ZoomCoroutine = ZoomRoutine(factor, zoom, lerpDuration, stayDuration); StartCoroutine(ZoomCoroutine); } }
public void SetDownSize(Zoom width, Zoom height) { byte size = (byte)(((byte)height & 0x3) << 4); size |= (byte)((byte)width & 0x3); SetDownSize(size); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public bool Equals([AllowNull] MapBox other) { if (other == null) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( Domain == other.Domain || Domain != null && Domain.Equals(other.Domain) ) && ( AccessToken == other.AccessToken || AccessToken != null && AccessToken.Equals(other.AccessToken) ) && ( Style == other.Style || Style != null && Style.Equals(other.Style) ) && ( Center == other.Center || Center != null && Center.Equals(other.Center) ) && ( Zoom == other.Zoom || Zoom != null && Zoom.Equals(other.Zoom) ) && ( Bearing == other.Bearing || Bearing != null && Bearing.Equals(other.Bearing) ) && ( Pitch == other.Pitch || Pitch != null && Pitch.Equals(other.Pitch) ) && ( Equals(Layers, other.Layers) || Layers != null && other.Layers != null && Layers.SequenceEqual(other.Layers) ) && ( UiRevision == other.UiRevision || UiRevision != null && UiRevision.Equals(other.UiRevision) )); }
private async void FindData() { // Sets status of controls this.SetStatusControl(false, true, "Green", 1); // Validate the connections of internet var response = await this.apiService.CheckConnection(); if (!response.IsSuccess) { // Sets status of controls this.SetStatusControl(false, false, "Green", 0); await this.dialogService.ShowMessage( "Error", response.Message, "Accept"); return; } // Define the url parameter var ulrParameter = string.Format( "/{0}", this.zoomItemViewModel.Tracking); // Get data of the cne api response = await apiService.Get <Zoom>( MethodsHelper.GetUrlIvss(), "/infove/zoom", "/seguimiento", ulrParameter); if (!response.IsSuccess) { // Sets status of controls this.SetStatusControl(false, false, "Green", 0); await this.dialogService.ShowMessage( "Error", response.Message, "Accept"); return; } // Convert result response this.zoom = (Zoom)response.Result; // Load values in the control // this.LoadValuesControls(1, (Zoom)response.Result); this.LoadValuesControls(1, this.zoom); // Sets status of controls if (isValid) { this.SetStatusControl(true, false, "Green", 0); } }
public static void Snap(ref int tileX, ref int tileZ, Zoom zoom) { var step = 15 - (int)zoom; tileX >>= step; tileX <<= step; tileZ >>= step; tileZ <<= step; }
public override void Draw(System.Drawing.Graphics g, int centerX, int centerY, Zoom Zoom) { int x = centerX + XOffset; int y = centerY + YOffset; x *= Zoom; y *= Zoom; g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(BorderColor), x, y, Zoom, Zoom); }
internal void SetZoom(Zoom zoom) { //Сделать 0 и 1 блоки this._zoomX = zoom.ZoomX; this.Draw(); this.SetMarker(this._markerPosition, this._markerOffset); this.SetMarker2(this._markerPosition2, this._markerOffset2); this.RunOscVisible = this._runOscVisible; }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { Estados= new EstadoTutorial[3]; Estados [0] = new EstadoTutorial (flechavirus,virus, "Flu Virus", "El virus es un bicho que siempre utiliza las células de tu cuerpo para reproducirse."); Estados [1] = new EstadoTutorial (flechamutante,mutante," Virus Mutante" ,"El virus mutante es un virus que tiene la capacidad de cambiar rápidamente y tu organismo se debe adaptar a los diferentes mutantes.\n\n "+ "Los anticuerpos y las células del sistema inmune adquirido deben adaptarse a cada nuevo mutante. Para esto debes presentar cada mutante al Ganglio Linfático. "); Estados [2] = new EstadoTutorial (flechabacteria,bacteria,"Bacteria","La bacteria es un bicho que se replica por sí solo, y puede infectar tu cuerpo en grandes cantidades, liberando toxinas que dañan tus células."); zoom = this.GetComponent<Zoom> (); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { VasoGrande.activarLinfocitos = false; Estados= new EstadoTutorial[3]; Estados [0] = new EstadoTutorial (flechaLinfoB,LinfoB, "Linfocito B", "Los linfocitos B son los leucocitos que producen unas moléculas llamadas anticuerpos. \n\n"+ "Los anticuerpos te permiten atacar y neutralizar a los bichos.\n\n"+ "Actívalo ¡! Y combate directamente el virus."); Estados [1] = new EstadoTutorial (flechaTCD4,TCD4,"Linfocito TCD4" ,"Colaboradores o ayudadores. Son células encargadas de modular la respuesta inmune y ayudar a otras células a que funcionen mejor."); Estados [2] = new EstadoTutorial (flechaTCD8,TCD8,"Linfocito TCD8","Los linfocitos TCD8 o citotóxicos son los encargados de neutralizar las células infectadas por microorganismos intracelulares, mediante un ataque directo a estas células"); zoom = this.GetComponent<Zoom> (); }
IEnumerator ZoomOut(float target) { // TODO Enable zoom while zooming while zooming while zooming that 'preserves' velocity zoomState = target < 0.5f ? Zoom.In : Zoom.Out; float startZoom = zoomLevel; float t = 0.0f; while (t < 1.0f) { zoomLevel = Mathf.SmoothStep(startZoom, target, t); t += Time.deltaTime / ZOOM_TIME; yield return null; } zoomLevel = target; }
public UndoTree(GraphicsDevice p_gd, ContentManager p_content) { m_gd = p_gd; m_lineRenderer = new LineRenderer(m_gd,p_content); ResetData(); // modes m_mode = Mode.TREE; m_zoom = Zoom.NORMAL; m_nodeWidth=m_nodeOrigWidth; m_nodeHeight=m_nodeOrigHeight; // create resources m_nodeBoxTex = p_content.Load<Texture2D>("node"); m_font = p_content.Load<SpriteFont>("Arcadepix"); }
public void Zoom(Zoom zoom) { this.AssertApplicationAvailable(); if (zoom == Scripting.Zoom.Out) { var active_window = GetActiveWindow(); var cur = active_window.Zoom; ZoomToPercentage(cur / 1.20); } else if (zoom == Scripting.Zoom.In) { var active_window = GetActiveWindow(); var cur = active_window.Zoom; ZoomToPercentage(cur * 1.20); } else if (zoom == Scripting.Zoom.ToPage) { var active_window = GetActiveWindow(); active_window.ViewFit = (short)IVisio.VisWindowFit.visFitPage; } else if (zoom == Scripting.Zoom.ToWidth) { var active_window = GetActiveWindow(); active_window.ViewFit = (short)IVisio.VisWindowFit.visFitWidth; } else if (zoom == Scripting.Zoom.ToSelection) { if (!this.Client.HasSelectedShapes()) { return; } var window = GetActiveWindow(); double padding_scale = 0.1; SetViewRectToSelection(window, IVisio.VisBoundingBoxArgs.visBBoxExtents, padding_scale); } else { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("zoom"); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RenderControl" /> class. /// </summary> public RenderControl() { SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); renderColors = ColorManager.Default(); this.BackColor = renderColors.Background; zoom = new Zoom(true); context = new BufferedGraphicsContext(); data = new RenderData(); timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = 3000; timer.Tick += (sender, e) => { timer.Stop(); coordinate = String.Empty; this.Invalidate(); }; }
public void Zoom(Zoom zoom) { this.Client.Application.AssertApplicationAvailable(); var active_window = this.GetActiveWindow(); if (zoom == Scripting.Zoom.Out) { var cur = active_window.Zoom; this.ZoomToPercentage(cur / this.ZoomIncrement); } else if (zoom == Scripting.Zoom.In) { var cur = active_window.Zoom; this.ZoomToPercentage(cur * this.ZoomIncrement); } else if (zoom == Scripting.Zoom.ToPage) { active_window.ViewFit = (short)IVisio.VisWindowFit.visFitPage; } else if (zoom == Scripting.Zoom.ToWidth) { active_window.ViewFit = (short)IVisio.VisWindowFit.visFitWidth; } else if (zoom == Scripting.Zoom.ToSelection) { if (!this.Client.Selection.HasShapes()) { return; } double padding_scale = 0.1; ViewCommands.SetViewRectToSelection(active_window, IVisio.VisBoundingBoxArgs.visBBoxExtents, padding_scale); } else { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(zoom)); } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the mesh. /// </summary> public void Render(Graphics g, Zoom zoom, bool fillTriangles) { this.zoom = zoom; if (data.MeshEdges != null && !fillTriangles) { this.RenderEdges(g); } if (fillTriangles && data.Triangles != null) { this.RenderTriangles(g, fillTriangles && (data.NumberOfRegions > 0)); } if (data.Segments != null) { this.RenderSegments(g); } if (data.Points != null) { this.RenderPoints(g); } }
// Generates content of documentSettingsPart1. private void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart1Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart1) { Settings settings1 = new Settings() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14 w15" } }; settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom() { Percent = "120" }; ProofState proofState1 = new ProofState() { Spelling = ProofingStateValues.Clean, Grammar = ProofingStateValues.Clean }; DefaultTabStop defaultTabStop1 = new DefaultTabStop() { Val = 720 }; CharacterSpacingControl characterSpacingControl1 = new CharacterSpacingControl() { Val = CharacterSpacingValues.DoNotCompress }; Compatibility compatibility1 = new Compatibility(); CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting1 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.CompatibilityMode, Uri = "", Val = "15" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting2 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.OverrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting3 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.EnableOpenTypeFeatures, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting4 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DoNotFlipMirrorIndents, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting5 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = new EnumValue<CompatSettingNameValues>() { InnerText = "differentiateMultirowTableHeaders" }, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting2); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting3); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting4); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting5); Rsids rsids1 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot1 = new RsidRoot() { Val = "00417926" }; Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "00015C18" }; Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid() { Val = "000730E1" }; Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid() { Val = "00116604" }; Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid() { Val = "001E6F64" }; Rsid rsid5 = new Rsid() { Val = "002928D6" }; Rsid rsid6 = new Rsid() { Val = "002C2DE6" }; Rsid rsid7 = new Rsid() { Val = "003F6835" }; Rsid rsid8 = new Rsid() { Val = "00417926" }; Rsid rsid9 = new Rsid() { Val = "00443ACA" }; Rsid rsid10 = new Rsid() { Val = "00506382" }; Rsid rsid11 = new Rsid() { Val = "00613B48" }; Rsid rsid12 = new Rsid() { Val = "00646179" }; Rsid rsid13 = new Rsid() { Val = "00690638" }; Rsid rsid14 = new Rsid() { Val = "00745A6B" }; Rsid rsid15 = new Rsid() { Val = "007F61F5" }; Rsid rsid16 = new Rsid() { Val = "00882792" }; Rsid rsid17 = new Rsid() { Val = "009035DD" }; Rsid rsid18 = new Rsid() { Val = "00910498" }; Rsid rsid19 = new Rsid() { Val = "009B6C59" }; Rsid rsid20 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AA36A4" }; Rsid rsid21 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B5104A" }; Rsid rsid22 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BD60A1" }; Rsid rsid23 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D62411" }; Rsid rsid24 = new Rsid() { Val = "00EA7D1E" }; Rsid rsid25 = new Rsid() { Val = "00EE18CB" }; rsids1.Append(rsidRoot1); rsids1.Append(rsid1); rsids1.Append(rsid2); rsids1.Append(rsid3); rsids1.Append(rsid4); rsids1.Append(rsid5); rsids1.Append(rsid6); rsids1.Append(rsid7); rsids1.Append(rsid8); rsids1.Append(rsid9); rsids1.Append(rsid10); rsids1.Append(rsid11); rsids1.Append(rsid12); rsids1.Append(rsid13); rsids1.Append(rsid14); rsids1.Append(rsid15); rsids1.Append(rsid16); rsids1.Append(rsid17); rsids1.Append(rsid18); rsids1.Append(rsid19); rsids1.Append(rsid20); rsids1.Append(rsid21); rsids1.Append(rsid22); rsids1.Append(rsid23); rsids1.Append(rsid24); rsids1.Append(rsid25); M.MathProperties mathProperties1 = new M.MathProperties(); M.MathFont mathFont1 = new M.MathFont() { Val = "Cambria Math" }; M.BreakBinary breakBinary1 = new M.BreakBinary() { Val = M.BreakBinaryOperatorValues.Before }; M.BreakBinarySubtraction breakBinarySubtraction1 = new M.BreakBinarySubtraction() { Val = M.BreakBinarySubtractionValues.MinusMinus }; M.SmallFraction smallFraction1 = new M.SmallFraction() { Val = M.BooleanValues.Zero }; M.DisplayDefaults displayDefaults1 = new M.DisplayDefaults(); M.LeftMargin leftMargin1 = new M.LeftMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.RightMargin rightMargin1 = new M.RightMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.DefaultJustification defaultJustification1 = new M.DefaultJustification() { Val = M.JustificationValues.CenterGroup }; M.WrapIndent wrapIndent1 = new M.WrapIndent() { Val = (UInt32Value)1440U }; M.IntegralLimitLocation integralLimitLocation1 = new M.IntegralLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.SubscriptSuperscript }; M.NaryLimitLocation naryLimitLocation1 = new M.NaryLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.UnderOver }; mathProperties1.Append(mathFont1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinary1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinarySubtraction1); mathProperties1.Append(smallFraction1); mathProperties1.Append(displayDefaults1); mathProperties1.Append(leftMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(rightMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(defaultJustification1); mathProperties1.Append(wrapIndent1); mathProperties1.Append(integralLimitLocation1); mathProperties1.Append(naryLimitLocation1); ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages1 = new ThemeFontLanguages() { Val = "en-NZ" }; ColorSchemeMapping colorSchemeMapping1 = new ColorSchemeMapping() { Background1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink }; ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults1 = new ShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults2 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 1026 }; Ovml.ShapeLayout shapeLayout1 = new Ovml.ShapeLayout() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit }; Ovml.ShapeIdMap shapeIdMap1 = new Ovml.ShapeIdMap() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, Data = "1" }; shapeLayout1.Append(shapeIdMap1); shapeDefaults1.Append(shapeDefaults2); shapeDefaults1.Append(shapeLayout1); DecimalSymbol decimalSymbol1 = new DecimalSymbol() { Val = "." }; ListSeparator listSeparator1 = new ListSeparator() { Val = "," }; OpenXmlUnknownElement openXmlUnknownElement1 = OpenXmlUnknownElement.CreateOpenXmlUnknownElement("<w15:chartTrackingRefBased xmlns:w15=\"\" />"); OpenXmlUnknownElement openXmlUnknownElement2 = OpenXmlUnknownElement.CreateOpenXmlUnknownElement("<w15:docId w15:val=\"{4EB8CCD5-0ACB-4603-AD4F-B7B3A0D8FABE}\" xmlns:w15=\"\" />"); settings1.Append(zoom1); settings1.Append(proofState1); settings1.Append(defaultTabStop1); settings1.Append(characterSpacingControl1); settings1.Append(compatibility1); settings1.Append(rsids1); settings1.Append(mathProperties1); settings1.Append(themeFontLanguages1); settings1.Append(colorSchemeMapping1); settings1.Append(shapeDefaults1); settings1.Append(decimalSymbol1); settings1.Append(listSeparator1); settings1.Append(openXmlUnknownElement1); settings1.Append(openXmlUnknownElement2); documentSettingsPart1.Settings = settings1; }
/// <summary> /// Renders only the mesh edges (no points or segments). /// </summary> public void RenderMesh(Graphics g, Zoom zoom) { this.zoom = zoom; if (data.MeshEdges != null) { this.RenderEdges(g); } else if (data.Triangles != null) { this.RenderTriangles(g, false); } }
/// <summary> /// Renders the mesh. /// </summary> public void Render(Graphics g, Zoom zoom) { Render(g, zoom, false); }
// Generates content of documentSettingsPart1. private void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart1Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart1) { Settings settings1 = new Settings() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14" } }; settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom() { Percent = "100" }; ProofState proofState1 = new ProofState() { Spelling = ProofingStateValues.Clean, Grammar = ProofingStateValues.Clean }; DefaultTabStop defaultTabStop1 = new DefaultTabStop() { Val = 708 }; CharacterSpacingControl characterSpacingControl1 = new CharacterSpacingControl() { Val = CharacterSpacingValues.DoNotCompress }; HeaderShapeDefaults headerShapeDefaults1 = new HeaderShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults1 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 2049 }; headerShapeDefaults1.Append(shapeDefaults1); FootnoteDocumentWideProperties footnoteDocumentWideProperties1 = new FootnoteDocumentWideProperties(); FootnoteSpecialReference footnoteSpecialReference1 = new FootnoteSpecialReference() { Id = -1 }; FootnoteSpecialReference footnoteSpecialReference2 = new FootnoteSpecialReference() { Id = 0 }; footnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(footnoteSpecialReference1); footnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(footnoteSpecialReference2); EndnoteDocumentWideProperties endnoteDocumentWideProperties1 = new EndnoteDocumentWideProperties(); EndnoteSpecialReference endnoteSpecialReference1 = new EndnoteSpecialReference() { Id = -1 }; EndnoteSpecialReference endnoteSpecialReference2 = new EndnoteSpecialReference() { Id = 0 }; endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference1); endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference2); Compatibility compatibility1 = new Compatibility(); CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting1 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.CompatibilityMode, Uri = "", Val = "14" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting2 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.OverrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting3 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.EnableOpenTypeFeatures, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting4 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DoNotFlipMirrorIndents, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting2); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting3); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting4); Rsids rsids1 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot1 = new RsidRoot() { Val = "00935781" }; Rsid rsid15 = new Rsid() { Val = "00003617" }; Rsid rsid16 = new Rsid() { Val = "00016928" }; Rsid rsid17 = new Rsid() { Val = "000F1AD7" }; Rsid rsid18 = new Rsid() { Val = "001403E6" }; Rsid rsid19 = new Rsid() { Val = "00143DFA" }; Rsid rsid20 = new Rsid() { Val = "001501AF" }; Rsid rsid21 = new Rsid() { Val = "00191D83" }; Rsid rsid22 = new Rsid() { Val = "00192264" }; Rsid rsid23 = new Rsid() { Val = "001937C3" }; Rsid rsid24 = new Rsid() { Val = "001B1FF0" }; Rsid rsid25 = new Rsid() { Val = "00264050" }; Rsid rsid26 = new Rsid() { Val = "00271936" }; Rsid rsid27 = new Rsid() { Val = "002D71C1" }; Rsid rsid28 = new Rsid() { Val = "00322D30" }; Rsid rsid29 = new Rsid() { Val = "003434A0" }; Rsid rsid30 = new Rsid() { Val = "00350EC1" }; Rsid rsid31 = new Rsid() { Val = "003F69B3" }; Rsid rsid32 = new Rsid() { Val = "00412D79" }; Rsid rsid33 = new Rsid() { Val = "0042794A" }; Rsid rsid34 = new Rsid() { Val = "0043338C" }; Rsid rsid35 = new Rsid() { Val = "00433799" }; Rsid rsid36 = new Rsid() { Val = "00497D0C" }; Rsid rsid37 = new Rsid() { Val = "004A2D5D" }; Rsid rsid38 = new Rsid() { Val = "0053093D" }; Rsid rsid39 = new Rsid() { Val = "005C0B9A" }; Rsid rsid40 = new Rsid() { Val = "005E5B29" }; Rsid rsid41 = new Rsid() { Val = "005E7F95" }; Rsid rsid42 = new Rsid() { Val = "00624EAF" }; Rsid rsid43 = new Rsid() { Val = "00633FB5" }; Rsid rsid44 = new Rsid() { Val = "00642B12" }; Rsid rsid45 = new Rsid() { Val = "00683C1F" }; Rsid rsid46 = new Rsid() { Val = "006B4E48" }; Rsid rsid47 = new Rsid() { Val = "007752C6" }; Rsid rsid48 = new Rsid() { Val = "00786E44" }; Rsid rsid49 = new Rsid() { Val = "007A6711" }; Rsid rsid50 = new Rsid() { Val = "0085395D" }; Rsid rsid51 = new Rsid() { Val = "008557B0" }; Rsid rsid52 = new Rsid() { Val = "00885B8E" }; Rsid rsid53 = new Rsid() { Val = "0091439C" }; Rsid rsid54 = new Rsid() { Val = "00935781" }; Rsid rsid55 = new Rsid() { Val = "00980A5B" }; Rsid rsid56 = new Rsid() { Val = "009B5BC8" }; Rsid rsid57 = new Rsid() { Val = "009F4FE3" }; Rsid rsid58 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A151C0" }; Rsid rsid59 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A40C57" }; Rsid rsid60 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A86B82" }; Rsid rsid61 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AD3F57" }; Rsid rsid62 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B34E29" }; Rsid rsid63 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B85FE1" }; Rsid rsid64 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA0E12" }; Rsid rsid65 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BF41B3" }; Rsid rsid66 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C86F82" }; Rsid rsid67 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CB2215" }; Rsid rsid68 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D209DB" }; Rsid rsid69 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D9517A" }; Rsid rsid70 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E17905" }; Rsid rsid71 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F123A5" }; Rsid rsid72 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F4484B" }; Rsid rsid73 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F91F6D" }; Rsid rsid74 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FE6F13" }; rsids1.Append(rsidRoot1); rsids1.Append(rsid15); rsids1.Append(rsid16); rsids1.Append(rsid17); rsids1.Append(rsid18); rsids1.Append(rsid19); rsids1.Append(rsid20); rsids1.Append(rsid21); rsids1.Append(rsid22); rsids1.Append(rsid23); rsids1.Append(rsid24); rsids1.Append(rsid25); rsids1.Append(rsid26); rsids1.Append(rsid27); rsids1.Append(rsid28); rsids1.Append(rsid29); rsids1.Append(rsid30); rsids1.Append(rsid31); rsids1.Append(rsid32); rsids1.Append(rsid33); rsids1.Append(rsid34); rsids1.Append(rsid35); rsids1.Append(rsid36); rsids1.Append(rsid37); rsids1.Append(rsid38); rsids1.Append(rsid39); rsids1.Append(rsid40); rsids1.Append(rsid41); rsids1.Append(rsid42); rsids1.Append(rsid43); rsids1.Append(rsid44); rsids1.Append(rsid45); rsids1.Append(rsid46); rsids1.Append(rsid47); rsids1.Append(rsid48); rsids1.Append(rsid49); rsids1.Append(rsid50); rsids1.Append(rsid51); rsids1.Append(rsid52); rsids1.Append(rsid53); rsids1.Append(rsid54); rsids1.Append(rsid55); rsids1.Append(rsid56); rsids1.Append(rsid57); rsids1.Append(rsid58); rsids1.Append(rsid59); rsids1.Append(rsid60); rsids1.Append(rsid61); rsids1.Append(rsid62); rsids1.Append(rsid63); rsids1.Append(rsid64); rsids1.Append(rsid65); rsids1.Append(rsid66); rsids1.Append(rsid67); rsids1.Append(rsid68); rsids1.Append(rsid69); rsids1.Append(rsid70); rsids1.Append(rsid71); rsids1.Append(rsid72); rsids1.Append(rsid73); rsids1.Append(rsid74); M.MathProperties mathProperties1 = new M.MathProperties(); M.MathFont mathFont1 = new M.MathFont() { Val = "Cambria Math" }; M.BreakBinary breakBinary1 = new M.BreakBinary() { Val = M.BreakBinaryOperatorValues.Before }; M.BreakBinarySubtraction breakBinarySubtraction1 = new M.BreakBinarySubtraction() { Val = M.BreakBinarySubtractionValues.MinusMinus }; M.SmallFraction smallFraction1 = new M.SmallFraction() { Val = M.BooleanValues.Zero }; M.DisplayDefaults displayDefaults1 = new M.DisplayDefaults(); M.LeftMargin leftMargin1 = new M.LeftMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.RightMargin rightMargin1 = new M.RightMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.DefaultJustification defaultJustification1 = new M.DefaultJustification() { Val = M.JustificationValues.CenterGroup }; M.WrapIndent wrapIndent1 = new M.WrapIndent() { Val = (UInt32Value)1440U }; M.IntegralLimitLocation integralLimitLocation1 = new M.IntegralLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.SubscriptSuperscript }; M.NaryLimitLocation naryLimitLocation1 = new M.NaryLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.UnderOver }; mathProperties1.Append(mathFont1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinary1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinarySubtraction1); mathProperties1.Append(smallFraction1); mathProperties1.Append(displayDefaults1); mathProperties1.Append(leftMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(rightMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(defaultJustification1); mathProperties1.Append(wrapIndent1); mathProperties1.Append(integralLimitLocation1); mathProperties1.Append(naryLimitLocation1); ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages1 = new ThemeFontLanguages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; ColorSchemeMapping colorSchemeMapping1 = new ColorSchemeMapping() { Background1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink }; ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults2 = new ShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults3 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 2049 }; Ovml.ShapeLayout shapeLayout1 = new Ovml.ShapeLayout() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit }; Ovml.ShapeIdMap shapeIdMap1 = new Ovml.ShapeIdMap() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, Data = "1" }; shapeLayout1.Append(shapeIdMap1); shapeDefaults2.Append(shapeDefaults3); shapeDefaults2.Append(shapeLayout1); DecimalSymbol decimalSymbol1 = new DecimalSymbol() { Val = "," }; ListSeparator listSeparator1 = new ListSeparator() { Val = ";" }; settings1.Append(zoom1); settings1.Append(proofState1); settings1.Append(defaultTabStop1); settings1.Append(characterSpacingControl1); settings1.Append(headerShapeDefaults1); settings1.Append(footnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings1.Append(endnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings1.Append(compatibility1); settings1.Append(rsids1); settings1.Append(mathProperties1); settings1.Append(themeFontLanguages1); settings1.Append(colorSchemeMapping1); settings1.Append(shapeDefaults2); settings1.Append(decimalSymbol1); settings1.Append(listSeparator1); documentSettingsPart1.Settings = settings1; }
/// <summary> /// Renders only points and segments (no mesh triangles). /// </summary> public void RenderGeometry(Graphics g, Zoom zoom) { this.zoom = zoom; if (data.Segments != null) { this.RenderSegments(g); } if (data.Points != null) { this.RenderPoints(g); } }
// Generates content of documentSettingsPart1. private void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart1Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart1) { Settings settings1 = new Settings() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14 w15" } }; settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom() { Percent = "120" }; DefaultTabStop defaultTabStop1 = new DefaultTabStop() { Val = 720 }; CharacterSpacingControl characterSpacingControl1 = new CharacterSpacingControl() { Val = CharacterSpacingValues.DoNotCompress }; Compatibility compatibility1 = new Compatibility(); CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting1 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.CompatibilityMode, Uri = "", Val = "15" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting2 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.OverrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting3 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.EnableOpenTypeFeatures, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting4 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DoNotFlipMirrorIndents, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting5 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = new EnumValue<CompatSettingNameValues>() { InnerText = "differentiateMultirowTableHeaders" }, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting2); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting3); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting4); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting5); Rsids rsids1 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot1 = new RsidRoot() { Val = "00BC116E" }; Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "00283DF8" }; Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid() { Val = "00361E43" }; Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid() { Val = "00370D51" }; Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid() { Val = "004C4FC4" }; Rsid rsid5 = new Rsid() { Val = "006D7AD3" }; Rsid rsid6 = new Rsid() { Val = "00962641" }; Rsid rsid7 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A93DB9" }; Rsid rsid8 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AB286F" }; Rsid rsid9 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BC116E" }; Rsid rsid10 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D26AC8" }; Rsid rsid11 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FF01F2" }; rsids1.Append(rsidRoot1); rsids1.Append(rsid1); rsids1.Append(rsid2); rsids1.Append(rsid3); rsids1.Append(rsid4); rsids1.Append(rsid5); rsids1.Append(rsid6); rsids1.Append(rsid7); rsids1.Append(rsid8); rsids1.Append(rsid9); rsids1.Append(rsid10); rsids1.Append(rsid11); M.MathProperties mathProperties1 = new M.MathProperties(); M.MathFont mathFont1 = new M.MathFont() { Val = "Cambria Math" }; M.BreakBinary breakBinary1 = new M.BreakBinary() { Val = M.BreakBinaryOperatorValues.Before }; M.BreakBinarySubtraction breakBinarySubtraction1 = new M.BreakBinarySubtraction() { Val = M.BreakBinarySubtractionValues.MinusMinus }; M.SmallFraction smallFraction1 = new M.SmallFraction() { Val = M.BooleanValues.Zero }; M.DisplayDefaults displayDefaults1 = new M.DisplayDefaults(); M.LeftMargin leftMargin1 = new M.LeftMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.RightMargin rightMargin1 = new M.RightMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.DefaultJustification defaultJustification1 = new M.DefaultJustification() { Val = M.JustificationValues.CenterGroup }; M.WrapIndent wrapIndent1 = new M.WrapIndent() { Val = (UInt32Value)1440U }; M.IntegralLimitLocation integralLimitLocation1 = new M.IntegralLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.SubscriptSuperscript }; M.NaryLimitLocation naryLimitLocation1 = new M.NaryLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.UnderOver }; mathProperties1.Append(mathFont1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinary1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinarySubtraction1); mathProperties1.Append(smallFraction1); mathProperties1.Append(displayDefaults1); mathProperties1.Append(leftMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(rightMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(defaultJustification1); mathProperties1.Append(wrapIndent1); mathProperties1.Append(integralLimitLocation1); mathProperties1.Append(naryLimitLocation1); ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages1 = new ThemeFontLanguages() { Val = "en-NZ" }; ColorSchemeMapping colorSchemeMapping1 = new ColorSchemeMapping() { Background1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink }; ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults1 = new ShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults2 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 1026 }; Ovml.ShapeLayout shapeLayout1 = new Ovml.ShapeLayout() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit }; Ovml.ShapeIdMap shapeIdMap1 = new Ovml.ShapeIdMap() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, Data = "1" }; shapeLayout1.Append(shapeIdMap1); shapeDefaults1.Append(shapeDefaults2); shapeDefaults1.Append(shapeLayout1); DecimalSymbol decimalSymbol1 = new DecimalSymbol() { Val = "." }; ListSeparator listSeparator1 = new ListSeparator() { Val = "," }; OpenXmlUnknownElement openXmlUnknownElement1 = OpenXmlUnknownElement.CreateOpenXmlUnknownElement("<w15:chartTrackingRefBased xmlns:w15=\"\" />"); OpenXmlUnknownElement openXmlUnknownElement2 = OpenXmlUnknownElement.CreateOpenXmlUnknownElement("<w15:docId w15:val=\"{454EFE2E-17DD-4236-8FF7-F2C7EA139650}\" xmlns:w15=\"\" />"); settings1.Append(zoom1); settings1.Append(defaultTabStop1); settings1.Append(characterSpacingControl1); settings1.Append(compatibility1); settings1.Append(rsids1); settings1.Append(mathProperties1); settings1.Append(themeFontLanguages1); settings1.Append(colorSchemeMapping1); settings1.Append(shapeDefaults1); settings1.Append(decimalSymbol1); settings1.Append(listSeparator1); settings1.Append(openXmlUnknownElement1); settings1.Append(openXmlUnknownElement2); documentSettingsPart1.Settings = settings1; }
// Generates content of documentSettingsPart1. private void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart1Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart1) { Settings settings1 = new Settings(){ MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes(){ Ignorable = "w14 w15" } }; settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); View view1 = new View(){ Val = ViewValues.Normal }; Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom(){ Percent = "100" }; DoNotDisplayPageBoundaries doNotDisplayPageBoundaries1 = new DoNotDisplayPageBoundaries(); BordersDoNotSurroundHeader bordersDoNotSurroundHeader1 = new BordersDoNotSurroundHeader(); BordersDoNotSurroundFooter bordersDoNotSurroundFooter1 = new BordersDoNotSurroundFooter(); DefaultTabStop defaultTabStop1 = new DefaultTabStop(){ Val = 720 }; CharacterSpacingControl characterSpacingControl1 = new CharacterSpacingControl(){ Val = CharacterSpacingValues.DoNotCompress }; Compatibility compatibility1 = new Compatibility(); UseFarEastLayout useFarEastLayout1 = new UseFarEastLayout(); CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting1 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.CompatibilityMode, Uri = "", Val = "15" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting2 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.OverrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting3 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.EnableOpenTypeFeatures, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting4 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DoNotFlipMirrorIndents, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting5 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DifferentiateMultirowTableHeaders, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; compatibility1.Append(useFarEastLayout1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting2); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting3); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting4); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting5); Rsids rsids1 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot1 = new RsidRoot(){ Val = "00C47703" }; Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid(){ Val = "0020094C" }; Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00472802" }; Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00C47703" }; Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00FB048F" }; rsids1.Append(rsidRoot1); rsids1.Append(rsid1); rsids1.Append(rsid2); rsids1.Append(rsid3); rsids1.Append(rsid4); M.MathProperties mathProperties1 = new M.MathProperties(); M.MathFont mathFont1 = new M.MathFont(){ Val = "Cambria Math" }; M.BreakBinary breakBinary1 = new M.BreakBinary(){ Val = M.BreakBinaryOperatorValues.Before }; M.BreakBinarySubtraction breakBinarySubtraction1 = new M.BreakBinarySubtraction(){ Val = M.BreakBinarySubtractionValues.MinusMinus }; M.SmallFraction smallFraction1 = new M.SmallFraction(){ Val = M.BooleanValues.Zero }; M.DisplayDefaults displayDefaults1 = new M.DisplayDefaults(); M.LeftMargin leftMargin1 = new M.LeftMargin(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.RightMargin rightMargin1 = new M.RightMargin(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.DefaultJustification defaultJustification1 = new M.DefaultJustification(){ Val = M.JustificationValues.CenterGroup }; M.WrapIndent wrapIndent1 = new M.WrapIndent(){ Val = (UInt32Value)1440U }; M.IntegralLimitLocation integralLimitLocation1 = new M.IntegralLimitLocation(){ Val = M.LimitLocationValues.SubscriptSuperscript }; M.NaryLimitLocation naryLimitLocation1 = new M.NaryLimitLocation(){ Val = M.LimitLocationValues.UnderOver }; mathProperties1.Append(mathFont1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinary1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinarySubtraction1); mathProperties1.Append(smallFraction1); mathProperties1.Append(displayDefaults1); mathProperties1.Append(leftMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(rightMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(defaultJustification1); mathProperties1.Append(wrapIndent1); mathProperties1.Append(integralLimitLocation1); mathProperties1.Append(naryLimitLocation1); ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages1 = new ThemeFontLanguages(){ Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "ja-JP" }; ColorSchemeMapping colorSchemeMapping1 = new ColorSchemeMapping(){ Background1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink }; ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults1 = new ShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults2 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults(){ Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 1026 }; V.TextBox textBox1 = new V.TextBox(){ Inset = "5.85pt,.7pt,5.85pt,.7pt" }; shapeDefaults2.Append(textBox1); Ovml.ShapeLayout shapeLayout1 = new Ovml.ShapeLayout(){ Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit }; Ovml.ShapeIdMap shapeIdMap1 = new Ovml.ShapeIdMap(){ Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, Data = "1" }; shapeLayout1.Append(shapeIdMap1); shapeDefaults1.Append(shapeDefaults2); shapeDefaults1.Append(shapeLayout1); DecimalSymbol decimalSymbol1 = new DecimalSymbol(){ Val = "." }; ListSeparator listSeparator1 = new ListSeparator(){ Val = "," }; W14.DocumentId documentId1 = new W14.DocumentId(){ Val = "5072543E" }; W15.ChartTrackingRefBased chartTrackingRefBased1 = new W15.ChartTrackingRefBased(); W15.PersistentDocumentId persistentDocumentId1 = new W15.PersistentDocumentId(){ Val = "{E3C4D585-C41B-4C9C-91E7-DBB08CFFEEED}" }; settings1.Append(view1); settings1.Append(zoom1); settings1.Append(doNotDisplayPageBoundaries1); settings1.Append(bordersDoNotSurroundHeader1); settings1.Append(bordersDoNotSurroundFooter1); settings1.Append(defaultTabStop1); settings1.Append(characterSpacingControl1); settings1.Append(compatibility1); settings1.Append(rsids1); settings1.Append(mathProperties1); settings1.Append(themeFontLanguages1); settings1.Append(colorSchemeMapping1); settings1.Append(shapeDefaults1); settings1.Append(decimalSymbol1); settings1.Append(listSeparator1); settings1.Append(documentId1); settings1.Append(chartTrackingRefBased1); settings1.Append(persistentDocumentId1); documentSettingsPart1.Settings = settings1; }
// Generates content of documentSettingsPart1. private void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart1Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart1) { Settings settings1 = new Settings(); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom() { Percent = "100" }; ProofState proofState1 = new ProofState() { Spelling = ProofingStateValues.Clean, Grammar = ProofingStateValues.Clean }; DefaultTabStop defaultTabStop1 = new DefaultTabStop() { Val = 720 }; CharacterSpacingControl characterSpacingControl1 = new CharacterSpacingControl() { Val = CharacterSpacingValues.DoNotCompress }; Compatibility compatibility1 = new Compatibility(); Rsids rsids1 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot1 = new RsidRoot() { Val = "00E850CC" }; Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "002E76BF" }; Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid() { Val = "00342EC5" }; Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid() { Val = "006E2549" }; Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid() { Val = "007B1630" }; Rsid rsid5 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A539C5" }; Rsid rsid6 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B26A64" }; Rsid rsid7 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E850CC" }; rsids1.Append(rsidRoot1); rsids1.Append(rsid1); rsids1.Append(rsid2); rsids1.Append(rsid3); rsids1.Append(rsid4); rsids1.Append(rsid5); rsids1.Append(rsid6); rsids1.Append(rsid7); M.MathProperties mathProperties1 = new M.MathProperties(); M.MathFont mathFont1 = new M.MathFont() { Val = "Cambria Math" }; M.BreakBinary breakBinary1 = new M.BreakBinary() { Val = M.BreakBinaryOperatorValues.Before }; M.BreakBinarySubtraction breakBinarySubtraction1 = new M.BreakBinarySubtraction() { Val = M.BreakBinarySubtractionValues.MinusMinus }; M.SmallFraction smallFraction1 = new M.SmallFraction() { Val = M.BooleanValues.Off }; M.DisplayDefaults displayDefaults1 = new M.DisplayDefaults(); M.LeftMargin leftMargin1 = new M.LeftMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.RightMargin rightMargin1 = new M.RightMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.DefaultJustification defaultJustification1 = new M.DefaultJustification() { Val = M.JustificationValues.CenterGroup }; M.WrapIndent wrapIndent1 = new M.WrapIndent() { Val = (UInt32Value)1440U }; M.IntegralLimitLocation integralLimitLocation1 = new M.IntegralLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.SubscriptSuperscript }; M.NaryLimitLocation naryLimitLocation1 = new M.NaryLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.UnderOver }; mathProperties1.Append(mathFont1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinary1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinarySubtraction1); mathProperties1.Append(smallFraction1); mathProperties1.Append(displayDefaults1); mathProperties1.Append(leftMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(rightMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(defaultJustification1); mathProperties1.Append(wrapIndent1); mathProperties1.Append(integralLimitLocation1); mathProperties1.Append(naryLimitLocation1); ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages1 = new ThemeFontLanguages() { Val = "en-US" }; ColorSchemeMapping colorSchemeMapping1 = new ColorSchemeMapping() { Background1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink }; ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults1 = new ShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults2 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 4098 }; Ovml.ShapeLayout shapeLayout1 = new Ovml.ShapeLayout() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit }; Ovml.ShapeIdMap shapeIdMap1 = new Ovml.ShapeIdMap() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, Data = "1" }; shapeLayout1.Append(shapeIdMap1); shapeDefaults1.Append(shapeDefaults2); shapeDefaults1.Append(shapeLayout1); DecimalSymbol decimalSymbol1 = new DecimalSymbol() { Val = "." }; ListSeparator listSeparator1 = new ListSeparator() { Val = "," }; settings1.Append(zoom1); settings1.Append(proofState1); settings1.Append(defaultTabStop1); settings1.Append(characterSpacingControl1); settings1.Append(compatibility1); settings1.Append(rsids1); settings1.Append(mathProperties1); settings1.Append(themeFontLanguages1); settings1.Append(colorSchemeMapping1); settings1.Append(shapeDefaults1); settings1.Append(decimalSymbol1); settings1.Append(listSeparator1); documentSettingsPart1.Settings = settings1; }
// Generates content of documentSettingsPart1. private static void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart1Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart1) { Settings settings1 = new Settings() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14 w15" } }; settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom() { Percent = "100" }; BordersDoNotSurroundHeader bordersDoNotSurroundHeader1 = new BordersDoNotSurroundHeader(); BordersDoNotSurroundFooter bordersDoNotSurroundFooter1 = new BordersDoNotSurroundFooter(); AttachedTemplate attachedTemplate1 = new AttachedTemplate() { Id = "rId1" }; DefaultTabStop defaultTabStop1 = new DefaultTabStop() { Val = 420 }; DrawingGridVerticalSpacing drawingGridVerticalSpacing1 = new DrawingGridVerticalSpacing() { Val = "156" }; DisplayHorizontalDrawingGrid displayHorizontalDrawingGrid1 = new DisplayHorizontalDrawingGrid() { Val = 0 }; DisplayVerticalDrawingGrid displayVerticalDrawingGrid1 = new DisplayVerticalDrawingGrid() { Val = 2 }; CharacterSpacingControl characterSpacingControl1 = new CharacterSpacingControl() { Val = CharacterSpacingValues.CompressPunctuation }; HeaderShapeDefaults headerShapeDefaults1 = new HeaderShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults1 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 2049 }; headerShapeDefaults1.Append(shapeDefaults1); FootnoteDocumentWideProperties footnoteDocumentWideProperties1 = new FootnoteDocumentWideProperties(); FootnoteSpecialReference footnoteSpecialReference1 = new FootnoteSpecialReference() { Id = -1 }; FootnoteSpecialReference footnoteSpecialReference2 = new FootnoteSpecialReference() { Id = 0 }; footnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(footnoteSpecialReference1); footnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(footnoteSpecialReference2); EndnoteDocumentWideProperties endnoteDocumentWideProperties1 = new EndnoteDocumentWideProperties(); EndnoteSpecialReference endnoteSpecialReference1 = new EndnoteSpecialReference() { Id = -1 }; EndnoteSpecialReference endnoteSpecialReference2 = new EndnoteSpecialReference() { Id = 0 }; endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference1); endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference2); Compatibility compatibility1 = new Compatibility(); SpaceForUnderline spaceForUnderline1 = new SpaceForUnderline(); BalanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth1 = new BalanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth(); DoNotLeaveBackslashAlone doNotLeaveBackslashAlone1 = new DoNotLeaveBackslashAlone(); UnderlineTrailingSpaces underlineTrailingSpaces1 = new UnderlineTrailingSpaces(); DoNotExpandShiftReturn doNotExpandShiftReturn1 = new DoNotExpandShiftReturn(); AdjustLineHeightInTable adjustLineHeightInTable1 = new AdjustLineHeightInTable(); UseFarEastLayout useFarEastLayout1 = new UseFarEastLayout(); CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting1 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.CompatibilityMode, Uri = "", Val = "15" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting2 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.OverrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting3 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.EnableOpenTypeFeatures, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting4 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DoNotFlipMirrorIndents, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting5 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DifferentiateMultirowTableHeaders, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; compatibility1.Append(spaceForUnderline1); compatibility1.Append(balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth1); compatibility1.Append(doNotLeaveBackslashAlone1); compatibility1.Append(underlineTrailingSpaces1); compatibility1.Append(doNotExpandShiftReturn1); compatibility1.Append(adjustLineHeightInTable1); compatibility1.Append(useFarEastLayout1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting2); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting3); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting4); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting5); Rsids rsids1 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot1 = new RsidRoot() { Val = "009446D8" }; Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "00000E1C" }; Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid() { Val = "00003DC0" }; Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid() { Val = "000275B2" }; Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid() { Val = "00046D2C" }; Rsid rsid5 = new Rsid() { Val = "000A213E" }; Rsid rsid6 = new Rsid() { Val = "000B5BB8" }; Rsid rsid7 = new Rsid() { Val = "000C5029" }; Rsid rsid8 = new Rsid() { Val = "00124526" }; Rsid rsid9 = new Rsid() { Val = "00127314" }; Rsid rsid10 = new Rsid() { Val = "00134DB2" }; Rsid rsid11 = new Rsid() { Val = "00156B7C" }; Rsid rsid12 = new Rsid() { Val = "00165201" }; Rsid rsid13 = new Rsid() { Val = "001743C8" }; Rsid rsid14 = new Rsid() { Val = "001A11E4" }; Rsid rsid15 = new Rsid() { Val = "001B238C" }; Rsid rsid16 = new Rsid() { Val = "001D24A4" }; Rsid rsid17 = new Rsid() { Val = "001E6C69" }; Rsid rsid18 = new Rsid() { Val = "001F241C" }; Rsid rsid19 = new Rsid() { Val = "00232EBB" }; Rsid rsid20 = new Rsid() { Val = "0026480F" }; Rsid rsid21 = new Rsid() { Val = "00267990" }; Rsid rsid22 = new Rsid() { Val = "00277666" }; Rsid rsid23 = new Rsid() { Val = "002836B8" }; Rsid rsid24 = new Rsid() { Val = "00292599" }; Rsid rsid25 = new Rsid() { Val = "002B0FD9" }; Rsid rsid26 = new Rsid() { Val = "002C0C4A" }; Rsid rsid27 = new Rsid() { Val = "002D3691" }; Rsid rsid28 = new Rsid() { Val = "002E137D" }; Rsid rsid29 = new Rsid() { Val = "002E1C1B" }; Rsid rsid30 = new Rsid() { Val = "002F3A0D" }; Rsid rsid31 = new Rsid() { Val = "00305AC1" }; Rsid rsid32 = new Rsid() { Val = "00310F8D" }; Rsid rsid33 = new Rsid() { Val = "003177A3" }; Rsid rsid34 = new Rsid() { Val = "003823CD" }; Rsid rsid35 = new Rsid() { Val = "003B02D4" }; Rsid rsid36 = new Rsid() { Val = "003C4A95" }; Rsid rsid37 = new Rsid() { Val = "003D3708" }; Rsid rsid38 = new Rsid() { Val = "003E1B97" }; Rsid rsid39 = new Rsid() { Val = "003F6860" }; Rsid rsid40 = new Rsid() { Val = "003F7A75" }; Rsid rsid41 = new Rsid() { Val = "00403E77" }; Rsid rsid42 = new Rsid() { Val = "00417E2C" }; Rsid rsid43 = new Rsid() { Val = "00434ADB" }; Rsid rsid44 = new Rsid() { Val = "004518E0" }; Rsid rsid45 = new Rsid() { Val = "00467DE2" }; Rsid rsid46 = new Rsid() { Val = "0047548B" }; Rsid rsid47 = new Rsid() { Val = "004C6AA7" }; Rsid rsid48 = new Rsid() { Val = "004D2615" }; Rsid rsid49 = new Rsid() { Val = "004D60B6" }; Rsid rsid50 = new Rsid() { Val = "004D67C7" }; Rsid rsid51 = new Rsid() { Val = "004E6F28" }; Rsid rsid52 = new Rsid() { Val = "00506664" }; Rsid rsid53 = new Rsid() { Val = "005118E8" }; Rsid rsid54 = new Rsid() { Val = "0052122E" }; Rsid rsid55 = new Rsid() { Val = "0054564C" }; Rsid rsid56 = new Rsid() { Val = "0054593E" }; Rsid rsid57 = new Rsid() { Val = "00550AA0" }; Rsid rsid58 = new Rsid() { Val = "005601D7" }; Rsid rsid59 = new Rsid() { Val = "0059148C" }; Rsid rsid60 = new Rsid() { Val = "00594F7D" }; Rsid rsid61 = new Rsid() { Val = "005A08D0" }; Rsid rsid62 = new Rsid() { Val = "005B004F" }; Rsid rsid63 = new Rsid() { Val = "005B5260" }; Rsid rsid64 = new Rsid() { Val = "005C21DB" }; Rsid rsid65 = new Rsid() { Val = "0063728F" }; Rsid rsid66 = new Rsid() { Val = "00665E6B" }; Rsid rsid67 = new Rsid() { Val = "00692A94" }; Rsid rsid68 = new Rsid() { Val = "006B0FE7" }; Rsid rsid69 = new Rsid() { Val = "006B2C44" }; Rsid rsid70 = new Rsid() { Val = "006D233C" }; Rsid rsid71 = new Rsid() { Val = "006D4248" }; Rsid rsid72 = new Rsid() { Val = "006E017B" }; Rsid rsid73 = new Rsid() { Val = "00701985" }; Rsid rsid74 = new Rsid() { Val = "00715E68" }; Rsid rsid75 = new Rsid() { Val = "00744157" }; Rsid rsid76 = new Rsid() { Val = "00754BC3" }; Rsid rsid77 = new Rsid() { Val = "007561BE" }; Rsid rsid78 = new Rsid() { Val = "007663F0" }; Rsid rsid79 = new Rsid() { Val = "00783011" }; Rsid rsid80 = new Rsid() { Val = "00783ADE" }; Rsid rsid81 = new Rsid() { Val = "00787C9A" }; Rsid rsid82 = new Rsid() { Val = "007A678A" }; Rsid rsid83 = new Rsid() { Val = "007E5337" }; Rsid rsid84 = new Rsid() { Val = "00800A7E" }; Rsid rsid85 = new Rsid() { Val = "0081551B" }; Rsid rsid86 = new Rsid() { Val = "0084537D" }; Rsid rsid87 = new Rsid() { Val = "008468F5" }; Rsid rsid88 = new Rsid() { Val = "008570E8" }; Rsid rsid89 = new Rsid() { Val = "00862279" }; Rsid rsid90 = new Rsid() { Val = "0086416E" }; Rsid rsid91 = new Rsid() { Val = "00870446" }; Rsid rsid92 = new Rsid() { Val = "00883479" }; Rsid rsid93 = new Rsid() { Val = "008A3667" }; Rsid rsid94 = new Rsid() { Val = "008C59FA" }; Rsid rsid95 = new Rsid() { Val = "008D7654" }; Rsid rsid96 = new Rsid() { Val = "00933D40" }; Rsid rsid97 = new Rsid() { Val = "00942281" }; Rsid rsid98 = new Rsid() { Val = "009446D8" }; Rsid rsid99 = new Rsid() { Val = "009732CB" }; Rsid rsid100 = new Rsid() { Val = "00996BFB" }; Rsid rsid101 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A219D4" }; Rsid rsid102 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A30087" }; Rsid rsid103 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A80B81" }; Rsid rsid104 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A90780" }; Rsid rsid105 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AD59C4" }; Rsid rsid106 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AD64CE" }; Rsid rsid107 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AE2E8A" }; Rsid rsid108 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AE4558" }; Rsid rsid109 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B1006B" }; Rsid rsid110 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B12841" }; Rsid rsid111 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B3150E" }; Rsid rsid112 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B929C4" }; Rsid rsid113 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA6070" }; Rsid rsid114 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BE1EF6" }; Rsid rsid115 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BE7A30" }; Rsid rsid116 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C20112" }; Rsid rsid117 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C47143" }; Rsid rsid118 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C72E09" }; Rsid rsid119 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C761FE" }; Rsid rsid120 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CA0A9D" }; Rsid rsid121 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CA517A" }; Rsid rsid122 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CD5A1A" }; Rsid rsid123 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CF6585" }; Rsid rsid124 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D513DA" }; Rsid rsid125 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D928C5" }; Rsid rsid126 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D96872" }; Rsid rsid127 = new Rsid() { Val = "00DC4F59" }; Rsid rsid128 = new Rsid() { Val = "00DC52C8" }; Rsid rsid129 = new Rsid() { Val = "00DC6850" }; Rsid rsid130 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E002CE" }; Rsid rsid131 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E12065" }; Rsid rsid132 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E1522A" }; Rsid rsid133 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E4316D" }; Rsid rsid134 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E433B6" }; Rsid rsid135 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E6492E" }; Rsid rsid136 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E65437" }; Rsid rsid137 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E87F0F" }; Rsid rsid138 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E94E4C" }; Rsid rsid139 = new Rsid() { Val = "00EB28F3" }; Rsid rsid140 = new Rsid() { Val = "00EB66F4" }; Rsid rsid141 = new Rsid() { Val = "00EC0F7F" }; Rsid rsid142 = new Rsid() { Val = "00EC5804" }; Rsid rsid143 = new Rsid() { Val = "00ED7D92" }; Rsid rsid144 = new Rsid() { Val = "00EF2164" }; Rsid rsid145 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F1537C" }; Rsid rsid146 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F17360" }; Rsid rsid147 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F23CC8" }; Rsid rsid148 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F30C5C" }; Rsid rsid149 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F6304E" }; Rsid rsid150 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F95246" }; Rsid rsid151 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FA1A5C" }; Rsid rsid152 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FA1EA6" }; Rsid rsid153 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FA77B7" }; Rsid rsid154 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FE6413" }; Rsid rsid155 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FF0129" }; Rsid rsid156 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FF14A8" }; rsids1.Append(rsidRoot1); rsids1.Append(rsid1); rsids1.Append(rsid2); rsids1.Append(rsid3); rsids1.Append(rsid4); rsids1.Append(rsid5); rsids1.Append(rsid6); rsids1.Append(rsid7); rsids1.Append(rsid8); rsids1.Append(rsid9); rsids1.Append(rsid10); rsids1.Append(rsid11); rsids1.Append(rsid12); rsids1.Append(rsid13); rsids1.Append(rsid14); rsids1.Append(rsid15); rsids1.Append(rsid16); rsids1.Append(rsid17); rsids1.Append(rsid18); rsids1.Append(rsid19); rsids1.Append(rsid20); rsids1.Append(rsid21); rsids1.Append(rsid22); rsids1.Append(rsid23); rsids1.Append(rsid24); rsids1.Append(rsid25); rsids1.Append(rsid26); rsids1.Append(rsid27); rsids1.Append(rsid28); rsids1.Append(rsid29); rsids1.Append(rsid30); rsids1.Append(rsid31); rsids1.Append(rsid32); rsids1.Append(rsid33); rsids1.Append(rsid34); rsids1.Append(rsid35); rsids1.Append(rsid36); rsids1.Append(rsid37); rsids1.Append(rsid38); rsids1.Append(rsid39); rsids1.Append(rsid40); rsids1.Append(rsid41); rsids1.Append(rsid42); rsids1.Append(rsid43); rsids1.Append(rsid44); rsids1.Append(rsid45); rsids1.Append(rsid46); rsids1.Append(rsid47); rsids1.Append(rsid48); rsids1.Append(rsid49); rsids1.Append(rsid50); rsids1.Append(rsid51); rsids1.Append(rsid52); rsids1.Append(rsid53); rsids1.Append(rsid54); rsids1.Append(rsid55); rsids1.Append(rsid56); rsids1.Append(rsid57); rsids1.Append(rsid58); rsids1.Append(rsid59); rsids1.Append(rsid60); rsids1.Append(rsid61); rsids1.Append(rsid62); rsids1.Append(rsid63); rsids1.Append(rsid64); rsids1.Append(rsid65); rsids1.Append(rsid66); rsids1.Append(rsid67); rsids1.Append(rsid68); rsids1.Append(rsid69); rsids1.Append(rsid70); rsids1.Append(rsid71); rsids1.Append(rsid72); rsids1.Append(rsid73); rsids1.Append(rsid74); rsids1.Append(rsid75); rsids1.Append(rsid76); rsids1.Append(rsid77); rsids1.Append(rsid78); rsids1.Append(rsid79); rsids1.Append(rsid80); rsids1.Append(rsid81); rsids1.Append(rsid82); rsids1.Append(rsid83); rsids1.Append(rsid84); rsids1.Append(rsid85); rsids1.Append(rsid86); rsids1.Append(rsid87); rsids1.Append(rsid88); rsids1.Append(rsid89); rsids1.Append(rsid90); rsids1.Append(rsid91); rsids1.Append(rsid92); rsids1.Append(rsid93); rsids1.Append(rsid94); rsids1.Append(rsid95); rsids1.Append(rsid96); rsids1.Append(rsid97); rsids1.Append(rsid98); rsids1.Append(rsid99); rsids1.Append(rsid100); rsids1.Append(rsid101); rsids1.Append(rsid102); rsids1.Append(rsid103); rsids1.Append(rsid104); rsids1.Append(rsid105); rsids1.Append(rsid106); rsids1.Append(rsid107); rsids1.Append(rsid108); rsids1.Append(rsid109); rsids1.Append(rsid110); rsids1.Append(rsid111); rsids1.Append(rsid112); rsids1.Append(rsid113); rsids1.Append(rsid114); rsids1.Append(rsid115); rsids1.Append(rsid116); rsids1.Append(rsid117); rsids1.Append(rsid118); rsids1.Append(rsid119); rsids1.Append(rsid120); rsids1.Append(rsid121); rsids1.Append(rsid122); rsids1.Append(rsid123); rsids1.Append(rsid124); rsids1.Append(rsid125); rsids1.Append(rsid126); rsids1.Append(rsid127); rsids1.Append(rsid128); rsids1.Append(rsid129); rsids1.Append(rsid130); rsids1.Append(rsid131); rsids1.Append(rsid132); rsids1.Append(rsid133); rsids1.Append(rsid134); rsids1.Append(rsid135); rsids1.Append(rsid136); rsids1.Append(rsid137); rsids1.Append(rsid138); rsids1.Append(rsid139); rsids1.Append(rsid140); rsids1.Append(rsid141); rsids1.Append(rsid142); rsids1.Append(rsid143); rsids1.Append(rsid144); rsids1.Append(rsid145); rsids1.Append(rsid146); rsids1.Append(rsid147); rsids1.Append(rsid148); rsids1.Append(rsid149); rsids1.Append(rsid150); rsids1.Append(rsid151); rsids1.Append(rsid152); rsids1.Append(rsid153); rsids1.Append(rsid154); rsids1.Append(rsid155); rsids1.Append(rsid156); M.MathProperties mathProperties1 = new M.MathProperties(); M.MathFont mathFont1 = new M.MathFont() { Val = "Cambria Math" }; M.BreakBinary breakBinary1 = new M.BreakBinary() { Val = M.BreakBinaryOperatorValues.Before }; M.BreakBinarySubtraction breakBinarySubtraction1 = new M.BreakBinarySubtraction() { Val = M.BreakBinarySubtractionValues.MinusMinus }; M.SmallFraction smallFraction1 = new M.SmallFraction() { Val = M.BooleanValues.Zero }; M.DisplayDefaults displayDefaults1 = new M.DisplayDefaults(); M.LeftMargin leftMargin1 = new M.LeftMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.RightMargin rightMargin1 = new M.RightMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.DefaultJustification defaultJustification1 = new M.DefaultJustification() { Val = M.JustificationValues.CenterGroup }; M.WrapIndent wrapIndent1 = new M.WrapIndent() { Val = (UInt32Value)1440U }; M.IntegralLimitLocation integralLimitLocation1 = new M.IntegralLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.SubscriptSuperscript }; M.NaryLimitLocation naryLimitLocation1 = new M.NaryLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.UnderOver }; mathProperties1.Append(mathFont1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinary1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinarySubtraction1); mathProperties1.Append(smallFraction1); mathProperties1.Append(displayDefaults1); mathProperties1.Append(leftMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(rightMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(defaultJustification1); mathProperties1.Append(wrapIndent1); mathProperties1.Append(integralLimitLocation1); mathProperties1.Append(naryLimitLocation1); ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages1 = new ThemeFontLanguages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "zh-CN" }; ColorSchemeMapping colorSchemeMapping1 = new ColorSchemeMapping() { Background1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink }; ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults2 = new ShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults3 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 2049 }; Ovml.ShapeLayout shapeLayout1 = new Ovml.ShapeLayout() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit }; Ovml.ShapeIdMap shapeIdMap1 = new Ovml.ShapeIdMap() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, Data = "1" }; shapeLayout1.Append(shapeIdMap1); shapeDefaults2.Append(shapeDefaults3); shapeDefaults2.Append(shapeLayout1); DecimalSymbol decimalSymbol1 = new DecimalSymbol() { Val = "." }; ListSeparator listSeparator1 = new ListSeparator() { Val = "," }; W15.ChartTrackingRefBased chartTrackingRefBased1 = new W15.ChartTrackingRefBased(); W15.PersistentDocumentId persistentDocumentId1 = new W15.PersistentDocumentId() { Val = "{FBB28D33-AE74-477E-BB4F-B17128D70046}" }; settings1.Append(zoom1); settings1.Append(bordersDoNotSurroundHeader1); settings1.Append(bordersDoNotSurroundFooter1); settings1.Append(attachedTemplate1); settings1.Append(defaultTabStop1); settings1.Append(drawingGridVerticalSpacing1); settings1.Append(displayHorizontalDrawingGrid1); settings1.Append(displayVerticalDrawingGrid1); settings1.Append(characterSpacingControl1); settings1.Append(headerShapeDefaults1); settings1.Append(footnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings1.Append(endnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings1.Append(compatibility1); settings1.Append(rsids1); settings1.Append(mathProperties1); settings1.Append(themeFontLanguages1); settings1.Append(colorSchemeMapping1); settings1.Append(shapeDefaults2); settings1.Append(decimalSymbol1); settings1.Append(listSeparator1); settings1.Append(chartTrackingRefBased1); settings1.Append(persistentDocumentId1); documentSettingsPart1.Settings = settings1; }
public byte[] CameraZoom(uint deviceAddress,Zoom action) { return Message.GetMessage(deviceAddress,0x00,(byte)action,0x00,0x00); }
// Generates content of documentSettingsPart1. private void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart1Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart1) { Settings settings1 = new Settings(){ MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes(){ Ignorable = "w14" } }; settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom(){ Percent = "130" }; ProofState proofState1 = new ProofState(){ Spelling = ProofingStateValues.Clean, Grammar = ProofingStateValues.Clean }; AttachedTemplate attachedTemplate1 = new AttachedTemplate(){ Id = "rId1" }; DefaultTabStop defaultTabStop1 = new DefaultTabStop(){ Val = 720 }; CharacterSpacingControl characterSpacingControl1 = new CharacterSpacingControl(){ Val = CharacterSpacingValues.DoNotCompress }; Compatibility compatibility1 = new Compatibility(); CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting1 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.CompatibilityMode, Uri = "", Val = "14" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting2 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.OverrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting3 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.EnableOpenTypeFeatures, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting4 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DoNotFlipMirrorIndents, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting2); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting3); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting4); Rsids rsids1 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot1 = new RsidRoot(){ Val = "00F00514" }; Rsid rsid13 = new Rsid(){ Val = "0013421C" }; Rsid rsid14 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00185682" }; Rsid rsid15 = new Rsid(){ Val = "001E7601" }; Rsid rsid16 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00227AB2" }; Rsid rsid17 = new Rsid(){ Val = "0028497E" }; Rsid rsid18 = new Rsid(){ Val = "002A4705" }; Rsid rsid19 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00354CB4" }; Rsid rsid20 = new Rsid(){ Val = "003C2296" }; Rsid rsid21 = new Rsid(){ Val = "004140B7" }; Rsid rsid22 = new Rsid(){ Val = "006217A5" }; Rsid rsid23 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00672B88" }; Rsid rsid24 = new Rsid(){ Val = "006E6D18" }; Rsid rsid25 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00734DD4" }; Rsid rsid26 = new Rsid(){ Val = "0083080C" }; Rsid rsid27 = new Rsid(){ Val = "0088581B" }; Rsid rsid28 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00A1337C" }; Rsid rsid29 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00A213D6" }; Rsid rsid30 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00AA3180" }; Rsid rsid31 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00D77907" }; Rsid rsid32 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00E74180" }; Rsid rsid33 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00EF4816" }; Rsid rsid34 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00F00514" }; rsids1.Append(rsidRoot1); rsids1.Append(rsid13); rsids1.Append(rsid14); rsids1.Append(rsid15); rsids1.Append(rsid16); rsids1.Append(rsid17); rsids1.Append(rsid18); rsids1.Append(rsid19); rsids1.Append(rsid20); rsids1.Append(rsid21); rsids1.Append(rsid22); rsids1.Append(rsid23); rsids1.Append(rsid24); rsids1.Append(rsid25); rsids1.Append(rsid26); rsids1.Append(rsid27); rsids1.Append(rsid28); rsids1.Append(rsid29); rsids1.Append(rsid30); rsids1.Append(rsid31); rsids1.Append(rsid32); rsids1.Append(rsid33); rsids1.Append(rsid34); M.MathProperties mathProperties1 = new M.MathProperties(); M.MathFont mathFont1 = new M.MathFont(){ Val = "Cambria Math" }; M.BreakBinary breakBinary1 = new M.BreakBinary(){ Val = M.BreakBinaryOperatorValues.Before }; M.BreakBinarySubtraction breakBinarySubtraction1 = new M.BreakBinarySubtraction(){ Val = M.BreakBinarySubtractionValues.MinusMinus }; M.SmallFraction smallFraction1 = new M.SmallFraction(){ Val = M.BooleanValues.Zero }; M.DisplayDefaults displayDefaults1 = new M.DisplayDefaults(); M.LeftMargin leftMargin1 = new M.LeftMargin(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.RightMargin rightMargin1 = new M.RightMargin(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.DefaultJustification defaultJustification1 = new M.DefaultJustification(){ Val = M.JustificationValues.CenterGroup }; M.WrapIndent wrapIndent1 = new M.WrapIndent(){ Val = (UInt32Value)1440U }; M.IntegralLimitLocation integralLimitLocation1 = new M.IntegralLimitLocation(){ Val = M.LimitLocationValues.SubscriptSuperscript }; M.NaryLimitLocation naryLimitLocation1 = new M.NaryLimitLocation(){ Val = M.LimitLocationValues.UnderOver }; mathProperties1.Append(mathFont1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinary1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinarySubtraction1); mathProperties1.Append(smallFraction1); mathProperties1.Append(displayDefaults1); mathProperties1.Append(leftMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(rightMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(defaultJustification1); mathProperties1.Append(wrapIndent1); mathProperties1.Append(integralLimitLocation1); mathProperties1.Append(naryLimitLocation1); ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages1 = new ThemeFontLanguages(){ Val = "en-US" }; ColorSchemeMapping colorSchemeMapping1 = new ColorSchemeMapping(){ Background1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink }; ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults1 = new ShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults2 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults(){ Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 1026 }; Ovml.ShapeLayout shapeLayout1 = new Ovml.ShapeLayout(){ Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit }; Ovml.ShapeIdMap shapeIdMap1 = new Ovml.ShapeIdMap(){ Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, Data = "1" }; shapeLayout1.Append(shapeIdMap1); shapeDefaults1.Append(shapeDefaults2); shapeDefaults1.Append(shapeLayout1); DecimalSymbol decimalSymbol1 = new DecimalSymbol(){ Val = "." }; ListSeparator listSeparator1 = new ListSeparator(){ Val = "," }; settings1.Append(zoom1); settings1.Append(proofState1); settings1.Append(attachedTemplate1); settings1.Append(defaultTabStop1); settings1.Append(characterSpacingControl1); settings1.Append(compatibility1); settings1.Append(rsids1); settings1.Append(mathProperties1); settings1.Append(themeFontLanguages1); settings1.Append(colorSchemeMapping1); settings1.Append(shapeDefaults1); settings1.Append(decimalSymbol1); settings1.Append(listSeparator1); documentSettingsPart1.Settings = settings1; }
// Generates content of documentSettingsPart1. private void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart1Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart1) { Settings settings1 = new Settings(){ MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes(){ Ignorable = "w14 w15" } }; settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom(){ Percent = "120" }; DoNotDisplayPageBoundaries doNotDisplayPageBoundaries1 = new DoNotDisplayPageBoundaries(); BordersDoNotSurroundHeader bordersDoNotSurroundHeader1 = new BordersDoNotSurroundHeader(); BordersDoNotSurroundFooter bordersDoNotSurroundFooter1 = new BordersDoNotSurroundFooter(); ProofState proofState1 = new ProofState(){ Spelling = ProofingStateValues.Clean, Grammar = ProofingStateValues.Clean }; DefaultTabStop defaultTabStop1 = new DefaultTabStop(){ Val = 840 }; DisplayHorizontalDrawingGrid displayHorizontalDrawingGrid1 = new DisplayHorizontalDrawingGrid(){ Val = 0 }; DisplayVerticalDrawingGrid displayVerticalDrawingGrid1 = new DisplayVerticalDrawingGrid(){ Val = 2 }; CharacterSpacingControl characterSpacingControl1 = new CharacterSpacingControl(){ Val = CharacterSpacingValues.CompressPunctuation }; Compatibility compatibility1 = new Compatibility(); SpaceForUnderline spaceForUnderline1 = new SpaceForUnderline(); BalanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth1 = new BalanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth(); DoNotLeaveBackslashAlone doNotLeaveBackslashAlone1 = new DoNotLeaveBackslashAlone(); UnderlineTrailingSpaces underlineTrailingSpaces1 = new UnderlineTrailingSpaces(); DoNotExpandShiftReturn doNotExpandShiftReturn1 = new DoNotExpandShiftReturn(); AdjustLineHeightInTable adjustLineHeightInTable1 = new AdjustLineHeightInTable(); UseFarEastLayout useFarEastLayout1 = new UseFarEastLayout(); CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting1 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.CompatibilityMode, Uri = "", Val = "15" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting2 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.OverrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting3 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.EnableOpenTypeFeatures, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting4 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DoNotFlipMirrorIndents, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting5 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DifferentiateMultirowTableHeaders, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; compatibility1.Append(spaceForUnderline1); compatibility1.Append(balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth1); compatibility1.Append(doNotLeaveBackslashAlone1); compatibility1.Append(underlineTrailingSpaces1); compatibility1.Append(doNotExpandShiftReturn1); compatibility1.Append(adjustLineHeightInTable1); compatibility1.Append(useFarEastLayout1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting2); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting3); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting4); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting5); Rsids rsids1 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot1 = new RsidRoot(){ Val = "009423EF" }; Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid(){ Val = "0008591D" }; Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid(){ Val = "000F6BB9" }; Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid(){ Val = "009423EF" }; rsids1.Append(rsidRoot1); rsids1.Append(rsid1); rsids1.Append(rsid2); rsids1.Append(rsid3); M.MathProperties mathProperties1 = new M.MathProperties(); M.MathFont mathFont1 = new M.MathFont(){ Val = "Cambria Math" }; 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mathProperties1.Append(breakBinarySubtraction1); mathProperties1.Append(smallFraction1); mathProperties1.Append(displayDefaults1); mathProperties1.Append(leftMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(rightMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(defaultJustification1); mathProperties1.Append(wrapIndent1); mathProperties1.Append(integralLimitLocation1); mathProperties1.Append(naryLimitLocation1); ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages1 = new ThemeFontLanguages(){ Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "ja-JP" }; ColorSchemeMapping colorSchemeMapping1 = new ColorSchemeMapping(){ Background1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink }; 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Rsid rsid570 = new Rsid() { Val = "00EE7B69" }; Rsid rsid571 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F02BCF" }; Rsid rsid572 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F04EF5" }; Rsid rsid573 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F1393E" }; Rsid rsid574 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F22E15" }; Rsid rsid575 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F23038" }; Rsid rsid576 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F235A9" }; Rsid rsid577 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F31361" }; Rsid rsid578 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F31DFE" }; Rsid rsid579 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F32438" }; Rsid rsid580 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F342A0" }; Rsid rsid581 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F34666" }; Rsid rsid582 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F378DE" }; Rsid rsid583 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F40AED" }; Rsid rsid584 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F43E8A" }; Rsid rsid585 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F561B1" }; Rsid rsid586 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F617B8" }; Rsid rsid587 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F61A04" }; Rsid rsid588 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F66B7D" }; Rsid rsid589 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F7153C" }; Rsid rsid590 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F723D6" }; Rsid rsid591 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F77926" }; Rsid rsid592 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F8047A" }; Rsid rsid593 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F811E2" }; Rsid rsid594 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F83E0C" }; Rsid rsid595 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F85916" }; Rsid rsid596 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F90086" }; Rsid rsid597 = new Rsid() { Val = "00F97D85" }; Rsid rsid598 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FA196D" }; Rsid rsid599 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FA3E05" }; Rsid rsid600 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FA773F" }; Rsid rsid601 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FA79D4" }; Rsid rsid602 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FB4196" }; Rsid rsid603 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FB4EAB" }; Rsid rsid604 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FB6AB0" }; Rsid rsid605 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FB6E9A" }; Rsid rsid606 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FC0F0D" }; Rsid rsid607 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FC430A" }; Rsid rsid608 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FC4A2D" }; Rsid rsid609 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FC5AC6" }; Rsid rsid610 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FD3FAA" }; Rsid rsid611 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FD741A" }; Rsid rsid612 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FE5962" }; Rsid rsid613 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FF1CD4" }; Rsid rsid614 = new Rsid() { Val = "00FF61CB" }; rsids1.Append(rsidRoot1); rsids1.Append(rsid1); rsids1.Append(rsid2); rsids1.Append(rsid3); rsids1.Append(rsid4); rsids1.Append(rsid5); rsids1.Append(rsid6); rsids1.Append(rsid7); rsids1.Append(rsid8); rsids1.Append(rsid9); rsids1.Append(rsid10); rsids1.Append(rsid11); rsids1.Append(rsid12); rsids1.Append(rsid13); rsids1.Append(rsid14); rsids1.Append(rsid15); rsids1.Append(rsid16); rsids1.Append(rsid17); rsids1.Append(rsid18); rsids1.Append(rsid19); rsids1.Append(rsid20); rsids1.Append(rsid21); rsids1.Append(rsid22); rsids1.Append(rsid23); rsids1.Append(rsid24); rsids1.Append(rsid25); rsids1.Append(rsid26); rsids1.Append(rsid27); rsids1.Append(rsid28); rsids1.Append(rsid29); rsids1.Append(rsid30); rsids1.Append(rsid31); rsids1.Append(rsid32); rsids1.Append(rsid33); rsids1.Append(rsid34); rsids1.Append(rsid35); rsids1.Append(rsid36); rsids1.Append(rsid37); rsids1.Append(rsid38); rsids1.Append(rsid39); rsids1.Append(rsid40); rsids1.Append(rsid41); rsids1.Append(rsid42); rsids1.Append(rsid43); rsids1.Append(rsid44); rsids1.Append(rsid45); rsids1.Append(rsid46); rsids1.Append(rsid47); rsids1.Append(rsid48); rsids1.Append(rsid49); rsids1.Append(rsid50); rsids1.Append(rsid51); rsids1.Append(rsid52); rsids1.Append(rsid53); rsids1.Append(rsid54); rsids1.Append(rsid55); rsids1.Append(rsid56); rsids1.Append(rsid57); rsids1.Append(rsid58); rsids1.Append(rsid59); rsids1.Append(rsid60); rsids1.Append(rsid61); rsids1.Append(rsid62); rsids1.Append(rsid63); rsids1.Append(rsid64); rsids1.Append(rsid65); rsids1.Append(rsid66); rsids1.Append(rsid67); rsids1.Append(rsid68); rsids1.Append(rsid69); rsids1.Append(rsid70); rsids1.Append(rsid71); rsids1.Append(rsid72); rsids1.Append(rsid73); rsids1.Append(rsid74); rsids1.Append(rsid75); rsids1.Append(rsid76); rsids1.Append(rsid77); rsids1.Append(rsid78); rsids1.Append(rsid79); rsids1.Append(rsid80); rsids1.Append(rsid81); rsids1.Append(rsid82); rsids1.Append(rsid83); rsids1.Append(rsid84); rsids1.Append(rsid85); rsids1.Append(rsid86); rsids1.Append(rsid87); rsids1.Append(rsid88); rsids1.Append(rsid89); rsids1.Append(rsid90); rsids1.Append(rsid91); rsids1.Append(rsid92); rsids1.Append(rsid93); rsids1.Append(rsid94); rsids1.Append(rsid95); rsids1.Append(rsid96); rsids1.Append(rsid97); rsids1.Append(rsid98); rsids1.Append(rsid99); rsids1.Append(rsid100); rsids1.Append(rsid101); rsids1.Append(rsid102); rsids1.Append(rsid103); rsids1.Append(rsid104); rsids1.Append(rsid105); rsids1.Append(rsid106); rsids1.Append(rsid107); rsids1.Append(rsid108); rsids1.Append(rsid109); rsids1.Append(rsid110); rsids1.Append(rsid111); rsids1.Append(rsid112); rsids1.Append(rsid113); rsids1.Append(rsid114); rsids1.Append(rsid115); rsids1.Append(rsid116); rsids1.Append(rsid117); rsids1.Append(rsid118); rsids1.Append(rsid119); rsids1.Append(rsid120); rsids1.Append(rsid121); rsids1.Append(rsid122); rsids1.Append(rsid123); rsids1.Append(rsid124); rsids1.Append(rsid125); rsids1.Append(rsid126); rsids1.Append(rsid127); rsids1.Append(rsid128); rsids1.Append(rsid129); rsids1.Append(rsid130); rsids1.Append(rsid131); rsids1.Append(rsid132); rsids1.Append(rsid133); rsids1.Append(rsid134); rsids1.Append(rsid135); rsids1.Append(rsid136); rsids1.Append(rsid137); rsids1.Append(rsid138); rsids1.Append(rsid139); rsids1.Append(rsid140); rsids1.Append(rsid141); rsids1.Append(rsid142); rsids1.Append(rsid143); rsids1.Append(rsid144); rsids1.Append(rsid145); rsids1.Append(rsid146); rsids1.Append(rsid147); rsids1.Append(rsid148); rsids1.Append(rsid149); rsids1.Append(rsid150); rsids1.Append(rsid151); rsids1.Append(rsid152); rsids1.Append(rsid153); rsids1.Append(rsid154); rsids1.Append(rsid155); rsids1.Append(rsid156); rsids1.Append(rsid157); rsids1.Append(rsid158); rsids1.Append(rsid159); rsids1.Append(rsid160); rsids1.Append(rsid161); rsids1.Append(rsid162); rsids1.Append(rsid163); rsids1.Append(rsid164); rsids1.Append(rsid165); rsids1.Append(rsid166); rsids1.Append(rsid167); rsids1.Append(rsid168); rsids1.Append(rsid169); rsids1.Append(rsid170); rsids1.Append(rsid171); rsids1.Append(rsid172); rsids1.Append(rsid173); rsids1.Append(rsid174); rsids1.Append(rsid175); rsids1.Append(rsid176); rsids1.Append(rsid177); rsids1.Append(rsid178); rsids1.Append(rsid179); rsids1.Append(rsid180); rsids1.Append(rsid181); rsids1.Append(rsid182); rsids1.Append(rsid183); rsids1.Append(rsid184); rsids1.Append(rsid185); rsids1.Append(rsid186); rsids1.Append(rsid187); rsids1.Append(rsid188); rsids1.Append(rsid189); rsids1.Append(rsid190); rsids1.Append(rsid191); rsids1.Append(rsid192); rsids1.Append(rsid193); rsids1.Append(rsid194); rsids1.Append(rsid195); rsids1.Append(rsid196); rsids1.Append(rsid197); rsids1.Append(rsid198); rsids1.Append(rsid199); rsids1.Append(rsid200); rsids1.Append(rsid201); rsids1.Append(rsid202); rsids1.Append(rsid203); rsids1.Append(rsid204); rsids1.Append(rsid205); rsids1.Append(rsid206); rsids1.Append(rsid207); rsids1.Append(rsid208); rsids1.Append(rsid209); rsids1.Append(rsid210); rsids1.Append(rsid211); rsids1.Append(rsid212); rsids1.Append(rsid213); rsids1.Append(rsid214); rsids1.Append(rsid215); rsids1.Append(rsid216); rsids1.Append(rsid217); rsids1.Append(rsid218); rsids1.Append(rsid219); rsids1.Append(rsid220); rsids1.Append(rsid221); rsids1.Append(rsid222); rsids1.Append(rsid223); rsids1.Append(rsid224); rsids1.Append(rsid225); rsids1.Append(rsid226); rsids1.Append(rsid227); rsids1.Append(rsid228); rsids1.Append(rsid229); rsids1.Append(rsid230); rsids1.Append(rsid231); rsids1.Append(rsid232); rsids1.Append(rsid233); rsids1.Append(rsid234); rsids1.Append(rsid235); rsids1.Append(rsid236); rsids1.Append(rsid237); rsids1.Append(rsid238); rsids1.Append(rsid239); rsids1.Append(rsid240); rsids1.Append(rsid241); rsids1.Append(rsid242); rsids1.Append(rsid243); rsids1.Append(rsid244); rsids1.Append(rsid245); rsids1.Append(rsid246); rsids1.Append(rsid247); rsids1.Append(rsid248); rsids1.Append(rsid249); rsids1.Append(rsid250); rsids1.Append(rsid251); rsids1.Append(rsid252); rsids1.Append(rsid253); rsids1.Append(rsid254); rsids1.Append(rsid255); rsids1.Append(rsid256); rsids1.Append(rsid257); rsids1.Append(rsid258); rsids1.Append(rsid259); rsids1.Append(rsid260); rsids1.Append(rsid261); rsids1.Append(rsid262); rsids1.Append(rsid263); rsids1.Append(rsid264); rsids1.Append(rsid265); rsids1.Append(rsid266); rsids1.Append(rsid267); rsids1.Append(rsid268); rsids1.Append(rsid269); rsids1.Append(rsid270); rsids1.Append(rsid271); rsids1.Append(rsid272); rsids1.Append(rsid273); rsids1.Append(rsid274); rsids1.Append(rsid275); rsids1.Append(rsid276); rsids1.Append(rsid277); rsids1.Append(rsid278); rsids1.Append(rsid279); rsids1.Append(rsid280); rsids1.Append(rsid281); rsids1.Append(rsid282); rsids1.Append(rsid283); rsids1.Append(rsid284); rsids1.Append(rsid285); rsids1.Append(rsid286); rsids1.Append(rsid287); rsids1.Append(rsid288); rsids1.Append(rsid289); rsids1.Append(rsid290); rsids1.Append(rsid291); rsids1.Append(rsid292); rsids1.Append(rsid293); rsids1.Append(rsid294); rsids1.Append(rsid295); rsids1.Append(rsid296); rsids1.Append(rsid297); rsids1.Append(rsid298); rsids1.Append(rsid299); rsids1.Append(rsid300); rsids1.Append(rsid301); rsids1.Append(rsid302); rsids1.Append(rsid303); rsids1.Append(rsid304); rsids1.Append(rsid305); rsids1.Append(rsid306); rsids1.Append(rsid307); rsids1.Append(rsid308); rsids1.Append(rsid309); rsids1.Append(rsid310); rsids1.Append(rsid311); rsids1.Append(rsid312); rsids1.Append(rsid313); rsids1.Append(rsid314); rsids1.Append(rsid315); rsids1.Append(rsid316); rsids1.Append(rsid317); rsids1.Append(rsid318); rsids1.Append(rsid319); rsids1.Append(rsid320); rsids1.Append(rsid321); rsids1.Append(rsid322); rsids1.Append(rsid323); rsids1.Append(rsid324); rsids1.Append(rsid325); rsids1.Append(rsid326); rsids1.Append(rsid327); rsids1.Append(rsid328); rsids1.Append(rsid329); rsids1.Append(rsid330); rsids1.Append(rsid331); rsids1.Append(rsid332); rsids1.Append(rsid333); rsids1.Append(rsid334); rsids1.Append(rsid335); rsids1.Append(rsid336); rsids1.Append(rsid337); rsids1.Append(rsid338); rsids1.Append(rsid339); rsids1.Append(rsid340); rsids1.Append(rsid341); rsids1.Append(rsid342); rsids1.Append(rsid343); rsids1.Append(rsid344); rsids1.Append(rsid345); rsids1.Append(rsid346); rsids1.Append(rsid347); rsids1.Append(rsid348); rsids1.Append(rsid349); rsids1.Append(rsid350); rsids1.Append(rsid351); rsids1.Append(rsid352); rsids1.Append(rsid353); rsids1.Append(rsid354); rsids1.Append(rsid355); rsids1.Append(rsid356); rsids1.Append(rsid357); rsids1.Append(rsid358); rsids1.Append(rsid359); rsids1.Append(rsid360); rsids1.Append(rsid361); rsids1.Append(rsid362); rsids1.Append(rsid363); rsids1.Append(rsid364); rsids1.Append(rsid365); rsids1.Append(rsid366); rsids1.Append(rsid367); rsids1.Append(rsid368); rsids1.Append(rsid369); rsids1.Append(rsid370); rsids1.Append(rsid371); rsids1.Append(rsid372); rsids1.Append(rsid373); rsids1.Append(rsid374); rsids1.Append(rsid375); rsids1.Append(rsid376); rsids1.Append(rsid377); rsids1.Append(rsid378); rsids1.Append(rsid379); rsids1.Append(rsid380); rsids1.Append(rsid381); rsids1.Append(rsid382); rsids1.Append(rsid383); rsids1.Append(rsid384); rsids1.Append(rsid385); rsids1.Append(rsid386); rsids1.Append(rsid387); rsids1.Append(rsid388); rsids1.Append(rsid389); rsids1.Append(rsid390); rsids1.Append(rsid391); rsids1.Append(rsid392); rsids1.Append(rsid393); rsids1.Append(rsid394); rsids1.Append(rsid395); rsids1.Append(rsid396); rsids1.Append(rsid397); rsids1.Append(rsid398); rsids1.Append(rsid399); rsids1.Append(rsid400); rsids1.Append(rsid401); rsids1.Append(rsid402); rsids1.Append(rsid403); rsids1.Append(rsid404); rsids1.Append(rsid405); rsids1.Append(rsid406); rsids1.Append(rsid407); rsids1.Append(rsid408); rsids1.Append(rsid409); rsids1.Append(rsid410); rsids1.Append(rsid411); rsids1.Append(rsid412); rsids1.Append(rsid413); rsids1.Append(rsid414); rsids1.Append(rsid415); rsids1.Append(rsid416); rsids1.Append(rsid417); rsids1.Append(rsid418); rsids1.Append(rsid419); rsids1.Append(rsid420); rsids1.Append(rsid421); rsids1.Append(rsid422); rsids1.Append(rsid423); rsids1.Append(rsid424); rsids1.Append(rsid425); rsids1.Append(rsid426); rsids1.Append(rsid427); rsids1.Append(rsid428); rsids1.Append(rsid429); rsids1.Append(rsid430); rsids1.Append(rsid431); rsids1.Append(rsid432); rsids1.Append(rsid433); rsids1.Append(rsid434); rsids1.Append(rsid435); rsids1.Append(rsid436); rsids1.Append(rsid437); rsids1.Append(rsid438); rsids1.Append(rsid439); rsids1.Append(rsid440); rsids1.Append(rsid441); rsids1.Append(rsid442); rsids1.Append(rsid443); rsids1.Append(rsid444); rsids1.Append(rsid445); rsids1.Append(rsid446); rsids1.Append(rsid447); rsids1.Append(rsid448); rsids1.Append(rsid449); rsids1.Append(rsid450); rsids1.Append(rsid451); rsids1.Append(rsid452); rsids1.Append(rsid453); rsids1.Append(rsid454); rsids1.Append(rsid455); rsids1.Append(rsid456); rsids1.Append(rsid457); rsids1.Append(rsid458); rsids1.Append(rsid459); rsids1.Append(rsid460); rsids1.Append(rsid461); rsids1.Append(rsid462); rsids1.Append(rsid463); rsids1.Append(rsid464); rsids1.Append(rsid465); rsids1.Append(rsid466); rsids1.Append(rsid467); rsids1.Append(rsid468); rsids1.Append(rsid469); rsids1.Append(rsid470); rsids1.Append(rsid471); rsids1.Append(rsid472); rsids1.Append(rsid473); rsids1.Append(rsid474); rsids1.Append(rsid475); rsids1.Append(rsid476); rsids1.Append(rsid477); rsids1.Append(rsid478); rsids1.Append(rsid479); rsids1.Append(rsid480); rsids1.Append(rsid481); rsids1.Append(rsid482); rsids1.Append(rsid483); rsids1.Append(rsid484); rsids1.Append(rsid485); rsids1.Append(rsid486); rsids1.Append(rsid487); rsids1.Append(rsid488); rsids1.Append(rsid489); rsids1.Append(rsid490); rsids1.Append(rsid491); rsids1.Append(rsid492); rsids1.Append(rsid493); rsids1.Append(rsid494); rsids1.Append(rsid495); rsids1.Append(rsid496); rsids1.Append(rsid497); rsids1.Append(rsid498); rsids1.Append(rsid499); rsids1.Append(rsid500); rsids1.Append(rsid501); rsids1.Append(rsid502); rsids1.Append(rsid503); rsids1.Append(rsid504); rsids1.Append(rsid505); rsids1.Append(rsid506); rsids1.Append(rsid507); rsids1.Append(rsid508); rsids1.Append(rsid509); rsids1.Append(rsid510); rsids1.Append(rsid511); rsids1.Append(rsid512); rsids1.Append(rsid513); rsids1.Append(rsid514); rsids1.Append(rsid515); rsids1.Append(rsid516); rsids1.Append(rsid517); rsids1.Append(rsid518); rsids1.Append(rsid519); rsids1.Append(rsid520); rsids1.Append(rsid521); rsids1.Append(rsid522); rsids1.Append(rsid523); rsids1.Append(rsid524); rsids1.Append(rsid525); rsids1.Append(rsid526); rsids1.Append(rsid527); rsids1.Append(rsid528); rsids1.Append(rsid529); rsids1.Append(rsid530); rsids1.Append(rsid531); rsids1.Append(rsid532); rsids1.Append(rsid533); rsids1.Append(rsid534); rsids1.Append(rsid535); rsids1.Append(rsid536); rsids1.Append(rsid537); rsids1.Append(rsid538); rsids1.Append(rsid539); rsids1.Append(rsid540); rsids1.Append(rsid541); rsids1.Append(rsid542); rsids1.Append(rsid543); rsids1.Append(rsid544); rsids1.Append(rsid545); rsids1.Append(rsid546); rsids1.Append(rsid547); rsids1.Append(rsid548); rsids1.Append(rsid549); rsids1.Append(rsid550); rsids1.Append(rsid551); rsids1.Append(rsid552); rsids1.Append(rsid553); rsids1.Append(rsid554); rsids1.Append(rsid555); rsids1.Append(rsid556); rsids1.Append(rsid557); rsids1.Append(rsid558); rsids1.Append(rsid559); rsids1.Append(rsid560); rsids1.Append(rsid561); rsids1.Append(rsid562); rsids1.Append(rsid563); rsids1.Append(rsid564); rsids1.Append(rsid565); rsids1.Append(rsid566); rsids1.Append(rsid567); rsids1.Append(rsid568); rsids1.Append(rsid569); rsids1.Append(rsid570); rsids1.Append(rsid571); rsids1.Append(rsid572); rsids1.Append(rsid573); rsids1.Append(rsid574); rsids1.Append(rsid575); rsids1.Append(rsid576); rsids1.Append(rsid577); rsids1.Append(rsid578); rsids1.Append(rsid579); rsids1.Append(rsid580); rsids1.Append(rsid581); rsids1.Append(rsid582); rsids1.Append(rsid583); rsids1.Append(rsid584); rsids1.Append(rsid585); rsids1.Append(rsid586); rsids1.Append(rsid587); rsids1.Append(rsid588); rsids1.Append(rsid589); rsids1.Append(rsid590); rsids1.Append(rsid591); rsids1.Append(rsid592); rsids1.Append(rsid593); rsids1.Append(rsid594); rsids1.Append(rsid595); rsids1.Append(rsid596); rsids1.Append(rsid597); rsids1.Append(rsid598); rsids1.Append(rsid599); rsids1.Append(rsid600); rsids1.Append(rsid601); rsids1.Append(rsid602); rsids1.Append(rsid603); rsids1.Append(rsid604); rsids1.Append(rsid605); rsids1.Append(rsid606); rsids1.Append(rsid607); rsids1.Append(rsid608); rsids1.Append(rsid609); rsids1.Append(rsid610); rsids1.Append(rsid611); rsids1.Append(rsid612); rsids1.Append(rsid613); rsids1.Append(rsid614); M.MathProperties mathProperties1 = new M.MathProperties(); M.MathFont mathFont1 = new M.MathFont() { Val = "Cambria Math" }; M.BreakBinary breakBinary1 = new M.BreakBinary() { Val = M.BreakBinaryOperatorValues.Before }; M.BreakBinarySubtraction breakBinarySubtraction1 = new M.BreakBinarySubtraction() { Val = M.BreakBinarySubtractionValues.MinusMinus }; M.SmallFraction smallFraction1 = new M.SmallFraction() { Val = M.BooleanValues.Off }; M.DisplayDefaults displayDefaults1 = new M.DisplayDefaults(); M.LeftMargin leftMargin1 = new M.LeftMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.RightMargin rightMargin1 = new M.RightMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.DefaultJustification defaultJustification1 = new M.DefaultJustification() { Val = M.JustificationValues.CenterGroup }; M.WrapIndent wrapIndent1 = new M.WrapIndent() { Val = (UInt32Value)1440U }; M.IntegralLimitLocation integralLimitLocation1 = new M.IntegralLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.SubscriptSuperscript }; M.NaryLimitLocation naryLimitLocation1 = new M.NaryLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.UnderOver }; mathProperties1.Append(mathFont1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinary1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinarySubtraction1); mathProperties1.Append(smallFraction1); mathProperties1.Append(displayDefaults1); mathProperties1.Append(leftMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(rightMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(defaultJustification1); mathProperties1.Append(wrapIndent1); mathProperties1.Append(integralLimitLocation1); mathProperties1.Append(naryLimitLocation1); AttachedSchema attachedSchema1 = new AttachedSchema() { Val = "" }; AttachedSchema attachedSchema2 = new AttachedSchema() { Val = "errors@" }; ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages1 = new ThemeFontLanguages() { Val = "fr-CA" }; ColorSchemeMapping colorSchemeMapping1 = new ColorSchemeMapping() { Background1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink }; ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults2 = new ShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults3 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 300034 }; Ovml.ShapeLayout shapeLayout1 = new Ovml.ShapeLayout() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit }; Ovml.ShapeIdMap shapeIdMap1 = new Ovml.ShapeIdMap() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, Data = "1" }; shapeLayout1.Append(shapeIdMap1); shapeDefaults2.Append(shapeDefaults3); shapeDefaults2.Append(shapeLayout1); DecimalSymbol decimalSymbol1 = new DecimalSymbol() { Val = "," }; ListSeparator listSeparator1 = new ListSeparator() { Val = ";" }; settings1.Append(zoom1); settings1.Append(attachedTemplate1); settings1.Append(linkStyles1); settings1.Append(defaultTabStop1); settings1.Append(hyphenationZone1); settings1.Append(noPunctuationKerning1); settings1.Append(characterSpacingControl1); settings1.Append(doNotValidateAgainstSchema1); settings1.Append(saveInvalidXml1); settings1.Append(ignoreMixedContent1); settings1.Append(headerShapeDefaults1); settings1.Append(footnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings1.Append(endnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings1.Append(compatibility1); settings1.Append(rsids1); settings1.Append(mathProperties1); settings1.Append(attachedSchema1); settings1.Append(attachedSchema2); settings1.Append(themeFontLanguages1); settings1.Append(colorSchemeMapping1); settings1.Append(shapeDefaults2); settings1.Append(decimalSymbol1); settings1.Append(listSeparator1); documentSettingsPart1.Settings = settings1; }
// Generates content of documentSettingsPart1. private void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart1Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart1) { Settings settings1 = new Settings() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14" } }; settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom() { Percent = "100" }; ProofState proofState1 = new ProofState() { Spelling = ProofingStateValues.Clean, Grammar = ProofingStateValues.Clean }; DefaultTabStop defaultTabStop1 = new DefaultTabStop() { Val = 708 }; CharacterSpacingControl characterSpacingControl1 = new CharacterSpacingControl() { Val = CharacterSpacingValues.DoNotCompress }; FootnoteDocumentWideProperties footnoteDocumentWideProperties1 = new FootnoteDocumentWideProperties(); FootnoteSpecialReference footnoteSpecialReference1 = new FootnoteSpecialReference() { Id = -1 }; FootnoteSpecialReference footnoteSpecialReference2 = new FootnoteSpecialReference() { Id = 0 }; footnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(footnoteSpecialReference1); footnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(footnoteSpecialReference2); EndnoteDocumentWideProperties endnoteDocumentWideProperties1 = new EndnoteDocumentWideProperties(); EndnoteSpecialReference endnoteSpecialReference1 = new EndnoteSpecialReference() { Id = -1 }; EndnoteSpecialReference endnoteSpecialReference2 = new EndnoteSpecialReference() { Id = 0 }; endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference1); endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference2); Compatibility compatibility1 = new Compatibility(); CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting1 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.CompatibilityMode, Uri = "", Val = "14" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting2 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.OverrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting3 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.EnableOpenTypeFeatures, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting4 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DoNotFlipMirrorIndents, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting2); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting3); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting4); Rsids rsids1 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot1 = new RsidRoot() { Val = "00945FC6" }; Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "00391036" }; Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid() { Val = "00571FC0" }; Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid() { Val = "00900A10" }; Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid() { Val = "00945FC6" }; Rsid rsid5 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D60978" }; rsids1.Append(rsidRoot1); rsids1.Append(rsid1); rsids1.Append(rsid2); rsids1.Append(rsid3); rsids1.Append(rsid4); rsids1.Append(rsid5); M.MathProperties mathProperties1 = new M.MathProperties(); M.MathFont mathFont1 = new M.MathFont() { Val = "Cambria Math" }; M.BreakBinary breakBinary1 = new M.BreakBinary() { Val = M.BreakBinaryOperatorValues.Before }; M.BreakBinarySubtraction breakBinarySubtraction1 = new M.BreakBinarySubtraction() { Val = M.BreakBinarySubtractionValues.MinusMinus }; M.SmallFraction smallFraction1 = new M.SmallFraction() { Val = M.BooleanValues.Zero }; M.DisplayDefaults displayDefaults1 = new M.DisplayDefaults(); M.LeftMargin leftMargin1 = new M.LeftMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.RightMargin rightMargin1 = new M.RightMargin() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.DefaultJustification defaultJustification1 = new M.DefaultJustification() { Val = M.JustificationValues.CenterGroup }; M.WrapIndent wrapIndent1 = new M.WrapIndent() { Val = (UInt32Value)1440U }; M.IntegralLimitLocation integralLimitLocation1 = new M.IntegralLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.SubscriptSuperscript }; M.NaryLimitLocation naryLimitLocation1 = new M.NaryLimitLocation() { Val = M.LimitLocationValues.UnderOver }; mathProperties1.Append(mathFont1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinary1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinarySubtraction1); mathProperties1.Append(smallFraction1); mathProperties1.Append(displayDefaults1); mathProperties1.Append(leftMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(rightMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(defaultJustification1); mathProperties1.Append(wrapIndent1); mathProperties1.Append(integralLimitLocation1); mathProperties1.Append(naryLimitLocation1); ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages1 = new ThemeFontLanguages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; ColorSchemeMapping colorSchemeMapping1 = new ColorSchemeMapping() { Background1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink }; ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults1 = new ShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults2 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 1026 }; Ovml.ShapeLayout shapeLayout1 = new Ovml.ShapeLayout() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit }; Ovml.ShapeIdMap shapeIdMap1 = new Ovml.ShapeIdMap() { Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, Data = "1" }; shapeLayout1.Append(shapeIdMap1); shapeDefaults1.Append(shapeDefaults2); shapeDefaults1.Append(shapeLayout1); DecimalSymbol decimalSymbol1 = new DecimalSymbol() { Val = "," }; ListSeparator listSeparator1 = new ListSeparator() { Val = ";" }; settings1.Append(zoom1); settings1.Append(proofState1); settings1.Append(defaultTabStop1); settings1.Append(characterSpacingControl1); settings1.Append(footnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings1.Append(endnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings1.Append(compatibility1); settings1.Append(rsids1); settings1.Append(mathProperties1); settings1.Append(themeFontLanguages1); settings1.Append(colorSchemeMapping1); settings1.Append(shapeDefaults1); settings1.Append(decimalSymbol1); settings1.Append(listSeparator1); documentSettingsPart1.Settings = settings1; }
// set render zoom mode public void setZoom(Zoom p_zoom) { m_zoom = p_zoom; }
// Generates content of documentSettingsPart2. private void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart2Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart2) { Settings settings2 = new Settings(){ MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes(){ Ignorable = "w14 w15" } }; settings2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); settings2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); settings2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", ""); settings2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom(){ Percent = "100" }; BordersDoNotSurroundHeader bordersDoNotSurroundHeader2 = new BordersDoNotSurroundHeader(); BordersDoNotSurroundFooter bordersDoNotSurroundFooter2 = new BordersDoNotSurroundFooter(); ProofState proofState1 = new ProofState(){ Spelling = ProofingStateValues.Clean, Grammar = ProofingStateValues.Clean }; DefaultTabStop defaultTabStop2 = new DefaultTabStop(){ Val = 840 }; DisplayHorizontalDrawingGrid displayHorizontalDrawingGrid2 = new DisplayHorizontalDrawingGrid(){ Val = 0 }; DisplayVerticalDrawingGrid displayVerticalDrawingGrid2 = new DisplayVerticalDrawingGrid(){ Val = 2 }; CharacterSpacingControl characterSpacingControl2 = new CharacterSpacingControl(){ Val = CharacterSpacingValues.CompressPunctuation }; HeaderShapeDefaults headerShapeDefaults1 = new HeaderShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults1 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults(){ Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 2049 }; V.TextBox textBox1 = new V.TextBox(){ Inset = "5.85pt,.7pt,5.85pt,.7pt" }; shapeDefaults1.Append(textBox1); headerShapeDefaults1.Append(shapeDefaults1); FootnoteDocumentWideProperties footnoteDocumentWideProperties1 = new FootnoteDocumentWideProperties(); FootnoteSpecialReference footnoteSpecialReference1 = new FootnoteSpecialReference(){ Id = -1 }; FootnoteSpecialReference footnoteSpecialReference2 = new FootnoteSpecialReference(){ Id = 0 }; footnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(footnoteSpecialReference1); footnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(footnoteSpecialReference2); EndnoteDocumentWideProperties endnoteDocumentWideProperties1 = new EndnoteDocumentWideProperties(); EndnoteSpecialReference endnoteSpecialReference1 = new EndnoteSpecialReference(){ Id = -1 }; EndnoteSpecialReference endnoteSpecialReference2 = new EndnoteSpecialReference(){ Id = 0 }; endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference1); endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference2); Compatibility compatibility2 = new Compatibility(); SpaceForUnderline spaceForUnderline2 = new SpaceForUnderline(); BalanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth2 = new BalanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth(); DoNotLeaveBackslashAlone doNotLeaveBackslashAlone2 = new DoNotLeaveBackslashAlone(); UnderlineTrailingSpaces underlineTrailingSpaces2 = new UnderlineTrailingSpaces(); DoNotExpandShiftReturn doNotExpandShiftReturn2 = new DoNotExpandShiftReturn(); AdjustLineHeightInTable adjustLineHeightInTable2 = new AdjustLineHeightInTable(); UseFarEastLayout useFarEastLayout2 = new UseFarEastLayout(); CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting6 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.CompatibilityMode, Uri = "", Val = "15" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting7 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.OverrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting8 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.EnableOpenTypeFeatures, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting9 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DoNotFlipMirrorIndents, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting10 = new CompatibilitySetting(){ Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DifferentiateMultirowTableHeaders, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; compatibility2.Append(spaceForUnderline2); compatibility2.Append(balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth2); compatibility2.Append(doNotLeaveBackslashAlone2); compatibility2.Append(underlineTrailingSpaces2); compatibility2.Append(doNotExpandShiftReturn2); compatibility2.Append(adjustLineHeightInTable2); compatibility2.Append(useFarEastLayout2); compatibility2.Append(compatibilitySetting6); compatibility2.Append(compatibilitySetting7); compatibility2.Append(compatibilitySetting8); compatibility2.Append(compatibilitySetting9); compatibility2.Append(compatibilitySetting10); Rsids rsids2 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot2 = new RsidRoot(){ Val = "000010BA" }; Rsid rsid21 = new Rsid(){ Val = "000010BA" }; Rsid rsid22 = new Rsid(){ Val = "000C1702" }; Rsid rsid23 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00221A5E" }; Rsid rsid24 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00535C5E" }; Rsid rsid25 = new Rsid(){ Val = "005A792B" }; Rsid rsid26 = new Rsid(){ Val = "006D4DFB" }; Rsid rsid27 = new Rsid(){ Val = "009651D6" }; Rsid rsid28 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00A215C1" }; Rsid rsid29 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00CC7467" }; Rsid rsid30 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00DC649D" }; Rsid rsid31 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00E86739" }; Rsid rsid32 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00E90381" }; Rsid rsid33 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00E930A2" }; rsids2.Append(rsidRoot2); rsids2.Append(rsid21); rsids2.Append(rsid22); rsids2.Append(rsid23); rsids2.Append(rsid24); rsids2.Append(rsid25); rsids2.Append(rsid26); rsids2.Append(rsid27); rsids2.Append(rsid28); rsids2.Append(rsid29); rsids2.Append(rsid30); rsids2.Append(rsid31); rsids2.Append(rsid32); rsids2.Append(rsid33); M.MathProperties mathProperties2 = new M.MathProperties(); M.MathFont mathFont2 = new M.MathFont(){ Val = "Cambria Math" }; M.BreakBinary breakBinary2 = new M.BreakBinary(){ Val = M.BreakBinaryOperatorValues.Before }; M.BreakBinarySubtraction breakBinarySubtraction2 = new M.BreakBinarySubtraction(){ Val = M.BreakBinarySubtractionValues.MinusMinus }; M.SmallFraction smallFraction2 = new M.SmallFraction(){ Val = M.BooleanValues.Zero }; M.DisplayDefaults displayDefaults2 = new M.DisplayDefaults(); M.LeftMargin leftMargin2 = new M.LeftMargin(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.RightMargin rightMargin2 = new M.RightMargin(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.DefaultJustification defaultJustification2 = new M.DefaultJustification(){ Val = M.JustificationValues.CenterGroup }; M.WrapIndent wrapIndent2 = new M.WrapIndent(){ Val = (UInt32Value)1440U }; M.IntegralLimitLocation integralLimitLocation2 = new M.IntegralLimitLocation(){ Val = M.LimitLocationValues.SubscriptSuperscript }; M.NaryLimitLocation naryLimitLocation2 = new M.NaryLimitLocation(){ Val = M.LimitLocationValues.UnderOver }; mathProperties2.Append(mathFont2); mathProperties2.Append(breakBinary2); mathProperties2.Append(breakBinarySubtraction2); mathProperties2.Append(smallFraction2); mathProperties2.Append(displayDefaults2); mathProperties2.Append(leftMargin2); mathProperties2.Append(rightMargin2); mathProperties2.Append(defaultJustification2); mathProperties2.Append(wrapIndent2); mathProperties2.Append(integralLimitLocation2); mathProperties2.Append(naryLimitLocation2); ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages2 = new ThemeFontLanguages(){ Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "ja-JP" }; ColorSchemeMapping colorSchemeMapping2 = new ColorSchemeMapping(){ Background1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink }; ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults2 = new ShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults3 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults(){ Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 2049 }; V.TextBox textBox2 = new V.TextBox(){ Inset = "5.85pt,.7pt,5.85pt,.7pt" }; shapeDefaults3.Append(textBox2); Ovml.ShapeLayout shapeLayout1 = new Ovml.ShapeLayout(){ Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit }; Ovml.ShapeIdMap shapeIdMap1 = new Ovml.ShapeIdMap(){ Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, Data = "1" }; shapeLayout1.Append(shapeIdMap1); shapeDefaults2.Append(shapeDefaults3); shapeDefaults2.Append(shapeLayout1); DecimalSymbol decimalSymbol2 = new DecimalSymbol(){ Val = "." }; ListSeparator listSeparator2 = new ListSeparator(){ Val = "," }; W15.ChartTrackingRefBased chartTrackingRefBased2 = new W15.ChartTrackingRefBased(); W15.PersistentDocumentId persistentDocumentId1 = new W15.PersistentDocumentId(){ Val = "{855411F9-778F-4476-A693-CE4F6511E7CE}" }; settings2.Append(zoom1); settings2.Append(bordersDoNotSurroundHeader2); settings2.Append(bordersDoNotSurroundFooter2); settings2.Append(proofState1); settings2.Append(defaultTabStop2); settings2.Append(displayHorizontalDrawingGrid2); settings2.Append(displayVerticalDrawingGrid2); settings2.Append(characterSpacingControl2); settings2.Append(headerShapeDefaults1); settings2.Append(footnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings2.Append(endnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings2.Append(compatibility2); settings2.Append(rsids2); settings2.Append(mathProperties2); settings2.Append(themeFontLanguages2); settings2.Append(colorSchemeMapping2); settings2.Append(shapeDefaults2); settings2.Append(decimalSymbol2); settings2.Append(listSeparator2); settings2.Append(chartTrackingRefBased2); settings2.Append(persistentDocumentId1); documentSettingsPart2.Settings = settings2; }
/// <summary> /// Calculates all values for drawing the page preview. /// </summary> internal void CalculatePreviewDimension(out bool zoomChanged) { // User may change display resolution while preview is running Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero); IntPtr hdc = gfx.GetHdc(); DeviceInfos devInfo = DeviceInfos.GetInfos(hdc); gfx.ReleaseHdc(hdc); gfx.Dispose(); int xdpiScreen = devInfo.LogicalDpiX; int ydpiScreen = devInfo.LogicalDpiY; //int cxScrollbar = SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth; //int cyScrollbar = SystemInformation.HorizontalScrollBarHeight; Rectangle rcCanvas = this.canvas.ClientRectangle; Zoom zoomOld = this.zoom; int zoomPercentOld = this.zoomPercent; // Border around virtual page in pixel. const int leftBorder = 2; const int rightBorder = 4; // because of shadow const int topBorder = 2; const int bottomBorder = 4; // because of shadow const int horzBorders = leftBorder + rightBorder; const int vertBorders = topBorder + bottomBorder; // Calculate new zoom factor. switch (this.zoom) { case Zoom.BestFit: BestFit: //this.zoomPercent = Convert.ToInt32(25400.0 * (rcCanvas.Width - (leftBorder + rightBorder)) / (this.pageSize.Width * xdpiScreen)); this.zoomPercent = (int)(7200f * (rcCanvas.Width - horzBorders) / (this.pageSize.Width * xdpiScreen)); //--this.zoomPercent; // prevend round up errors break; case Zoom.TextFit: // TODO: 'public Rectangle TextBox' property goto BestFit; //this.zoomPercent = LongFromReal (25400.0 / (_cxUsedPage + 0) * // (rcWnd.CX () - 2 * cxScrollbar) / xdpiScreen) - 3; //break; case Zoom.FullPage: { //int zoomX = Convert.ToInt32(25400.0 / (this.pageSize.Width) * // (rcCanvas.Width - (leftBorder + rightBorder)) / xdpiScreen); //int zoomY = Convert.ToInt32(25400.0 / (this.pageSize.Height) * // (rcCanvas.Height - (topBorder + bottomBorder)) / ydpiScreen); int zoomX = (int)(7200f * (rcCanvas.Width - horzBorders) / (this.pageSize.Width * xdpiScreen)); int zoomY = (int)(7200f * (rcCanvas.Height - vertBorders) / (this.pageSize.Height * ydpiScreen)); this.zoomPercent = Math.Min(zoomX, zoomY); //--this.zoomPercent; // prevend round up errors } break; case Zoom.OriginalSize: this.zoomPercent = (int)(0.5 + 200f / (devInfo.ScaleX + devInfo.ScaleY)); this.zoomPercent = (int)(0.5 + 100f / devInfo.ScaleX); break; default: this.zoomPercent = (int)this.zoom; break; } // Bound to zoom limits this.zoomPercent = Math.Max(Math.Min(this.zoomPercent, (int)Zoom.Maximum), (int)Zoom.Mininum); if ((int)this.zoom > 0) this.zoom = (Zoom)this.zoomPercent; // Size of page in preview window in pixel this.virtualPage.X = leftBorder; this.virtualPage.Y = topBorder; this.virtualPage.Width = (int)(this.pageSize.Width * xdpiScreen * this.zoomPercent / 7200); this.virtualPage.Height = (int)(this.pageSize.Height * ydpiScreen * this.zoomPercent / 7200); //// 2540 := (25.4mm * 100%) / 1mm //m_VirtualPrintableArea.X = (int)this.printableArea.X * this.zoomPercent * xdpiScreen / 2540; //m_VirtualPrintableArea.Y = (int)this.printableArea.Y * this.zoomPercent * xdpiScreen / 2540; //m_VirtualPrintableArea.Width = (int)this.printableArea.Width * this.zoomPercent * xdpiScreen / 2540; //m_VirtualPrintableArea.Height = (int)this.printableArea.Height * this.zoomPercent * xdpiScreen / 2540; // Border do not depend on zoom anymore this.virtualCanvas = new Size(this.virtualPage.Width + horzBorders, this.virtualPage.Height + vertBorders); // Adjust virtual canvas to at least acutal window size if (virtualCanvas.Width < rcCanvas.Width) { virtualCanvas.Width = rcCanvas.Width; this.virtualPage.X = leftBorder + (rcCanvas.Width - horzBorders - virtualPage.Width) / 2; } if (virtualCanvas.Height < rcCanvas.Height) { virtualCanvas.Height = rcCanvas.Height; this.virtualPage.Y = topBorder + (rcCanvas.Height - vertBorders - virtualPage.Height) / 2; } zoomChanged = zoomOld != this.zoom || zoomPercentOld != this.zoomPercent; if (zoomChanged) OnZoomChanged(new EventArgs()); }
// Generates content of documentSettingsPart1. private void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart1Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart1) { Settings settings1 = new Settings() {MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() {Ignorable = "w14"}}; settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom() {Percent = "100"}; ProofState proofState1 = new ProofState() {Spelling = ProofingStateValues.Clean, Grammar = ProofingStateValues.Clean}; MailMerge mailMerge1 = new MailMerge(); MainDocumentType mainDocumentType1 = new MainDocumentType() {Val = MailMergeDocumentValues.FormLetter}; DataType dataType1 = new DataType() {Val = MailMergeDataValues.TextFile}; ActiveRecord activeRecord1 = new ActiveRecord() {Val = -1}; mailMerge1.Append(mainDocumentType1); mailMerge1.Append(dataType1); mailMerge1.Append(activeRecord1); DefaultTabStop defaultTabStop1 = new DefaultTabStop() {Val = 720}; CharacterSpacingControl characterSpacingControl1 = new CharacterSpacingControl() {Val = CharacterSpacingValues.DoNotCompress}; HeaderShapeDefaults headerShapeDefaults1 = new HeaderShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults1 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults() {Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 6145}; headerShapeDefaults1.Append(shapeDefaults1); FootnoteDocumentWideProperties footnoteDocumentWideProperties1 = new FootnoteDocumentWideProperties(); FootnoteSpecialReference footnoteSpecialReference1 = new FootnoteSpecialReference() {Id = -1}; FootnoteSpecialReference footnoteSpecialReference2 = new FootnoteSpecialReference() {Id = 0}; footnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(footnoteSpecialReference1); footnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(footnoteSpecialReference2); EndnoteDocumentWideProperties endnoteDocumentWideProperties1 = new EndnoteDocumentWideProperties(); EndnoteSpecialReference endnoteSpecialReference1 = new EndnoteSpecialReference() {Id = -1}; EndnoteSpecialReference endnoteSpecialReference2 = new EndnoteSpecialReference() {Id = 0}; endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference1); endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference2); Compatibility compatibility1 = new Compatibility(); CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting1 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.CompatibilityMode, Uri = "", Val = "14" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting2 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.OverrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting3 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.EnableOpenTypeFeatures, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting4 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DoNotFlipMirrorIndents, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting2); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting3); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting4); Rsids rsids1 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot1 = new RsidRoot() {Val = "002307CA"}; Rsid rsid25 = new Rsid() {Val = "00021925"}; Rsid rsid26 = new Rsid() {Val = "0005059E"}; Rsid rsid27 = new Rsid() {Val = "002307CA"}; Rsid rsid28 = new Rsid() {Val = "00267818"}; Rsid rsid29 = new Rsid() {Val = "002E2CE3"}; Rsid rsid30 = new Rsid() {Val = "00367B71"}; Rsid rsid31 = new Rsid() {Val = "003C716F"}; Rsid rsid32 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; Rsid rsid33 = new Rsid() {Val = "00485B24"}; Rsid rsid34 = new Rsid() {Val = "004B0395"}; Rsid rsid35 = new Rsid() {Val = "005A7CCB"}; Rsid rsid36 = new Rsid() {Val = "00664E23"}; Rsid rsid37 = new Rsid() {Val = "006D0F9D"}; Rsid rsid38 = new Rsid() {Val = "006F12E1"}; Rsid rsid39 = new Rsid() {Val = "00731A43"}; Rsid rsid40 = new Rsid() {Val = "00736D14"}; Rsid rsid41 = new Rsid() {Val = "007977E5"}; Rsid rsid42 = new Rsid() {Val = "007B10F8"}; Rsid rsid43 = new Rsid() {Val = "007C67E7"}; Rsid rsid44 = new Rsid() {Val = "00960953"}; Rsid rsid45 = new Rsid() {Val = "009F02C7"}; Rsid rsid46 = new Rsid() {Val = "00A056C7"}; Rsid rsid47 = new Rsid() {Val = "00B32099"}; Rsid rsid48 = new Rsid() {Val = "00B92CF0"}; Rsid rsid49 = new Rsid() {Val = "00BC57A3"}; Rsid rsid50 = new Rsid() {Val = "00BE6B68"}; Rsid rsid51 = new Rsid() {Val = "00BF235B"}; Rsid rsid52 = new Rsid() {Val = "00BF5126"}; Rsid rsid53 = new Rsid() {Val = "00C91302"}; Rsid rsid54 = new Rsid() {Val = "00CA68EB"}; Rsid rsid55 = new Rsid() {Val = "00E33AA1"}; Rsid rsid56 = new Rsid() {Val = "00E40D36"}; Rsid rsid57 = new Rsid() {Val = "00E7460D"}; Rsid rsid58 = new Rsid() {Val = "00E95156"}; Rsid rsid59 = new Rsid() {Val = "00F06304"}; Rsid rsid60 = new Rsid() {Val = "00FA5EBC"}; 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M.BreakBinary breakBinary1 = new M.BreakBinary() {Val = M.BreakBinaryOperatorValues.Before}; M.BreakBinarySubtraction breakBinarySubtraction1 = new M.BreakBinarySubtraction() {Val = M.BreakBinarySubtractionValues.MinusMinus}; M.SmallFraction smallFraction1 = new M.SmallFraction() {Val = M.BooleanValues.Zero}; M.DisplayDefaults displayDefaults1 = new M.DisplayDefaults(); M.LeftMargin leftMargin1 = new M.LeftMargin() {Val = (UInt32Value) 0U}; M.RightMargin rightMargin1 = new M.RightMargin() {Val = (UInt32Value) 0U}; M.DefaultJustification defaultJustification1 = new M.DefaultJustification() {Val = M.JustificationValues.CenterGroup}; M.WrapIndent wrapIndent1 = new M.WrapIndent() {Val = (UInt32Value) 1440U}; M.IntegralLimitLocation integralLimitLocation1 = new M.IntegralLimitLocation() {Val = M.LimitLocationValues.SubscriptSuperscript}; M.NaryLimitLocation naryLimitLocation1 = new M.NaryLimitLocation() {Val = M.LimitLocationValues.UnderOver}; mathProperties1.Append(mathFont1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinary1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinarySubtraction1); mathProperties1.Append(smallFraction1); mathProperties1.Append(displayDefaults1); mathProperties1.Append(leftMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(rightMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(defaultJustification1); mathProperties1.Append(wrapIndent1); mathProperties1.Append(integralLimitLocation1); mathProperties1.Append(naryLimitLocation1); ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages1 = new ThemeFontLanguages() {Val = "en-US"}; ColorSchemeMapping colorSchemeMapping1 = new ColorSchemeMapping() { Background1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light1, Text1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark1, Background2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Light2, Text2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Dark2, Accent1 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent1, Accent2 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent2, Accent3 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent3, Accent4 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent4, Accent5 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent5, Accent6 = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Accent6, Hyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.Hyperlink, FollowedHyperlink = ColorSchemeIndexValues.FollowedHyperlink }; ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults2 = new ShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults3 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults() {Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 6145}; Ovml.ShapeLayout shapeLayout1 = new Ovml.ShapeLayout() {Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit}; Ovml.ShapeIdMap shapeIdMap1 = new Ovml.ShapeIdMap() {Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, Data = "1"}; shapeLayout1.Append(shapeIdMap1); shapeDefaults2.Append(shapeDefaults3); shapeDefaults2.Append(shapeLayout1); DecimalSymbol decimalSymbol1 = new DecimalSymbol() {Val = "."}; ListSeparator listSeparator1 = new ListSeparator() {Val = ","}; settings1.Append(zoom1); settings1.Append(proofState1); settings1.Append(mailMerge1); settings1.Append(defaultTabStop1); settings1.Append(characterSpacingControl1); settings1.Append(headerShapeDefaults1); settings1.Append(footnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings1.Append(endnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings1.Append(compatibility1); settings1.Append(rsids1); settings1.Append(mathProperties1); settings1.Append(themeFontLanguages1); settings1.Append(colorSchemeMapping1); settings1.Append(shapeDefaults2); settings1.Append(decimalSymbol1); settings1.Append(listSeparator1); documentSettingsPart1.Settings = settings1; }
// Generates content of documentSettingsPart1. private void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart1Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart1) { Settings settings1 = new Settings(){ MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes(){ Ignorable = "w14 w15" } }; settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom(){ Percent = "120" }; BordersDoNotSurroundHeader bordersDoNotSurroundHeader1 = new BordersDoNotSurroundHeader(); BordersDoNotSurroundFooter bordersDoNotSurroundFooter1 = new BordersDoNotSurroundFooter(); DefaultTabStop defaultTabStop1 = new DefaultTabStop(){ Val = 840 }; DisplayHorizontalDrawingGrid displayHorizontalDrawingGrid1 = new DisplayHorizontalDrawingGrid(){ Val = 0 }; DisplayVerticalDrawingGrid displayVerticalDrawingGrid1 = new DisplayVerticalDrawingGrid(){ Val = 2 }; CharacterSpacingControl characterSpacingControl1 = new CharacterSpacingControl(){ Val = CharacterSpacingValues.CompressPunctuation }; HeaderShapeDefaults headerShapeDefaults1 = new HeaderShapeDefaults(); Ovml.ShapeDefaults shapeDefaults1 = new Ovml.ShapeDefaults(){ Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, MaxShapeId = 2049 }; V.TextBox textBox1 = new V.TextBox(){ Inset = "5.85pt,.7pt,5.85pt,.7pt" }; shapeDefaults1.Append(textBox1); headerShapeDefaults1.Append(shapeDefaults1); FootnoteDocumentWideProperties footnoteDocumentWideProperties1 = new FootnoteDocumentWideProperties(); FootnotePosition footnotePosition2 = new FootnotePosition(){ Val = FootnotePositionValues.BeneathText }; FootnoteSpecialReference footnoteSpecialReference1 = new FootnoteSpecialReference(){ Id = -1 }; 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compatibility1.Append(spaceForUnderline1); compatibility1.Append(balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth1); compatibility1.Append(doNotLeaveBackslashAlone1); compatibility1.Append(underlineTrailingSpaces1); compatibility1.Append(doNotExpandShiftReturn1); compatibility1.Append(adjustLineHeightInTable1); compatibility1.Append(useFarEastLayout1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting2); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting3); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting4); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting5); Rsids rsids1 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot1 = new RsidRoot(){ Val = "0065051C" }; Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00023006" }; Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid(){ Val = "000375B4" }; Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid(){ Val = "000B3CD4" }; Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid(){ Val = "000D444D" }; Rsid rsid5 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00155FE4" }; Rsid rsid6 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00157205" }; Rsid rsid7 = new Rsid(){ Val = "00184FE2" }; Rsid rsid8 = new Rsid(){ Val = "0021780B" }; 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rsids1.Append(rsid8); rsids1.Append(rsid9); rsids1.Append(rsid10); rsids1.Append(rsid11); rsids1.Append(rsid12); rsids1.Append(rsid13); rsids1.Append(rsid14); rsids1.Append(rsid15); rsids1.Append(rsid16); rsids1.Append(rsid17); rsids1.Append(rsid18); rsids1.Append(rsid19); rsids1.Append(rsid20); rsids1.Append(rsid21); rsids1.Append(rsid22); rsids1.Append(rsid23); rsids1.Append(rsid24); rsids1.Append(rsid25); rsids1.Append(rsid26); rsids1.Append(rsid27); rsids1.Append(rsid28); rsids1.Append(rsid29); rsids1.Append(rsid30); rsids1.Append(rsid31); rsids1.Append(rsid32); rsids1.Append(rsid33); rsids1.Append(rsid34); rsids1.Append(rsid35); rsids1.Append(rsid36); rsids1.Append(rsid37); rsids1.Append(rsid38); rsids1.Append(rsid39); rsids1.Append(rsid40); rsids1.Append(rsid41); rsids1.Append(rsid42); rsids1.Append(rsid43); rsids1.Append(rsid44); rsids1.Append(rsid45); rsids1.Append(rsid46); rsids1.Append(rsid47); rsids1.Append(rsid48); rsids1.Append(rsid49); rsids1.Append(rsid50); rsids1.Append(rsid51); 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M.RightMargin rightMargin1 = new M.RightMargin(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; M.DefaultJustification defaultJustification1 = new M.DefaultJustification(){ Val = M.JustificationValues.CenterGroup }; M.WrapIndent wrapIndent1 = new M.WrapIndent(){ Val = (UInt32Value)1440U }; M.IntegralLimitLocation integralLimitLocation1 = new M.IntegralLimitLocation(){ Val = M.LimitLocationValues.SubscriptSuperscript }; M.NaryLimitLocation naryLimitLocation1 = new M.NaryLimitLocation(){ Val = M.LimitLocationValues.UnderOver }; mathProperties1.Append(mathFont1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinary1); mathProperties1.Append(breakBinarySubtraction1); mathProperties1.Append(smallFraction1); mathProperties1.Append(displayDefaults1); mathProperties1.Append(leftMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(rightMargin1); mathProperties1.Append(defaultJustification1); mathProperties1.Append(wrapIndent1); mathProperties1.Append(integralLimitLocation1); mathProperties1.Append(naryLimitLocation1); ThemeFontLanguages themeFontLanguages1 = new ThemeFontLanguages(){ Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "ja-JP" }; 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Ovml.ShapeIdMap shapeIdMap1 = new Ovml.ShapeIdMap(){ Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, Data = "1" }; shapeLayout1.Append(shapeIdMap1); shapeDefaults2.Append(shapeDefaults3); shapeDefaults2.Append(shapeLayout1); DecimalSymbol decimalSymbol1 = new DecimalSymbol(){ Val = "." }; ListSeparator listSeparator1 = new ListSeparator(){ Val = "," }; W15.ChartTrackingRefBased chartTrackingRefBased1 = new W15.ChartTrackingRefBased(); W15.PersistentDocumentId persistentDocumentId1 = new W15.PersistentDocumentId(){ Val = "{57C27CDA-3B4C-42CA-80EF-A200C26DFF13}" }; settings1.Append(zoom1); settings1.Append(bordersDoNotSurroundHeader1); settings1.Append(bordersDoNotSurroundFooter1); settings1.Append(defaultTabStop1); settings1.Append(displayHorizontalDrawingGrid1); settings1.Append(displayVerticalDrawingGrid1); settings1.Append(characterSpacingControl1); settings1.Append(headerShapeDefaults1); settings1.Append(footnoteDocumentWideProperties1); settings1.Append(endnoteDocumentWideProperties1); 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// Generates content of documentSettingsPart1. private void GenerateDocumentSettingsPart1Content(DocumentSettingsPart documentSettingsPart1) { Settings settings1 = new Settings() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14 w15 w16se" } }; settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w16se", ""); settings1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("sl", ""); Zoom zoom1 = new Zoom() { Percent = "100" }; EmbedSystemFonts embedSystemFonts1 = new EmbedSystemFonts(); HideSpellingErrors hideSpellingErrors1 = new HideSpellingErrors(); 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EndnoteSpecialReference endnoteSpecialReference2 = new EndnoteSpecialReference() { Id = 0 }; EndnoteSpecialReference endnoteSpecialReference3 = new EndnoteSpecialReference() { Id = 1 }; endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference1); endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference2); endnoteDocumentWideProperties1.Append(endnoteSpecialReference3); Compatibility compatibility1 = new Compatibility(); CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting1 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.CompatibilityMode, Uri = "", Val = "15" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting2 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.OverrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting3 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.EnableOpenTypeFeatures, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting4 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DoNotFlipMirrorIndents, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; CompatibilitySetting compatibilitySetting5 = new CompatibilitySetting() { Name = CompatSettingNameValues.DifferentiateMultirowTableHeaders, Uri = "", Val = "1" }; compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting1); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting2); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting3); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting4); compatibility1.Append(compatibilitySetting5); Rsids rsids1 = new Rsids(); RsidRoot rsidRoot1 = new RsidRoot() { Val = "0084010C" }; Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "000105B9" }; Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid() { Val = "00012128" }; Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid() { Val = "00016236" }; Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid() { Val = "00016F9B" }; Rsid rsid5 = new Rsid() { Val = "0002129C" }; Rsid rsid6 = new Rsid() { Val = "00024479" }; Rsid rsid7 = new Rsid() { Val = "00031D54" }; Rsid rsid8 = new Rsid() { Val = "00053A55" }; Rsid rsid9 = new Rsid() { Val = "00055557" }; Rsid rsid10 = new Rsid() { Val = "0006731C" }; Rsid rsid11 = new Rsid() { Val = "00076FEE" }; Rsid rsid12 = new Rsid() { Val = "00077BE6" }; Rsid rsid13 = new Rsid() { Val = "00082E6D" }; Rsid rsid14 = new Rsid() { Val = "00095617" }; Rsid rsid15 = new Rsid() { Val = "000B4F00" }; Rsid rsid16 = new Rsid() { Val = "000C02D8" }; Rsid rsid17 = new Rsid() { Val = "000D1B10" }; Rsid rsid18 = new Rsid() { Val = "000D287D" }; Rsid rsid19 = new Rsid() { Val = "000D30D4" }; Rsid rsid20 = new Rsid() { Val = "000D5C82" }; Rsid rsid21 = new Rsid() { Val = "000E2AF5" }; Rsid rsid22 = new Rsid() { Val = "000E47F8" }; Rsid rsid23 = new Rsid() { Val = "000E6B7B" }; Rsid rsid24 = new Rsid() { Val = "000F55C6" }; Rsid rsid25 = new Rsid() { Val = "000F5D26" }; Rsid rsid26 = new Rsid() { Val = "00104E8D" }; Rsid rsid27 = new Rsid() { Val = "00116413" }; Rsid rsid28 = new Rsid() { Val = "00116831" }; Rsid rsid29 = new Rsid() { Val = "00116FA1" }; Rsid rsid30 = new Rsid() { Val = "001349F7" }; Rsid rsid31 = new Rsid() { Val = "00144235" }; Rsid rsid32 = new Rsid() { Val = "00144B41" }; Rsid rsid33 = new Rsid() { Val = "00145615" }; Rsid rsid34 = new Rsid() { Val = "00147C23" }; Rsid rsid35 = new Rsid() { Val = "00154221" }; Rsid rsid36 = new Rsid() { Val = "0015425A" }; Rsid rsid37 = new Rsid() { Val = "00165533" }; Rsid rsid38 = new Rsid() { Val = "001701E2" }; Rsid rsid39 = new Rsid() { Val = "001846DF" }; Rsid rsid40 = new Rsid() { Val = "00186C2A" }; Rsid rsid41 = new Rsid() { Val = "00193974" }; Rsid rsid42 = new Rsid() { Val = "001A269D" }; Rsid rsid43 = new Rsid() { Val = "001B5D26" }; Rsid rsid44 = new Rsid() { Val = "001D0DE9" }; Rsid rsid45 = new Rsid() { Val = "001D2D91" }; Rsid rsid46 = new Rsid() { Val = "001D51E1" }; Rsid rsid47 = new Rsid() { Val = "001E0B1B" }; Rsid rsid48 = new Rsid() { Val = "00201209" }; Rsid rsid49 = new Rsid() { Val = "00204790" }; Rsid rsid50 = new Rsid() { Val = "002256B0" }; Rsid rsid51 = new Rsid() { Val = "00243287" }; Rsid rsid52 = new Rsid() { Val = "0024492F" }; Rsid rsid53 = new Rsid() { Val = "00247772" }; Rsid rsid54 = new Rsid() { Val = "00255EB5" }; Rsid rsid55 = new Rsid() { Val = "00265BE8" }; Rsid rsid56 = new Rsid() { Val = "002713FA" }; Rsid rsid57 = new Rsid() { Val = "0027287B" }; Rsid rsid58 = new Rsid() { Val = "00273C84" }; Rsid rsid59 = new Rsid() { Val = "00281331" }; Rsid rsid60 = new Rsid() { Val = "00283F98" }; Rsid rsid61 = new Rsid() { Val = "00290033" }; Rsid rsid62 = new Rsid() { Val = "00290DF2" }; Rsid rsid63 = new Rsid() { Val = "00291EEC" }; Rsid rsid64 = new Rsid() { Val = "00295259" }; Rsid rsid65 = new Rsid() { Val = "00297E70" }; Rsid rsid66 = new Rsid() { Val = "002A2883" }; Rsid rsid67 = new Rsid() { Val = "002A7A15" }; Rsid rsid68 = new Rsid() { Val = "002A7F0D" }; Rsid rsid69 = new Rsid() { Val = "002B0580" }; Rsid rsid70 = new Rsid() { Val = "002B1622" }; Rsid rsid71 = new Rsid() { Val = "002C3CE4" }; Rsid rsid72 = new Rsid() { Val = "002C4440" }; Rsid rsid73 = new Rsid() { Val = "002C57A5" }; Rsid rsid74 = new Rsid() { Val = "002F2925" }; Rsid rsid75 = new Rsid() { Val = "003307DE" }; Rsid rsid76 = new Rsid() { Val = "00341F62" }; Rsid rsid77 = new Rsid() { Val = "003559F5" }; Rsid rsid78 = new Rsid() { Val = "00362BBD" }; Rsid rsid79 = new Rsid() { Val = "003637AD" }; Rsid rsid80 = new Rsid() { Val = "003732FE" }; Rsid rsid81 = new Rsid() { Val = "00380A8F" }; Rsid rsid82 = new Rsid() { Val = "003876A7" }; Rsid rsid83 = new Rsid() { Val = "0039079C" }; Rsid rsid84 = new Rsid() { Val = "003A6E0E" }; Rsid rsid85 = new Rsid() { Val = "003A7AC6" }; Rsid rsid86 = new Rsid() { Val = "003B502F" }; Rsid rsid87 = new Rsid() { Val = "003B5B86" }; Rsid rsid88 = new Rsid() { Val = "003B7064" }; Rsid rsid89 = new Rsid() { Val = "003C2F92" }; Rsid rsid90 = new Rsid() { Val = "003C46C4" }; Rsid rsid91 = new Rsid() { Val = "003E56E7" }; Rsid rsid92 = new Rsid() { Val = "003E56F4" }; Rsid rsid93 = new Rsid() { Val = "003F177B" }; Rsid rsid94 = new Rsid() { Val = "004002B5" }; Rsid rsid95 = new Rsid() { Val = "0040067D" }; Rsid rsid96 = new Rsid() { Val = "004038F9" }; Rsid rsid97 = new Rsid() { Val = "00405C5A" }; Rsid rsid98 = new Rsid() { Val = "004162F1" }; Rsid rsid99 = new Rsid() { Val = "0042018B" }; Rsid rsid100 = new Rsid() { Val = "004519DB" }; Rsid rsid101 = new Rsid() { Val = "00466521" }; Rsid rsid102 = new Rsid() { Val = "0047029E" }; Rsid rsid103 = new Rsid() { Val = "0049055C" }; Rsid rsid104 = new Rsid() { Val = "00492450" }; Rsid rsid105 = new Rsid() { Val = "004A0E5F" }; Rsid rsid106 = new Rsid() { Val = "004A3057" }; Rsid rsid107 = new Rsid() { Val = "004A62CA" }; Rsid rsid108 = new Rsid() { Val = "004B159B" }; Rsid rsid109 = new Rsid() { Val = "004C118E" }; Rsid rsid110 = new Rsid() { Val = "004C3251" }; Rsid rsid111 = new Rsid() { Val = "004C7F26" }; Rsid rsid112 = new Rsid() { Val = "004E361A" }; Rsid rsid113 = new Rsid() { Val = "004E7819" }; Rsid rsid114 = new Rsid() { Val = "005008DE" }; Rsid rsid115 = new Rsid() { Val = "005063D9" }; Rsid rsid116 = new Rsid() { Val = "00510971" }; Rsid rsid117 = new Rsid() { Val = "00512EA7" }; Rsid rsid118 = new Rsid() { Val = "00513B3F" }; Rsid rsid119 = new Rsid() { Val = "00515359" }; Rsid rsid120 = new Rsid() { Val = "005244EE" }; Rsid rsid121 = new Rsid() { Val = "00533532" }; Rsid rsid122 = new Rsid() { Val = "00534A7B" }; Rsid rsid123 = new Rsid() { Val = "005521F6" }; Rsid rsid124 = new Rsid() { Val = "0057090B" }; Rsid rsid125 = new Rsid() { Val = "005747D9" }; Rsid rsid126 = new Rsid() { Val = "005763A4" }; Rsid rsid127 = new Rsid() { Val = "00577A31" }; Rsid rsid128 = new Rsid() { Val = "005858E9" }; Rsid rsid129 = new Rsid() { Val = "0058735B" }; Rsid rsid130 = new Rsid() { Val = "00596A5A" }; Rsid rsid131 = new Rsid() { Val = "00596EDB" }; Rsid rsid132 = new Rsid() { Val = "005A33BC" }; Rsid rsid133 = new Rsid() { Val = "005C3EDC" }; Rsid rsid134 = new Rsid() { Val = "005C5BBF" }; Rsid rsid135 = new Rsid() { Val = "005E0682" }; Rsid rsid136 = new Rsid() { Val = "005E53DA" }; Rsid rsid137 = new Rsid() { Val = "00601EC2" }; Rsid rsid138 = new Rsid() { Val = "006060C5" }; Rsid rsid139 = new Rsid() { Val = "00612E37" }; Rsid rsid140 = new Rsid() { Val = "00613EF0" }; Rsid rsid141 = new Rsid() { Val = "006140BC" }; Rsid rsid142 = new Rsid() { Val = "00614197" }; Rsid rsid143 = new Rsid() { Val = "00614236" }; Rsid rsid144 = new Rsid() { Val = "00617EBA" }; Rsid rsid145 = new Rsid() { Val = "00622B33" }; Rsid rsid146 = new Rsid() { Val = "00624202" }; Rsid rsid147 = new Rsid() { Val = "00632B3A" }; Rsid rsid148 = new Rsid() { Val = "006678EF" }; Rsid rsid149 = new Rsid() { Val = "006701DE" }; Rsid rsid150 = new Rsid() { Val = "00670CF1" }; Rsid rsid151 = new Rsid() { Val = "0067645A" }; Rsid rsid152 = new Rsid() { Val = "00676D6C" }; Rsid rsid153 = new Rsid() { Val = "00692A84" }; Rsid rsid154 = new Rsid() { Val = "00695367" }; Rsid rsid155 = new Rsid() { Val = "00697199" }; Rsid rsid156 = new Rsid() { Val = "006A3365" }; Rsid rsid157 = new Rsid() { Val = "006A4DEB" }; Rsid rsid158 = new Rsid() { Val = "006A5DD3" }; Rsid rsid159 = new Rsid() { Val = "006A6357" }; Rsid rsid160 = new Rsid() { Val = "006B01DA" }; Rsid rsid161 = new Rsid() { Val = "006D0C85" }; Rsid rsid162 = new Rsid() { Val = "006D271C" }; Rsid rsid163 = new Rsid() { Val = "006D718D" }; Rsid rsid164 = new Rsid() { Val = "006E2605" }; Rsid rsid165 = new Rsid() { Val = "006E2F07" }; Rsid rsid166 = new Rsid() { Val = "006E7822" }; Rsid rsid167 = new Rsid() { Val = "007027A6" }; Rsid rsid168 = new Rsid() { Val = "00712EF0" }; Rsid rsid169 = new Rsid() { Val = "007170CB" }; Rsid rsid170 = new Rsid() { Val = "00717CC8" }; Rsid rsid171 = new Rsid() { Val = "00720108" }; Rsid rsid172 = new Rsid() { Val = "00721120" }; Rsid rsid173 = new Rsid() { Val = "00727765" }; Rsid rsid174 = new Rsid() { Val = "00734585" }; Rsid rsid175 = new Rsid() { Val = "00747E89" }; Rsid rsid176 = new Rsid() { Val = "0075318A" }; Rsid rsid177 = new Rsid() { Val = "007571BC" }; Rsid rsid178 = new Rsid() { Val = "00765E31" }; Rsid rsid179 = new Rsid() { Val = "007756BD" }; Rsid rsid180 = new Rsid() { Val = "0077670E" }; Rsid rsid181 = new Rsid() { Val = "007767C6" }; Rsid rsid182 = new Rsid() { Val = "00776A17" }; Rsid rsid183 = new Rsid() { Val = "00786248" }; Rsid rsid184 = new Rsid() { Val = "00786CBF" }; Rsid rsid185 = new Rsid() { Val = "007949BD" }; Rsid rsid186 = new Rsid() { Val = "00797265" }; Rsid rsid187 = new Rsid() { Val = "007A52EA" }; Rsid rsid188 = new Rsid() { Val = "007B3937" }; Rsid rsid189 = new Rsid() { Val = "007C1C3A" }; Rsid rsid190 = new Rsid() { Val = "007D0EFF" }; Rsid rsid191 = new Rsid() { Val = "007D1098" }; Rsid rsid192 = new Rsid() { Val = "007D35B8" }; Rsid rsid193 = new Rsid() { Val = "007E0530" }; Rsid rsid194 = new Rsid() { Val = "007F295C" }; Rsid rsid195 = new Rsid() { Val = "007F6223" }; Rsid rsid196 = new Rsid() { Val = "007F6C8D" }; Rsid rsid197 = new Rsid() { Val = "00805EA7" }; Rsid rsid198 = new Rsid() { Val = "0081098F" }; Rsid rsid199 = new Rsid() { Val = "008129E8" }; Rsid rsid200 = new Rsid() { Val = "008220D5" }; Rsid rsid201 = new Rsid() { Val = "008276C2" }; Rsid rsid202 = new Rsid() { Val = "008322A1" }; Rsid rsid203 = new Rsid() { Val = "00833E90" }; Rsid rsid204 = new Rsid() { Val = "0083658C" }; Rsid rsid205 = new Rsid() { Val = "00837011" }; Rsid rsid206 = new Rsid() { Val = "0084010C" }; Rsid rsid207 = new Rsid() { Val = "00842AF5" }; Rsid rsid208 = new Rsid() { Val = "008644EB" }; Rsid rsid209 = new Rsid() { Val = "008672DB" }; Rsid rsid210 = new Rsid() { Val = "00873808" }; Rsid rsid211 = new Rsid() { Val = "008841D9" }; Rsid rsid212 = new Rsid() { Val = "00896EA3" }; Rsid rsid213 = new Rsid() { Val = "008A2AF7" }; Rsid rsid214 = new Rsid() { Val = "008A485E" }; Rsid rsid215 = new Rsid() { Val = "008C3E51" }; Rsid rsid216 = new Rsid() { Val = "008D2A0B" }; Rsid rsid217 = new Rsid() { Val = "008D603C" }; Rsid rsid218 = new Rsid() { Val = "008F6176" }; Rsid rsid219 = new Rsid() { Val = "009032DC" }; Rsid rsid220 = new Rsid() { Val = "00911BC1" }; Rsid rsid221 = new Rsid() { Val = "00916B33" }; Rsid rsid222 = new Rsid() { Val = "00920013" }; Rsid rsid223 = new Rsid() { Val = "0094109A" }; Rsid rsid224 = new Rsid() { Val = "00942040" }; Rsid rsid225 = new Rsid() { Val = "009423BC" }; Rsid rsid226 = new Rsid() { Val = "00942723" }; 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Rsid rsid248 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A3193F" }; Rsid rsid249 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A44DC1" }; Rsid rsid250 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A563A2" }; Rsid rsid251 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A565FD" }; Rsid rsid252 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A604A0" }; Rsid rsid253 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A77B27" }; Rsid rsid254 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A84406" }; Rsid rsid255 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A85CFC" }; Rsid rsid256 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A872EA" }; Rsid rsid257 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A94A66" }; Rsid rsid258 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AA3CE8" }; Rsid rsid259 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AA764A" }; Rsid rsid260 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AB7921" }; Rsid rsid261 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AC5DED" }; Rsid rsid262 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AD2BBF" }; Rsid rsid263 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AE1898" }; Rsid rsid264 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AF107B" }; Rsid rsid265 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AF652A" }; Rsid rsid266 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B0019E" }; Rsid rsid267 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B23339" }; Rsid rsid268 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B25B99" }; Rsid rsid269 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B3232B" }; Rsid rsid270 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B36225" }; Rsid rsid271 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B43BFA" }; Rsid rsid272 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B75671" }; Rsid rsid273 = new Rsid() { Val = "00B974E4" }; Rsid rsid274 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA2523" }; Rsid rsid275 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA6CDD" }; Rsid rsid276 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA6D95" }; Rsid rsid277 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BC048A" }; Rsid rsid278 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BC1A91" }; Rsid rsid279 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BC2D41" }; Rsid rsid280 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BC2F6B" }; Rsid rsid281 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BC7B98" }; Rsid rsid282 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BC7E65" }; Rsid rsid283 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BD1F75" }; Rsid rsid284 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BD7F09" }; Rsid rsid285 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BE4550" }; Rsid rsid286 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BF26D7" }; Rsid rsid287 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C02D1B" }; Rsid rsid288 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C13588" }; Rsid rsid289 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C22957" }; Rsid rsid290 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C36216" }; Rsid rsid291 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C530F6" }; Rsid rsid292 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C56510" }; Rsid rsid293 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C84D4C" }; Rsid rsid294 = new Rsid() { Val = "00C95B12" }; Rsid rsid295 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CA7596" }; Rsid rsid296 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CB499E" }; Rsid rsid297 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CB5386" }; Rsid rsid298 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CB5800" }; Rsid rsid299 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CB5E98" }; Rsid rsid300 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CC0FC7" }; Rsid rsid301 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CC14D2" }; Rsid rsid302 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CD15D0" }; Rsid rsid303 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CE0AFD" }; Rsid rsid304 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CE2959" }; Rsid rsid305 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CE7D52" }; Rsid rsid306 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CF3870" }; Rsid rsid307 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D02AEF" }; Rsid rsid308 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D07E20" }; Rsid rsid309 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D17424" }; Rsid rsid310 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D34224" }; Rsid rsid311 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D462D8" }; Rsid rsid312 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D51C51" }; Rsid rsid313 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D526DE" }; Rsid rsid314 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D56009" }; Rsid rsid315 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D71052" }; Rsid rsid316 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D74FFD" }; Rsid rsid317 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D778B7" }; Rsid rsid318 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D8034D" }; Rsid rsid319 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D81227" }; Rsid rsid320 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D8330F" }; Rsid rsid321 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D901CE" }; Rsid rsid322 = new Rsid() { Val = "00D925D8" }; Rsid rsid323 = new Rsid() { Val = "00DB0D90" }; Rsid rsid324 = new Rsid() { Val = "00DC562C" }; Rsid rsid325 = new Rsid() { Val = "00DD3CBE" }; Rsid rsid326 = new Rsid() { Val = "00DE0CB0" }; Rsid rsid327 = new Rsid() { Val = "00DE197C" }; Rsid rsid328 = new Rsid() { Val = "00DF7776" }; Rsid rsid329 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E019B9" }; Rsid rsid330 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E04E9E" }; Rsid rsid331 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E052F2" }; 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