예제 #1
        private void _annAutomationObjects_ItemRemoved(object sender, AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs e)
            // Check if we are updating the zones, no need for this
            if (_ignoreAddRemove)
            // User deleted the annotation object, delete the corresponding zone
            ZoneAnnotationObject zoneObject = e.Object as ZoneAnnotationObject;

            if (zoneObject != null)
                if (_setSelect)
                    InteractiveMode = ViewerControlInteractiveMode.SelectMode;
                _setSelect = true;
                int index = zoneObject.ZoneIndex;

                // Reset all the zones
                for (int i = 0; i < _annAutomation.Container.Children.Count; i++)
                    zoneObject = _annAutomation.Container.Children[i] as ZoneAnnotationObject;
                    zoneObject.SetZone(_ocrPage, i, _showZonesToolStripButton.Checked, _showZoneNameToolStripButton.Checked);

                // We should mark the page as unrecognized since we updated its zones
                // Update the thumbnail(s)
                DoAction("RefreshPagesControl", false);
예제 #2
        void _annAutomation_Draw(object sender, AnnDrawDesignerEventArgs e)
            if (!(e.OperationStatus == AnnDesignerOperationStatus.End))

            // Add a new zone from the annotation rectangle object
            ZoneAnnotationObject zoneObject = e.Object as ZoneAnnotationObject;

            if (zoneObject == null)

            OcrZone zone = new OcrZone();

            zone.Bounds = RestrictZoneBoundsToPage(_ocrPage, BoundsFromAnnotations(zoneObject, _annAutomation.Container));
            if (!zone.Bounds.IsEmpty)
                InteractiveMode = ViewerControlInteractiveMode.DrawZoneMode;

            // Set the zone
            zoneObject.SetZone(_ocrPage, _ocrPage.Zones.Count - 1, _showZonesToolStripButton.Checked, _showZoneNameToolStripButton.Checked);

            InteractiveMode = ViewerControlInteractiveMode.DrawZoneMode;
예제 #3
        AnnAutomationObject CreateZoneAutomationObject()
            AnnAutomationObject  automationObj        = new AnnAutomationObject();
            ZoneAnnotationObject zoneAnnotationObject = new ZoneAnnotationObject();

            AnnAutomationObject rectAutomationObject = GetAutomationObject(_annAutomationManager, AnnObject.RectangleObjectId);
            AnnRectangleObject  rectObject           = rectAutomationObject.ObjectTemplate as AnnRectangleObject;

            zoneAnnotationObject.Stroke = rectObject.Stroke != null?rectObject.Stroke.Clone() as AnnStroke : null;

            zoneAnnotationObject.Fill = rectObject.Fill != null?rectObject.Fill.Clone() as AnnBrush : null;

            zoneAnnotationObject.CellPen = AnnStroke.Create(AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("Blue"), new LeadLengthD(1));

            automationObj.Id               = AnnObject.UserObjectId;
            automationObj.Name             = zoneAnnotationObject.FriendlyName;
            automationObj.ObjectTemplate   = zoneAnnotationObject;
            automationObj.DrawDesignerType = rectAutomationObject.DrawDesignerType;
            automationObj.EditDesignerType = typeof(ZoneAnnotationObjectEditDesigner);
            automationObj.RunDesignerType  = rectAutomationObject.RunDesignerType;
            automationObj.DrawCursor       = rectAutomationObject.DrawCursor;

            // Disable the rotation points
            automationObj.UseRotateThumbs = false;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called from the main form when the zones are updated
        /// </summary>
        public void ZonesUpdated()
            // Stop updating the viewer

            // Remove all the annotations objects and re-add them from the zones
            if (_annAutomation != null)

            _ignoreAddRemove = true;
            _setSelect       = true;
            // Get the rectangle automation object so we can use the template
            // to create the new annotation objects

            bool isVisible     = _showZonesToolStripButton.Checked && !MainForm.PerspectiveDeskewActive && !MainForm.UnWarpActive;
            bool isNameVisible = _showZoneNameToolStripButton.Checked;

            if (_ocrPage != null && _ocrPage.Zones != null && _ocrPage.Zones.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < _ocrPage.Zones.Count; i++)
                    OcrZone zone = _ocrPage.Zones[i];

                    ZoneAnnotationObject zoneObject = new ZoneAnnotationObject();
                    zoneObject.SetZone(_ocrPage, i, isVisible, isNameVisible);


                    // Now we can calculate the object bounds correctly
                    LeadRect  rc   = zone.Bounds;
                    LeadRectD rect = BoundsToAnnotations(zoneObject, rc, _annAutomation.Container);
                    zoneObject.Rect = rect;

            _ignoreAddRemove = false;

            // Re-update the viewer

예제 #5
        private void _annAutomation_AfterObjectChanged(object sender, AnnAfterObjectChangedEventArgs e)
            // The annotation object has been changed, update the corresponding zone
            switch (e.ChangeType)
            case AnnObjectChangedType.DesignerEdit:
                // The object moved or re-sized, update the bounds
                ZoneAnnotationObject zoneObject = e.Objects[0] as ZoneAnnotationObject;

                OcrZone zone = _ocrPage.Zones[zoneObject.ZoneIndex];
                zone.Bounds = RestrictZoneBoundsToPage(_ocrPage, BoundsFromAnnotations(zoneObject, _annAutomation.Container));

                bool zoneChanged = false;
                if (_ocrPage.Zones[zoneObject.ZoneIndex].Bounds != zone.Bounds)
                    zoneChanged = true;

                _ocrPage.Zones[zoneObject.ZoneIndex] = zone;

                if (zoneChanged)

                    // We should mark the page as unrecognized since we updated its zones
                    // Update the thumbnail(s)
                    DoAction("RefreshPagesControl", false);

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Called from the main form when the zones are updated
        /// </summary>
        public void ZonesUpdated()
            if (_ocrPage == null)

            // Stop updating the viewer

            // Remove all the annotations objects and re-add them from the zones

            _ignoreAddRemove = true;
            _setSelect = true;
            // Get the rectangle automation object so we can use the template
            // to create the new annotation objects

            bool isVisible     = _showZonesToolStripButton.Checked && !MainForm.PerspectiveDeskewActive && !MainForm.UnWarpActive;
            bool isNameVisible = _showZoneNameToolStripButton.Checked;

            ZoneAnnotationObjectRenderer zoneObjectRenderer = (ZoneAnnotationObjectRenderer)_annAutomationManager.RenderingEngine.Renderers[AnnObject.UserObjectId];

            zoneObjectRenderer.OcrPage = _ocrPage;

            for (int i = 0; i < _ocrPage.Zones.Count; i++)
                OcrZone zone = _ocrPage.Zones[i];

                ZoneAnnotationObject zoneObject = new ZoneAnnotationObject();
                zoneObject.SetZone(_ocrPage, i, isVisible, isNameVisible);


                // Now we can calculate the object bounds correctly
                OcrZoneCell[] cells = null;
                cells = _ocrPage.Zones.GetZoneCells(zone);

                LeadRect  rc   = zone.Bounds;
                LeadRectD rect = BoundsToAnnotations(zoneObject, rc, _annAutomation.Container);
                zoneObject.Rect = rect;

                if (cells != null)
                    foreach (OcrZoneCell cell in cells)
                        LeadRect  r  = cell.Bounds;
                        LeadRectD rd = BoundsToAnnotations(zoneObject, r, _annAutomation.Container);
                        cell.Bounds = BoundsToAnnotations(zoneObject, r, _annAutomation.Container).ToLeadRect();

                    zoneObject.Cells = cells;

            _ignoreAddRemove = false;

            // Re-update the viewer
