예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate a zombie and add him to the list
    /// </summary>
    void addZombie()
        int newDifficulty = Difficulty_difficulty.onSpawn(); //what the difficulty currently is

        if (int_difficulty != newDifficulty)                 //if the difficulty has changed
            int_difficulty = newDifficulty;
            numWords       = 1;

        GameObject goZ = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("CommonZombie"));           //Instantiate the zombie prefab from resources

        //Assign to an enemyManager
        //1:Randomly choose an enemyManager
        es = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Spawner"); //Es now contains all of the enemy spawners
        int emi = (int)Random.Range(0, es.Length);         //stands for enemy manager index

        //2:Set parent child relationship
        Transform pT = es[emi].transform;         //pt stands for parent transform

        goZ.transform.parent = pT;
        Vector3 spawnPos = pT.position;

        spawnPos.x += Random.Range(-pT.lossyScale.x / 2, pT.lossyScale.x / 2);
        spawnPos.y += Random.Range(-pT.lossyScale.y / 2, pT.lossyScale.y / 2);

        ///goZ.transform.position.x += es[emi].transform.localScale.x;
        ///goZ.transform.position.y += es[emi].transform.localScale.y;
        goZ.transform.position = spawnPos;

        ZombieAI ZAI = goZ.GetComponent <ZombieAI>();

        //get words for this zombie. Upgrades knows the difficulty settting so it can effectively determine
        //how many words to give
        ///numWords = Difficulty_difficulty.getNumWords();
        ZAI.setWords(dictionary.pickWords(Difficulty_difficulty.WordLength, Difficulty_difficulty.NumWords * 10));
        ZAI.setStats(int_difficulty, numWords);