예제 #1
        public static void UpdateGrade(Zlaggable zlaggable)
            // get amount of ascents
            // var totalAscents = Ascents.

            // get average of grades
            var source = zlaggable is Route ? routeGrades : boulderGrades;

            if (source.ContainsKey(zlaggable.Id.Value))
                var grades = source[zlaggable.Id.Value];
                // calculate average index
                var gradeCount    = grades.Count;
                var gradeIndexSum = grades.Sum();
                var avg           = (int)Math.Round((decimal)gradeIndexSum / gradeCount, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                var grade = GetGradigSystemByIndex(avg, zlaggable is Route);
                if (grade == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("no grade found for zlaggable id: " + zlaggable.Id + "(" + zlaggable.Slug + ")");

                if (zlaggable.Grade != grade.VLGrade)
                    Console.WriteLine("updating zlaggable id " + zlaggable.Id + "-" + (zlaggable is Route).ToString() + " grade from '" + zlaggable.Difficulty + "/" + zlaggable.Grade +
                                      "' to '" + grade.Grade + "/" + grade.VLGrade + "'");
                    zlaggable.Difficulty = grade.Grade;
                    zlaggable.Grade      = grade.VLGrade;
예제 #2
        public static Zlaggable GetThingie(int sectorId, string name, int category)
            Zlaggable thingie = null;
            var       key     = string.Join("-", new object[] { sectorId, name.Trim().ToLower() });
            var       coll    = category == 0 ? Routes : Boulders;

            if (coll.ContainsKey(key))
                thingie = coll[key];
예제 #3
        private Api.Common.DataEntities.Ascent HandleScore(Score score)
            currentScoreId = Convert.ToInt32(score.Id);


            if (ind % 10000 == 0)
                Console.Write(". " + (++logTimes * 10000).ToString("#,##0"));
                Console.WriteLine("crags: {0}, sectors: {1}, b: {2}, r: {3}, a: {4}", new object[] {
                    SeedStore.CragCount, SeedStore.SectorCount, SeedStore.BoulderCount, SeedStore.RouteCount,
            else if (ind % 10000 == 0)

            // todo: unicode crag name, look for &234 without ; and remove spaces
            // todo: only do the unicode check if we create a new one
            // todo: find out does old 8a get routes difficulty from the first ascent in score DB?

            Crag      crag    = null;
            Sector    sector  = null;
            Zlaggable thingie = null;

            var scoreHasCountry            = false;
            var scoreHasRouteOrBoulderName = false;
            var scoreHasCragName           = false;
            var scoreHasSectorName         = false;

            var cragName   = getValue(score.Crag, "Unknown Crag", out scoreHasCragName);
            var sectorName = getValue(score.CragSector, "Unknown Sector", out scoreHasSectorName);
            var routeName  = getValue(score.Name, "Unknown ", out scoreHasRouteOrBoulderName);

            if (!scoreHasRouteOrBoulderName)
                var ending = score.What == 0 ? "route" : "boulder";
                routeName += ending;
            var verticalCategory       = score.What == 0 ? SeedStore.CATEGORY_SPORTSCLIMBING : SeedStore.CATEGORY_BOULDERING;
            var verticalAscentCategory = score.What == 0 ? SeedStore.ASCENT_CATEGORY_ROUTE : SeedStore.ASCENT_CATEGORY_BOULDER;
            var scoreHasCrag           = false;
            var scoreHasSector         = false;
            var scoreHasRouteOrBoulder = false;
            var countryId = -1;

            // get user
            var user = SeedStore.GetUser(Convert.ToInt32(score.UserId));

            if (user == null)
                Console.WriteLine("score id: " + score.Id.ToString() + " USER DatabaseId: " + score.UserId.ToString() + " NOT FOUND!");

            // get country - default to users country
            var countryISO3 = score.Country;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(countryISO3))
                    countryId       = SeedStore.GetCountryId(score.Country);
                    scoreHasCountry = true;
                    // if scores country is null, get users country
                    // this will be used if we create new crag
                    countryId = user.CountryId;
                Console.WriteLine("trouble getting country for score id: " + score.Id + " - countryISO3: " + countryISO3);
                countryId = user.CountryId;

            if (scoreHasCragName)
                // get crag by name only
                crag = SeedStore.GetCragOnlyByName(score.Crag, verticalCategory);
                crag = SeedStore.GetCrag(cragName, verticalCategory, countryId);

             * // get existing crag
             * if (scoreHasCountry && scoreHasCragName)
             * {
             *  // look for crag first by country
             *  crag = SeedStore.GetCrag(score.Crag, verticalCategory, countryId);
             *  scoreHasCrag |= crag != null;
             *  // todo:
             *  // optional: get existing crag with different category
             * }
             * else if (scoreHasCragName)
             * {
             *  // score has no country defined .. so we just look for the crag name
             *  crag = SeedStore.GetCragOnlyByName(score.Crag, verticalCategory);
             * }

            // im here with my performance tests:
            // return null;

            // create crag if we still don't have one
            if (crag == null)
                var cragId = ++SeedStore.MaxCragId;
                var now    = DateTime.Now;
                crag = new Crag
                    Id           = cragId,
                    Slug         = cragName.ToSlug(postString: cragId.ToString()),
                    Category     = verticalCategory,
                    Name         = cragName,
                    CountryId    = countryId,
                    DateCreated  = now,
                    DateModified = now,
                    Published    = true

            // get existing sector if score happens to have a crag
            //if (scoreHasCrag)
            sector          = SeedStore.GetSector(crag.Id.Value, sectorName);
            scoreHasSector |= sector != null;

            // create sector if nothing found
            if (sector == null)
                var now = DateTime.Now;
                // create new sector
                var sectorId = ++SeedStore.MaxSectorId;
                sector = new Sector
                    Id           = sectorId,
                    Slug         = "",
                    CragId       = crag.Id.Value,
                    Name         = sectorName,
                    Category     = verticalCategory,
                    DateCreated  = now,
                    DateModified = now

            // only try to get existing "climbablethingie" if there is already a sector
            //if (scoreHasSector)
            thingie = SeedStore.GetThingie(sector.Id.Value, routeName, score.What);
            scoreHasRouteOrBoulder |= thingie != null;

            // get grading system to be used for using with route/boulder and ascent
            var gradingSystem = getGradingSystem(score.Grade, score.What);

            // no thingie (route or boulder) so we make new one
            if (thingie == null)
                var now = DateTime.Now;
                if (score.What == 0) // could check for category but let's speed things up
                    //if (!scoreHasRouteOrBoulderName)
                    //    routeName += "route";

                    var routeId = ++SeedStore.MaxRouteId;
                    thingie = new Route
                        Id       = routeId,
                        Name     = routeName,
                        Slug     = "",
                        SectorId = sector.Id.Value
                    //if (!scoreHasRouteOrBoulderName)
                    //    routeName += "boulder";
                    var boulderId = ++SeedStore.MaxBoulderId;
                    thingie = new Boulder
                        Id       = boulderId,
                        Name     = routeName,
                        Slug     = "",
                        SectorId = sector.Id.Value
                thingie.DateCreated   = now;
                thingie.DateModified  = now;
                thingie.Difficulty    = gradingSystem.Grade;   // 6a+
                thingie.Grade         = gradingSystem.VLGrade; // vl-1-39
                thingie.GradingSystem = gradingSystem.Type;    // french

            SeedStore.AddGrade(thingie.Id.Value, gradingSystem, score.What == 0 ? ZlaggableCategoryEnum.Sportclimbing : ZlaggableCategoryEnum.Bouldering);

            var objectClassLength = score.ObjectClass.Length;
            // comparing lenghts so it's a bit faster
            // lengths
            // 14 = CLS_UserAscent
            // 22 = CLS_UserAscent_Project
            // 18 = CLS_UserAscent_Try

            var type = "";

            if (objectClassLength != 18)
                type = getVerticalAscentType(score.How);
                type = "go";

            var isProject = objectClassLength == 22;

            // create ascent
            var ascent = new Ascent
                Id                 = ++SeedStore.MaxAscentId,
                UserId             = user.Id.Value,
                Date               = ParseScoreDate(score.Date), // climbed that shit date
                Difficulty         = gradingSystem.Grade,        // eg. 8a+
                ZlaggableId        = thingie.Id,                 // ID of route or boulder
                ZlaggableType      = verticalAscentCategory,     // route / boulder
                Comment            = score.Comment,              // user comment
                Score              = score.TotalScore,
                Type               = type,                       // f, os, tr, rp, go
                Rating             = score.Rate,
                Repeat             = score.Repeat == 1 ? true : false,
                Project            = isProject,
                Chipped            = score.Chipped == 1,
                ExcludeFromRanking = score.ExcludeFromRanking == 1,
                Note               = Convert.ToInt32(score.Fa),
                DateCreated        = score.RecDate,
                DateModified       = score.RecDate,
                Recommended        = score.UserRecommended == 1,
                LegacyId           = (int)score.Id

                                     // todo: userRecommended to Route "likes"
                                     // todo: what to do with projectAscentDate?
                                     // todo: what to do with YellowId

                                     // variations -> not used
                                     // steepness -> not used
                                     // altgrade -> not used

예제 #4
        public static void AddThingie(Zlaggable thingie, Dictionary <string, Zlaggable> coll)
            var key = string.Join("-", new object[] { thingie.SectorId, thingie.Name.Trim().ToLower() });

            coll.Add(key, thingie);
예제 #5
 public static void AddBoulder(Zlaggable thingie)
     AddThingie(thingie, Boulders);
예제 #6
 public static void AddRoute(Zlaggable thingie)
     AddThingie(thingie, Routes);