private static void ZippingBinary() // используется ДОзапись, обычным методом .Add(filePath, entryName), для перезаписи с нуля нужно использовать ZipOutputStream zipToWrite = new ZipOutputStream(zipStream) и FileStream targetFile { if (!File.Exists(pathToBinary)) { throw new Exception("File release.aar not found. Please reimport asset. See for details..."); } if (!Directory.Exists(pathToTempFolder)) { throw new Exception("Temp folder not found. See README.pdf for details..."); } using (FileStream zipStream = new FileStream(pathToBinary, FileMode.Open)) { using (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(zipStream)) { zipFile.BeginUpdate(); zipFile.Add(Path.Combine(pathToTempFolder, MANIFEST_NAME), MANIFEST_NAME); zipFile.Add(Path.Combine(pathToTempFolder, PROVIDER_PATHS_NAME), PROVIDER_PATHS_NAME); zipFile.CommitUpdate(); } } }
void runZip(ZipFile nZipFile) { foreach (SZipDirectory i in mZipDirectorys) { i.runZip(nZipFile); } foreach (string i in mZipFiles) { if (File.Exists(i)) { nZipFile.Add(i); } } }
/// <summary> /// Данный метод ArhYesPath преднозначен для добавление в архив файла /// </summary> /// <param name="arhName"></param> Параметр Имени Архива /// <param name="file"></param> Параметр добавляемого файла internal static void ArhYesPath(string arhName, DataRow file) { using (var zipAdd = File.Open(arhName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { using (var zip1 = new ZipFile(zipAdd)) { zip1.BeginUpdate(); zip1.Add(Path.GetFullPath(file.ItemArray[0].ToString()), Path.GetFileName(file.ItemArray[0].ToString())); zip1.CommitUpdate(); zip1.Close(); } zipAdd.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// 压缩多个文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="inFiles">压缩文件列表</param> /// <param name="outFile">压缩后文件名</param> public static void Zip(List <string> inFiles, string zipFile) { using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Create(zipFile)) { zip.BeginUpdate(); foreach (string inFile in inFiles) { zip.Add(inFile); } zip.CommitUpdate(); } }
/// <summary> /// 压缩多个文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="inFiles">压缩文件字典(文件名-标识名)</param> /// <param name="outFile">压缩后的文件名</param> public static void Zip(Dictionary <string, string> inFiles, string zipFile) { using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Create(zipFile)) { zip.BeginUpdate(); foreach (var kv in inFiles) { //Debug.Log("fileName: " + kv.Key + " entryName: " + kv.Value); zip.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value); } zip.CommitUpdate(); } }
public void Crypto_AddEncryptedEntryToExistingArchiveSafe() { var ms = new MemoryStream(); byte[] rawData; using (ZipFile testFile = new ZipFile(ms)) { testFile.IsStreamOwner = false; testFile.BeginUpdate(); testFile.Add(new StringMemoryDataSource("Aha"), "No1", CompressionMethod.Stored); testFile.Add(new StringMemoryDataSource("And so it goes"), "No2", CompressionMethod.Stored); testFile.Add(new StringMemoryDataSource("No3"), "No3", CompressionMethod.Stored); testFile.CommitUpdate(); Assert.IsTrue(testFile.TestArchive(true)); rawData = ms.ToArray(); } ms = new MemoryStream(rawData); using (ZipFile testFile = new ZipFile(ms)) { Assert.IsTrue(testFile.TestArchive(true)); testFile.BeginUpdate(new MemoryArchiveStorage(FileUpdateMode.Safe)); testFile.Password = "******"; testFile.Add(new StringMemoryDataSource("Zapata!"), "encrypttest.xml"); testFile.CommitUpdate(); Assert.IsTrue(testFile.TestArchive(true)); int entryIndex = testFile.FindEntry("encrypttest.xml", true); Assert.IsNotNull(entryIndex >= 0); Assert.IsTrue(testFile[entryIndex].IsCrypted); } }
public void ProcessPath(PscxPathInfo pscxPath) { _command.WriteVerbose("Add/update " + pscxPath); try { if (_command.InvokeProvider.Item.IsContainer(pscxPath.ToString())) { _zip.AddDirectory(pscxPath.ProviderPath); } else { string fileName = pscxPath.ProviderPath; if (_command.FlattenPaths.IsPresent) { fileName = Path.GetFileName(pscxPath.ProviderPath); _command.WriteVerbose(String.Format("Flattened '{0}' to '{1}'", pscxPath.ProviderPath, fileName)); _zip.Add(pscxPath.ProviderPath, fileName); // new overload to SZL 0.86 (fixes -append -flattenpath bug) } else { _zip.Add(fileName); } } } catch (PipelineStoppedException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { var error = new ErrorRecord(ex, "ZipAddOrUpdateFail", ErrorCategory.WriteError, pscxPath); // perhaps allow erroraction to control whether terminating or not _command.ThrowTerminatingError(error); } }
public override IEnumerable <string> PackByDictReporting(Dictionary <string, string> path, bool removeIfExists) { HashSet <string> zipNames = new HashSet <string>(); try { if (File.Exists(targetArchivePath)) { if (removeIfExists) { File.Delete(targetArchivePath); targetArchive = ZipFile.Create(targetArchivePath); } else { targetArchive = new ZipFile(targetArchivePath); } } else { targetArchive = ZipFile.Create(targetArchivePath); } } catch { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Packaging failed."); yield break; } foreach (ZipEntry ze in targetArchive) { zipNames.Add(ze.Name); //System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(ze.Name); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in path) { targetArchive.BeginUpdate(); yield return($"Adding file \"{kvp.Value}\" in to zip."); if (targetArchive.FindEntry(kvp.Key, true) > 0) { targetArchive.Delete(kvp.Key); } targetArchive.Add(kvp.Value, kvp.Key); yield return($"Added file \"{kvp.Value}\" in to zip."); targetArchive.CommitUpdate(); } ((IDisposable)targetArchive).Dispose(); }
private void ZipDir(ZipFile file, string sitemappath, string entryname) { DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(sitemappath); DirectoryInfo[] directories = directoryInfo.GetDirectories(); foreach (DirectoryInfo directoryInfo2 in directories) { ZipDir(file, sitemappath + "\\" + directoryInfo2.Name, entryname + "\\" + directoryInfo2.Name); } FileInfo[] files = directoryInfo.GetFiles(); foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in files) { file.Add(fileInfo.FullName, entryname + "\\" + fileInfo.Name); } }
/// <summary> /// 压缩多个文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="filespath"></param> /// <param name="sourcedpath"></param> public static void ZipFile(List <string> filespath, string sourcedpath, string entrnameprefix = "") { using (ZipFile zip = ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.Create(sourcedpath)) { zip.BeginUpdate(); foreach (var v in filespath) { string p = v.Replace("\\", "/"); string p1 = ABHelper.GetFileName(p); ZipEntry e = new ZipEntry(p1); zip.Add(p, entrnameprefix + p1); } zip.CommitUpdate(); } }
public override void Zip(ZipFile zip, DeploymentContainer container) { string zipPath; if (SubFolder == null) { zipPath = container.Key + "/" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Path); } else { zipPath = container.Key + "/" + SubFolder + "/" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Path); } zip.Add(new FileDataSource(Path), zipPath); }
/// <summary> /// 添加内容到zip文件,在 ZipFile.CommitUpdate() 之后自动释放流; /// </summary> public static void Add(this ZipFile zipFile, string entryName, Stream stream) { if (zipFile == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(zipFile)); } if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream)); } ZipData data = new ZipData(stream); zipFile.Add(data, entryName); }
public void CreatePackage() { if (FileInitialized()) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } _zipFile = ZipFile.Create(_file); _zipFile.BeginUpdate(); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry("~package"); entry.Size = 0; entry.CompressedSize = 0; _zipFile.Add(entry); _zipFile.CommitUpdate(); }
private static void CompressZlib(string inFile, string outFile) { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Create(outFile)) { zip.BeginUpdate(); zip.Add(inFile, ""); zip.CommitUpdate(); } stopwatch.Stop(); Debug.LogFormat("zip encode time: {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); }
/// <summary> /// 压缩打包文件 /// </summary> public void ZipFileByCode() { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); byte[] buffer = null; using (ZipFile file = ZipFile.Create(ms)) { file.BeginUpdate(); file.NameTransform = new MyNameTransfom(); //通过这个名称格式化器,可以将里面的文件名进行一些处理。默认情况下,会自动根据文件的路径在zip中创建有关的文件夹。 file.Add(Server.MapPath("/Content/images/img01.jpg")); file.Add(Server.MapPath("/Content/images/img02.jpg")); file.CommitUpdate(); buffer = new byte[ms.Length]; ms.Position = 0; ms.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;"); Response.BinaryWrite(buffer); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// 压缩多个文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="destZipName"></param> /// <param name="srcFiles"></param> /// <param name="password"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool MultiZip(string destZipName, string[] srcFiles, string password = "") { using (ZipFile zip = ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile.Create(destZipName)) { zip.BeginUpdate(); foreach (var file in srcFiles) { //ZipEntry e = new ZipEntry(Path.GetFileName(file)); zip.Add(file, Path.GetFileName(file)); } zip.CommitUpdate(); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 压缩多个文件到zip /// </summary> /// <param name="files"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static byte[] DownloadZip(Dictionary <string, string> files) { byte[] buffer = null; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { using (ZipFile file = ZipFile.Create(ms)) { file.BeginUpdate(); file.NameTransform = new MyNameTransfom(); //通过这个名称格式化器,可以将里面的文件名进行一些处理。默认情况下,会自动根据文件的路径在zip中创建有关的文件夹。 foreach (var f in files) { var path = FileHelper.MapFilePath(f.Key); if (File.Exists(path)) { if (f.Value == f.Key) { file.Add(path); } else { file.Add(path, f.Value + FileHelper.GetExtension(path)); } //file.Add(path); } } file.CommitUpdate(); buffer = new byte[ms.Length]; ms.Position = 0; ms.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); return(buffer); } } }
/// <summary> /// Commits the updates. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Documented by Dev03, 2009-07-20</remarks> public void CommitUpdates() { ZipFile zipFile = null; try { zipFile = new ZipFile(file.FullName); zipFile.UseZip64 = UseZip64.Off; // AAB-20090720: Zip64 caused some problem when modifing the archive (ErrorReportHandler.cs) - Zip64 is required to bypass the 4.2G limitation of the original Zip format ( ZipEntry errorReport = zipFile.GetEntry(Resources.ERRORFILE_NAME); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); using (Stream s = GetZipStream(errorReport, zipFile)) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(s, Encoding.Unicode)) { doc.LoadXml(reader.ReadToEnd()); } foreach (Dictionary <string, string> value in values) { XmlElement xE = doc.CreateElement(value["nodeName"]); xE.InnerText = value["value"].Trim(); XmlNode parentNode = doc.SelectSingleNode(value["parentPath"]); if (parentNode == null) { return; } parentNode.AppendChild(xE); } doc.Save(stream); } ZipData data = new ZipData(stream); zipFile.BeginUpdate(); zipFile.Delete(errorReport); //delete first! zipFile.CommitUpdate(); zipFile.BeginUpdate(); zipFile.Add(data, errorReport.Name); zipFile.CommitUpdate(); } finally { if (zipFile != null) { zipFile.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Asks to export the snippet files /// </summary> private void ExportButtonClick(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile.Create(this.saveFileDialog.FileName); String[] snippetFiles = Directory.GetFiles(this.SnippetDir, "*.lds", SearchOption.AllDirectories); zipFile.BeginUpdate(); foreach (String snippetFile in snippetFiles) { Int32 index = snippetFile.IndexOf("\\Snippets\\"); zipFile.Add(snippetFile, "$(BaseDir)" + snippetFile.Substring(index)); } zipFile.CommitUpdate(); zipFile.Close(); } }
private static void GetFilesToZip(IEnumerable <FileSystemInfo> fileSystemInfosToZip, string rootPath, ZipFile z) { foreach (var fi in fileSystemInfosToZip) { if (fi is DirectoryInfo) { var di = (DirectoryInfo)fi; GetFilesToZip(di.GetFileSystemInfos(), rootPath, z); } else { var fileName = fi.FullName.Replace(rootPath, string.Empty); z.Add(fi.FullName, fileName); } } }
/// <summary> /// 向zip添加文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="zipFilePath"></param> /// <param name="parentFolder"></param> /// <param name="filePaths"></param> public static void UpdateZipAdd(string zipFilePath, string parentFolder, IEnumerable <string> filePaths) { ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(zipFilePath); int folderOffset = parentFolder.Length; zip.BeginUpdate(); foreach (var filePath in filePaths) { zip.Add(filePath, filePath.Substring(folderOffset)); } zip.CommitUpdate(); //关闭zip时同时关闭文件Stream zip.IsStreamOwner = true; zip.Close(); }
private void UpdatePackagedWorkbook(ZipFile zipFile, string workbookName) { // Locate the TWB. There should only ever be one in a valid packaged workbook var workbookArchiveEntry = FindPackagedWorkbooks(zipFile).FirstOrDefault(); if (workbookArchiveEntry == default(ZipEntry)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Packaged workbook '{0}' contains no inner workbook!", workbookName)); } using (var workbookStream = zipFile.GetInputStream(workbookArchiveEntry)) { XmlDocument workbookXml = UpdateWorkbookXml(workbookStream); zipFile.Add(new XmlDataSource(workbookXml), workbookArchiveEntry.Name); } }
public ActionResult Getff() { var filePaths = new List <string>() { _host.WebRootPath + "/cc.jpg", _host.WebRootPath + "/sy.jpg" }; byte[] buffer; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); using ( ZipFile file = ZipFile.Create(ms)) { file.BeginUpdate(); file.NameTransform = new MyNameTransfom(); filePaths.ForEach(t => { var item = new GetDataSource(t); file.Add(item, Path.GetFileName(t)); }); file.CommitUpdate(); buffer = new byte[ms.Length]; ms.Position = 0; ms.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } return(File(buffer, "application/zip", "这是一个打包的文件.zip")); //var client = new sRestClient("http://localhost:5001/api"); //var dic = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //dic.Add("CompanyId", "中国"); //int status; //var cc = client.Get("account/companyrole", dic, out status); //var stude = new student { ID = 34, Name = "张三" }; //var corse = GetTest.ConvertToCoruse(stude); ////get.Get(_host); //return corse; }
public void AddEncryptedEntriesToExistingArchive() { const string TestValue = "0001000"; var memStream = new MemoryStream(); using (ZipFile f = new ZipFile(memStream)) { f.IsStreamOwner = false; f.UseZip64 = UseZip64.Off; var m = new StringMemoryDataSource(TestValue); f.BeginUpdate(new MemoryArchiveStorage()); f.Add(m, "a.dat"); f.CommitUpdate(); Assert.IsTrue(f.TestArchive(true), "Archive test should pass"); } using (ZipFile g = new ZipFile(memStream)) { ZipEntry ze = g[0]; Assert.IsFalse(ze.IsCrypted, "Entry should NOT be encrypted"); using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(g.GetInputStream(0))) { string data = r.ReadToEnd(); Assert.AreEqual(TestValue, data); } var n = new StringMemoryDataSource(TestValue); g.Password = "******"; g.UseZip64 = UseZip64.Off; g.IsStreamOwner = false; g.BeginUpdate(); g.Add(n, "a1.dat"); g.CommitUpdate(); Assert.IsTrue(g.TestArchive(true), "Archive test should pass"); ze = g[1]; Assert.IsTrue(ze.IsCrypted, "New entry should be encrypted"); using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(g.GetInputStream(0))) { string data = r.ReadToEnd(); Assert.AreEqual(TestValue, data); } } }
private void doAfterStuff(string destFolder) { try { File.WriteAllText(appDir + @"\tmp\Mod Comments.tweak", "(put your mod comments in here)"); File.Copy(frm + "\\", appDir + @"\tmp\", true); File.Copy(frm + "\\", appDir + @"\_restore_\Objects_server(_Original_).zip", true); //ok right here, after they click load archive, were gonna put the M0d Comments.tweak inside of / :) ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(appDir + @"\tmp\"); zipFile.UseZip64 = UseZip64.Off; zipFile.BeginUpdate(); zipFile.Add(appDir + @"\tmp\Mod Comments.tweak", "Mod Comments.tweak"); zipFile.CommitUpdate(); zipFile.Close(); File.Delete(appDir + @"\tmp\Mod Comments.tweak"); File.WriteAllText(appDir + @"\modCreated.cfg", "true"); File.Copy(appDir + @"\welcome.bik", destFolder + "\\Movies\\welcome.bik", true); File.Copy(appDir + @"\bf2cursor.ani", destFolder + "\\menu\\external\\FlashMenu\\Cursor\\cursor_arrow.ani", true); // now that the vid is copied for startup, edit the Init.con file to show welcome.bik :) string[] flTxt = { "rem -- Generated using BF2 Modder --", "bf2Engine.playMovie Movies\\welcome.bik 1" }; File.WriteAllLines(destFolder + "\\Init.con", flTxt); File.Delete(appDir + @"\createMod.bat"); MessageBox.Show("Import Process Complete!\n\nYou may now begin making mods.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show("There was an error ! An explanation follows, please report this error.\n\n\t" + x.Message); } }
private void SaveChannels(ZipFile zip, string fileName, ChannelList channels, byte[] fileContent) { if (fileContent == null) { return; } zip.Delete(fileName); string tempFilePath = Path.GetTempFileName(); using (var stream = new FileStream(tempFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { this.WriteChannels(channels, fileContent, stream); } zip.Add(tempFilePath, fileName); }
private bool AddAllFilesToZipFile(IProgress progressDlg, ZipFile zFile, IEnumerable <string> files) { string prevCurrDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; try { zFile.BeginUpdate(); progressDlg.Message = Strings.ksBackupStatusMessage; foreach (string fileName in files) { string shortName = Path.GetFileName(fileName); string entryName = fileName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entryName)) { // The approach of trying to shorten the path messes up the restore process // because the DateTime stored in the zip file is no longer that of the file on disk. // Thererfore when trying to compare file timestamps on restore the version in the // zip file looks newer than it really should be. To fix this we need to set // the current working directory so that the zip library will be able to find // the file and get the datetime stamp correct. (FWR-2267) entryName = FileUtils.GetRelativePath(entryName, dir => Environment.CurrentDirectory = dir, m_settings.ProjectPath, m_settings.DatabaseFolder); try { // This first line should generate an exception if we can't read it, // which otherwise happens during CommitUpdate and wrecks everything. using (File.OpenRead(fileName)) { zFile.Add(fileName, entryName); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { m_failedFiles.Add(fileName); } } } progressDlg.Message = Strings.ksBackupClosing; zFile.CommitUpdate(); return(true); } finally { Environment.CurrentDirectory = prevCurrDir; } }
private ZipFile ReplacePackagedExtracts(ZipFile zipFile, string workbookName) { var packagedExtracts = FindPackagedExtracts(zipFile); var generatedExtracts = FindAvailableExtracts(outputDirectory).ToDictionary(Path.GetFileName, path => path); foreach (ZipEntry packagedExtract in packagedExtracts) { string extractName = Path.GetFileName(packagedExtract.Name); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(extractName) && generatedExtracts.ContainsKey(extractName)) { zipFile.Add(generatedExtracts[extractName], packagedExtract.Name); Log.DebugFormat("Replaced extract '{0}' in workbook '{1}'", extractName, workbookName); } } return(zipFile); }
/// <summary> /// Adiciona um novo arquivo dentro de um ZIP já existente. /// </summary> /// <param name="diretorioRaiz">Diretorio raiz do Zip. Só copiar um arquivo de dentro do CTI, e o raiz for INTECH. Logo o arquivo será copiado para dentro do diretório CTI dentro do ZIP </param> /// <param name="novoArquivoParaAdicionar">Endereço completo do novo arquivo a ser adicionado.</param> /// <param name="caminhoArquivoZip">Caminho do arquivo ZIP</param> public static void AdicionaArquivoAoZipExistente(string diretorioRaiz, string novoArquivoParaAdicionar, string caminhoArquivoZip) { if (File.Exists(novoArquivoParaAdicionar)) { ZipFile arquivoZip = new ZipFile(caminhoArquivoZip); arquivoZip.BeginUpdate(); Int32 indiceDiretorioRaiz = novoArquivoParaAdicionar.IndexOf(diretorioRaiz); String caminhoVirtualDentroZip = novoArquivoParaAdicionar.Substring(0, (indiceDiretorioRaiz + diretorioRaiz.Length)); arquivoZip.NameTransform = new ZipNameTransform(caminhoVirtualDentroZip); arquivoZip.Add(novoArquivoParaAdicionar); arquivoZip.CommitUpdate(); arquivoZip.Close(); } }
public static void CreateZipFile(string zipFileStoragePath , string zipFileName , FileInfo fileToCompress) { //create our zip file ZipFile z = ZipFile.Create(zipFileStoragePath + zipFileName); //initialize the file so that it can accept updates z.BeginUpdate(); //add the file to the zip file z.Add(fileToCompress); //commit the update once we are done z.CommitUpdate(); //close the file z.Close(); }